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The Inner Healer - Interview with Anne Ferrier Crook
Episode 102nd February 2022 • Joyful Journey • Anita Adams
00:00:00 00:35:35

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In today’s episode, I interview Anne Ferrier Crook who is a Certified Integrative Health Coach who supports others to heal and transform their lives so they can shift from "surviving" to fully thriving. Anne works to re-ignite her client’s inner healer for greater joy and vitality. She believes that when you reignite joy in your spirit your body comes into a healing state.

Highlight’s from this episode:

Getting to know your inner healer

Focus on the breath to come into your body

“Compassionate presence” - allowing fear to be there but not control you

Tip for reducing tension in your body: When you are feeling anxious or stressed, put one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly. This physical action gets you out of your head and into your body and sends a message that says, “I got you.”

About Our Guest Anne Ferrier Crook:

Anne is a Certified Integrative Health Coach, Holding Space Consultant, Certified Birth Doula, and Certified Medical Interpreter. She works with women in midlife who are struggling with chronic health issues and feel exhausted, stuck and emotionally overwhelmed to transform their health and reclaim their life.

How to connect with Anne Ferrier Crook




Gift from Anne: Shifting from Surviving to Thriving: A Transformational Roadmap

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About your host:

I’m your host, Anita Adams, an award-winning leader and the founder of Joyful Inspired Living, an organization dedicated to teaching people how to access their highest most authentic selves so they can find clarity and create a life of purpose, passion, and joy. In addition to hosting the Joyful Journey Podcast, I offer retreats, both live and online, and private coaching programs to further guide my clients on their journey to their highest selves.

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Anita Adams:

Welcome to the joyful journey podcast. If

Anita Adams:

you're uncertain about what you really want or unsure how to be

Anita Adams:

a force or good, you know this world craves, then this is the

Anita Adams:

show for you. I'm Anita Adams, your host and guide to finding

Anita Adams:

clarity and creating a life you love. Let's tap into our inner

Anita Adams:

wisdom, access our highest self and unleash joy. As we raise our

Anita Adams:

vibration, we heighten the collective consciousness and

Anita Adams:

that, my friends, is the joyful journey. Let's dive in. Hey,

Anita Adams:

joyful journey yours, Anita Adams here, your host, and I'm

Anita Adams:

so excited to introduce you to my new friend and cook. Hey,

Anita Adams:

Ann, how are you?

Anne Ferrier Crook:

Hi, Anita. I'm doing well. Thank you. So

Anne Ferrier Crook:


Anita Adams:

to have you here and is a certified Integrative

Anita Adams:

Health Coach holding space consultant, certified birth

Anita Adams:

doula, doula and certified medical interpreter in Spanish,

Anita Adams:

I believe she loves supporting others to heal and transform

Anita Adams:

their lives. So they can shift from surviving to fully

Anita Adams:

thriving, and supports clients to reignite their inner healer

Anita Adams:

for greater joy and vitality. And that's just the icing on the

Anita Adams:

cake of what N does. And I'm gonna put her full bio in the

Anita Adams:

show notes and her contact information below cuz you're

Anita Adams:

gonna want to connect with this lady and find out more. I love

Anita Adams:

everything about what you do. And and I'm, I'm really curious,

Anita Adams:

I want to know your story, your journey that led you here to do

Anita Adams:

this specific work. So can we start there?


Sure. That sounds great. Thank you so much. It's


such an honor to be here. First off, I was so drawn to the name


of your podcast, joyful journey, because I believe that when we


reignite joy, in our spirit on any kind of healing journey


we're on our body comes into a healing state. And so my journey


is that for sure, I had gone through a lot of chronic health


challenges. And as I was moving through some of those chronic


health challenges, I realized that I have to reignite my


spirit, and my soul in this healing process to reignite my


joy. And when I'm in that place of expansion versus contraction,


then my body is going to heal. And that's exactly what it's


done. And that's kind of my idea of how you shift from surviving


something to actually thriving. I love that


I really,

Anita Adams:

I love the language that you you choose to live

Anita Adams:

there, the words are so powerful. Um, he's talking about

Anita Adams:

reigniting the spirit, nourishing the soul, you say

Anita Adams:

some of the stuff on your website and how it's essential

Anita Adams:

for healing the process. And you talk about being tapping into

Anita Adams:

that inner healer. So I want to, I want to dive into that a

Anita Adams:

little bit more. What is that inner healer? And how, how do

Anita Adams:

you reignite the spirit and nourish the soul? Hmm,


good question. So I believe we all have an inner


healer that lives inside of us. And whether you call it the


inner healer or something else, it's that part of you, where our


body innately knows how to heal, when we surround it with the


right ingredients, the right nourishing ingredients, whether


that be the foods we're putting in our mouth every day, how


we're sleeping, how we're managing our stress, the people


in our lives, the relationships that are nourishing us, you


know, are they draining us? Are they nourishing us. And so when


we start to like, really trust our intuition, and trust what


our body's messages are saying to us, because our body is


always talking to us. And when we have a chronic disease, as I


call it, the body's out of ease, and has fallen out of balance.


If we start to listen to those messages, then we can start to


really get to know this inner healer, because our body has


that wisdom that that will lead us to the right people to the


right places. And so that's the first step to get in touch with


your inner healer is to start listening to your body's


messages, and really tuning in to what it's saying. And and


also just trusting your intuition. Because we all have a


gut instinct about what the right choices are.

Anita Adams:

Yeah, trusting that I think is is really important.

Anita Adams:

And a lot of people don't they're not they don't trust

Anita Adams:

that at you know, I grew up with a father who was he'd always

Anita Adams:

tell me to, you know, use my brain, you know, and and kind of

Anita Adams:

mock my intelligence. So I use my brain, you know, and I would

Anita Adams:

discard anything that was feeling based that intuition, I

Anita Adams:

suppress them. And I've had conversations with a number of

Anita Adams:

people that They've experienced the same thing. Like they've had

Anita Adams:

gut instincts before, but they haven't learned to trust it is

Anita Adams:

there? How do you learn to trust that? Is it muscles? I don't

Anita Adams:

know, like, what are your thoughts on that?


Well, it's interesting, you talk about, you know, being


in that headspace because I feel like the biggest journey for so


many of us is literally from here to here. Yeah, from head to


toe heart, it's about a foot, you know, about 12 inches or so.


But it can be the longest journey to to, to like, instead


of living from neck up, we actually become more embodied.


And we start to live from our heart, from our solar plexus,


our belly. And as we make choices, like especially very


important choices, when you're on a healing journey from a


medical diagnosis, it's really important to come from calm,


intuitive action, versus anxious action, which kind of comes from


here up from the headspace. And so for me, personally, what's


really helped me is starting to, you know, close my eyes and, and


I do a meditation technique called TM, transcendental


meditation 20 minutes a day. And for me, this is just the


practice of listening to my body and slowing my thoughts down.


But that's not you know, even if you're not a meditator, there


are other ways that we can be more mindful of what's coming up


in our body just from, you know, focusing on our breathing, you


know, and how is my breathing? Is it shallow? Is it from my


chest up? Or is it from my belly, that deep abdominal


breathing? And what I like to say is that helps us get into a


relax, rest and digest state, which is healing versus fight


flight, living from head up.

Anita Adams:

Hmm. Yeah. And so I'm breathing right now. Like, I

Anita Adams:

just No, notice, just saying the word breathing is like, Okay,

Anita Adams:

well, I gotta breathe, like I can get shallow in my, my

Anita Adams:

breath, right? And we need to breathe in deeply and take the

Anita Adams:

time to really feel it. Can you explain your meditation process

Anita Adams:

and checking in with your body?


Well, so with the, with the TM technique that I do, I


just do a 20 minute meditation, and I have a mantra, it's more


like a sound, it's not really a word. It's more like a sound.


And I just bring my attention back to that. And what's really,


what really resonates for me about this particular technique


is that if you have thoughts, that's actually a welcomed part


of the meditation, so many people struggle in meditation to


like, get rid of their thoughts. Oh, I'm not supposed to be


thinking. What they say in TM is it actually you're thinking your


body's releasing stress. And it's part of the meditation,


where your body is literally like, releasing stress from your


nervous system. And then you just gently bring your awareness


back to that sound back to that mantra. And however, it turns


out, it's so it's okay, it's all part of how your body is


processing things. So, you know, I grew up as an athlete,


actually, and I've always been somatic based. So meditation


never really worked for me until I found this technique. And it's


the first time I've been able to feel the benefit, like not just


emotionally feeling great, but also physically feeling things


unwind in my body.

