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Mastermind Unleashed: Quiz Wizardry Made Easy: Catharine and Interact's Tech Magic with Jackie Aguglia
Episode 388th November 2023 • Kickstart the Conversation • Catharine O'Leary
00:00:00 00:27:34

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In this episode, Catharine is joined by Jackie Aguglia from Interact, a premier quiz hosting platform, to explore the game-changing benefits of quizzes for businesses. Learn how quizzes can enhance customer engagement, promote brand visibility, and serve as effective lead magnets. Discover the art of quiz promotion, from sharing results on social media to going viral through audience participation. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting, this conversation sheds light on how quizzes can elevate your business strategy. Join us and unleash the potential of quizzes in your entrepreneurial journey!

About the Guest:

Growth Manager at Interact, Jackie works on all parts of the business from developing our support content and tutorials, working with influencers and partners and so much more. She has seen it all when it comes to what makes quizzes work and is ready to share that with you!

What is the Best Quiz for Your Biz?

Take this FREE 60-second Quiz to Find Out:

About the Host:

Catharine O'Leary is a dynamic speaker, author, and entrepreneur with a wealth of experience in market research, consumer insights, and innovative marketing strategies. She's known as the "quiz queen" and is an expert at asking the right questions to connect with ideal clients and boost business growth. With over three decades of corporate experience, Catharine is passionate about helping entrepreneurs have better conversations with their ideal clients and grow their business with cutting-edge marketing strategies.

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Catharine O'Leary: Hey everyone, welcome back to kickstart the conversation. I'm your host, Catharine O'Leary, and I am here with Jackie from interact. Jackie is my partner and we actually work together, where I create the quizzes and I send people over to the Interact platform to actually program that is probably one of the most asked questions that I get is, you know, what platform can I use to to program my quiz, and to connect it to my email sequences and so on, because that for a non techie that can seem overwhelming. And and I'm happy to say that Jackie, and I partnered to make it make sure that you know, you are getting something that's a little easier to use. And there's some really cool new features that are coming out on indirect or that are out now that I wanted Jackie on today to just go through and discuss. So it's even easier to get your quiz out there and launched because that's, that's my mission, every business deserves a quiz. So Jackie, welcome to the program.

Jackie Aguglia:

Thank you. Thank you, thank you so much for having me happen.

Jackie Aguglia:

Catharine O'Leary: So let's talk a little bit about the platform to interact like how does, you know somebody gets started, like, like to talk about kind of the general what is the what is the platform? What's kind of the vision of it, or the you know, the, because it's really easy to use. And I think that's, that's one of the main things that you wanted it to be was, you know, easy to use, but like talk a little bit more about the platform and how it maybe is different from others.

Jackie Aguglia:

Yeah, so our co founders, Josh, and Matt founded the company back in 2013, we just hit our 10 year anniversary woohoo, I celebrated with everybody in Cabo last week, it was a lot of fun. But when they designed this, or actually, I should say before they even designed, interact, they were in college working on a school project, I believe they were making websites for people at the time, they have lots of little entrepreneurial stories. If you listen to our podcasts, you can hear about those. But they design they ended up designing a quiz for somebody's website, and it converted at 50%. Like it converted so high, they were like we did something wrong, something broke, this isn't this can't be true. But it was. And so interact was founded because they wanted to recreate that same experience for as many other businesses and people who are online as possible. And so that's exactly what they did. So the mission of Interact has always been, we are the easiest way to launch rather to build and launch a quiz. And I truly believe that that still stands today. We're starting and we'll dive into this more throughout the show. But we're building out some AI features right now that truly make it that much easier to get started with your quiz. Because the tool itself is already pretty simple. It tells you exactly what you need to do in order to build it. We have live chat support options, we have tons of how to tutorials on YouTube if you were to get stuck, but really the the whole flow of interact guides you right through it. I've been in some other quiz builders before. Catharine, I've worked with you and moving some of those quizzes over to interact. And I always sort of I know I see interact every single day now. So it's much much easier, even easier for me. But when I looked at some of those other quiz builders, I often found myself struggling of like, Where do I even start? Where am I even finding this quiz to build right where with interact you when you open up your your dashboard to build that quiz, it starts right on the cover page. That's where you want to get right into and start building out your quiz title, right? It's super easy to connect your your quiz answers to the results that you want. It's very, it's formatted in a way where you know exactly where each section is, so that you can access it easily.

