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Fierce Dreams, Focused Actions: Building the Life You Crave
Episode 83rd November 2023 • Fierce Woman Rising • Claire Markwick
00:00:00 00:42:34

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In "Fierce Dreams, Focused Actions: Building the Life You Crave," we embark on a journey of introspection and practical guidance. Too often, we find ourselves caught in the trap of complaining about what we don't like, yet rarely do we grant ourselves the time and headspace to define what we truly want instead.

Join me as I share practical questions that will ignite your contemplation about your current path, lifestyle, and income. Are they aligned with the life you crave?

It's time to break free from the familiar and unleash the power within to design the fiercely desired life you've always dreamed of.

Let's dream big, take focused actions, and build the life you crave – it all starts right here.


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🔥 Why we have chosen high ticket affiliate marketing as our path to the life we crave

🔥 What it is and how it works

🔥 The company we align with, the products we recommend and the income you can earn

🔥 How you can join us

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Claire Markwick:

Welcome to fierce woman rising. The podcast that ignites your inner fire and introduces you to women who shattered norms, rewritten rules, and embraced financial independence. I'm Claire, accountant, business mentor, coach and your guide on this transformational journey. Each week, I'll be sharing powerful interviews with women who have embraced a life of purpose and taking control of their destinies. Learn from their stories. Empower yourself, and if you feel called, join us in rewriting your own story.

Claire Markwick:

Financial independence, joy and abundance are not just a dream. It is your birthright. Let's rise together with fire and become the next fierce woman rising.

Claire Markwick:

Hello, hello, it is just yours truly today I have the pleasure of being in your ears. So hello. And I wanted to take the opportunity to address something that has come up for me in discussions with women who have been looking into the high ticket affiliate marketing business opportunity that I have chosen to be a part of. And I want to just I want to lay something on the table like the the amount of times I've heard people say, Oh, my God, Claire, your energy is just amazing. I love how you're just so you're so positive things are clearly going so well for you this blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I love it. Love it, love it. But I could never do that. I could never do that there's no there's no way I could do what you do. And in this conversation, I want to address that because your belief that that is true, is the very thing that's keeping you stuck in a place where you don't want to be. And I think it was something that Joanne alluded to, in her interview a couple of weeks back, she really encouraged the thinking of what, what could this be for you? What could it look like for you. And that's what I want to expand on in this conversation because I think it's really, really important. So I want to just put it out there. Yeah, I am a coach, I am an am an accountant. And my whole purpose, my whole reason behind everything that I do is supporting people to have a business that meets the needs of their life rather than taking over it. So when I'm wearing my accountant hat and working with my accounting clients, I am helping them with their numbers, I am helping them to structure their business in a way that makes it work for them and the lifestyle that they want. And I'm helping them articulate the kind of lifestyle that they want, and then helping them engineer their business in that direction. So that's what I do in my in my professional accounting hat world. And what I do in my affiliate marketing world, in my online world, is essentially

Claire Markwick:

exactly the same. It is when people come to me and say I want a piece of this, like I want to do this, I help them craft what their ideal life looks like. And then help them start and grow their online affiliate marketing business in a way that's going to support that. So my whole ethos behind everything that I do is first helping you articulate what it is that you want, and then helping you create something that is going to get that for you. So that is that is me that is my brand. That is how I mark it. So everything you see on my social media is me, Claire, the accountant, the coach, the person who can help you do this the guide that the the advice giver, the support giver, the kick up the bum giver, the inspira the Empower, that is my role that is my brand and that's what you see on my social media. If that's not you, does that mean that this business opportunity is not for you? Absolutely not. Absolutely not. And if you've listened to the interviews previous to this conversation, then I trust that you're starting to see that and and if you're not yet that's fine. There are going to be plenty, plenty more conversations with with other women doing other amazing things and what I want you to notice in those conversations shins is how different everybody is. Not everyone is a coach, not everyone is an accountant. Not everyone is doing this the same way that I am, everyone is doing it their way. And you know if you can have one little mantra going through your mind is like I get to do this my way I get to do this my way, I get paid to be me, me, I am all about coaching, inspiring, empowering people to create a business that meets the needs of their life without taking over it. That is my brand. That is how I mark it. That is me, that is what I do at my core, I get paid to be me, you get paid to be you. So I want this to be a practical episode where I can help you determine who you are, and what would absolutely light you up to be paid for what

