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10: Awakening to Spirituality with Heather Corbet
Episode 1026th February 2024 • Elevated Life Academy • Cherie Lindberg
00:00:00 00:23:47

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Are you curious about spiritual awakening and self-healing?

Heather is an Occupational Therapist, Holistic Healer, Certified Brainspotting Consultant and Relationship Coach with over 20 years of experience in the human development and services fields. With backgrounds in pediatrics, group and family dynamics, spiritual and energetic healing, Heather utilizes Brainspotting and Parts Work, Couples Coregulating concepts, and Expansion in her daily practice. Heather enjoys witnessing the deep healing with couples, families, and individuals as they shift into new paradigms and increased connection. Heather supports her clients with multiple modalities including spiritual advising, teaching self-development courses, and leading retreats. Specialties include Grief & Loss, Sensory Processing, Parts work, Couples, Neurodivergence, Creatives, Performers, Medical anomalies, Groups, and Retreats.

Cherie welcomes Heather Corbet, a spiritual healer and practitioner, who shares her journey of awakening and how she uses her spiritual gifts to support and heal her clients. 

Want to know how you can begin your journey to hope and healing? Visit Elevated Life Academy for classes and free resources for personal development and healing. 


The Spiritual Life podcast with Medium Heather & Artist David Corbet



[00:01:44] Heather Corbet: Thank you so much. I'm just thinking and reflecting on my journey and how spirituality has been intertwined with my entire life and how supportive it's been for me and just being able to really witness how it's supportive for my clients. So thank you. It's really wonderful.


[00:02:02] how have you arrived? what started opening you up and helping you awaken. Talk to us a little bit about your journey.


[00:02:13] I have a psychology undergrad degree. I have a occupational therapy bachelor's degree and expertise in sensory processing and has worked with a lot of people with neurodivergence and just being able to help people to find more of this meaning of life. As I'm looking at that, I'm also just reflecting as you shared, like, where did this begin?


[00:02:51] So I feel like it started really, really young and what was tricky about that is just that I didn't have others that had the same experiences. And also didn't have anybody to be able to educate me on those. So I feel like with that then some of the different things that I was experiencing kind of started to turn off, which is just fine.


[00:03:31] And so it was affirming to me that this is still something, if that makes sense. And people were talking like a very similar language in the churches and that type of thing. So that was very supportive. So I feel like spirituality was from the beginning. It was just always there. I just needed to come to an understanding of it so that I would be able to really integrate it into my life and help it to make sense to me.


[00:04:10] Heather Corbet: I think that's such a great question, and even from a young age being exposed to all types of spirituality and religion. even Buddhism I was trying to conceptualize it in a way of let's say scholarly or like liturgical .


[00:04:42] And that was very self-serving. I mean, that was helpful. And then when I was in my early twenties my cousin passed away in a very horrific car accident. I just remember kind of feeling him and wondering like, was I really feeling him? And I just vowed to him that I would go to the accident scene the very next day and it had happened at night.


[00:05:16] And then I said to my cousin, Mikey, I just said Please send me an angel. And all of a sudden this man on a bike came down this old country road He gets off his bike, he looks at the scene, he takes my hands, has me stand up, and he starts praying with me.


[00:05:47] He had freckles and I was like, oh my gosh, you're here. And he pointed to his glasses. And I was like, and you have your glasses. And he nodded his head and he slid it away. And I was like, wait, how did that happen? How did that happen? And so then I realized that I had these gifts as a child.


[00:06:14] Cherie Lindberg: So now your gifts are coming back. How did you start to use them to support others and help others heal?


[00:06:29] I felt like I was always kind of interviewing people. I would go to churches with people, find out more about, the chakra system or Buddhism or whatever I could possibly get my hands on. I was reading a lot of books and what came to me was, at that time anyway, just how helpful it was to know about your own system. So by that point, I had a psychology undergrad degree. I was looking at going into occupational therapy and it was just looking at the chakras or looking at let's say the meridians or reflexology and just witnessing how we're able to support the body there.


[00:07:15] And so that really was what helped me realize our innate healing. Based on my developmental trauma, a lot of the trauma that I've been through, there was something with the chakras was very serving for me. And with that, I started researching that and moving into reiki.


[00:07:48] And so being able to bring all of that together to serve and to heal people. So, during that occupational therapy process, just witnessing how people were being served, like with energy healing, with manual therapy. So that's how I segued into serving people with the spirituality, with healing.


[00:08:08] Heather Corbet: That was quite a transition I feel for me let's say being like professional. And I was a professor as well and worked in occupational therapy and It was almost like anything I get into, I feel like I need to gobble it completely up.


[00:08:34] So I just remember being in occupational therapy and witnessing what is bringing meaning to people, their spirituality. And so with that then realizing that I could kind of segue and be able to serve people in a way spiritually and from a healing modality of energy.


[00:09:04] And it's interesting because sometimes if I don't heed the call, Spirit Universe will make it happen. So there's two very strong experiences. One needing to move across the country from Idaho to Wisconsin.


[00:09:31] I have such gratitude for that though because I feel like this is what I needed to do and this is what was most serving. It kind of brings tears to my eyes 'cause I feel like I've always wanted to serve, like I've always wanted to help people, heal people, support people. To be called to like, this is the way I'm gonna do it. This is the way that I'm being guided to do it. That just felt so fortifying. So I feel too, if I am in my passion, then my clients are able to kind of borrow that and be in their passion or be fortified as well. So I feel like with that, it's neat to witness that.


[00:10:05] Cherie Lindberg: So let's get more specific. Somebody comes to you. What might be some of the things they could expect in terms of services you provide?


