Artwork for podcast Women's Shiur - Mrs. Fruma Schapiro
Chelek 24, Yom Kippur - Fruma Schapiro
Episode 18310th October 2024 • Women's Shiur - Mrs. Fruma Schapiro • Project Likkutei Sichos
00:00:00 00:31:56

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Thank you to this week’s Sicha Sponsors!

Ruchama Thaler in honor of her mothers yahrtzeit, on zayin tishrei

חיה שרה רחל בת ר׳ חיים יוסף שלמה

May her neshama have an aliyah!

Rochel Zuckerman In honor of her father’s upcoming yartzheit on Yud Daled Tishrei, Shlomo Ben Avraham, may his neshama have an Aliyah!

May all of our learning be in their zchus and the zchus of your families!

Rivky Kirsh of KIRSH JEWELERS: in honor of these sichos: The sichos are real gems! Who better to say this than someone who works with jewels every day and beautifies women - thank you for joining in the spiritual jewelry to help us prepare for Yom Tov!

A Listener who wishes everyone a Gmar Chasima Tova, & a year full of revealed brochos for everyone!

THEME: Taking Teshuva to a whole new level!

Pnimiyus Teshuva, every yid wants one thing - to be connected to Hashem

I don’t feel it! Main thing is STEP into the mikvah - try!

Depth of the relationship WILL unfold (rabbi akiva)

Sometimes where I am right now I can't see that in myself - but all I need to do is take a STEP, move forward, and then Hashem will take things to the next level! Certain situations I stand in and only see Golus, but I can be in my struggle, in my golus and tap into perspective - see “the laughter of Rabbi Akiva” see the future - and tap into future Geulah in today's Golus.





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