Claire Markwick:

would you love to be doing. And get paid for that. That's where we're going to get to by the end of this episode. So strap yourselves in. But before we get there, I want you to take a moment now to just assess where you're currently at. Because, you know, imagine you are getting in your car to go somewhere, there's two things that you need to know in order to be able to get to your destination, you need to know where you plan to go, you need to know the the final address of where you plan to go. That you also need to know where you are now because you can't, you can't start moving in the direction of your destination. If you can't clearly identify where you are right now. Because you have no idea if you've got to go forwards behind you left or right like you need to, you need to know where you are right now before you can set your Google Maps off and head in the right direction. So I invite you now to take stock of exactly where you are right now. Think about the major sort of categories of your life. Think about your, your career or your business, and have that as category number one. Think about your financial position, your financial health, how you feel about your money situation. Think about your health, and your wellness. Think about your intimate relationships. So your relationship with your partner. If you're single, think about the state of your your, your intimate relationships, think about your friendships and your family. Think about your adventure and fun and hobbies. Think about your headspace, you know your your mental wellness. And think about your personal growth, how much how much effort you put into growing yourself and learning new things. So that's eight, eight different categories of your life there, I want you to take stock of exactly where you are, where you feel you are

Claire Markwick:

in each of those. So write them out of 10 you can pause this episode and do it right now or you can do it at the end. But right each of those areas of your life out of 10 with zero being things could not get any worse. I am literally broken to 10 being this is ultimately perfect and there's no way anything could get any better. Now this is something that I get all of my coaching clients to do right at the start of when we start working together because as I said, we can't we can we can make the best freakin goals in the world, we can create the best action plans we can we can be so proactive, but if we don't know where we're starting from, the first step we take could be in the completely wrong direction. And that just gets frustrating down the track. So that's why it's really really important to get our starting point clearly identified and articulated at the get go. However, confronting and painful to some that might be you know, I've done this I do this exercise regularly. I call it my real life audit and I and I check in every few months I'm like, well where am I now? Where am I now? Where am I now and it helps me see where I need to put focus. And at the end of last year if you've listened to my origin episode where I was at that point on my front lawn bawling my eyes out I was pretty low. I had scored pretty low in in most categories and it was it was the lowest I've ever scored myself since I've been doing this activity and and that was the wake up call to me it was like shit, Claire, come on. Like, you can't keep going like this. You You know, you know the theory, like you know what you would be advising one of your clients to do right now you know, the journey that you would be walking your one of your clients through right now. So it's time to freaking self coach yourself. And it's time to get some movement happening and get some change happening. So that is the purpose of this. It's about you, you're looking at that now and

Claire Markwick:

you're like, oh, shit, you know, my how I'm feeling about my career or my business? Okay, well, I'm writing that five out of 10. Well, that's a bit mediocre. My financial situation, I'm writing that like six out of 10. Well, that's a bit average. But shit look, my intimate relationship. That's three out of 10. Because I've been so stressed and so focused to try and pick up my business or feel more inspired about my career that I've just been putting no focus into our relationship whatsoever. And I come home grumpy, and I come home tired. And I snap at the kids and I bark at the hubby. And you know, everyone's miserable and grumpy. And so our whole house, the energy in our whole house is probably a two or three out of 10. Well, that's no good is it? And it's, I found it, I find it really, really confronting. But at the same time, it's really, really freaking exciting. Because when you've got it in black and white in front of you, you can't hide from it. You can't, you can't fob it off, you can't make excuses. So I want you to be really, really frickin honest. Don't put what you want it to be. Don't put what you dream it to be. Put what it really is, and look at it, and feel into how it makes you feel when you look at those scores. And then what I want you to do is project yourself forward, where you are right now. Exactly everything as it is right now. Everything ticking along. What happens? If you're still there in 12 months time? What happens if nothing has changed? 12 months on from where you are now. What are those schools look like? Then? What is another 12 months of being tired of being grumpy of being down on yourself? What does that do to your relationship? What has that done to your parenting? What has that done to your kids? What has that done to the energy within your household? What does that done for your health? I know for me, the longer I stay down on myself, the more I comfort eat, the more I think fuck it, I'm having a bar of chocolate

