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Living Life on Your Own Terms is a Choice!
Episode 4625th December 2021 • Don't Wait For Your Wake Up Call! • Melissa Deally
00:00:00 00:56:22

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This episode dives into the power of our beliefs.  The beliefs that were created in our subconscious mind prior to the age of 8, can in many cases hold us back from living our best life as adults. Our conscious mind doesn’t’ have access to our subconscious filing cabinets though and so changing our beliefs to better serving beliefs is more than just about thinking “positive thoughts”.   Lynn takes us through her inspirational journey from having suicidal thoughts to being able to re-write her beliefs, using Theta healing.  She is now a Theta Healing practitioner and explains this powerful transformational form of healing she offers the world.  I thought that sharing this information as we wrap up 2021 and look ahead to 2022 would be very timely and helpful.  

Lynn’s generous offer of a free clarity call with her:

January Health Kickstart Program:

Complimentary 15 minute consult:

Discover Your Toxic Load Quiz:

About the Guest:

Lynn Vollmer is a Belief Work Expert, Instructor, Mindset Coach & Theta Healing Master.

She has spent more than a decade helping people transform their lives from states of depression, chaos & uncertainty to living life on their own terms.  

She is on a mission to help people create the changes they need to live a happier, better, and more abundant life. 



About the Host:

Melissa is an Integrative Health Practitioner helping people get to the root cause of their health issues.  Melissa neither diagnoses nor cures but helps bring your body back into balance by helping discover your “toxic load” and then removing the toxins. Melissa offers functional medicine lab testing that helps you “see inside” to know exactly what is going on, and then provides a personalized wellness protocol using natural herbs and supplements.   Melissa’s business is 100% virtual – the lab tests are mailed directly to your home and she specializes in holding your hand and guiding the way to healing so that you don’t have to figure it all out on your own. 

Melissa has been featured at a number of Health & Wellness Summits, such as the Health, Wealth & Wisdom Summit, The Power To Profit Summit, The Feel Fan-freaking-tas-tic Summit, and the Aim Higher Summit, and has guested on over 30 different podcasts teaching people about the importance of prioritizing our health and how to get get started.




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Melissa Deally:

Imagine getting up every day full of energy is

Melissa Deally:

if you were in your 20s. Again, what would that be like?

Melissa Deally:

What would that be worth to

Melissa Deally:

you? What is your health worth to you? Think about it. Your

Melissa Deally:

health isn't everything. But without it, everything else is

Melissa Deally:

nothing. And yet too many of us are taking it for granted until

Melissa Deally:

something goes wrong. No one wakes up hoping to be diagnosed

Melissa Deally:

with a disease or chronic illness. And yet we've never

Melissa Deally:

been taught how to be proactive in our health through our school

Melissa Deally:

system, or public health. As a registered health coach and

Melissa Deally:

integrative health practitioner, I believe it is time this

Melissa Deally:

information is made available to everyone. Combining new

Melissa Deally:

knowledge around your health and the ability to do my functional

Melissa Deally:

medicine lab tests in the comfort of your own home will

Melissa Deally:

allow you to optimize your health for today and all your

Melissa Deally:

tomorrow's don't wait for your wake up call.

Melissa Deally:

Welcome back to the don't wait for your wake up call podcast. I

Melissa Deally:

am Melissa do you lead the host of your show and today I would

Melissa Deally:

love to introduce you to my guests Lynn Vollmer. Welcome,

Melissa Deally:


Lynn Villmer:

Everyone. Thanks, Melissa.

Melissa Deally:

So nice to have you here. Let me just give you a

Melissa Deally:

brief introduction to the audience. Lynne is a belief work

Melissa Deally:

expert, instructor, mindset coach and Theta Healing master,

Melissa Deally:

she has spent more than a decade helping people transform their

Melissa Deally:

lives from states of depression, chaos and uncertainty to living

Melissa Deally:

life on their own terms. She is on a mission to help people

Melissa Deally:

create the changes, they need to live a happier, better and more

Melissa Deally:

abundant life. So from that, you can clearly see why I thought

Melissa Deally:

she would be a fabulous guest to have on the show, because I love

Melissa Deally:

all of that as well. So again, welcome, Lynn. What I

Melissa Deally:

particularly love about that is your comment of living life on

Melissa Deally:

your own terms. You just want to explain that or elaborate that

Melissa Deally:

on that a little bit.

Lynn Villmer:

For sure. Okay, so for me, and it might mean

Lynn Villmer:

something different to everyone. But for me, it means following

Lynn Villmer:

my own heart, it means recognizing what I like to do,

Lynn Villmer:

recognizing what I don't like to do. And a lot of self care, self

Lynn Villmer:

love, compassion, and not saying yes to something that I don't

Lynn Villmer:

want to do based upon fear of rejection or fear of the unknown

Lynn Villmer:

or fear of the future, or is just really knowing who I am. My

Lynn Villmer:

boundaries, and recognizing that I don't allow anyone to treat me

Lynn Villmer:

in a way that I would not treat another person.

Melissa Deally:

I love that. And as you're saying that I'm

Melissa Deally:

thinking, you know, learning that is a journey in and of

Melissa Deally:

itself. Right? Yeah. And, you know, I want to go through your

Melissa Deally:

story. And I know that your story led you to this awareness

Melissa Deally:

and being able to now live life on your own terms. But I also

Melissa Deally:

want to say, you know, this could be one amazing life lesson

Melissa Deally:

that could be introduced at high school level, to help kids maybe

Melissa Deally:

start to figure this out,


high school level or even grade school, right,


because I find that I find that the school ground is probably,


and this is my opinion, based upon what my children went


through, is a huge ground for bullies, right. And I think


learning how to make choices based upon what you like, what


you want to do, is really important at a very young age.