Anita Adams:

So I'm a little unclear because I'm, I've had

Anita Adams:

I've struggled with meditation, I do meditate, and it is getting

Anita Adams:

easier over time. But, you know, you talking about how it's okay

Anita Adams:

to let the thoughts come up. And that that has been one of the

Anita Adams:

things that I think has stopped me many times in the past is

Anita Adams:

just like, Oh, I gotta stop this chatter in my head. How do I

Anita Adams:

stop it? And I get kind of welled up and I'm like, Ah, I

Anita Adams:

just give up. You know, it's like, I can't seem to stop it.

Anita Adams:

And so I love what you're, what you're talking about is that's

Anita Adams:

part of it, just actually allowing yourself giving

Anita Adams:

yourself permission to have that dialogue. If and let it let it

Anita Adams:

come and let it go. And then and then what like what is I want to

Anita Adams:

I want to know, you know, what you do to listen to your body

Anita Adams:

and really get tuned in?


Well, so much of my own healing journey because I you


know, I had some major health scares that I've gone through,


I'm a stage one breast cancer survivor, and I like to say


thriver um, but a big part of my healing journey has been like


seeing that as an opportunity and a wake up call to really


show up differently in my life and versus coming at life from a


pushing and striving at all costs. You know, really kind of


coming into this gentle space of allowing and receiving and


trusting. And so for me, meditation is a great


opportunity to practice that. Just surrender control and


realize if I'm having thoughts just kind of surrendered that


and allow them to come. And then gently bring my awareness back


to my breath back to my, you know, back to my mantra, which,


which I it's more like a sound. But it's not a pushing and


striving kind of energy. It's more like a softer sort of


feminine, I like to call it energy of receiving and allowing


and trusting.

Anita Adams:

Okay, I'm sorry, if I keep pushing on this, I want

Anita Adams:

to know, what is your body telling you though, like, if

Anita Adams:

you're like it, what I'm, I think I'm hearing you talk about

Anita Adams:

is that we have to listen to our body telling us that there's

Anita Adams:

something wrong. So how, how does that show up in your body

Anita Adams:

talking to you, I know that it disease is obvious, you know,

Anita Adams:

like, but at that point, it feels like it's almost too late.

Anita Adams:

Right? Like, I mean, you can obviously do things to help

Anita Adams:

reduce the, the, the disease or deal with a disease, but I want

Anita Adams:

to not be in the place of disease, I want to be able to be

Anita Adams:

so attuned to my body, that I am taking preventative measures

Anita Adams:

when things start going out of alignment. Do you have any tips

Anita Adams:

on how to do that?


Absolutely. So I think that I like to say our body


whispers before it screams. And so if we're listening to the


whispers, then we never have to wind up with a major medical


diagnosis down the road. Because, you know, as we age,


like our bodies are more susceptible to disease, it's,


um, but they're there ways to actually prevent that from


happening and actually have this amazing sense of longevity and


great health. And so, so when it whispers sometimes it could be


like, I know, it's different for all of us. But for me,


personally, if I'm feeling stressed, I start to feel it in


my solar plexus, I start to feel it in my jaw. I just start to


feel kind of contracted. And so I know, okay, my body's


stressed. And I need to just take a step back and start to


deepen my breath, you know, how am I breathing, my breathing


shallow. Um, and so just getting aware of your breath and notice,


are you breathing deeply? Are you breathing shallow, because


when the body's in that stress state, which is chronic stress,


then that is what raises our risk factors for disease,


because it creates something called chronic inflammation


throughout the body, which is probably about 80% of chronic


illness and disease is because of this chronic state of


inflammation. But when we slow down, we focus on our breath,


and we come into our body, instead of just living from our


head, we actually go back into that healing state. Okay, so,

Anita Adams:

um, would you ask your body like, if you're in a

Anita Adams:

meditative state, or you're lying down? Would you be in

Anita Adams:

inquiry, like, where do I feel tense? Like, am I do I feel in

Anita Adams:

my, in my jaw? Do I feel tension in my shoulder pecs is, is that

Anita Adams:

sort of like the check in is that what you're doing to check

Anita Adams:

in and ask and do almost like a body scan,


that's one thing I do is you know, just closing my


eyes and tuning in to where am I feeling that stress in my body


and really sending my deep breathing to that part of me to


kind of almost envision it, uh, you know, being contracted like


a contracted fifth and then expanding living with an open


palm. Another thing that I love to do because I'm very


outdoorsy, and I love I love nature is and I'm very somatic


as well, very physical. And so when I feel stressed, like


sometimes what actually works better than me than meditation


is to get outside and to take a walk in the forest.