Claire Markwick:

stuff. I'm opening a bottle of wine, how I'm opening a bottle of gin, I don't care that it's four o'clock on a Wednesday, and the weight piles on. And then I can't be bothered to exercise. So I just snooze my alarm that goes off in the morning for exercise. And I stay in bed because I convince myself that I'm tired. And I'll feel better if I sleep for longer. And then I get up right on the crack of when I have to get up. I've got no time for exercise. I've got no time for making healthy breakfast I've got I'm rushing around in the morning. So again, I'm barking at the kids particularly tall who has to get on the bus early. And, and everything starts to spiral downwards. So what does your what do your scores look like in 12 months time? If nothing changes? How does that feel? How is that impacting your partner? How is that impacting your children? How is that impacting your bank balance? How is that impacting your physical health? How is that impacting your mental health? How is that impacting your ability to have fun? feel joy, see possibilities. Now project that out even further. We're five years down the track now. And nothing has changed. You're still doing the exact same thing you're doing now in five years time because you've been kidding yourself that something is going to change. It's going to be alright. We're working towards something. It's now five years down the track. How is your relationship? i You still together? How How are your child? How old are your children in five years time this was a freaking wake up call for me. I'm like oh my god, you know, I've got a 15 or 18 year old in five years time. That's scary. That's the young childhood gone. And they've seen me their mum who was aspiring to you know, inspire them and be their role model. They've seen me slogging it out and being miserable. Their whole younger years of childhood then they hit teams and think well, you know, everything's grumpy and shitty at home. So I'm just going to

Claire Markwick:

like never be here. And you know, we'll go off and spend all that time without mates. Why Why would I want to be at home everyone just argues in his grumpy That was pain for me. What does it look like for you? What does your five year projection look like? If nothing changes? How is your relationship? How old are your kids? What does your family dynamic look like? What is your physical health? Like? What is your mental health? Like? What is your ability to have fun now? How easy Can you have fun? I found it really freakin hard to pull myself out of my funk. Like I'd put on a facade. I'd be like, oh, yeah, you know, if we would go out for the day. But inside, I was still hurting. I was still hurting, I had to do some major, major healing of my own. To actually feel joy. Again, if we're in a, if we're in a slump, if we're in a negative state, we don't actually feel true joy. We don't actually feel true happiness. Now I remember my coach telling me this years ago, years ago, and I and I came off that call thinking once that's complete bullshit, he has no idea what he's talking about. How dare he tell me? I don't feel happiness? How dare he tell me I don't feel joy. He has no idea. He wasn't at my wedding day. He wasn't there when my son was born. How does How can he tell me that I

Claire Markwick:

don't feel happy. But now, years later, looking back at that stage of my life, and like hockey with right. It's this fake facade of happiness. And sure, there's moments, there are moments where I, you know, where I let my guard down. And I feel truly happy. And I don't want anyone in my close, intimate circle listening to this thinking that I haven't been happy up to this point. But I think what I'm learning is that as a society, we're in this fake bubble of happiness, we can be happy in an intimate in a moment, like, you know, Christmas time and watching the joy in our kids faces on holidays on day trips, like we were happy in that moment, because we were, we are able to escape our reality. But we everyone I can guarantee every single person listening to this has felt to Sunday itis has felt that feeling on a Sunday afternoon, when you know, schools coming up tapes coming up unis coming up, works coming up, you got to open up the business, whatever it is, that feeling of ah, now the fun has to stop and I have to go back to reality. That's what I'm talking about. When we have to escape our reality, then we cannot feel true happiness, we cannot feel true joy. And what I want to encourage in my fierce woman rising movement is for women to feel happy, and to feel joy all the time. Now, I'm not saying that we're never going to feel depressed. I'm not saying that we're never going to feel sad. I'm not saying that we're never going to feel angry. I'm not saying that we're always going to be fakely happy, that's bullshit. That's not real life. That's not going to happen. But what I'm what I'm meaning in that is that we don't need to escape. Something we don't need to escape a job that doesn't fulfill us. We don't need to escape a business that is training us. We don't need to do things as escapism. We know that everything we're doing is moving us towards the ideal that we're creating. And we feel content in that we feel excitement in that we feel joy in that. We