And we even like my daughter Taya is seven. And we teach her


that already, you know, and we teach her how to, you know, I


mean, we try to give her the words, right to us to someone


who may be pushing her into doing something that she doesn't


want to do. And I think it's really important to teach that


in the home right from the get go.

Melissa Deally:

I love that. Yeah, I love that. So let's walk

Melissa Deally:

through your story. Because I heard it on someone else's

Melissa Deally:

podcast though. Meaning with wellness podcast by Jenny rice,

Melissa Deally:

and it really touched me and I knew you before I heard the

Melissa Deally:

podcast, we'd work together. But I really loved your story and

Melissa Deally:

found it incredibly inspirational. And this episode

Melissa Deally:

is coming out on December 25. Wow, okay, yeah. And so we're

Melissa Deally:

just wrapping up 2021 here right now. Since day, yeah. And so I

Melissa Deally:

think that I would love to finish off the year with your

Melissa Deally:

inspirational story, as people are looking ahead to 2022 and

Melissa Deally:

making choices around how they want their life to look like how

Melissa Deally:

they want their year to go. So, yeah, talk to me about your

Melissa Deally:

story. How did you end up in this line of work?


Okay. So I guess my turning point for me was about


10 Plus or so years ago. I remember very distinctly, I was


sitting on the beach, and I was watching my kids play. And the


beach is my favorite place to be. And I remember, I was


contemplating suicide, I had been contemplating suicide for


quite a few months. And, you know, I had gone to some medical


doctors and psychiatrist and they wanted to put me on meds


and I totally refused. And I recognized at that point, that


if, if I wanted to continue my life, if I wanted to watch my


kids grow up, if I wanted to experience grandchildren, then I


was going to have to radically change my thinking, I was going


to have to get myself out of the deep depression that I was in


because I was in so much pain from trauma that had happened


five years prior, and even in my childhood, which is actually


connected. But that's a whole other story. And but I didn't


realize how my childhood trauma and the trauma that had happened


five years prior was really connected to my depression. And


so I kind of like went on a journey. And that journey


brought me to belief work. And I ended up going into a modality


and learning a modality called Theta Healing. And through all


of that, taking all these courses, I learned that the


reason I was feeling the way I was feeling had to do and what


was keeping me stuck, because here's the thing I, I did


everything that I could to try to get myself out of that state


of being I remember waking up in the morning and thinking, Okay,


I'm not going to think a negative thought, I'm going to


be positive, and bla bla bla, right. And it would start, and I


would keep thinking really positive, but it was so


exhausted, like I was so exhausted by the end of the day,


because I just couldn't, like the negative thoughts kept


coming and coming

Melissa Deally:

and coming. And in you had to keep pushing them

Melissa Deally:

back and pushing Exactly.


And it was just oh my gosh, it was just I just


couldn't keep up with it after, like after two days, right. But


I didn't understand it. But when I learned about belief work with


regards to how what you think creates your reality. Mm hmm. It


made me recognize that, oh, my gosh, I am probably think of


this, I probably think of this and I had so much guilt and


regret. And there was lots of blame and shame with regards to


my childhood patterns with regards to what had happened


five years prior. And I needed to debunk all of that. And it


wasn't until I was able to really fully connect with who I


was released all those limiting belief systems that I really


came up on top and I really started to change. And I


remember my here's the thing, I remember my first session that I


had, I thought okay, well, if I'm going to take my classes,


then I should have a session. So I booked a belief work data


healing session with with an instructor. And frankly, I and I


didn't even like the session. You know, I got off the phone


thinking holy crap, what the hell did I put myself into


because I'd already paid for these classes. And, and I was


really disappointed that it's the next day. The next day,


there was a huge difference in my energy field. And at the


time, we were having problems with my, with my daughter, she


was totally disengaging from the family and going down a path


where it was a very destructive path. And within about three


days of me having a session because we worked on her behind


The scenes through my through my trauma. And all of a sudden she


comes down for dinner. Like, and she stopped wearing black she,


oh, she stopped wearing golf you know attire and and like her


whole demeanor change with just one session. You know,

Melissa Deally:

one session of the healer working with you.

Melissa Deally:

Yep. While young and working on your daughter but through us so

Melissa Deally:

your daughter was not even present at this session. Is that


correct? Yep. So belief work. What happened was when you


work with belief work, it not just works on you. But it also


works through the gene pool, past, present and future. So


ancestory Right. And, and of course, soul contracts, right.


And she was part of my soul contracts, because she was my


daughter, I was part of hers. So we released all of that. And


that created a huge healing. And when all of this started to


happen, I recognized okay, this is good. This is where I need to


be. And I went and I did my beginner classes, I left to go


to Ontario, I left for three months. You know, I left my


family, my young family for three months, and I spent three


months learning about Theta Healing being the practitioner.


And you know, I'll never, I'm going to get teary eyed because


I always get teary eyed when I mentioned this, but I'll never


forget, when I came off the plane, and this is me being away


for three months, I get off the plane and I walk to my son and


my son is about seven, eight, at the time, maybe even younger,


anyway. And he says, Well, Mom, you're radiating. And that just


proved to me the healing and how much better I felt, you know,


and everyone like my friends could notice. Because I mean, we


emit energy, right? We're energy and we what we put out people


receive, and what they were receiving, and what I was


getting was the fact that I was changing. And I was healing,


which was a great validation for me that I was on the right


track. So I mean, we are what we think and the guilt from from my


previous trauma was just really disconnecting me from my


reality, because I was just staying stuck in the past and,


and because I was stuck in the past, I couldn't be in my


present. And I couldn't look forward to the future. And


because I was I was over there. Like I was just dizzy looking


over my shoulder, you know what I mean? And yeah, so that's, you


know, and that has just steamrolled to where I am today,


which is kind of like I mean, the first time I took data


healing, my teacher said, you're going to be an instructor? And I


said, No, I'm not. I had no desire and no inkling, no


thoughts of becoming an instructor. And it wasn't until


I took all of those classes, and that I was able to change from a


place of suicide ideations to a place of joy, happiness,


contentment, like, just a love for life. And I thought, you


know, what, if this can happen for me, then what? What can I do


to help others be on the same journey?