Anita Adams:

talking my language.


Like I'm actually more inclined to do that than I am to


meditate. I love meditating. But I'm very outdoorsy and and I you


know, I I've always been very kinesthetic, I think is the


right word. And so for me, like getting into the forest is so


healing and I love the water. Here in Tennessee, we have


amazing waterfall hikes. And so one of my favorite things is to


go swimming under the waterfalls.

Anita Adams:

Ah, awesome. I love that about you. That's so cool.

Anita Adams:

And yeah, you're totally talking my language. My my go to to like

Anita Adams:

I'm, I'm getting better at meditation. I just I really have

Anita Adams:

a hard time just shutting down sometimes. And maybe I've got to

Anita Adams:

stop thinking I got to shut my brain down and maybe that's part

Anita Adams:

of the problem. But the walks in nature. Oh, it's just as

Anita Adams:

restorative you know, like I could just and and I find I I

Anita Adams:

actually breathe deeply and intentionally when I'm walking

Anita Adams:

through nature. I also like to kayak and I get that same

Anita Adams:

feeling sitting on the ocean. It's just this restored of

Anita Adams:

breathing in. And though I feel my whole body, just relax.


I love that. Yeah. When you said I could almost smell


the water, I was just almost smelling the saltwater with you.


I know you live near the ocean and I also love to kayak we have


some great rivers in Tennessee and I go kayaking as well.

Anita Adams:

Awesome. Well, I'm gonna come for a visit some

Anita Adams:

dive, and you're gonna have some kayaking rivers to do.


You are so invited. Cool.

Anita Adams:

Um, I've heard you speak about your higher power.

Anita Adams:

And that higher consciousness, and the role we have in

Anita Adams:

elevating that consciousness. I think, though, I think I pulled

Anita Adams:

that actually from something you said somewhere that, you know,

Anita Adams:

we, that we have a role to play in elevating that consciousness?

Anita Adams:

Can you? Can you speak to that a little bit?


Well, um, you know, everybody has their own beliefs.


But I really believe that, you know, we have a mind, body,


heart, spirit and soul. And, you know, so for me, it's very


personal for all of us. But my belief is that, you know, I have


a higher power, that part of me that knows that all is well and


doesn't need to be, you know, in fear, or in that sort of fear


based action I was talking about earlier, coming from a racing


mind. But it's more of that calm, intuitive knowing. So


really, you know, coming at a situation, like what really


helps me personally deal with adversity is when I have


something stressful I'm facing, to create this healing mindset


to say, what can I learn from this, there's something that my


spirit must have called in to learn from this situation. So


not only can I grow from it, but I can actually pay it forward


and support other people to do the same thing. So having that


kind of mindset has helped me personally connect more with my


higher power, and kind of see things through a spiritual lens


versus, you know, it's sort of woe is me, like, why is this


happening? And just getting stuck down in the lower thinking


that we can all

Anita Adams:

Yeah, and that that lower thinking, I think it shuts

Anita Adams:

us down to doesn't it? It doesn't allow us to access that,

Anita Adams:

that inner wisdom. Whereas if we're, we are coming from a

Anita Adams:

place of love instead of fear, then we're expansive. And we're

Anita Adams:

open to receiving. Exactly, exactly receiving the messages

Anita Adams:

in the end the gifts and I believe there are gifts in every

Anita Adams:



Exactly, exactly. And I mean, it I love what you said


about the contraction and expansion because I actually


just went through a grief work training this past summer. And


one thing that the the instructor was talking about is


how we go through these waves of contraction and expansion in


life. And even if we're going through something difficult, we


don't have to necessarily be completely contracted, we can


kind of softly open to allow those emotions to come up and


just kind of move through us and I believe that can help help


kind of ease the burden of whatever that life experiences.



