Introducing episode 3 of our Lent 2025 podcast series, The Joy of Saying Sorry, bought to you by St Augustine’s College of Theology.
This week, The Revd Dr Rebecca Swyer explores how saying sorry isn’t about guilt or shame but the deep joy of making peace with God.
Through personal stories and worldly reflections, she talks about how small moments of repentance can transform our hearts and bring us closer to God.
As we journey from Lent to Easter, we invite you to see repentance as a way to freedom, renewal and joy.
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A few weeks ago I happened
to have the radio on
Speaker:as I was driving to church.
A woman was telling the story
Speaker:of her relationship with her
husband, from when they met
Speaker:to the present day, some 40 years later.
Speaker:With refreshing honesty
and a splash of humor,
Speaker:she included their ups and downs.
Speaker:The presenter was quite moved
Speaker:and said, we all love a good love story,
Speaker:that's what Sunday mornings are for.
Speaker:My immediate reaction was
Speaker:to shout at the radio
in a rather irate voice:
Speaker:No, it's not. It's about going to church.
Speaker:Then there was a pause,
Speaker:and I said sorry to God
for being a grumpy deacon
Speaker:and thought, actually going to
church is about a love story,
Speaker:the love story between God and humanity.
Speaker:The theme of this Lenten talk
is the joy of saying sorry.
Speaker:Perhaps this seems a rather
strange title to you.
Speaker:What on earth has saying sorry got to do
Speaker:with being joyful.
Speaker:We probably all remember our
parents making us say sorry
Speaker:to the brother or sister
Speaker:we've just done something mean to.
Speaker:We might well have muttered the word sorry
Speaker:through gritted teeth and
not actually meant it at all.
Speaker:Yet in the Christian faith, saying sorry
Speaker:and joy are closely
connected, or should be.
Speaker:Sometimes Christians are caricatured
Speaker:as people hung up about guilt,
who suck the fun out of life
Speaker:by disapproving of the
things people enjoy.
Speaker:But at the heart of our faith
is this love story between God
Speaker:and humanity, a love which
overcomes sin, darkness,
Speaker:and even death.
Speaker:In his letter to the Romans, St.
Speaker:Paul says, for I'm convinced
that neither death nor life
Speaker:nor angels nor rulers, nor things present,
Speaker:nor things to come, nor
powers nor height, nor depth,
Speaker:nor anything else in all
creation, will be able
Speaker:to separate us from the love
Speaker:of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Speaker:So in this talk I'm going to
be exploring this relationship
Speaker:between saying sorry and joy
Speaker:in the Christian faith.
We are going to begin
Speaker:by reflecting on being human
Speaker:and our relationship with
God, which sweeps across time
Speaker:and eternity.
Speaker:We are then going to think
about how Christians have sought
Speaker:to find constructive ways
of engaging with the reality
Speaker:of human behavior, for the
benefit of our relationships
Speaker:with one another and with God.
Speaker:I'm also going to make some
suggestions about questions you
Speaker:might like to prayerfully
ponder afterwards.
Speaker:At the very beginning of the
Bible in the book of Genesis,
Speaker:we are told that God made
humanity as the pinnacle
Speaker:of creation. Whereas the rest
Speaker:of the created world is
described in details in terms
Speaker:of appearance and
contribution to the world,
Speaker:we are told that God created
humankind in his image.
Speaker:In the image of God, he created the male
Speaker:and female, he created
them, God bless them,
Speaker:and God said to them,
be fruitful and multiply
Speaker:and fill the earth and subdue it
Speaker:and have dominion over the fish of the sea
Speaker:and over the birds of the air
Speaker:and over every living thing
that moves upon the earth.
Speaker:Humanity is then different,
made in God's image
Speaker:and given dominion over creation.
Speaker:We are told that God saw
everything that he had made
Speaker:and indeed it was very good.
Speaker:So what happened?
Speaker:Well, the very familiar
story of Adam and Eve
Speaker:and the Garden of Eden follows. Both Adam
Speaker:and Eve succumb to temptation
Speaker:when the serpent offers Eve
an apple from the tree from
Speaker:which they were forbidden
to eat, then she shares it
Speaker:with Adam. Eve blames the serpent,
Speaker:and Adam blames Eve, neither
taking responsibility
Speaker:for their actions.
Speaker:Whilst God dispels Adam
Speaker:and Eve from the Garden of Eden,
Speaker:he doesn't completely condemn them.
Speaker:God curses the serpent,
but not Adam and Eve.
Speaker:It's God who makes them garments to wear.