[00:10:30] A lot of times in the spiritual advising, people have spiritual gifts. Maybe they have this strong intuition and they're trying to cultivate that more. Maybe it's something where they themselves are a medium, and so they're wanting to cultivate that more. Feeling this pull to understanding life more on an existential level. So spiritual advising is really looking at gifts and the person's spiritual path, and I really enjoy those sessions. And then also brain spotting, so being able to help people to come to a better understanding with spirituality and also just life. So just being able to look at life and being able to further cultivate healing through brain spotting. Another one of my services is Reiki, so being able to do just that energy healing. So I'm medical intuitive and I can kind of scan the body, see where things are going awry, and utilize Reiki.


[00:11:36] Also teach a course on spiritual gifts. So it's spiritual gifts, intuition, and mediumship. And so that one, it's almost looking at the spiritual gifts, looking at the intuition, if that's something that is calling to the person. So those would be the various means that people would be able to get in touch with me and for us to be able to further cultivate.


[00:12:02] Cherie Lindberg: So when you started to recognize your gifts and they started to open up again, did you have any obstacles that you faced?


[00:12:24] I was surprised to see that people were separating, religion and spirituality, Christianity and Buddhism. I just felt like it was all one. So. I continue to allow that to pull me. I'll have various clients from many different walks of life and just being able to meet people from where they're at.


[00:13:54] Another component that's very supportive for me is that my husband has a background in Christianity and theology. He was a pastor and him and I have a podcast called The Spiritual Life, and it's really neat to be able to see where I fit, if that makes sense. So I feel like with that, just having that support as well, like I feel like support is what has led me to be able to move forward with my gifts and to be open with my gifts.


[00:14:31] Heather Corbet: Yeah, two are coming to mind. One was a mediumship reading. The woman came and as we were doing mediumship, we moved into brain-spotting as she's going through her grieving process and missing her husband. I remember that she was looking at the pointer, myself as the container, her being able to borrow from me and holding the pointer. I just remember her looking at it and she goes, oh wow, it's glowing. And I'm like, great. Oh, keep going. And she said, oh, and I kind of choking up 'cause she just said. There he is. She could see her husband on through the pointer.


[00:15:17] And I actually feel like it expedited her grieving process. And then she had more of a relationship with him. So another one that's coming to mind, and actually this happens quite often, is just with the Reiki, the medical intuition, and then also combining the brain spotting.


[00:15:47] It could be something emotional, spiritual, energetic. It could be, physiology that just didn't align the way it needed to. And some of those sessions, I just love seeing those being able to witness how they come to a better understanding and healing.


[00:16:11] And so it's VIP and just witnessing that community. I love being able to see people coming into their gifts, their spiritual gifts, and being accepted for it. We've probably walked a similar life as I have, having these gifts and being ostracized for them and seeing this community heal together and support each other and also being able to really witness that maybe they had been rejected because they had these spiritual gifts, but to be celebrated for them.


[00:16:56] And so with that, I've been able to heal. The healing process continues, other people are able to heal as well, so It's inspiring for me on a day-to-day basis.


[00:17:10] Heather Corbet: Yeah, really neat. It's neat because I've been doing some with Reiki, and then as I'm doing Reiki, it may be then I incorporate brain spotting or I may do brain spotting, and then we incorporate Reiki. So it feels that that combination has been really successful.


[00:17:47] I had a woman, she was having a lot of panic attacks. We were doing Reiki, and then as she was on the table, I started doing inside Window and brain spotting and was helping her to see where the panic attacks were.


[00:18:15] And so something about that combination and helping with the brain waves, with that brain-body connection, that balance with parasympathetic nervous system, sympathetic nervous system, assisting the vagus nerve, all of this, like all structures are being supported in that.


[00:18:42] Cherie Lindberg: Listening to what you're sayingit's healthy to have skepticism, of course. These new methods are cutting edge based on neuroscience. There's more research being done to prove these healing methods are helpful because they are opening up the brain and body communication. And specifically when you were talking, I couldn't help but remember, after a friend of mine passed away, I was able to do a brain spotting session.


[00:19:30] I was able to say goodbye in a way that helped facilitate my grief. I have had numerous clients that that has helped them. Clients that are terminal themselves, that have been able to come and talk to their higher power or the God of their understanding in preparation for them transitioning as they leave the earth.


[00:20:19] Heather Corbet: What I'm noticing more and more is that it is in the brain. So there's different times that somebody may come to me and wanna cultivate their spiritual gifts. We'll find a brain spot for their intuition. Allowing yourself to have that connection and that healing and to be able to further that, again, it's in the brain.


[00:20:55] seeing different parts of the brain being lit up with spirituality, with intuition. Being able to really see like how far reaching it is and that it's right here in our brain. That we're able to access and to heal.


[00:21:41] Heather Corbet: Oh, absolutely. And I appreciate you saying that because I feel like that speaks to my own journey with developmental trauma. Sometimes I wondered like, how did I survive that?


[00:22:17] Cherie Lindberg: Yeah. Well, and it's directly correlated to resilience as well, and that it increases your resilience as well. So all of these factors are connected and it's great to have the research that's showing this. But as the Western culture is a prove it, prove it society, the research is always behind what we intuitively know. But it's finally starting to show that for sure. Is there anything that you would want to add to share with our listeners before we wrap up here?


[00:23:04] He's like, oh, it's such a rush. So just in witnessing that spirituality can be what it is for you. This is something that is connected to you. And also just to believe in yourself, believe in your gifts, believe in your intuition. Understanding that you are fully supported in your process.


[00:23:51] Heather Corbet: Yeah, that will be wonderful. Thank you so much for having me.





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