Jackie Aguglia:

Catharine O'Leary: It is and it's it's very, it is very user friendly. It's templated. And I like it because it gives me a good starting point for me, with my clients and able to say okay, this is how we start and then we go a little further on customizing the reports and then the videos. And you know, we do all of that. So, so I liked this partnership where like they get started with the technology and some of the starting points of the quiz questions and so on. And then we go back in and working with me, they they, you know, maybe customize those questions a little further to their ideal clients are a little further with the languaging outside of the templates, because the templates are a great starting point. And it's always easier to start with, you know, something on the page as opposed to a blank page, which

Jackie Aguglia:

totally, totally and that that makes a great point before you even get into Build Your Own quiz and you're looking at a blank page of like, oh my gosh, what am I gonna make this quiz title there, right? What am I gonna make the result? You actually do see the templates first. So do you want to get started with a blank screen? Or do you want to dive in and get started with a template? All the templates are organized by industry so that you can find the thing that you're looking for. And then yeah, strategy is huge with a quiz right like these templates are created. They're conversion focused. So they are created to convert we see average 40% conversion, which just means people who are on your sight and go to sign up with your quiz. Four out of every 10. People are doing that with these quizzes. But based on your specific business goals, just like any template, you would want to customize it based on what sort of research are you using this quiz for? What do you need to know about these people in order to nurture them? And in the email sequences, right, whatever it is that you're looking for, it's very different for every single business. And so that's where you come into play, Catharine, of helping everybody figure out what is that strategy? And how do we implement it into this super easy programmable quiz?

Jackie Aguglia:

Catharine O'Leary: Exactly, exactly. And you were talking, we were talking earlier about some AI is the big thing, right? Yeah, has been, it has been for several months now almost most of the year. But it can be overwhelming to figure out the prompts and figure out how do I do this? And, you know, you don't quite get the answers that you want. And I know that that Interact is we've actually been building in some AI tools to help people with that. So maybe you can talk a little bit more about that.

Jackie Aguglia:

Yes, so we have a couple of options. First, if you go head over to our tools page, you can get started with a quiz title generator, which is entirely done with AI. So essentially, you add in your website, or you tell it hey, this is my business. And this is what I do. And it will come out with I think it's 10. But you can always refresh and get more 10 different titles that you could use for your quiz. And I used to lead five weeks of quiz coaching. So literally, we would have people dial in for five weeks at a time in order to just create the quiz. But that takes so long. And this is so fun. Because the hardest part was what do I want my kids to be right? Like, what am I even making this quiz about? And the quick title generator makes it so easy to just see, hey, these are some options. And even if you don't go with one of them exactly. it'll prompt them ideas of oh, I liked this angle. But I'm gonna say it this way, because that's how my customers talk or, you know, this fits my business better. Yeah. And then same thing for the question generator, you doing the same thing. This is not what my quiz is about. Or you can even just submit your link to your website or an article that you're wanting to make a quiz about. And it will pop it'll come up with again, I think it's 10. But you can refresh and get more different questions with answers to those questions that people might answer. And again, that just helps people to figure out okay, what is it that I'm wanting to ask in this quiz? So often, when I was leading our coaching sessions, the questions people were trying to ask within the quiz should have just been the quiz title, or vice versa. Right? Like they were thinking so hard about, what am I asking in this quiz? Because that's what a quiz is asking the questions, right. But they were getting tripped up on Okay, I think I need three different quizzes, because these are the title. But no, those are actually just the questions that would fit into one quiz for your audience. So it's very helpful in getting started, especially if you've never made a quiz before so that you're not staring at a blank screen. And you're getting started on the right. But

Jackie Aguglia:

Catharine O'Leary: yeah, I love that. And it's, you know, like, the templates are a great starting point. And they're great, you know, first quiser kind of place to go. So, you know, like using that AI and taking advantage of that. It's just going to make you more productive, and I'm all for that.