Melissa Deally:

That is so, so powerful. And first of all, I

Melissa Deally:

love the part about your son, saying, you know, Mom, you're

Melissa Deally:

radiating after being away from you for three months at such a

Melissa Deally:

young age kids are so perceptive. Yeah. And, and how

Melissa Deally:

beautiful is it that, you know, coming home to your family?

Melissa Deally:

That's the first thing you hear is those words, and that

Melissa Deally:

validation for you that you are healing, right? And then not

Melissa Deally:

only that, but to have your instructor tell you, you're

Melissa Deally:

going to be a healer, when that wasn't even in your mind at all,

Melissa Deally:

as a thought you were just trying to heal yourself at that

Melissa Deally:

point. Right. And so was that the instructor from that first

Melissa Deally:

session that you did that you didn't really like? Or was that

Melissa Deally:

from once you got to Toronto and you started your class?


The the instructor, that was a different instructor.


So the one that I had the session with? Yes, he's the one


that I went to an Ontario she was supposed to be my first


initial instructor. But when she came to Edmonton because I lived


in Edmonton at the time, when she came to Edmonton, she got


really, really sick. Oh, She ended up having to bring in


another instructor to teach us. So yeah. And which is funny too,


because I mean when I went to Ontario, and this is how, like


you talk about spirits speaking, they were yelling at me pretty


much. So when I went to when I went to Ontario, to take all of


my instructor classes, one of my peers said, I'm going down to


and at the time, this is where Vienna had her clinic, or her


instructor classes, I'm going to Idaho to take the basic


instructor classes do you want to come? And I immediately said,


No, I have no interest in being an instructor. And when I went


home, though, for a whole week, like I say, a week bit about


five days, I would wake up in the middle of the night. With


thoughts, you have to go register, go register, go


register Gora, and I and I heard exactly, there was five


different classes that I had to register for. And I thought, You


know what I'm going to go check to see, just just to see,


because I could only go at a certain point in time, because


of my family. I'm just going to go and check to see how


everything is lined up. And just to see if it would actually work


out. Every class worked out, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom,


exactly the way I would need. And I thought, well, this is


divinely guided, I'm being asked to go. So I'm gonna go. So and


then I've just been teaching belief work ever since.

Melissa Deally:

So I love that I love that when you say, you

Melissa Deally:

know, the universe was directing you. And not only do they direct

Melissa Deally:

you, but it's all laid out perfectly. Right?


Exactly. And I'm a firm believer that this is part of my


pre birth plan, you know, and pick my mother, I picked my


father, I picked all the experiences that I've had,


including all my trauma, not just all the the laughs You


know, and all the fight times, but we pick our experiences, we


pick our adversity, and it's in the adversity where we get to


shine, actually, if we get to which we can choose to shine if


we want, depending on how we look at that adversity. Right,


we can look at it as as a deterrent, right? Or we can


really look at it as a place to grow and to evolve. And, yeah,



Melissa Deally:

it's so true that that adversity or you know,

Melissa Deally:

sometimes it's called a brick wall, or whatever it is, that's

Melissa Deally:

put up before you that kind of makes you stop for a second


that it does

Melissa Deally:

give up. But then it's the matter of what am

Melissa Deally:

I supposed to learn in this moment? So I can figure out my

Melissa Deally:

way around or through or over? Yeah, well, right. And that's

Melissa Deally:

where that growth is coming from which that in and of itself is

Melissa Deally:

scary. And then we have our brain talking back at us to

Melissa Deally:

complicating it and trying to hold us back in our comfort zone

Melissa Deally:

when we're trying to grow and expand and get to the other

Melissa Deally:

side. So there's, there's so much to this. But before we dive

Melissa Deally:

more into that, and I don't know if you can even answer this

Melissa Deally:

question, but I'm wanting to know, from that moment on the

Melissa Deally:

beach, where you decided that if I want to see my kids grow up,

Melissa Deally:

and I want to see you know, see them have children, I have to

Melissa Deally:

change the way I think, to going to the course that you went to

Melissa Deally:

for three months, what transpired in there, how did you

Melissa Deally:

make that happen? Because previously you were waking up

Melissa Deally:

and you were thinking I have to have positive thoughts. I have

Melissa Deally:

to have positive thoughts, but then you end up exhausted. So

Melissa Deally:

what was different?


