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Ep. 59 - How we healed before 1920
Episode 5919th February 2024 • The Reality of Health • Erik Muzzy
00:00:00 00:13:31

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Exploring the History of Ancient Healing Methods

This episode discusses ancient principles and systems of healing, like spiritual and healing practices, that have been used over centuries. It highlights how modern technology has enabled a deeper understanding of principles such as meditation, Tai-Chi, acupuncture, and others. It further goes on to emphasize on how petroleum medicine took over traditional healing methods and led to a rise in chronic diseases after the 1920s. The podcast covers how the human body heals and maintains itself through homeostasis, and how this balance has been utilized in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine. It also points toward the harmful effects of disrupting this balance. A variety of ancient healing methods, from acupuncture, fasting, using geostructures for grounding, to using crystals and essential oils, are covered. Finally, this episode encourages listeners to look beyond conventional medicinal treatments and consider ancient healing methods, while highlighting the increased usage of these methods in modern medical practices.

00:13 Introduction to the Podcast

00:35 The Evolution of Healing Practices

01:55 The Impact of Technological Advances on Medicine

02:58 Understanding the Role of Electricity in Healing

03:43 The Concept of Balance in Ancient Healing

04:59 The Importance of Grounding and Energy Exchange

05:26 The Dangers of Energy Manipulation: A Case of Reiki

06:33 Exploring Ancient Healing Techniques

07:49 The Power of Crystals in Healing

10:10 The Role of Fermented Foods and Beverages in Healing

11:13 The Use of Pyramids and Sound Chambers in Ancient Egypt

12:08 The Limitations of Modern Medicine

13:09 Conclusion: Exploring Alternative Healing Modalities


 Welcome friends to the reality of health podcast. This is Monday minutes.

This is going to be a very fun episode for me. I have studied most of these modalities. These systems of healing. Ways of just feeling better. Literally almost my whole life.

So I think this one's going to be probably more fun for me than it might even be for you.

Did you know that within the last 100 years, we've abundantly changed life on this planet?

Absolute miracles of technological advances.

Because of these advances, we've been able to prove or show how the ancient principles of societies and traditions and peoples of this earth used everything from spiritual practices to healing practices.

They knew it was there. They just didn't know how to define it. Now we're able to define these principles for them. For example. Why does meditation work? How does Tai-Chi work? How does food work in the body? Why does exercise actually work?

How about acupuncture? Why.

Why do principles of nature affect people in positive or negative ways?

d people heal themselves from:

In ground up bone and things like this.

They had a lot of time to figure this stuff out, you know?

But then.

Evil people. Like the Rothschilds. Brought in petroleum products that took over medicine. It was actually on purpose. It's detailed history. They funded all the universities to use.

idn't even really start until:

Of course about that time we started into manufacturing.

So people started working indoors in factories and buildings, things like this. So lack of sun, they were always indoors or they were mining. They were, I mean, wow, you'd talk about no sun. You're in the earth.

So how about a little insight into how your body heals? All the tissues in your body are responsive to electrical conduction through EMF, energy and vibration. There is no dispute on this. No one can tell you otherwise, this is how your body stays alive. Take away electricity. You're dead. Everything you eat has electrical . Conduction, everything you put on your body has electrical conduction, the air, the earth. Literally everything you come in contact with.

Has electrical conduction in one form or another. So since we're all disrupted now. Compared to ancient times we don't heal quickly or as well. For example, Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine, as well as others look for balance. It's natural for humans to pick the middle ground. Why your body, your mind, your spirit. I know when you're out of homeostasis. Sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously.

So these ancient healing methods call it balance.

You've heard of it as yin and yang. But basically it's just homeostasis. I'm not talking about eating a balanced diet because that's garbage. What I'm talking about is, for example, if your body doesn't want to be in a hyper stressed state, It also doesn't want to sit on the couch all day, every single day, either. Your body will do whatever it can to maintain itself.

It's always trying to find a level ground just like water.

So you could give up one area of health for a different area of health. Because the body intrinsically has checks in balances to keep this. Homeostasis. Let me give you an example. You get osteoporosis because your nutrition was bad. Your body will pull calcium and nutrients from your bones to fuel all of your life's processes. To stay alive. So you have a balance.

Most humans throughout most of history. Didn't really wear shoes. And then when they did, they wore sandals. Those were made out of leather. Either way they had much more contact with the ground. So they connected to the earth. Exchanging EMF and energy and vibration. Some people call it electrons. I don't believe in electrons, but. Back and forth.

They were exchanging. Energy.

So as I'm talking about these ancient modalities, there is one that's ancient that is used still to this day, and I'm sure you've heard of it. And I'm going to give you a warning. It's called Reiki R E I K. I. It's a Japanese ancient form of energy manipulation of your body. If you don't know what it is, don't worry about it.

But basically. You're manipulating someone's else's energy field. So unless you're highly trained and I mean, seriously, highly trained. To know how to do it. Properly.

