The "Own Your Retirement Show," hosted by Mark Elliott and Josh Bretl, offers invaluable insights for pre-retirees navigating the complexities of retirement planning. In the latest episode, the hosts discuss crucial topics such as rolling over 401(k) plans into IRAs and emphasizing common mistakes that could result in significant financial losses. Josh, a seasoned CPA and President of FSR Wealth Strategies, shares his expertise on tax planning, highlighting the importance of reinvesting rolled-over funds to avoid the pitfalls of low-earning cash reserves. Listeners are guided through the nuances of retirement account management, ensuring they maximize their returns and avoid costly errors.
Beyond financial advice, Josh recounts his first camping trip with his children, drawing parallels between the lessons learned from trying new activities and the challenges of retirement planning. Pre-retirees seeking to secure their financial futures will find this show both informative and inspiring, providing them with the knowledge and confidence to make sound retirement decisions.