So what happened there was I had I guess that day I


kind of had so how can I say this spiritual awakening at that


point, because I think I was at my bottom. Mm hmm. And


I ended up going into the water after thinking about that and


just feeling so dejected. I went into the water and I ended up


sitting at the bottom of the ocean. Like I just you know, I


wasn't above my head or anything, but you know how you


just submerge yourself and just allow yourself to be Yeah. And


what happened was my problems or my thoughts just kind of seemed


to move to the back of my head. And all of a sudden I started


feeling a lot of light and a lot of love and I recognize and this


is my perception of course, that what it felt like and I love the


ocean Right. And I felt like the water, I was being Cleanse like,


and sea salt actually is a cleansing agent. And I just


think that from carrying so much junk, energetically that the


seesaw just kind of cleanse my energy field. And I felt so much


lighter. From that, I had a really good discussion with my


husband. And I said, you know, and I, he knew a lot of what I


was feeling and going through, but he really, I don't think he


fully understood the depths of everything. And I had a very


candid conversation about I need to do something for me. And at


the time, I was working full time as a child youth worker,


because that's my first profession. And I quit my job, I


quit my job. And I just that just dove into a lot of


spiritual books, I would go into a shop and grab the first book


that came to mind. And and I went into I went to a lot of Hay


House, Hay House events. And I just did a lot of soul


searching. And there was there's a magazine in Edmonton called


Mosaic magazine. Actually, she might be all of Alberta, but I'm


not quite sure. Connie Bryson. But anyway, I was reading an


article in one of our magazines about this woman who had healed


her healed a custody case, like she was in a custody battle with


her ex husband, who healed that through data healing. And I


thought, well, what is that? So it piqued my interest. And I


went online, and I read everything that there was, like,


I read for about four or five hours that day, like I read


everything that there was about data healing, and my cells were


like this. There were library

Melissa Deally:

for those who are watching and just listening.

Melissa Deally:

They're vibrating right now.


Yeah. And it's like, and I remember calling my


husband, I was so excited. And I said, This is it. This is it.


This this is gonna, you know, this is going to this is what I


need, you know, and, and I didn't even bat an eye, I looked


right off the bat for classes that was in in Edmonton. And


within a month and a half, that instructor was coming to


Edmonton and I thought talks about divine timing. And that's


how it started. And from the time of sitting on the beach, to


when I actually took my first class was about a year. So


during that time, I did a lot of soul searching, I did a lot of


reflecting, that's when I actually started really


meditating, and a lot of reading, and a lot of looking at


my life looking at things that didn't serve me. So if this


doesn't serve me anymore, then what do I need to do to change


it? Right. And this is when I started opening up my throat


chakra and speaking out with regards to what I need. Right?


And not just being a servant to everyone. Because I mean, being


a healer, we love to serve. And that I think that is when I


really learned how to say no.

Melissa Deally:

I love that. And I've actually done a podcast

Melissa Deally:

earlier this year on are you using the words yes and no. Can

Melissa Deally:

in the wrong way? Right. Exactly. And instead of saying

Melissa Deally:

yes to yourself, you're saying yes to everyone else. And in

Melissa Deally:

that process saying no to yourself, which is what happens

Melissa Deally:

so often, right?


You know what, this is what I teach my clients, I tell


them, when you say no to someone to another person, who are you


saying yes to? Mm hmm. Right, who's the most important person


here? Because, like, I'm not going to be abused if I'm flat


out in bed, or with cancer, right? Because I'm just running


ragged. Mm hmm. And I'm not listening to my own needs. And


if I'm not listening to my own needs, then what am I teaching


my children? Right.

Melissa Deally:



So it's just a cycle. Right? And, and really goes, it


comes down to that, like, What are you teaching your children,


with your thoughts with your words with your behavior? Right.

Melissa Deally:

I totally agree. And it's, you know, it's

Melissa Deally:

unfortunate that in our I don't know, I would say in the last 50

Melissa Deally:

years, 60 years,



Melissa Deally:

the corporate world expanded as women went

Melissa Deally:

into the workforce, and of course, I have no problem with

Melissa Deally:

women being in the workforce, but it changed the font family

Melissa Deally:

dynamic, and it changed the time we had with family, right and

Melissa Deally:

with our children and to be role models for our children, and

Melissa Deally:

then there was daycares and etc. And all of these changes started

Melissa Deally:

happening and The thing that didn't change, was it the women,

Melissa Deally:

were still the caretaker of everyone else. Right. So on top

Melissa Deally:

of having done that before, while not working, now they're

Melissa Deally:

having to do that while working. And I know for me, when I

Melissa Deally:

started my health coaching training, one of the very first

Melissa Deally:

things I learned was that self care is the most selfless act.

Melissa Deally:

Yeah, I had a big aha. Like, why didn't someone tell me that when

Melissa Deally:

my kids were little? Exactly. It's so important. And that is a

Melissa Deally:

message that I we can't teach often enough, because it's still

Melissa Deally:

so ingrained that women and particularly moms have to look

Melissa Deally:

after everyone else first. And then if you're a healer on top

Melissa Deally:

of that, it's even more deeply ingrained. And so I'm a burnt

Melissa Deally:

out. Yeah, totally burned out. And, in fact, my podcast, I had

Melissa Deally:

a podcast in November, with a nurse who's left mainstream

Melissa Deally:

medicine and moved in to holistic care, talking about all

Melissa Deally:

the PTSD and burnout in mainstream medicine today in the

Melissa Deally:

nursing community, because of this, right. And so I had, I

Melissa Deally:

made a mantra for myself that I started repeating, as I shifted

Melissa Deally:

my mindset around this, and it takes time, it takes practice,

Melissa Deally:

it takes consistency in retraining our brain to this new

Melissa Deally:

way of thinking that better serve me. Am I my mantra is that

Melissa Deally:

self care is the most selfless act because it allows me to show

Melissa Deally:

up and give the world the best of me instead of what's left of

Melissa Deally:

me. Yeah, I


like that. I read that. I don't know where I read that.


I was reading some of your stuff the other day. And I read that


and I thought, oh, my gosh, that is so awesome.

Melissa Deally:

And, you know, I have goosebumps right now.

Melissa Deally:

Because every time I say it, I get those goosebumps through me.