Claire Markwick:

feel that possibility. It's an energy, you can feel it every single person in my team and those around me the ripples spread beyond my team. Everyone can feel the energy I speak of it bubbles up through us It starts like deep down in our gut and it bubbles up through our body. Is this excitement is this possibility is this my god I can I can actually do this. And you know what the most frustrating thing for me as a coach was like, I've always felt this energy. I've always felt this is what I'm here to lead. The most frustrating thing for me as a coach in my journey up to this point has been I can I can speak I can do the empowering speak, I can coach I can help people feel the energy. But what I've never had is a tool to help someone who needs it to get there. So I think that's where I that's, that's where I fell into more business coaching because it was people who already had a business and I could help them craft that business into one that gives them the lifestyle that they're looking For what I didn't have was a solution for people who don't already have a business for people in a job for people in a business that they've lost their spark with and they don't want to develop, they're done with it. I didn't have the solution for those people. And that for me as a coach was really, really, really frustrating. And kind of the final nail in the coffin of where I drew the line is like, I can't do this anymore. I have that solution. Now I have that answer, I have that vehicle, I have that tool, I have that thing that can help you transition from where you are now to where you want to be. And that for me, is so freaking exciting. That for me is what bubbles bubbles my energy back up again. Because I'm like, I can now help everybody who is ready to be helped. And I want to lay that on the table. You know, who Who is this? Who can I help? Who is this a solution for? Absolutely everybody. Whether you're 18 Whether you're at whether you're male,

Claire Markwick:

whether you're female, whether you live in Australia, America, the UK, Europe, Africa, in it, wherever the hell you live, whatever the hell your background is, whatever your gender, whatever your age, whatever your skills, whatever your experience, this solution, this is a business opportunity that can help you get from where you are now to where you want to be. As long as you want it. I cannot help you. If you are just going to stand there and expect me to hand things to you on a platter. You are not who I want in my team, you are not who I want to partner with in my business. So fierce woman rising is for people ready? Is for people when you're looking at your scores going wolf pack. This is shit. Like this is not. This is not what ideal looks like for me. This is not I am not someone who settles for six out of 10 scores. Six out of 10 is good. Yeah, it's great. It's comfortable. It's easy. But it's it's it's just good. I don't want just good. And that's okay. I want fucking fantastic. I want passion. I want Joy, I want happiness, I want fun, I want adventure, I want to feel high energy vibrations, like I want to feel good. Every day. I don't want to just feel okay, I don't want to just be six out of 10. And if that's you as well, then you're who I'm talking to. So let's flip this now let's go from the Woe is me. And let's let's flip this, it was it's really important to create that picture, to know that score and to know what that score is going to look like if nothing changes if we stay doing exactly what we're doing for the next 12 months, five years. What is that score going to look like? What is life going to look like? How are we going to feel is really important to get that very, very clear. And it's really important to feel that pain, to feel that hurt to feel that regrets to feel that sadness, really sit in it and feel it because seriously, you are not going to be motivated to change. If you're just doing this as a paper, box tick