You'll be in big trouble. You're basically imprinting a person's full past experiences, their ill health, and everything else wrong with them into your EMF field, therefore into your life. I told you before on the EMF episode stories of people who've had organ transplants. And now they have dreams and visions and knowledge and things from that other person because they're imprinted. Energetically on tissues. So, yes. EMF fields do exist. So I'm not going to go any deeper than that.

I just wanted you to stay away from it.

So these ancient peoples. They used all kinds of things like acupuncture or acupressure, because needles sometimes were hard to come by. So they just use their thumbs. Or a rock or. Uh, pointy object of some kind. They did fasting, which we still do now. They used bodies of water like lakes and streams and rivers and oceans and waterfalls.

You've seen movies showing that hot Springs are fantastic. Why hot Springs are so minerally loaded. Is that a word minerally? Well, I just made it up.

Basically that water is not only hot. But it's full of minerals. And that's going to absorb really well through the skin, super healing.

Obviously they would know which hot Springs had really bad. Metals or something that would make people feel terrible. And then others that would make you feel better. They also used a geologic structures of the earth. They use them for grounding. Like the energetic features for minerals in certain rock formations, they would know that. Wow.

When they were near this area. They could feel something. People got healed. Y probably the minerals in the EMF and the energy they put off the vibrational frequencies.

But Eric. Really more on the vibrational frequencies. Yeah. How about crystals?

The use of crystals, by the way. From how much energy that they can utilize is used in your daily life all the time in so many different ways. You're inundated with them and you don't even know it.

Without them. You wouldn't have the technology that you are listening literally to this episode right now. That's that's how much. It's in your life and you may not even realize it. So when people tell you that crystals are esoteric new age, woo. Tell them well then how does your cell phone work? Cell phones full of crystals and lithium and all kinds of things. How does your watch on your wrist work?

Ooh. Through a crystal. How do the minerals that are in your food work? Hmm. Interesting. Minerals hold major energy. Think of a magnet.

They also use essential oils or fragrances is what a lot of them would just say it. They didn't know it was an essential. That's more of what we call it, but they just called it fragrances.

These go all the way back. As far back in history, you wouldn't believe how far back. They found the use of essential oils and fragrances and resins, Egypt, even beyond Egypt, all over the globe.

Then the Romans were famous for using water to heal. Yeah, water like hot Springs and other areas. They used baths. They use running water over the body. You're a feel better coming out of the 📍 shower. Wonder why that is. Could it be. That water. Has a fantastic effect on your body.

And other places would use a lot of massage. Japanese used shiatsu. Shiatsu is kind of like a form of a massage plus chiropractic plus stretching. It's amazing. They also lots of societies used bones setting. You would know of that now as chiropractic.

Breathing techniques. Are extremely popular all over the planet. Always have been literally all the way back when they find. Documents talking about healing, modalities, breathing techniques are all in there. Something like yoga. You know, they use a lot of breathing. Why? Because they knew breathing was not only as essential to live. But also, because if you controlled it and used it certain ways you could heal. They use things like fermented foods, all types of fermented foods. How far back do you think kimchi goes?

I would say it goes back a long, long time. They didn't have refrigerators. If you wanted something to last. You would ferment it. Hence beer.

Or wine. Or Mead. Or any number of alcoholic beverages? You didn't have water all the time. Water was sometimes not. Really good. It was. Toxic.


had bacteria. So then if you fermented these things, You had a beverage. Plus.

No death.

They used hot stones as well. Lots of hot stones.

And we use those today. If you go to a spa, they still use them. Why? It's heat. What's heat, it's energy. So, not only do you have the stone, which has its own. EMF. But it's also hot.

Native Americans. Vikings indigenous populations. Used sweat lodges.

Nowadays, we call those saunas.

Did you know that the Egyptians used pyramids of all sizes? And sound chambers. They used to tune these specifically with healing, frequencies of sound.

You also had chambers for diagnosis.

To know which tune frequency you need it.

So they would put you in a chamber. Run these frequencies to find out how to heal you. And then puts you in a pyramid or another chamber and use that frequency to heal your problem. Come on. Seriously. How cool is that?

If all these ancient techniques didn't work, then people wouldn't have used them.

They did work. That's all they had. They had to figure it out. They didn't have a choice. They didn't have imaging techniques like MRI or CT scans or x-rays. If you wanted to feel better, you had to seek healing nowadays. Let me just go to the doctor and expect them to know what's wrong with us and

and fix it with a drug that the Rothschild's invented. Doctors have an extremely limited approach of healing. It's called drugs. That's all they have. I'm not talking about acute problems, like a broken bone. I'm talking about chronic illness.

How's your doctor supposed to know everything. How's he supposed to stay up on essential oils to healing waters in France. Like that's not in his license. Well, I think you get my point. You have many ways to heal yourself? Humans have figured out all kinds of ways. They use acupuncture in hospitals actually, instead of putting people in a dream state for surgery. They can use it in childbirth as well instead of an epidural. And a lot of doctors are now using it in their offices.

ealing themselves long before:

Please follow me on whatever platform you're using.

Hope. This was interesting for you. Thank you for listening. Take care of yourselves.




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