Speaker:They still have their dignity.
Speaker:God gives them the capacity to care for
Speaker:and benefit from the fruits of the earth.
Speaker:God drives them out of Eden,
Speaker:but he continues to have
a relationship with them.
Speaker:So whilst the creation
stories in Genesis do seek
Speaker:to explain why human
beings are a mix of good
Speaker:and bad, we must be careful not to suggest
Speaker:that God in any way stops
loving Adam and Eve.
Speaker:Indeed, the story arc covering the rest
Speaker:of the Bible is about God's
continuing love for humanity.
Speaker:He doesn't give up on us
even when people turned
Speaker:away from him.
Speaker:The Psalms speak profoundly
of a God who has known
Speaker:and loved us from the
moment of our creation.
Speaker:Psalm 139 says, oh Lord, you
have searched me and known me.
Speaker:You know when I sit down
Speaker:and when I rise up, you discern
my thoughts from far away.
Speaker:Even before a word is
on my tongue, oh Lord,
Speaker:you know it completely.
Speaker:For it was you who
formed my in most parts.
Speaker:You knit me together in my mother's womb.
Speaker:I praise you for I am
fearfully and wonderfully made.
Speaker:God knows us to the depth of our being
Speaker:and still loves us completely.
Speaker:Yet we also know that the
first part of the story arc
Speaker:of God's relationship with
humanity is of a people
Speaker:that didn't listen to God.
Despite having a clear summary
Speaker:of living well in the 10
commandments and numerous prophets
Speaker:and figures pointing to God.
Speaker:It's significant that when Jacob wrestled
Speaker:with the angel next to the river
Jabbok, he's renamed Israel,
Speaker:which means wrestling with God
Speaker:and this was the name given
to God's chosen people.
Speaker:So there's something
complex about human beings
Speaker:and their behaviour in relation to God
Speaker:and we see in every person
both goodness and sin.
Speaker:Sin is both an individual
and a communal thing.
Speaker:Behaviour and decisions
that separate an individual
Speaker:or group of people from
God, something that masks
Speaker:who we really are, who
God's created us to be.
Speaker:Sin brings chaos and turbulence
into lives in communities.
Speaker:Sin can be like a block in
the road of someone's life
Speaker:that they can't see past. It's dangerous
Speaker:also to think of sin just as
a private and individual thing,
Speaker:because who we are and
what we do affects others.
Speaker:Imagine that a person committing
a sin is a bit like a rock
Speaker:being thrown into a pond.
Speaker:There's an immediate splash
and turbulence round the rock
Speaker:and where it falls.
Speaker:This is the immediate impact
it has on our own lives when we
Speaker:sin, but the ripples from
the splash then continue
Speaker:to ripple outwards hitting
other objects in their path
Speaker:and ricocheting off them
causing other ripples.
Speaker:As they touch the bank,
they might still not stop,
Speaker:but will often then start
a new waves spiralling back
Speaker:out on the pond.
Speaker:You can see this sort
Speaker:of reaction when someone
hurts another person,
Speaker:which in turn could even
lead them to hurt others.
Speaker:This isn't a joyful picture, is it?
Speaker:But we get to the New Testament
where we hear the story
Speaker:of our God who loved us so
much that he sent his only son
Speaker:that we could be saved.
Speaker:It's in the incarnation of
Jesus Christ that we see love
Speaker:for humanity personified.
Speaker:The New Testament has repentance
Speaker:and the joy of the
gospel at its very heart.
Speaker:Mark's gospel begins with
these words, the beginning
Speaker:of the good news of Jesus
Christ, the Son of God.
Speaker:Mark then quotes from
the prophet Isaiah, see,
Speaker:I am sending my messenger ahead of you
Speaker:who will prepare your way.
Speaker:The voice of one crying
out in the wilderness,
Speaker:prepare the way of the Lord,
make his path straight.
Speaker:After John the Baptist was
arrested, Mark says, Jesus came
Speaker:to Galilee proclaiming
the good news of God,
Speaker:and saying the time is fulfilled
Speaker:and the kingdom of God
has come near. Repent
Speaker:and believe in the good news.
Speaker:So the first 15 verses of
Mark's gospel cut to the chase,
Speaker:the gospel is good news.
Speaker:God has prepared the path ahead
to be made straight for us.
Speaker:The kingdom of God is here.
Speaker:And finally, the call to repent
Speaker:and believe in the good news. Saying sorry
Speaker:for sin and joy about the good news
Speaker:of the gospel are central to our faith.