Anita Adams:

Yeah, and being self aware, and being able to

Anita Adams:

sit back and step outside of the challenges I guess that that are

Anita Adams:

we we are confronted with. And being on attached I think is is

Anita Adams:

important, isn't it, you know, attached to outcomes or

Anita Adams:

unattached to the challenges that we're facing and so you can

Anita Adams:

look at it and and say what is mine to learn here? What is mine

Anita Adams:

to understand? Mm hmm I think being an inquiry constantly is

Anita Adams:

so key and I like to believe you know that I believe in the I

Anita Adams:

believe in god i But I believe in divine within I believe we

Anita Adams:

are all one you know, I have some really strong beliefs

Anita Adams:

around around the stuff which which I haven't openly shared

Anita Adams:

before and I'm excited to be expansive and share that without

Anita Adams:

fear anymore because I know I'm gonna attract the people that

Anita Adams:

you know, that are speak my language as well so so I I like

Anita Adams:

to have conversations with myself and with God when I'm

Anita Adams:

walking in for in the forest, you know, and that is often it's

Anita Adams:

part of my healing journey. If I've gone through something

Anita Adams:

particularly challenging is having that conversation and

Anita Adams:

opening myself up and and being an inquiry. What is my And to

Anita Adams:

learn here, what is mine to do, I often have a little prayer

Anita Adams:

that I put out to the universe pretty much every day when I go

Anita Adams:

for my for my walk and it and I asked for me to be able to see

Anita Adams:

what is mine to see, understand what his mind to do and have the

Anita Adams:

courage to do it. Yeah, it's a constant little prayer that I

Anita Adams:

put out there and, and I feel things. I feel that expansion

Anita Adams:

and the fear that I mean fear is normal, right? We all get

Anita Adams:

fearful of things. But when we can breathe into it and open our

Anita Adams:

heart, like you're talking, you know, going from the journey

Anita Adams:

from the head into the heart and opening it, then it dissipates

Anita Adams:

the fear of it.


Oh, oh, so much. So, so much. So you know, even just


sometimes when I am calming down my nervous system, I'll just put


one hand on my heart and one hand on my belly. And just the


act of that just calms me, um, you know, helps to take me from


being in my headspace down into my body.


That's a great little tip. Something simple that everybody


can do.

Anita Adams:

A little action. Now when you're feeling

Anita Adams:

stressed, anxious, distressed. Putting one hand on your heart,

Anita Adams:

one hand on your belly. And it just, it takes the physical

Anita Adams:

action of doing that. I think it pulls you out of your head and

Anita Adams:

put puts you into being into your body.


Yeah, I can't like I for me, personally, I feel like


the signal it gives my body is. I've got you.


I love that I get to I've got you.


Yeah, like, the first thing that comes to me is I've got you I'm


here, I'm listening. Um, I've got you. And so my body just


kind of relaxes. Because my, whatever part of my body is kind


of in a freakout state, like, I've never noticed that, like,


I'm here, I've got you. We're gonna get through this.


And it's so beautiful. Like we we need to see and

Anita Adams:

love ourselves, first and foremost, right? So

Anita Adams:

true. And that little action. So simple, takes two seconds to do.

Anita Adams:

And it sends a message to your whole being that when I'm

Anita Adams:

worthy. I see you, I got you. This is a safe space.


Exactly. Exactly. And that's what ignites the joy


because when we can walk around in the world, that's when we can


walk around in the world feeling safe, to you know, radiate our


authentic self out in the world and not have like a guard up all


the time. But hat kind of live with our heart open. Um, knowing


that, okay, I've got you like, you know, what's out here is


unpredictable. We never know, you know, what's going to happen


with other people or things. But when we really know inside, I've


got you, um, then that keeps us in that place of safety so we


can actually ignite our joy. That's kind of how I can best


describe it. You're


giving me goosebumps,

Anita Adams:

I love it. I love it so much. I am going to, I'm

Anita Adams:

going to practice that. Practice that I bought you. And it's,

Anita Adams:

that's gonna be I'm adding that into my new daily routine. It's

Anita Adams:

a little simple thing. I got you.


I love that. You know,

Anita Adams:

I said earlier, I I believe I believe we're all one

Anita Adams:

I believe, of the Divine Divine within. And so I picture God

Anita Adams:

saying that, as well. I got you. I love


that. Yeah, me too. Exactly. We you're very aligned


as as far as our thinking, you know, because it's not just us


with ourselves. But I also believe there's a higher power


that that has that has us Yeah, and that's that's been a big


part of my journey actually is trusting that you know, because


I think that 20 years ago earlier on my life path I don't


think I was fully living in that trusting place place that life


fully had my back and and so I was always like pushing and


striving and being self sufficient. And that just that


led me to breaking down from stress that led me to some


chronic health issues. And now on the other side of that I am


honestly proud to say I'm now in this trusting place of like,


knowing that life has my back

Anita Adams:

and isn't there a freedom that comes with that and

Anita Adams:

there obviously that sense of joy, this freedom to just go

Anita Adams:

with the flow to like I I'm there with you and I I don't

Anita Adams:

have I'm ambitious, I am ambitious. I've got big goals

Anita Adams:

and and dreams and I love going after them. However, I'm not

Anita Adams:

happy hustling, like I used to. Mm hmm. I'm going with that I

Anita Adams:

feel, I feel supported, I feel connected, I feel loved, I feel

Anita Adams:

joy. And there's this joy that moves through me and with me,

Anita Adams:

and it's carrying me and I feel like it's because I've tapped

Anita Adams:

into that. Mm hmm. into that inner wisdom into that

Anita Adams:

understanding of this higher this higher consciousness, this

Anita Adams:

higher, higher self. Mm hmm.


I love that it's like you can have you can still be


hustler and still be like, you know, motivated, but doing it


from a place of joy and, and calm, sort of a peacefulness


mixed in with that versus fear. You know, that's a real


different space to be when we feel like we're hustling, right?

Anita Adams:

100% different space,


I believe there's really two

Anita Adams:

fundamental emotions, and that's fear and

Anita Adams:

joy and love, fear and love. And you can choose, you know, to

Anita Adams:

come from a place of fear, you can choose to come from a place

Anita Adams:

of love. And it doesn't mean that you you stop fearing you

Anita Adams:

can still have, fear can be there, but your actions, the

Anita Adams:

choices you make, always choose to come from a place of love.

Anita Adams:

And you will be so well served, you know, we get to love our

Anita Adams:

bodies and take care of our bodies and love ourselves and

Anita Adams:

love our new love and all that.


I love. And I love how you said you can still have the


fear. I mean, it's not like it's just gonna go away forever. It's


part of being human. But when it comes up, you know, coming to


that fear with with a place of love, like compassionate


presence. Yeah. And so then it allows the fear just just to be


there and be present without it overtaking us. Absolutely.

Anita Adams:

Yeah. Very cool. Oh, my gosh, I feel like you and

Anita Adams:

I can just keep chatting about the joy cycle. I love it. He

Anita Adams:

wrote it, you wrote a book, or you were one of the authors and

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the thresholds 75 stories of how changing your perspective can

Anita Adams:

change your life. Can you talk a little bit about the story, you

Anita Adams:

you included in that in that book can and talk to this

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changing perspective and how it can change your life?


Yes, thank you. I want to give credit to Simon Crowe


and Robin Ben Schwartz, because they're actually the authors of


the book. And I'm one of the 75 writers who is actually in this


best selling book. So I am one of the authors. However, the


name of the book, I love thresholds, you know, all about


changing your perspective to change your life. And so my


story in that book is called birth as I know it. I have a


background as a certified childbirth doula. And I was


living in Hawaii for eight months. And it was the first


time I had been surrounded by the water, which completely


transformed my perspective of water. Because before I just


knew, Okay, you know, water is really important for our health,


it's important to drink, I love the water. But I had never


really had a spiritual connection with the water like I


did when I was surrounded by ocean. And so for me, like going


back to this story of learning to trust and be at ease and know


that life has my back started during that year, living in


Hawaii, when I was lying on my back in the ocean, which I write


my story about, and how I had, you know, been dealing with some


chronic health issues from stress before that year, and my,


you know, health started to break down. And then Hawaii


happens to have this powerful healing energy about it. And so


it just exploded my awareness about how, for me personally,


what I need to shift is this getting into this allowing


receiving mode, which I like to call more of our feminine


energy. And this was back in 2008, that I was living in


Hawaii. So I write my story about how my birth doula


background, seeing all this birth, I assisted around 200


births in a five year period, and how that came full circle


back to my own health, and how I realized that my passion for


birth is my, my passion for healing and transformation


because I see a lot of parallels as a you've, you've given birth,


right. So you know, that like when you're in childbirth, and


you're in transition, that last stage of labor, you know, it


gets really intense and, and tract. Um, but that's just the


moment where when we can let go and surrender control and just


trust our body that the baby comes out. And what I wrote


about in that article, or that story in the book, is how it's


the same you know, in in your life transitions you go through


if we go through, holding tight and contraction, then We're not


able to heal, but when we can surrender, we can let go and


expand, then word again. There goes, then, you know, our body


opens up as well in a different way. But it goes back into a


healing state. And then all these new opportunities come


from that.

Anita Adams:

Wow, that sounds powerful.