Jackie Aguglia:

Then another thing I love to suggest, especially if you're listening, and you're just getting started with quizzes, or deciding if quizzes is something that you want to try, is check out the interactive templates and just take the quiz like, don't try to make it into your own thing. But just take a couple of those quizzes, go to Catharine's website, take her quiz, take some of your clients quizzes, right? Just to get a taste of what are you asking your audience to do when you're going to be presenting them with a quiz and you'll get a really good idea of Oh, I like that. I don't like that this is too long. I don't like the way this is asked, right. And then we also have an AI feature that will build your quiz entirely for you. Again, a basic starting point of I think it's five questions three to four quiz outcomes that you can do with that. But you can guide us or AI in what do you want that quiz to be about what types of focus areas do you want it to hone in on? And then AI will build out essentially an a template but personalized template for you based on what you're looking for that way?

Jackie Aguglia:

Catharine O'Leary: Yeah. So this is this is a great starting point. And I love it. I'm in charge up every day, all day. Yeah, I love that AI makes it easier, right? And yeah, let's make it easy because your business deserves a quiz. So like, let's let's make sure that you get out there.

Jackie Aguglia:

And the best part about interact AI is we don't actually aren't requiring you the user to use chat GPT at all. It's all coming through and interact essentially a form or a quiz kind of, of you know, what are you looking for and then in the back end, we're using chat GPT with our own system to generate the actual quiz and put it into your account. So you don't have to worry about prompts to worry about you'll never even see the prompts yet which is the best part for people who are just like ah, that's hard.

Jackie Aguglia:

Catharine O'Leary: Oh with prompts are freaking you don't worry, we got covered we got you covered actually. So you know creating the quizzes, and I talked about this all the time. Quizzes are our vehicle for you to you know, to get people into your universe in your community, but they're thirsty Right, they need traffic, they need visibility, they need people to take the quiz so that, you know, you end up with those, you know, email the people on your email list and people you could connect to further. So I know you have some great tools around like social media sharing and, and any other kind of ideas around like, how do you get your quiz out there? Because I know what I see is that people throw their quiz onto their website, and then it sits there. And it it doesn't like I mean, that's not I don't think that's enough visibility to really get a lot of the benefit that you should be getting out of a quiz. Yeah, I

Jackie Aguglia:

agree. And I think that is a common misconception that, okay, once I put a quiz on my website, it's going to start converting at 40%. But remember, it's only going to convert 40% of the traffic that you're already getting. So if nobody's going to your website, if nobody's seeing the page, they're not seeing the quiz, they're not going to be able to take it. So if you do have a lot of website traffic already, or decent amount, right, then putting your quiz on your website is the best place to start. Do it. Absolutely. But if you're not getting traffic to your website right now, then it is going to require a different type of promotion, whether that be putting people right to your quiz page, maybe you send them to the Interact link to it directly. Maybe you embed it on the I don't know, like backslash Quiz page type thing. Or maybe it's on your website, if you're wanting to just get people to your website, like that could be a tactic of you, hey, take the quiz. It's over here. And that's starting to bring people into your site. But really, the answer to that question is, where is your ideal customer? The people that you're making this quiz for? Where are they hanging out online? Are they you know, Instagram reels and stories? Are they searching things on YouTube? Are they going into Reddit? And you know, there's different Reddit threads have different questions? Where are people getting their information from? That's where you want to make sure that your quiz is showing up. And I would say, especially if you're not getting traffic to your site already, don't just do it one time. You can't just say okay, here's a Reddit thread where people are, you know, interested in this topic, let me post my quizzes in there. Sure, that'll probably get you some traction, but remind people that it's there, share it more than once share in more Reddit threads than just that one place. If you're sharing it on Instagram, don't just post about it one time. Talk about it frequently. I don't know the total stat here. But isn't it like you have to see something seven times or do something seven times for it to be a habit. So make sure that people are reminded that your quizzes there? And you don't have to just say like that's another thing when people are promoting their quiz, you know, what do I say? Just take the quiz. I feel like I'm a broken record saying that too many times. But you can really get into why should somebody take your quiz? What are they going to learn from taking your quiz and post about that write an entire blog post about why somebody might want to take your quiz, the value of information that they're going to get by doing that with a link to hey, go check this out. Encourage people to reshare it right. So if you have already a little community network or an existing email list, what if people shared that quiz on your behalf? Are they going to reach the right people that your quizzes intended for? So a long answer but short answer to that would be where is your ideal customer hanging out online, put your quiz there as many times as possible.

Jackie Aguglia:

Catharine O'Leary: Perfect. And you do have a very easy way for quizzes to be quiz results to be shared out with interact, but by sharing out on Facebook and Instagram and Twitter,

Jackie Aguglia:

yeah, your entire quiz on the result page within interact if you decide to use that there are social sharing links. So you're right. It's Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. They're just little icons that live on the quiz result page, you can actually even put them in the quiz. But I never recommend that because you want people to finish your quiz. You don't make them care until they get to the result and you get their email. But yeah, then they just have to literally click that little icon. And again, tell them like hey, reshare this so that more people in your situation can get this sort of help or value or support. Again, whatever your quiz topic is on, they simply click the button and then it will open their Facebook account with the post that says I got this result, you take the quiz and find out what you got. And that's a great way for quizzes to go viral is people sharing them on your behalf. And that's a lot less sales calls that you have to make right? If people are doing that on your behalf, so that your clan leads.

Jackie Aguglia:

Catharine O'Leary: Sure Exactly. So I love that. So make sure that you're you're you're putting their quiz out there multiple times but in the place that your ideal clients are hanging out. So you know, if you're not if you're your customers are not LinkedIn focus, don't focus on LinkedIn like that is one thing to

Jackie Aguglia:

add to that too is a lot of people want to try all of the things right, but really figure out like one to two platforms that your that your ideal customer is on and really hone in on those 10 different messages out maybe even different images, ways that you're sharing posts versus stories versus reels if you're choosing Instagram, for example. And then once you sort of get good at that or you start seeing results come in through that. Then explore other platforms. You don't have to be on every single platform all the time,

Jackie Aguglia:

Catharine O'Leary: right The other thing I want to talk about just really briefly is that I am not going to suggest paid advertising to people that are not making probably 10 to $20,000 a month, because it's just, you just need that kind of volume in order to be able to test into the AB testing and so on. But if you are using paid advertising quizzes are an incredible way to make sure that your cost per lead goes down, your cost per click goes down, and so on, because they are so interactive. And you do have the ability to tag your Facebook, like your pixel and your your Google Analytics and so on. Correct?

Jackie Aguglia:

Yeah, so the easiest way to do that is you're able to when you build your quiz and publish it, you're given an embed code, you have to data and privacy change laws change all the time. So this has changed a little bit from the initial way that we built it in our builder. But the easiest way to add those tracking pixels to your quiz is to embed the quiz on a landing page or a domain that you own, you just add the pixels to that page like you would to any other website page of yours. And then even better your quiz result pages you also can host on your own landing pages. So again, I don't know backslash result one backslash result two, right. And so when someone takes your quiz, and then subscribes rather than seeing the Interact quiz result page, you can redirect them automatically to your landing page, which hosts that result. And then same thing, your pixels can go on that page. So you're really tracking them through the entire quiz process. And once they get onto the result page, what are they doing from there? Are they signing up? Are they reaching out? Are they you know, whatever the case might be perfect.

