Artwork for podcast “That’s Myrony” (My + Irony)
Awaken your Soul Through Human Design with Andrea Stephenson
Episode 732nd July 2022 • “That’s Myrony” (My + Irony) • Alysha Myronuk
00:00:00 00:58:29

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Thanks to divine design connecting me to Andrea Stephenson after she heard my episode on my friend, Shanna Vavra who is the co-host of “Sense of Soul” Podcast (Ep. 63) is the reason I got to learn about the fascinating modality known as Human Design. After Andrea explained my chart during her Human Design Reading (which I am telling everyone you want to get your chart done and have Andrea do it because she is AMAZING!!),  I was so blown away, I decided to surprise Shanna as my guest co-host without telling her who our guest would be and in return, Shanna and I ended up myronically surprising Andrea which you will hear all about in today’s episode so promise you do not want to miss this one!!   


About the Guest: (bio, personal links, resource links)

Andrea Stephenson is a Mystic in every sense of the word, whose mission is to help others along their healing journey and assist in the awareness of unity consciousness. After battling anxiety and not wanting to take the traditional Western medicinal route, digging into the depths of her soul brought her to finding many different tools to help her along the way.

 Human Design is the modality that truly helped her to understand and connect to who she is truly here to be. This led her to sharing Human Design with others along the journey of healing themselves. She has been learning and living by design for several years and has had the joy of sharing it with many along the way that have truly benefited from the system. She started her business just over a year ago, Harmoonize, which took off much quicker than ever anticipated. Following her design is something she gives much credit to for this exciting and successful endeavor.

Andrea is also a mother to a brilliant and love filled 12-year-old daughter, which has been the greatest gift and her very favorite job of all.


About Guest Co-Host:

Shanna Vavra is co-host of one of the top spiritual podcasts. Along with her co-host and best friend of 30 years Mande Nantkes, their successful podcast is in the top 1% most popular shows out of over 2 million globally.

Mande and Shanna share their experiences on their own personal journey along with amazing Lightworkers, Motivational Speakers and Authors from all over the world.  

Shanna is a Seeker, Empath, Intuitive, Lightworker and Bodyworker. She is trained in many energy modalities and is a Reiki Master Teacher and Practitioner. She is a mother of four and has been in coaching and teaching rolls most of her life.

Shanna works with those on their spiritual journey, who have awakened to their true “sense of soul.” With support and SOULutions, Shanna guides her clients as they heal from the inside out and awake to their spark within.


Sense of Soul Patreon- A community for our loyal Sense of Soul listeners who are die hard soul seekers like Shanna and Mande. You’ll find exclusive workshops, merch, monthly SOS Sacred Circles, exclusive series, ad free episodes and more.

Reiki- Teaching all levels virtually and in person, as well practices Reiki locally and offers Distant Reiki Sessions around the world.

Grow and Evolve... Double trouble coaching with Mande and Shanna. This program is designed for those who are willing to do the work, face their fears, challenges and meet their shadow self.

Who want to understand their own energy, connect to their spiritual gifts, begin living authentically in their own light and grow their own way.


The Sense of Soul Oracle - Coming soon! Includes a 44 card deck and guidebook, based on one the top spiritual podcasts, Sense of Soul. Shanna Vavra and Mande Nantkes takes you on the journey from Awakening to Awake AF. Turning pain into purpose with support and guidance on your path to discovering your true Sense of Soul.



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About the Host:

Alysha Myronuk is the creator of the concept myrony (my+irony) which are the crazy coincidences that happen in life we can’t explain…it’s also another word for sign/synchronicity. Myrony is slightly different because it’s synchronicity in motion since it’s up to us to pay attention to the coincidences or signs but also “listen” to the intuitive pull we all get which Alysha believe is our greatest superpower! 

Alysha’s strong spiritual connection and tenacity is what helped her through some very dark days. However, it’s actually thanks to those days that allowed her to connect to her superpower that she calls her “Spiritual Spidey Sense”. She now shares her new concept hosting “That’s Myrony” Podcast along with her spiritual coaching business “My Myrony Mentoring” where she uses her psychic gift of “knowing” also known as claircognizance to help her clients through Intuitive “Soul Sessions” with her unique one of a kind modality, “The Myrony Method: A Key to Unlock Your Soul’s Blocks” Program which helps release at a soul level to move forward and create the life you truly desire all with a little myrony!

So if you are feeling overwhelmed or stuck & would like to sign up for your Intro Intuitive “Soul Session” so Alysha can uncover some of your blocks & maybe even discover the name for your inner SUPERPOWER then please click the link to schedule a call!!


To learn more about “That’s Myrony” Podcast or to follow on Social Media:


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