Melissa Deally:

That just landed for me so profoundly, that I was able to

Melissa Deally:

start going, Okay, I have to start looking after me, how do I

Melissa Deally:

do this. And for me, it was scheduling, the time in my

Melissa Deally:

calendar is signing the activity of whatever it is I was going to

Melissa Deally:

do into that time, so that I didn't just get to this free

Melissa Deally:

time and then wasted away on social media or watching TV or

Melissa Deally:

something right? That I actually assigned the activity, it could

Melissa Deally:

be, you know, I have so many to draw. And I'm really lucky

Melissa Deally:

living here and nature. But it could be anything from reading a

Melissa Deally:

book to taking a bath to skiing or paddleboarding or going for a

Melissa Deally:

walk or with a friend or by myself to mean there's so many

Melissa Deally:

things to me, it's whatever brings me joy.


Right? But it's doing what you enjoy doing. You know.


And that sparks that that activates the heart. You know


what I mean? Totally, if if, if you're exhausted, you can't have


that exact heart to have that have that you can't have that


it's just hard to get that.

Melissa Deally:

And when we're in that exhausted state, we're

Melissa Deally:

so much less resilient to the stresses that daily life is

Melissa Deally:

going to throw at us, right. And so what I noticed as I started

Melissa Deally:

implementing this in my life, was that my kids were still

Melissa Deally:

pushing my buttons, and they were teenagers by now. But I

Melissa Deally:

wasn't reacting. Yeah, exactly. Instead choose to respond in a

Melissa Deally:

way more positive way. And it took me a few months to notice

Melissa Deally:

that, you know, you, you always notice the pain. But when things

Melissa Deally:

are good, it takes you a little bit longer to notice it right

Melissa Deally:

was a bit of an Aha. But that was so powerful. And so like you

Melissa Deally:

I teach it as well, because it it has such a profound impact on

Melissa Deally:

people's lives. And there's so many ways that we can step into

Melissa Deally:

that. But I'd love to dive in more with you around the belief

Melissa Deally:

work, because you have said you know what you think matters,

Melissa Deally:

right? And it absolutely does. And so I'd love for you just to

Melissa Deally:

talk about how that how those negative beliefs are, can be

Melissa Deally:

turned into something that better serves.


Okay. So if you think about our energy, or our body


being energy, right, if we, if we believe something to be true,


three times or more, it enters the subconscious mind as a


belief system. So if you think about your body, like your


cells, right, you have lots of lots of different trillion cells


in your body, right? And each cell has receptor sites and


these receptor sites have belief systems, they're either positive


or negative, right? And this is what energetically goes To the


universe, and our subconscious mind never shuts off. We cannot


understand consciously what is in the subconscious mind.


Because you you don't have access to that unless you bring


a lot of awareness. And you muscle test muscle testing is a


way to talk to the subconscious mind and talk to talk to your


body. I don't know if you do any muscle testing in your work or

Melissa Deally:

not. I don't I know of it. And I know people do

Melissa Deally:

it. And yeah, in my work, in my work, where it's used is to

Melissa Deally:

determine potentially if one supplement or another is better

Melissa Deally:

for the body, right? Things like that. So I'm not familiar with

Melissa Deally:

it as being a way to tap into the subconscious mind. That's

Melissa Deally:

really interesting


to me. So we can muscle test, how you think and how you


feel and the subconscious doesn't hold what is true. It


only holds what you think is true. Does that make sense? So


you may consciously think that money is good for you. But


subconsciously, maybe you think that money is evil? Right?


Because maybe you have some ancestral old thoughts and


beliefs around money. Do you know what I mean? Or money is?


Yeah, like, a really common one is the money is the root of all


evil. Right? That's a very common one. Yes. And that we can


muscle test for that. So where was I going with that? Give me a


sec. So the subconscious doesn't recognize what is true or


untrue. It just, it just is. So when when you are conceived.


Even the first nine months of being in your mom's womb, how


she thought how she felt you could have taken stuff on. From


the time you are born to the time you're six years old, you


are in a theta brainwave state. And this is for Accelerated


Learning. However, we are not, what's the word? We we don't


have our logical brain yet. Right. And it's really hard at


that time for us to discern our reality. Right. So for example,


you could be sitting at a table and you automatically you all of


a sudden see your mom, take a picture that you've had on the


wall, not on the wall, but maybe on the fridge. And because it's


been there for two months, you know, she wants to recycle it,


that you see her put it in a recycling. And you might think,


Oh, I'm not good enough. She doesn't like my photo. Do you


know what I mean? Right? Meanwhile, you forget that it's


been there already for two months, you know what I mean? So


you start thinking about your reality differently, because you


can't quite fully discern what is really going on, because


you're not quite an adult yet. And you don't have that logical


thinking brain yet, right. So we accumulate the majority of our


belief systems, positive or negative, from the time we are


born to born to the time that we are six or seven years old. So


just think about that. So however, you chose to experience


life coming here, how you chose to experience your upbringing,


your mother, your father, and I'll give you a really good


example, because your childhood doesn't have to be traumatic in


order for you to have limiting belief systems. So I have a


client who is is really not into this stuff at all that her


girlfriend sent her to me, because she was having a really


tough time getting a job. And upon talking to her a little


bit, I recognized that she had this limiting belief of I'm


always second best. And she had a loving mother. She had a


loving father, but her and her brother were it's not that they


were at odds, but they were competing with each other a lot.


And he always just

Melissa Deally:

so common in siblings.