Jackie Aguglia:

Catharine O'Leary: And I don't mean to make anyone's head explode like this is this is a lot of information, I understand. There is a starter place there is like templates and ready all in one ready to get started. But if you're more advanced, and if you you know, build landing pages and and you can do that the the tool is is able to adapt to your you know, do whatever you need it to do. So yeah, that's what's what's super cool about it, because some people have all that and they don't, you know, they just want the interaction of the questions, which is great. And then you can go from there.

Jackie Aguglia:

Yeah, we're huge fans of Done is better than perfect and doing and launching your quiz in stages. So the Interact AI or using a quiz template is the perfect place to get started. That's the power of our partnership, Catharine is starting with a quiz from AI or starting with a template is the best jumping off point. Because it's no longer that hard to come up with the best quiz for your business. We're doing that for you. But then in working with Catharine, you're really diving into the strategy of updating those quiz questions for market research or for segmentation, diving into adding more value to the result page, figuring out what next steps or call to actions you want to add to that to sort of keep people in your world, right? Looking for your resources, signing up for your offerings, whatever your goal is for launching this quiz.

Jackie Aguglia:

Catharine O'Leary: Perfect. I love it. So you can go viral. There's an easy way to do that, you know, posting several times don't you know, don't post one sale, it's never worked. And don't just let it sit on your website. Because that's, you know, unless you have a, you know, a website that's getting a huge amount of traffic, that's probably not going to be enough. And then we we just wanted to talk a little bit about the data at the back end is always collected. It's not it doesn't necessarily have to go into your CRM, but it's always there for you to be able to analyze later, right?

Jackie Aguglia:

Totally. Yeah. And I am not a numbers person at all. But interact, quiz analytics are so easy to read, essentially, when you get on so people have taken your quiz, right? Or they won't, and you'll see that too in the analytics. But you get an overview funnel of how many people have viewed the quiz, just to give you an idea of how many people have actually seen it on wherever you're sharing it. Of those people how many clicked in to start the quiz. If that number is a big gap, then you know focus on promotion, maybe focus on the messaging of getting people to want to take your quiz to increase the number of starts. Once somebody starts your quiz. How many people completed it meaning they got through all of your quiz questions right? They got to that final result page. If you're losing people there let's go back to your quiz questions. What can we change? What can we alter? Are there too many questions that people just aren't spending the time to get through that? And then same thing how many people became a lead so you know if you're seeing completions but a low number of leads subscribing for your quiz, what's on that opt in form can you change up the messaging to be more enticing to get somebody to want to be on your email list and receive again the value the information the resources that you're sharing there?

Jackie Aguglia:

Catharine O'Leary: Which I really liked because I mean a lot of lead magnets or so on and like quizzes lead magnet right like at the end of the day they're getting value from from the the the infirm So it can be your free gift on a podcast, it can be your free gift on a summit in a networking event, or you know, gift giveaway. But what I like about this is that it's not a case of you throw up a lead magnet, and you're not sure exactly what might have not connected with a quiz, you actually are able to optimize and, you know, do some testing and learning and it's not a, you know, throw the baby out with the bathwater kind of thing, like you can improve it. Which is amazing. Because if you're getting really good results, you can always you can always improve it, which is really kind of cool. Yeah.