So, yeah, so my story is called birth as I know it,


and it really just kind of combines my knowledge as a


childbirth doula with, with, you know, an experience I went


through in my own health and my own life.

Anita Adams:

Wow, great part of your part of your journey to get

Anita Adams:

you to where you are today.



Anita Adams:

Very cool. I love how all these things happen in

Anita Adams:

our in our lives that inform us and create the path create the

Anita Adams:

path to where we are. Exactly. Very cool. Any, any final

Anita Adams:

comments that you want to share with our audience? Do you have

Anita Adams:

if they if anybody wanted to get in touch with you? Can we put

Anita Adams:

your contact information in the in the show notes? And


absolutely, the best way to get in touch with me is


to go to my website. It's integrative, radiance, calm. And


that's an IV integrative. And on my website, I have a free ebook


called Surviving thriving. And you can download that from the


homepage, the very top, my email addresses on there as well. And


I also am on LinkedIn under my full name and farrier, crook.


But I would love anybody who you know, feels inspired, wants to


connect, I offer a free 40 to 45 minute discovery call. And, you


know, through that we could kind of see, you know, what are your


health and wellness goals right now? What are you struggling


with how I can support you, because I'm not just doing


health coaching with my clients, but I also blend in the


emotional healing and the grief support. And I call that holding


space. And that's also on my website,

Anita Adams:

I was gonna actually ask you about holding

Anita Adams:

space, I was curious about what that what that meant. Can before

Anita Adams:

we go, can you describe that a little bit more what a home

Anita Adams:

consultant is?


Yes, so I'm trained with a wonderful Institute, it's


called the Institute for the Study of birth, breath and


death. Amy Right. Glen is the director. And we have about 1000


members around the world. And as a holding space consultant, I've


been trained to support clients that are dealing with not just


grief and loss, but difficult emotions that get stored in the


body. And so that could be you know, something you went through


30 years ago as a child, but you, you've just kind of pushed


it down and suppressed it. And now it might be showing up


physically, you know, as I call dis ease, and so it's looking


at, well, okay, so what was this childhood loss you experienced?


Or maybe it was something more recent, you know, that was


difficult. And it's holding space for it with compassionate


presence. And so I really helped my clients to tune in to where


it is in the body, you know, how the body's speaking, what what,


what does that need to say? Does it have a language or a color or


a texture, you know, and so you're really coming into


rapport with it versus turning away from it. And often what I


find my clients through these sessions is they, they come to


greater compassion for themselves for one, but they're


able to make deeper meaning making out of that experience.


And, you know, maybe they had this belief, it wasn't what


happened to them, but it's actually the belief they formed,


and they're actually able to reframe those beliefs and, and


come out on the other end with a tremendous sense of just courage


and compassion for themselves. And so I feel like that part of


the healing process is just as important is looking at the


foods they're eating, how they're sleeping in their


lifestyle. So I blend these two together.

Anita Adams:

very holistic approach. Yes. Awesome. Well,

Anita Adams:

wonderful. Thank you so much, and for being here with with me

Anita Adams:

today and with the joyful journey errs. It's really a

Anita Adams:

pleasure to get to know you a little bit more and I really

Anita Adams:

sincerely hope we can continue to have some discussions around

Anita Adams:

joy but tapping into that inner wisdom listening to our bodies,

Anita Adams:

that higher collective the higher consciousness I love this

Anita Adams:

stuff. So it's really great to connect with another like minded

Anita Adams:

individual, and to our joyful journey are thank you so much

Anita Adams:

for joining us on The joyful journey podcast and we wish you

Anita Adams:

great joy in your day and we look forward to connecting with

Anita Adams:

you next time. Bye for now. Thank you for joining us today

Anita Adams:

on the joyful journey podcast. If anything resonated with you,

Anita Adams:

please visit our website at joyful inspired Sign

Anita Adams:

up to receive a free download of our three guiding principles to

Anita Adams:

inner wisdom and become an of the joyful inspired living

Anita Adams:

community. For a deeper spiritual dive, check out our

Anita Adams:

retreats we offer both in person retreats on beautiful Bowen

Anita Adams:

Island in British Columbia, as well as online retreats that you

Anita Adams:

can do from the comfort of your own home. And finally, if you

Anita Adams:

liked our show, please leave a review so more people can find

Anita Adams:

it and learn how to access their highest self and together will

Anita Adams:

raise the collective consciousness




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