Claire Markwick:

exercise. You have to feel into shit. What is this going to be like? If nothing changes, you have to have a big enough fire to cause you to want to take a leap into the unknown. And let's face it anything out of what we're currently doing right now, anything out of our lane is unknown. And that takes courage to step into that takes courage no matter how much support no matter how much training education. How many other people you can watch succeeding. For you to physically take a step takes courage. And you need motivation to take courage. I can drag you through. But I'm not here for that. I'm not here for dragging people through. I'm here for showing people the door and for you to feel empowered enough to step through it. So for those of you ready to step through the door, let's go to the next step. What lifestyle do you want? Turn your logical head off. Right now. It's my biggest piece of advice. Turn your head off. Tune into the inner five year old six year old seven year old in your heart. And articulate write it down speak it out but do something rather than just thinking in your head. You've got to get it out So I encourage you to write it down. What does your ideal lifestyle look like? What does your ideal day look like? If you didn't have to do what you're doing now? What would you rather be doing? Every single day. So I'm not talking about being on a luxury yacht and having a, you know, having an amazing holiday, I'm not talking about that. You can do that when you're when you're making you're making your 1000s of dollars a month, you can take yourself off on holidays. But what would you ideally love to be doing? Is it as simple as you just don't want to have an alarm set in the morning, you want to get up? When you wake up? You want to be able to have whatever you want to have for breakfast, if that smoked salmon and avocados and whatever that might be. Every day. Have that? And you're not worried about what it costs? You're not worried about

Claire Markwick:

your grocery bill? What do you what do you do? What do you how do you spend your day? What are your kids doing? What's your partner doing? Where do you live? What is your lifestyle? What are the kinds of things that you do as a family? What do you do for fun? Where do you go on holidays? Who do you hang around? With? What kinds of conversations do you have? How do you feel? What do you wear? What does your body look like? How do you take care of yourself? Do you go to a gym a part of a walking group?

Claire Markwick:

Do you do yoga on the beach? Do you meditate? What do you do? What does your ideal day look like? When you take all logic out of it take take everything out isn't? Oh yeah. But you know, I've got to I've got to earn money to pay the mortgage. And I could never move away from here because my hobbies, parents live here and they would miss the kids that take all that shit out of it. And articulate write down what you want and what your what your ideal life looks like. Think about you know, like, I'm not going to I'm not going to bullshit you here. Like, if if what I'm doing is something that you would love to do, or you would love to know more about as well. You have to, you have to talk about it. This is affiliate marketing. So marketing means talking to people. And this is the biggest thing that I see the biggest stopper the biggest blocker. This is how I see people failing. In this business. The only way people fail in this business is because they don't talk about it. They don't talk about it. They don't post about it on their socials. They don't talk about it with people that they meet. So if you're not prepared to post things on your socials, then this is not the opportunity for you go look for something else. But what I'm trying to get across to you is that where you are right now what your reality is right now. You know, you might be like, Well, I have to get up at seven then I make the kids breakfast, I send them off to school, I go to work and I sit there and a mediocre job that pays me Okay, pays for my lifestyle doesn't light me up. I dress in drab clothes, because that's what I have to wear to work. I have my lunch break in the canteen room, which is drab and dreary, and there's no windows. And you know, I come home again and then I have to do after school chores and then I do the groceries and then I come home and I cook dinner and then I collapse in a heap and watch a few aimless shows on Netflix, and then I go to bed. Like that's boring.

Claire Markwick:

I could never post about that on socials. No shit. No, you couldn't.


So what could you what would light you up? What? What would

Claire Markwick:

make you feel amazing every day to be posting on social media? What kind of lifestyle Are you aspiring to? And when you're aspiring to it, and you're sharing about your journey to getting there, guess what? That inspires other people. And then other people start to message you and they're like, oh my god, I see such a change in you. Like, you just you're just glowing. You're buzzing Wow, what are you doing? What's this thing that you're doing? And then you tell them and then they go, Oh, wow. Cool. Can I have a look? And you send them a link? Because everything's automated. And they look and they're like, Wow, I want a piece of this. Boom. That's commission. That's how this works. So you don't have to do what I'm doing. You don't have to post how I'm posting you don't have to share how I'm sharing. You share you. You get paid to be you. So for you to do that you need to work out well. What do I want to be doing? Do you want to sell everything out by a caravan and travel Australia? Do you want to pull your kids out of school and homeschool? Do you want to be world world schoolers travel the world go live in a different country. Do you want to retire your hubby from his FIFO job so he can be home more with the kids. Like for me, like I love, I actually love working, I enjoy my job, I've created a lifestyle that enables me to have a salaried job on a part time remote basis. So, like we were about to go off in our caravan for five weeks, I can still do my job, I can still work. Like I don't have to, I don't have to worry about anything. My business is still ticking along. And so like we can we can go away. The only thing that's the only thing that is restricting us is is youngest son getting into rap basketball. So getting back so that he can be here for training and his first games that you know, it's nothing financial. And that's because we've created we've created our life by design. So if you could create your life by design,

Claire Markwick:

what would you be doing? Maybe you don't want to travel, maybe you want a home base. I know I do. I want I want a home base, a beautiful home base acreage, hundreds of acres on a beautiful property. On the on the road well, not on the ocean, but near the ocean on water. We've got so many dreams and ideas of what we can do with that property. I want Terry to not have to work external to our property. I want him to be able to spend all his time on our property, living out like creating the dreams that we talk about. Eric self sufficient means little What do you call them's What do you call loads when you got fish feeding your plants and veggies and stuff aquaponics and hip campsites and other things like to have a property that is earning US income. And I don't want Terry to have to do that in the evenings and weekends because he has to be working. That's what that's what that's what we're building to. So we want a home base. But we want a home base that we know costs money. And that is what we're building this on the site to support. And then we can travel whenever we like. So what does it look like for you? What does ideal look like for you when you take away all societal norms when you take away everything that has been everything that you feel confined to now if you could take that away? What does that look like? What would absolutely light you up to be doing and talking about and sharing every day? Think about that. How does that make you feel? Have you got that little bubble? That little that little spark that's just ignited like when you start to allow yourself to think when you actually give yourself permission to think beyond what your current reality is? That you think wow, I could I could we now and then you get that little nudge that goes actually I can I can I can do this. I can make this a reality. Claire's got something that can help me get there. Oh my god, how exciting is that? Feel that excitement, feel it really freakin feel it.

Claire Markwick:

Let it bubble up inside you let that wonder let that possibility let that hope bubble up inside you feel it. Feel how different that feels to what you were feeling 10 minutes ago. That is what this is all about. That is what I am feeling now. And that is what I cannot help but share and get out there. And I am going to be screaming this from the rooftops for the rest of my days because I cannot tell you how much that change in energy how much that change in how I feel about myself and about our family's future. How valuable that is. I literally was saying to my mom, not long ago, you know, even if even if I make no more money in this business and one I've already made that money plus the fact I've lost 10 kilos plus the fact of the way my body is functioning so much better from from the health benefits of using the products to how my state of mind is mentally that in itself is investment paid off. Like I am winning I am in I am in energetic emotional profit. And that is so fucking exciting to have gone from where I was back in November to where I am now in September. So not even 12 months, I cannot begin to tell you the mental change the physical change the financial change, and that is available to you too. If you are prepared to walk through the door, I'm not dragging you. I will take your hand and I will help you step. But I am not, I'm not convinced, I'm not dragging anyone. I'm not here for convincing. And I think that's it. That's another major hurdle that people have to Well, that's another major thing that people have to understand. This isn't hustle, hustle, hustle, low ticket network marketing, where you've got to get every single man, woman child and their dog in to even make your rent payment each month. It's not like that, you know, one, one person a month coming in, covers our rent for the month. So, you know, I don't need to waste my time trying to convince absolutely everyone, I am here to give the time and support to that one person who is