Speaker:The disciples who travelled
with Jesus heard the good news.
Speaker:Over shared meals
Speaker:they experienced firsthand
how God was making possible
Speaker:a new intimacy with human beings.
Speaker:They heard through his teaching
Speaker:and parables about God's
kingdom, often taking shape in
Speaker:unlikely places within the
chaos of our sinful world.
Speaker:When they travelled with him,
they witnessed his compassion
Speaker:for the suffering and outcasts
Speaker:and a different perspective
on looking at their past
Speaker:and what was possible in
the present and future.
Speaker:They also of course, witnessed
Jesus' suffering at the hands
Speaker:of others, being scapegoated,
mocked, scoured,
Speaker:and ultimately put to death.
Speaker:Yet sin and death don't
have the last word.
Speaker:Jesus Christ rises again, defeating sin
Speaker:and death for all eternity.
Speaker:In the darkness of the
tomb, the place of death,
Speaker:the mysterious light
Speaker:of the resurrection is transformational.
Speaker:Jesus Christ who has died rose again.
Speaker:Then we see the disciples
becoming apostles, transformed
Speaker:by the Holy Spirit who
is promised to us always.
Speaker:We see people becoming
Christians, hearing the gospel,
Speaker:believing, repenting,
and turning to Christ
Speaker:and experiencing his new life.
Speaker:We see people whose lives are transformed.
Speaker:We see the joy of saying sorry.
Speaker:In the New Testament, in the gospels
Speaker:and the various letters, we see
Speaker:that Jesus' authority over
sin became a foundational
Speaker:dimension of the earliest
followers and the early church.
Speaker:Jesus shared this authority
with his apostles.
Speaker:When Jesus asked Simon Peter
who he thought Jesus was,
Speaker:Simon said, you are the Messiah,
the son of the living God.
Speaker:Jesus responds, I tell you, you are Peter
Speaker:and on this rock I will build my church
Speaker:and the gates of Hades will
not prevail against it.
Speaker:I will give you the keys
of the kingdom of heaven
Speaker:and whatever you bind on
earth will be bound in heaven,
Speaker:and whatever you loose on
earth will be loosed in heaven.
Speaker:This is sometimes referred
to as the power of the keys.
Speaker:It isn't about the
apostles being superhuman,
Speaker:but about them sharing in Jesus's ministry
Speaker:and authority over sin.
Speaker:This is still true of bishops
Speaker:and priests who have the
authority to forgive sins,
Speaker:but they're not forgiving
sins in their own strength,
Speaker:but sharing in the
ministry of Jesus Christ,
Speaker:he's the only saviour of our souls.
Speaker:Paul says All this is from God
who reconciled us to himself
Speaker:through Christ and has
given us the ministry
Speaker:of reconciliation.
Speaker:Whilst one dimension of this
is the power of the gospel
Speaker:to transform the life
of an individual person,
Speaker:we also see in the New Testament
Speaker:that the church community
itself was defined by the power
Speaker:of reconciliation.
Speaker:To become a member of the
church, you first need to repent
Speaker:and be baptised.
Speaker:In Acts, Peter tells the
people of Jerusalem: repent
Speaker:and be baptised every one of
you in the name of Jesus Christ,
Speaker:so that your sins may be forgiven
Speaker:and you will receive the
gift of the Holy Spirit.
Speaker:Saying sorry in Christian
terms is never enough
Speaker:though in itself.
Speaker:The New Testament Greek word
used here is metanoia. Saying
Speaker:sorry, but actually turning
to Christ and away from sin.
Speaker:It therefore encompasses
a commitment to changing
Speaker:and living differently. Really
then it's a sort of conversion
Speaker:of life that we're talking
about, a turning round of the way
Speaker:that you live your life.
Speaker:And this is of course
what baptism is about.
Speaker:A once and for all sacrament
where our sins are washed away
Speaker:and we are incorporated
into Christ's body,
Speaker:The church. This isn't
just a passive event,
Speaker:repentance of sin and
profession of faith must come
Speaker:before baptism itself.
Speaker:What's very evident in Paul's
letters in particular is
Speaker:that the grace received in
baptism didn't mean people
Speaker:stopped sinning.
Speaker:And you can sense at
times Paul's exasperation.
Speaker:He pleads with Christian
communities to behave in a way
Speaker:that's worthy of their calling.
Speaker:Paul talks regularly
about the call to holiness
Speaker:and seeking to be conformed
to the pattern of Christ.
Speaker:Paul also makes clear the communal impact
Speaker:of an individual sinning.
