Lieutenant Colonel Robert Maginnis is on the program today to discuss the danger that China and the other “Kings of the East” pose to America. Mondo and Lieutenant Colonel Maginnis talk about China’s desire to control Taiwan, to be the frontrunner in the technology world, to be the greatest military power, and to be the number one world power. LTC Maginnis also talks about the possibility that China’s army may well be the “200 million man army” mentioned in the Book of Revelation, and other prophetic connections dealing with China and the East. LTC Maginnis emphasizes that our hope is always in Jesus; that we must keep our eyes toward Him! But we will face troubles with nations until He comes. What are China’s plans for war? How will America do in a WWIII scenario? Tune in today to hear Pentagon Strategist, LTC Robert Maginnis’ insights on these critical questions!