Yep. And so it wasn't until we change that limiting


belief. So we were able to change that. So I go when I want


to change limiting beliefs, I go into theta Brainwave. And we


released that. We released the I am always second and we replaced


it with I noticed feels like to be first. I know how to be


first. I deserve to be first right. within 24 hours. She had


nine job interviews. Request in her inbox. Wow. Thin 24 hours


and within two weeks she had a great job, she landed a great


job, a really good high paying job, you know, that. And I'm


that is how what

Melissa Deally:

is happening again,


I beg your pardon,

Melissa Deally:

I'm having full body goosebumps happening again,

Melissa Deally:

as you're telling me this story,


this is how fast changing how you think, can


really manifest and shift your reality. Because if we can, if


we can change how we think, because what we think, and


actually, this is what I was gonna say earlier, everything


goes out to the universe. So what we think is kind of like


the beacon, right, but how we feel is actually the magnetic


pole that, that brings it to us. So how we think and how we feel


creates our reality. So if we can change how we think. And if


we can change how we feel and reprogram the subconscious mind,


then all we have to do is just sit back, relax, and watch how


the universe is shifting reality, to make our environment


better. And like, you know, for me, like that first session, I


could just like my daughter coming down for dinner, when she


hadn't had dinner with us in almost a year. Yeah, you know,


within within 24 hours, like that is how fast this can


change. And it's, it doesn't always happen that fast. You


know, sometimes if you if you have a lot of trauma that you


have carried for a long, long time. And it's really deep, and


it's on a soul level, then it might, it might take more than


one or two or three or four sessions, you know what I mean?


So it all depends on the individual on the trauma on the


experiences, and also depends as to how much you're ready to let


it go. Right? Because if you're stuck in fear, and if you are


really comfortable there, then it takes a little bit of work on


my part to come at it from not the front door, but the back


door, right? And allow yourself to feel safe, because safe and


trust. Those are probably two of the biggest things that actually


keep you stuck in an old pattern that you really want to get out


of. You say you want to get out of the deal. Really? Yes,

Melissa Deally:

I say, Yeah, makes sense. I experienced that,

Melissa Deally:

in my own work with clients, particularly clients that might

Melissa Deally:

want to lose some weight. And yeah, we start working together

Melissa Deally:

and they start to lose some weight. And somewhere along the

Melissa Deally:

way, we hit a wall, you might have done lab tests, and we

Melissa Deally:

might be trying to rebalance hormones and things but they're

Melissa Deally:

still hitting a wall. And they stopped doing the work. Right.

Melissa Deally:

And they're stopping doing the work because their safety

Melissa Deally:

mechanisms are kicking in and saying this is outside my

Melissa Deally:

comfort zone, I don't feel safe. So I have to stop doing the work

Melissa Deally:

so I can get back to feeling safe.


And then which is I mean, it's the safety mechanism


is really another word for the ego keeping you stuck, right?


Your illusion, what you have learned or what you have, here's


a better word, what you have conditioned yourself to believe


upon your past that if you do this, and something bad's gonna


happen, well, who says that? Right? Like your reality today?


Is not what your reality was, when you were five, or six, or


seven or eight. And so it's really about making conscious


choices and making conscious decisions based upon today,


based upon and, you know, I, when I talk to my clients, I


talk about adversity. And when you need adversity, if you


really want to meet it face to face, you have to recognize that


soul is calling you to action, right? You have to recognize


that that adversity has been placed in front of you for a


specific purpose. Right? What is that purpose? Right? Are you


going to believe what you have been taught to believe about


yourself? Or what people have placed upon you? Or are you


going to believe in something far greater? Are you going to


believe in who you want to be who you truly are versus who


you're not? Because if you choose to listen to who you're


not, then you're always gonna stay there. Right? So in order


for you to change, you really have to be and bring yourself


back to the present and recognize that fear is the


number one culprit of keeping you stuck in your old patterns.


And is it scary? Yeah. You know, and this hear me being and doing


this, this scares me, you know, and, but I recognize that you


know, there's a need for this information to go out and I I


have to get over myself get over my fear of being, you know, a


public speaker or on podcast. And because I mean, I recognize


that this information is going to go everywhere. And not


everyone's going to resonate, but that's okay. You know,

Melissa Deally:

and that's totally okay. Because there's

Melissa Deally:

going to be plenty of people that will resonate and people

Melissa Deally:

that didn't know you or know about you or know that Theta

Melissa Deally:

Healing was even a thing, just like you didn't until you read

Melissa Deally:

it in that magazine. And they're gonna go, oh, I need this.

Melissa Deally:

Right. And that's more important than the people that don't

Melissa Deally:



Exactly right. For sure. Because you can't please


everybody. Exactly to is, I mean, for the people that it


doesn't resonate, it just means that they're not ready. Right,


you know, so they'll gravitate towards something that is best


for them. And that time, the exam, I'm okay with that. So


bad. I mean, when it comes to fear, it's past, right? I mean,


there's a big difference between healthy fear and unhealthy fear.


Right? So if, you know, if I'm walking down, you know, a street


down downtown, and it's dark, and I want to turn left. And all


of a sudden, my intuition says, No, don't turn there, you should


turn here, like, you know, that that's a healthy recognition


that says, okay, there might be something going on down there


that I really shouldn't, you know, get to so I'm going to go


over here, versus a fear that is illusion. And, and it might have


made sense when you were five or six, but it doesn't make sense


being in your present reality as an adult. Right. So, yeah.