Claire Markwick:

ready to step through the door this month. And that's what excites me. And that's what made me look into this opportunity in a lot more detail than any of the other low ticket ones that have crossed my path and have been introduced to me over the last few months. So I want you to think now I want you to go back to that energetic place of all my gosh, I am living my dream life. I am absolutely I am loving this life. This is exactly what I want to be doing. So think about your think about your life audit. What are you writing your relationship? What are you writing your financial situation? What are you writing your career in business? What are you writing your physical health? What are you writing your mental health, your capacity to have fun and adventure? Your self improvement? What are you writing all of those now? How does that feel? And answer me this. Do you have a path to get there? Do you have capacity? Now to go from that first score? To the second score? Do you know how to get there? If you do rock the freak on I am so glad this episode has given you value. Step forward my friend and and go to that life because you absolutely deserve it. If you don't, then I want you to maintain this high frequency don't suddenly come away from this episode and use this as escapism, and then go back to your slump. And think Well, that's not possible for me. I want you to stay in this high energy. I want you to stay in this feeling I want you to stay in this space of where you are right now at this 10 out of 10. And I want you to send me a message and I want you to I want you to say Claire, I am I am I am feeling this energy. I am shit scared. I have no idea what I'm doing. But, but show me show me the next thing.

Claire Markwick:

And then what I'm going to do is I'm going to send you the first woman rising masterclass. And the first woman rising masterclass is something my team and I recorded a few weeks ago. And each and every one of us shares our journey shares our story in a very condensed version, not the hour and a half of my origin episode that I shared earlier in this podcast, a very short little snippet of where we were, what we were looking for, and how we found it in this high ticket affiliate marketing business opportunity. And what that means for us now, what our and don't get me wrong, it's not click our fingers. And suddenly we've got that dream life. It's what we are all now working towards. And let me tell you, each and every one of us, it's all different. So we share that. And then we share what this is because let's face it, there's I had no idea what high ticket affiliate marketing was, before I started investigating this business. I had an idea of what affiliate marketing was and like, oh, okay, you get a commission for selling someone else's shit, right? Yes. So we go into that in a bit more detail. We go into the company we partner with, we go into the products that we align with, we go into their health benefits their products in the health and wellness space. And we go into Can we go into those? I share the commission plan, the compensation plan and the route to to to working your way up I share a fast track strategy for those who are really ready to kickstart and and make return on their investment super fast like seven, seven sales literally. And then I share about the online platform that that we're using to run our businesses. So essentially, we're actually partnering with two businesses. We partner with the product business that pays our commission wins. And we partner with an online platform that runs our business for us because I didn't want to be having to do sales course. team trainings. processing paperwork, back end admin,

Claire Markwick:

product ordering product distribution, working out exchange rates and shit like that for people who come in from different countries. I just didn't want to be doing all that shit. So I pay, I pay a monthly fee to an online platform that does all that for me. It also tracks all my leads. It trains me It trains my team, we've got access to seven figure coaches, and trainers and facilitators from around the world. So yeah, the masterclass talks about all of that. So I don't want to I don't want to drop you out of that 10 out of 10 space by talking about it too much. I want you to feel back into that energy. Now. Feel back into that excitement, feel back into living your dream life living your ideal day, you know, what is your what is your relationship with your partner? Like what? What is your relationship with your kids? Like? What is your whole home environment? Like what is your home look like? What are you eating? What are you talking about? What are you doing for fun? What do you wear? How do you shop? Can you imagine, this is something that I am absolutely aspiring to and I'm getting so much closer every single day, just walking into a shop and buying something because you love it and not reaching for the price tag and letting that be the decision. That to me, that to me is like the ultimate like, it doesn't matter what it costs buying it because I love it. It brings me joy. It makes me smile. That's what we're aiming for here. So I'm going to wrap this episode up here. The link to DME is in the show notes of this episode or you can find me at Claire Markwick on Facebook or Claire underscore Markwick on Instagram, send me a message. I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready. Clear. That's all it needs to say. I'm really clear and I know what I will know what you mean. And I will hold your hand and I will support you through that door. And I will show you what's on the other side. And you decide from there whether you step through. I cannot wait to

Claire Markwick:

take you on that journey. Alrighty my lovelies, thank you so much for lending me your ears. I will be back with you with another episode another interview next week and until then, bye bye




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