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Podcast# 262 Next Level stupid: Leave Officer Daniel Auderer Alone, Stop Deifying Jaahnavi Kandula, vs. The Earthquake in Morocco.
Episode 26215th September 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
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Understanding the Tragedy of Jahabna Candula and Officer Daniel Alderer

Hello everyone, and welcome to podcast number 262. Today, we're discussing the tragic incident involving Jahabna Candula and Officer Daniel Alderer. It's heartbreaking when someone loses their life, especially in their prime. But let's take a moment to reflect on the situation. Was the worldwide condemnation of Officer Alderer justified? Do we genuinely believe he found Jahabna's death amusing?

The Reality of Life's Unpredictability

Life is unpredictable. Sometimes, good people find themselves in terrible situations due to mere chance. Jahabna's unfortunate encounter with Officer Alderer, who was responding to a priority one call, is a testament to this unpredictability. It's essential to remember that he was trying to save lives, which is his duty.

The Earthquake in Morocco: A Perspective on Tragedy

Similarly, the recent earthquake in Morocco claimed over 8,000 lives. These events remind us of life's fragility and the importance of valuing every moment. We shouldn't idolize individuals based on tragic circumstances. The future is uncertain, and we never truly know what lies ahead.

The Emotional Overload Response in Professionals

Professionals in emergency services, like EMTs, doctors, nurses, and police officers, often develop what's known as the Emotional Overload Response (EOR). It's a coping mechanism that helps them deal with the intense emotional stress of their jobs. Officer Alderer's comments, though inappropriate for the public, might be understood better when viewed through this lens.

In conclusion, tragedies are a part of life. It's essential to approach them with understanding and empathy. Remember, there are no bad words, only bad actions.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:00 hello everyone thanks for tuning in or for tuning in again this is podcast number 262. Next Level stupid leave officer Danielle Ottawa the alone the defecation of student cha havan Nava kandala versus the earthquake in Morocco and I just want to apologize if I am not pronouncing that name correctly okay look assuming someone is not a sociopath no normal person wants to see a person lose their life especially dying in the prime of their life when actually their adult life was more or less just beginning such as was the case with

01:02 jahabna candula but what I'm asking myself at this point and maybe what you should be asking yourself is as far as what actually happened does such the vitriot reaction not only in the local media but becoming a worldwide moral crucifixion of Officer Daniel alderer a rationally appropriate reaction do you actually believe that he thought the death of this young woman was funny if that is in fact the case I simply ask that you unemotionally ask yourself the question again if you have the courage of your convictions all I'm asking is that you

01:57 listen to what I have to say which is basically my response to what I see as yet again a world so utterly reactionary that if a person stubs their toe they are automatically due devocation and indemnity that such supposed Injustice that was brought against them must have emotional and more often Financial restitution what I'm trying to say is that the problem is not so much the obvious terribleness of what happened that's a given yet however terrible it was the major problem is an entire population or what

02:50 accurately apparently an extremely feminized generation but simply somehow apparently doesn't accept or understand that bad things happen and however unpleasant or unjust that may be such is the state of reality all the whining crying and bitching has not is not and never will change that and if that certain segment of the population could ever get that reality into their head actually the world would be a much better place yet if this is your feeling and understanding of the world because one or both of your

03:37 parents failed to instill in you certain values such as the harsh realities of life and existence preferring instead to Shield you from such realities well I'm sorry so now in your relatively young adultness you must be told that life is not puppy dogs and rainbows and sometimes just sometimes a good person a wonderful person only needs to do one very bad thing be at the wrong place at the wrong time for things to go very wrong and the truth is that's exactly what happened in the case of Miss condula these sensationalistic press loves to

04:31 chime in on certain facts such as the responding officer was dramatically exceeding the posted speed limit when Miss condula was struck and killed what's been largely left out was that that officer was responding to a priority One Call that is to say he was doing his utmost to try to save lives which is his job and what he is supposed to do so the net effect here is that what ends up happening is a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation just try to consider that if he had been going much slower yes

05:23 it's possible that the collision with Miss condula may not have happened yet other lives could have been lost as a consequence of that then you would have yet again people on the other end bitching and complaining why didn't help arrive sooner all I'm trying to say in this case is step back think and be a little less reactive in other words in the simplest terms she like countless other people not only throughout history but in our day-to-day lives just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time

06:09 which is basically the same thing that can be said about the 8 000 and Counting people that have died because of the severe earthquake that just occurred in Morocco all I'm trying to say is that yes it's absolutely sad when somebody or something like this happens yet I am also an adult and I understand that this is life an absolutely none of us be as rich or poor are ultimately immune to that reality and we need to stop deifying people because of this the fact is is that there's absolutely no way of knowing really knowing

07:03 what any of us can or might do with our lives as our lives move on there have been a very large number of cases in life where people basically succeeded in achieving the American dream if not a self-made person then college or university degrees followed by success in business followed by a successful and for all intents and purposes marriage supposedly to a person with the same value set only to have all that completely disappear in a puff of fairy dust when that perfect person and they're certainly have been cases of

07:54 women doing this as well as men ends up killing their entire family for whatever bizarre or utterly selfish and Psychopathic reason so once again what I'm trying to tell you is that in real terms we don't know what Miss candula's life would have turned out to be it's speculation yet in most cases like this you might notice that it is always positive always sickeningly syrupy positive when again in fact we simply don't know condolences to family and friends but that's about it that's what a reasonably intelligent

08:50 rational person would say something that used to be known in this Society as being adults if I may speak very briefly about the much bellyhood horrible comments made by officer arturer there is an aspect of this that is being completely left out of the story I have known in my life many professional people who work in the public emergency and service fields MTS doctors nurses and yes policemen there is something here that you may not know so I'm going to tell you now what officer adur said was not intended to be heard by the

09:45 General Public it does not mean he is a monster for having said what he said with the Professionals in the aforementioned fields that I have known over the years there is basically a condition known as eor emotional overload response a phrase I termed some time ago in the simplest possible terms people engaged in these professions speak a language amongst themselves that to the unknowing or uninitiated may seem dismissive uncaring or even cruel but in reality it is a coping mechanism now I don't want to go into Psychology

10:38 101 through 10. but I can tell you this medical students amongst themselves routinely play with cadavers and EMT professionals often make jokes amongst themselves about certain cases they have had to deal with certainly not intended for the public but it is not because they are callous or do not care about those that they are helping it is because put as simply as I know how when you deal with this kind of livelihood day in and day out eor is basically a safety valve that keeps these professionals from emotionally

11:27 imploding it's one of the few things they that they have and need to keep them able to do their jobs and by and large they do their jobs very well and they absolutely do care for the people's lives they are trying to save so keep that in mind as an adult would before you decide to launch some kind of violent hate harangue towards these professionals because if you had to deal with what they have to do on a regular basis there's a very good probability you would utterly crack and fail believe me I have known these people intimately and

12:19 if there is any such thing as a hero that's exactly what they are [Music] I could go on and on about this but perhaps the most truthful statement in this situation was ironically spoken by a verifiable monster the dictator Joseph Stalin when he said quoting when a person dies it is a tragedy when thousands die it's a statistic until next time this is earnest reminding you that there are no bad words just bad actions take care



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