Melissa Deally:

And all to me, I find all of this so interesting,

Melissa Deally:

and so fascinating, and so powerful, right? And we're only,

Melissa Deally:

you know, beginning to understand the power of our

Melissa Deally:

mind. And I know even in the work and the research I've done

Melissa Deally:

in understanding the subconscious, that it just files

Melissa Deally:

every experience without judgment. Right? Yes. And so

Melissa Deally:

it's all there. And then as you say, the subconscious mind

Melissa Deally:

doesn't have access. But when we come across it, you know, just

Melissa Deally:

mind doesn't have access, sorry, the conscious mind doesn't have

Melissa Deally:

access to the subconscious. But yeah, that subconscious mind, as

Melissa Deally:

you said, never shuts off. It's in charge of making sure we're

Melissa Deally:

breathing and our heart is pumping and all of those things.

Melissa Deally:

And when we come across another similar experience, though, the

Melissa Deally:

subconscious mind is going through that file folder. How do

Melissa Deally:

I react? What? What did you know, where was I? In a similar

Melissa Deally:

experience? How do I react? And it's so fascinating how all of

Melissa Deally:

that drives our behavior today. It's driving our thoughts today.


Yep. And what they say is, I'm talking about, you know,


the Dr. Joe Dispenza. Us or the Bruce Lipton's, they talk about


how each decision that we make 95% of that is based upon the


past, right? So our subconscious mind it going 24/7 Unless we are


100% present in our reality, then our choices is based upon

Melissa Deally:

the information from the past.


Yeah, exactly. Like and if you think about, if you just


look at the decisions you've made, or the behaviors you've


done throughout the last five days, you will probably and the


choices that you've made, you'll probably recognize, hmm, it was


based upon my past. So what do I need to do to change that?


Right, what do I because it's, it's all conscious choice.


Right? It's, it's so it's a conscious choice, but also a


willingness to want to change and recognize that any fear that


comes up, that's the past talking, that really has nothing


to do with the present. So for me to change my future, I have


to make a different choice in my present reality. And that means,


you know, learning how to live life on your own terms, right?


Self Care. And it also means getting rid of that fear,


getting rid of fear of rejection, getting rid of the


fear of the unknown, getting rid of fear of what you think might


happen based upon something that might have happened a long time


ago that really doesn't have anything to do with today


because if you look at your surroundings, you know that


you're safe. Right? Exactly, and I feel safe. What do you need to


do to feel more safe? And I think this is probably where you


know, a connection to spirit, meditating, settling into your


heart, doing what you need to do for self care eating a healthy


diet. Diet, right? I know, for me eating a healthy diet is huge


for me. Because if I eat crap, I feel like crap. If I eat


healthy, I'm feeling great. You know, right, it all plays a


part. It all plays that mindset. It's not just like the physical,


emotional, mental and spiritual body, they all work together in


order for you to feel healthy for you to feel whole. And I


think at the end of the day, we are all striving for the same


thing. You know, everybody wants to feel connected. Everybody


wants to, to feel compassion, and, and to belong. Right? And


to have that wholeness. And, yeah, it's not just one, it's


you got to look at all those factors.

Melissa Deally:

And I think to understand that, so much of this

Melissa Deally:

becomes a choice. Yeah, you just need to know that you can make

Melissa Deally:

that choice. Right. And find the right healer. Yeah. To work with

Melissa Deally:

you to help you.


Yeah. Right. And I think you know, I mean, if you


hear yourself saying, I have to do this, or I must do or I need


to do this, that is the biggest illusion. Because when you feel


when you catch yourself, I have to, then that means you are


you've become enslaved to what you feel or think that you have


to do. Who says you have to do that? What's the worst thing


that can happen if you don't do that? Right? Right? Is the world


going to come to an end? No. Right? So everything going to


come crashing down on you? Probably not. So it's it's the


illusion of what we have conditioned ourselves to feel


and think and believe. And then, you know,

Melissa Deally:

doing those checking questions, like you

Melissa Deally:

said, is the world going to come crashing down has right, you

Melissa Deally:

know, is? Is anybody gonna die from this? Or sometimes I like

Melissa Deally:

to ask myself, Is this a first world problem, because I find

Melissa Deally:

that really puts things in perspective for me, right? Like

Melissa Deally:

going deeper with your Theta Healing is incredibly powerful.

Melissa Deally:

So just as we start wrapping up here, I love to ask all of my

Melissa Deally:

guests. What is don't wait for your wake up call mean to you?


What does that mean, to me, it means I'm doing what I


love to do. Recognizing that there is recognizing that


following my passion is a huge part in self care. And eating


healthy, cutting out sugar and and back saying this thing that


is enjoying the sweetness of life, right? So for me enjoying


the sweetness of life, I love my chocolate, and I love my


desserts. But what I do is I make clean desserts, you know,


and I make I eat healthy chocolate, you know, and to me,


it's a balance between the mind body and the soul. And its


eating healthy, making sure I do my meditation and doing some


physical activity, and recognizing that what I choose


to do for me is equally important as what I choose to do


for others.

Melissa Deally:

I love that. And what I'm hearing from all of

Melissa Deally:

that is that


you're prioritizing your health. Yes, of Mind,

Melissa Deally:

Body Spirit.


You know what, I love

Melissa Deally:

it for granted. You're simply choosing to

Melissa Deally:

prioritize it.


Yeah. And that's, that is that's number one. Because


if, if I want to be here for my kids, or for my grandkids, then


I need to be healthy, not just physically but also up here.


Right? And because they work together, they do. Absolutely.

Melissa Deally:

So I loved this conversation today. And I hope

Melissa Deally:

you know for some of the listeners learning about Theta

Melissa Deally:

Healing and your work, it might be the first time they've ever

Melissa Deally:

heard of it. Others might be more familiar with it, but can

Melissa Deally:

you please, you have a freebie that you want to offer the

Melissa Deally:

audience and please let people know how they can get in touch

Melissa Deally:

with you.


Right? Okay. So are you going to have the link of that


below somewhere?