Jackie Aguglia:

And the one thing I super love about interact is any time so let's say your quizzes published, you put on your website, you're sharing it all over on social media, right? And then you decide I want to change the quiz title or I see the analytics and I want to change up some of these questions, you all you have to do is go back into your Interact account, edit that quiz. And when you republish it, wherever it's already shared, whether it be through a link or through an embed code, those updates will come through. So as you're optimizing this quiz over time, you don't have to go back and change out embed codes or fix links or remember every place that you had linked it, all of the updates come through to your quiz once you republish it, which I absolutely love saves a lot of very cool,

Jackie Aguglia:

Catharine O'Leary: because I've done that before. And it's like that one place that you forget to update and then somebody kind of emails you and you're like, Ah, I knew it. Perfect. Well, Jackie, I think that you have a place that people can start getting to understand and maybe think about what a quiz is, is good for their business. If you can talk about that your quiz a little bit.

Jackie Aguglia:

Yeah, yeah. And yeah, exactly. So we have a quiz, what's the best quiz for your business. So Catharine will link that in the notes below for you, that's exactly where I would recommend to start, you'll get an idea of exactly which type of quiz you should be offering your audience based on your business goals. And either that result or the outcome that you get from that quiz will be a template that we have that you can get started with. Or it will guide you to our AI form where you simply again, drop in your website, link any quiz ideas that you have or not, we'll come up with an idea for you if you just share your site. And then we'll build the quiz out for you and add it right into your Interact account to get started.

Jackie Aguglia:

Catharine O'Leary: Perfect. So that's how to get started. So thank you, Jackie, for being on today. I really appreciate it because it's a question that I get asked all the time. And I am, as we talked about before we got on, I am not a software developer, I don't want to be a software developer, which is why I partner with interact in with Jackie. So Jackie, any final words before we kind of wrap it up?

Jackie Aguglia:

I guess I'll just add, I was just gonna say earlier about our quiz interact. We just sponsored a live event for the first time at the end of September. And we went into that event thinking oh, everybody's gonna want to use the quiz, right? And so let's just lead in like our lead magnet was our AI quiz request form. And it was really funny, Catharine, how many people did not want to submit that? Because there were so many questions that they had about, you know, the type of quiz they should use or whatnot before they would want to actually submit that form and have something made for them. And we quickly noticed that that the conference, so we right away, switched our call to action, our lead magnet to our quiz. And it's crazy. I mean, I said in the beginning of the episode 40% conversion with quizzes. When we have the API request format, I think we got two submissions in I think we only let it go for like an hour. And we're like, this is not good. This is not working. Within five minutes of switching our lead magnet to a quiz. We already had seven signups. And so it just goes to show when you're leading with the value, right? Like people who are coming to us are just trying to wonder what is the best quiz for my business? They don't know. So they don't feel ready to fill out that AI quiz request form. Using your quiz as a lead magnet, whether you're in person at a live event, or you're sharing it around online, right? was such a great way to introduce someone to the idea, especially for us using a quiz because you're actually taking a quiz, you get to see what it looks like you have the full experience right there. So it's like a products direct demo and sort of lead magnet same time. But anyways, I just wanted to share the the conversion increase that we got from our own quiz, using it at a live event, because it was really focused on I mean, it sounds like not only are they selling but like leading with interact AI Oh, submit the forum, get a quiz felt kind of salesy at the same time, right of like, well, if I get a quiz, I'm going to have to sign up for this. Whereas if you just take a quiz to inquire for more information, it's a lot easier for somebody to do so. I don't know, I just wanted to share that case study with everybody of these quizzes really do convert. We've seen the 40% conversion rate right there in front of us happen.

Jackie Aguglia:

Catharine O'Leary: And it's in there's a difference between a survey and a quiz because totally This is a survey collects information and doesn't give back value. And these were talking about our quizzes, quizzes are all about your ideal clients all about asking them questions, being curious about them, letting them find for themselves in a self discovery journey. Some answers to a question that they're trying to solve and then kind of the cherry on top is that you get the information on the back end. And you get to invite them to to further discussions so thank you so much Jackie everyone the quiz for my bids will be in the in the show notes and we will see everyone the next time around on kickstart the conversation bye everyone




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