Speaker:It can change a Christian
community in the same way yeast
Speaker:can change a dough to
either raise or deflate it.
Speaker:Therefore, the church must be
a community built on metanoia
Speaker:and living a life worthy of God's call.
Speaker:It's quite reassuring in some ways
Speaker:that we can recognise ourselves
in the earliest Christians
Speaker:and early church, they're
normal human beings
Speaker:who make mistakes, sometimes
argue over mundane things.
Speaker:So how is saying sorry
Speaker:and repenting linked to joy
in the life of the church?
Speaker:Aside from initial conversion
Speaker:and transformation in
baptism, all Christians need
Speaker:to keep reaffirming and
living out that calling,
Speaker:and the promises made to turn
to Christ and repent of sin.
Speaker:The church has developed
different opportunities for us
Speaker:to do this as individuals
Speaker:and also together as a church community.
Speaker:First, we shouldn't falsely
separate baptism, confirmation,
Speaker:Eucharist and healing.
Speaker:There's a thread running
Speaker:through which is about
living out Christ's call.
Speaker:Sometimes being called
back when we meander
Speaker:or lose our way a bit.
Speaker:In the Church of England,
confirmation's often at a separate
Speaker:occasion from baptism,
Speaker:and becomes an opportunity
for the candidate
Speaker:to reaffirm their baptismal promises
Speaker:to turn away from sin and to Christ.
Speaker:The bishop lays on hands
and may anoint the confirmand
Speaker:before they go on to
receive holy communion
Speaker:At every Eucharist,
Speaker:and indeed at most services of the word,
Speaker:there will be a time
of saying sorry to God,
Speaker:expressing penitence
to him and one another,
Speaker:and seeking his forgiveness.
Speaker:This will be followed by
some form of absolution,
Speaker:God taking away our sins
through Jesus Christ
Speaker:and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Again
Speaker:before receiving communion
will be a sharing
Speaker:of the sign of peace.
Speaker:God's peace means an end to conflict,
Speaker:and this action means we
are expressing the desire
Speaker:to be at peace with, to
be reconciled with God,
Speaker:but also our brothers and sisters
Speaker:in Christ. We say the peace
of the Lord be always with you
Speaker:and also with you.
Speaker:Receiving holy communion
is food to sustain us
Speaker:for the journey of our
lives being strengthened
Speaker:by the presence of Jesus Christ.
Speaker:Every Christian is on
this journey of holiness,
Speaker:a word linked to wholeness.
Speaker:Each of us should be becoming
the person God created us
Speaker:to be, not remaining content
Speaker:to be stuck repeating the same
mistakes over and over again.
Speaker:Second, it's no accident
Speaker:that we have this long season
from Lent to Pentecost.
Speaker:We can make the mistake of just
looking at Lent in isolation,
Speaker:and whilst a distinct season,
Lent only makes sense within
Speaker:the context of Easter
Speaker:and Pentecost. Lent's a
traditional time for penitence
Speaker:and self-examination,
Speaker:but those things aren't
an end in themselves.
Speaker:Lent is in time of preparation for Easter.
Speaker:Indeed, Eastern Orthodox
Christians will sometimes call it
Speaker:the season of bright sadness.
Speaker:Even the word Lent comes
from a word meaning spring,
Speaker:of cutting back, but
also a time of new growth
Speaker:and preparing for
blossoming and fruitfulness.
Speaker:Then we travel through holy
week following the passion
Speaker:of our Lord Jesus Christ to
his resurrection on Easter Day.
Speaker:In the weeks of Easter
tide, we celebrate the joy
Speaker:and mysterious experience of
the resurrection in our lives
Speaker:and world, culminating in the coming
Speaker:of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.
Speaker:So we've formed through
this journey from Lent
Speaker:to Pentecost each year,
Speaker:hopefully each time entering
more deeply the mystery growing
Speaker:closer to him.
Speaker:Third, the church community
very early on developed ways
Speaker:of dealing with sin.
Speaker:Nowadays we use the word
excommunication in a rather slang
Speaker:way to mean someone's totally expelled
Speaker:or shut out of something.
Speaker:However, excommunication was
the way the earlier Christians
Speaker:addressed serious sins, not
by expelling the sinners,
Speaker:but seeking reconciliation
of the penitent individual
Speaker:with God and with their church community.
Speaker:The penitent still attended the
first part of the Eucharist,
Speaker:so they had the chance to hear the word
Speaker:of God proclaimed in scripture
and expounded in preaching.
Speaker:They left the worship
before holy communion.