Melissa Deally:

I will put it in the show. Yes. Okay.


So the freebie is, I call it a clarity breakthrough


session. So if you fill out the form, I ask some specific


questions with regards to an issue or an adversity that you


are struggling with and what you've done. What you Yeah, what


you've done to try to rectify or solve the problem. And I tune


into that, right I tune into that even before our call. And


when you do call, I will have some limiting beliefs that I


feel that you hold, that is keeping you stuck in that


pattern. And on the call, I think I'm also give a 10 minute


body scan where I scan, you scan the energy. And I go a little


bit deeper into where that might have started for you and what


you need to work on.

Melissa Deally:

That's phenomenal. I love that. So

Melissa Deally:

everybody listening, the link for that clarity session with

Melissa Deally:

Lynne will be in the show notes. I've done a clarity session with

Melissa Deally:

Lynn and it was really powerful. And we did it over zoom, I

Melissa Deally:

didn't have to be close to you. And that was a really powerful

Melissa Deally:

experience. So I highly recommend it to everyone. Lynn's

Melissa Deally:

work is incredibly powerful and incredibly healing as you've

Melissa Deally:

heard through today's podcast. So Lynn, what last message would

Melissa Deally:

you like to leave with the audience today to encourage them

Melissa Deally:

to start their healing journey today?


I said this earlier. And I'll say it again, Adversity


is your soul's call to action. So if you can recognize that any


adversity that you face in your life is there for a specific


purpose that the people that are irritating you, or they're


behaving away, behaving in a way that you want them to, for you


to evolve, and allow that to sink in for a little bit.


Because soul contracts is if someone is abusing you, or not


being nice to you for certain, for whatever reason, you have to


look at well, maybe they don't know that they're being


schmucks. Right. So maybe part of their soul contract is for


you to step out of your shell, and say, Hey, I no longer choose


that behavior that tone, how you're making me feel, right. So


when I, when I look at adversity, I see Well, what is


it that that needs to change, and you look at not just your


lesson, but I'm also looking at the other person's lesson, right


and there because there's a lesson in both. And that person


whom you are speaking to, can acknowledge it, and learn from


it, which means you have actually fulfilled that


contract, which is great. If they don't listen, then that


person is actual, you'll actually be faced with another


actually, you'll be faced with another decision right then and


there if you want to continue with that relationship or not,


or that person, right. But they will actually be met with


another soul contract somewhere else, but you have fulfilled


your part of the contract. And as you feel your contracts, then


you're going to be evolving and growing that much more. And it's


all about either changing how you think and you feel, or


taking action. What is it that you need to do for yourself? Is


it speaking is it going out and calling someone like what is the


action, and at the end, there's a promise and that promise will


always lead you more to self love, and more to feeling and


being whole with yourself with humanity with the Earth,


animals, oneness,

Melissa Deally:

and living life.


Exactly. living life on your own terms.

Melissa Deally:

I love that. So thank you so much for sharing

Melissa Deally:

your story. Lynn, it's you know, it's a vulnerable story. But

Melissa Deally:

it's very inspirational. And, you know, leading people into

Melissa Deally:

the work that helps turn your life around, can help others.

Melissa Deally:

And so thank you for the work that you do and for speaking out

Melissa Deally:

and letting people know the possibility for


inviting me and I love taking part. Thanks, Melissa.

Melissa Deally:

to the audience. Thanks so much for listening,

Melissa Deally:

and see you next time. Before I let you go today, I want to let

Melissa Deally:

you know about my next health, kickstart and detox program.

Melissa Deally:

Starting on Tuesday, January the fourth 2022 There is no better

Melissa Deally:

time to start looking after your health than the start of a new

Melissa Deally:

year. And no better way than to do it in a guided group

Melissa Deally:

community. During this program, I will guide you through a three

Melissa Deally:

week functional medicine detox, you do not start until after

Melissa Deally:

session one so you can learn how to do it and be set up for

Melissa Deally:

success. And then I dive into nutrition and the right way to

Melissa Deally:

eat for your body and busting up some of those nutritional myths

Melissa Deally:

that are out there. We also dive into digestion because it's not

Melissa Deally:

just about what you eat, but about what you absorb. And I

Melissa Deally:

dive into sugar because it is in everything these days. Where is

Melissa Deally:

it sneaking into your diet? And what can you us instead. And we

Melissa Deally:

finish up with how not to retox after your detox because of

Melissa Deally:

course, if you've done all of that hard work, you don't just

Melissa Deally:

want to go back to your old habits. You want to take your

Melissa Deally:

new habits with you to continue on your health journey

Melissa Deally:

throughout 2022 and forevermore. And this is information that you

Melissa Deally:

will be learning not only for your benefit, but that you can

Melissa Deally:

then teach to your loved ones as well. So check out the link in

Melissa Deally:

the show notes to learn more about this program. If you

Melissa Deally:

haven't done my discover your toxic flow quiz, do that. And I

Melissa Deally:

look forward to seeing you in the program.

Melissa Deally:

Thank you for investing this time with me on the don't wait

Melissa Deally:

for your wake up call Podcast. I'm so glad you joined in. If

Melissa Deally:

you can take two minutes to share this episode with someone

Melissa Deally:

who you think can benefit and have a positive impact on their

Melissa Deally:

life. That would be wonderful. Please leave a review by going

Melissa Deally:

to your favorite podcast listening app. And let me know

Melissa Deally:

what you enjoy or would like to hear more of it will support me

Melissa Deally:

in my effort to bring the possibility of natural healing

Melissa Deally:

to a wider audience and help disrupt the sick care system we

Melissa Deally:

have today and make human health a global priority. Health is




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