So what do you do when everything is going well in your business, you seem to be on top of the world, and then suddenly everything flips 36o degrees the other direction. You step up to the plate and do something that you didn't think you would ever do after leaving the corporate world. Phil Gerbyshak very candidly shares why he stepped back into corporate life, when most guys his age are deciding to exit corporate life, and shows us how he did it that made sense for him.
Guys if you are struggling to either leave a 9-5'er sort of job, or considering going back into that type of life, listen to this podcast! You'll be glad you did.
About Phil
Bright, bold, and enthusiastic, Phil Gerbyshak is a speaker who never holds back and leaves it all on the stage, energizing and inspiring audiences to take action immediately. He is a highly respected speaker who has been on the cover of Marketing, Media & Money magazine, the cover of Speaker Magazine and has presented at Influence, the national conference for the National Speakers Association (NSA).
Phil has been a NSA chapter board member for three years and is slated to be president of the NSA Central Florida chapter. Phil has spoken at NSA chapter events across the country and at NSA Brand Lab. He has co-hosted NSA’s Tech Lab, had multiple articles published in Speaker Magazine and has been interviewed on NSA’s Voices of Experience podcast.
Phil Gerbyshak also has coached several Hall of Fame speakers on how to build and rebuild their speaking business in the digital age. Phil is a noted sales expert, corporate sales trainer and small business coach who is passionate about building relationships, using social media for research and connection and leveraging technology.
Connect With Phil
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