Speaker:Hence the phrase
excommunion, excommunication.
Speaker:The clergy spent time
Speaker:with individual penitents,
talking and counselling them in
Speaker:order that they could be reconciled
Speaker:with their church community at Easter.
Speaker:Over the centuries,
Speaker:the church also developed the possibility
Speaker:of individual confession,
Speaker:and it's important we don't
merely form our understanding
Speaker:of this through films and TV.
Speaker:At the heart of this
sacramental act is an individual
Speaker:Christian knowing in the depths
Speaker:of their being the good
news of the gospel.
Speaker:In Jesus' ministry, we regularly
hear people speak to him
Speaker:of their lives, problems or
concerns, their mistakes.
Speaker:He responds with words
that speak of God's love
Speaker:and the transforming power of the gospel.
Speaker:This is what we call
auricular confession, speaking
Speaker:and being heard.
Speaker:The priest will often sit
sideways on, for this reason,
Speaker:you're speaking into God's ear.
Speaker:It is Jesus Christ who
forgive sins, working in
Speaker:and through the priest.
Speaker:The priest proclaims God's
forgiveness, not their own.
Speaker:And of course, to be
forgiven, we must say sorry
Speaker:and really mean it.
Speaker:Remembering that God knows
the secrets of our hearts.
Speaker:Indeed, at the ending of the
rite of individual confession,
Speaker:the priest says, go and
pray for me a sinner
Speaker:also. Making your
individual confession isn't
Speaker:something we must do, but
it can be very powerful
Speaker:and could almost physically
feel that the weight
Speaker:of sin is being lifted.
Speaker:It can therefore be transformative
Speaker:and is all about helping
someone to be reconciled to God
Speaker:and to the Christian community.
Speaker:So what does this all mean for us?
Speaker:The bottom line is that we're
all sinful. We make mistakes,
Speaker:say the wrong things, can be
unkind or selfish.
Speaker:Sin can manifest itself
in all sorts of ways.
Speaker:What we can't do is
brush it under the carpet
Speaker:and pretend sin isn't
part of our own lives.
Speaker:If we are called by God
to become more Christ-like
Speaker:and grow into the best people
he created us to be, we have
Speaker:to know ourselves as we really are.
Speaker:This starts with the joy of
the good news of the gospel
Speaker:and that God loves each of us
Speaker:and knows us better
than we know ourselves.
Speaker:Naming or acknowledging our sins
Speaker:before God isn't going to
bring him any surprises.
Speaker:Some of you will have seen the
film Groundhog Day when the
Speaker:same thing happens over and over again,
Speaker:and as we get better at naming our sins,
Speaker:we'll also hopefully
get better at spotting
Speaker:and stopping repeating
patterns, those besetting sins
Speaker:that we are susceptible to
committing over and over again.
Speaker:Sometimes we are able to believe
Speaker:that other people are forgiven
Speaker:but aren't good at believing
Speaker:that we are worthy of forgiveness.
Speaker:When asked about the greatest
commandment, Jesus responds,
Speaker:you shall love the Lord your
God with all your heart,
Speaker:with all your soul, and with all your mind
Speaker:and with all your strength.
Speaker:The second is this, you
shall love your neighbour
Speaker:as yourself, loving God our neighbour,
Speaker:but also loving ourselves.
Speaker:Unconditional love is at the heart
Speaker:of our relationship with God.
Speaker:Nothing we say or do
can stop him loving us,
Speaker:and he wants us to know
and experience that,
Speaker:and bask in the light and joy of his love.
Speaker:So some questions and things
for you to think about
Speaker:this Lent related to the
joy of saying sorry.
Speaker:First, what is weighing you down
Speaker:that you might need to say sorry for?
Speaker:Second, could you consider
setting aside some time
Speaker:to prayerfully prepare a list of your sins
Speaker:and bring it to God?
Speaker:You might want to try arriving
at church a bit earlier
Speaker:before the service, to
prayerfully prepare for worship
Speaker:in this way. You might even want
Speaker:to consider approaching a priest
for sacramental confession.
Speaker:Third, are there mistakes you repeat,
Speaker:or weaknesses in your
personality and character?
Speaker:What's the one thing you
could work on or do this Lent?
Speaker:Fourth, how can this Lent
be a time when we focus on
Speaker:preparing ourselves for
living in the new light
Speaker:and joy of Easter?
Speaker:And finally, you might want to listen to
Speaker:or sing the wonderfully inspiring hymn
Speaker:And Can It Be by Charles
Wesley, which captures
Speaker:so well the joy of saying sorry.