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Creating A Family Vision Plan with Jessica St. Pierre
Episode 24th January 2022 • The Planning Parent • Crista Hermance
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What do you want your family to do? What do you want your family to be like and strive for? It’s important that your whole family is on the same page with all this.

The way Jessica and I do this is to start with 8 categories of family values:

  1. Family time
  2. Activities
  3. Health
  4. Financial
  5. Education
  6. Travel adventures
  7. Character
  8. Spiritual/faith

Once you have these pinned down, it’s time to create a family mission statement.  Pick words or phrases from your family values and put them together into 3-5 sentences as a family mission statement.

From these will come family goals.  Create 3-5 family goals that align with what you have in your family values.

If you're a parent and you're looking for some new ideas and strategies, join our community on Facebook @theplanningparent.

Free  family vision printables are available at and you can follow us on Instagram.

Remember - take a deep breath. You do matter. You're doing a great job.

Music credit: Sky Running by Tanager Kid

A Podcast Launch Bestie production


Crista Hermance:

Our guest today is Jessica St.

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

She is a wife and has three kids ages seven, 10, and 12,

Crista Hermance:

uh, two, or those are boys.

Crista Hermance:

And one is a girl.

Crista Hermance:

Jessica actually works with me and for many years 11 to be exact, she

Crista Hermance:

was a full-time stay-at-home mom.

Crista Hermance:

Um, so she brings with us lots of knowledge and experience in raising her

Crista Hermance:

kids and what we were talking about today.

Crista Hermance:

So thank you so much for joining us, Jessica.

Jessica St. Pierre:

Thank you So much for having me, Crista.

Crista Hermance:

So today we are talking about family, vision planning.

Crista Hermance:

So creating a family vision plan for your family, um, to really just figure out

Crista Hermance:

what, what do you want your family to do?

Crista Hermance:

What do you want your family to be like?

Crista Hermance:

What do you want them to kind of strive for?

Crista Hermance:

Um, and when we look at family vision planning, It's really important that your

Crista Hermance:

family is on the same page with this.

Crista Hermance:

And that's really why I like this idea is because it's, it's, you're

Crista Hermance:

getting all of the input from your, from your whole family when

Crista Hermance:

you're putting this plan together.

Crista Hermance:

So, first question, why do we do a family vision plan?

Crista Hermance:

Jessica, what are some of your thoughts on this?

Crista Hermance:

Why, why is doing a family vision plan important?

Jessica St. Pierre:

I think my kids are getting a little bit older, they

Jessica St. Pierre:

are having more opinions on things that they want to do and how they

Jessica St. Pierre:

want to contribute to the family.

Jessica St. Pierre:

And when they were little, it was easy for me to just say, Okay, we're going

Jessica St. Pierre:

to do this and we're going to do this, but now they like grumble at some of the

Jessica St. Pierre:

things that, that I come to them with.

Jessica St. Pierre:

And so I just think it's so important and fun to hear their

Jessica St. Pierre:

ideas and like integrating that into our family and what our plan is.

Crista Hermance:

Yeah, I agree.

Crista Hermance:

Um, I feel like, especially, cause my kids are going to be five and

Crista Hermance:

seven and they are at that age where they do have that opinion.

Crista Hermance:

And so I think it, gives them the ability to have that voice.

Crista Hermance:

And because they're having that voice and they have that, they

Crista Hermance:

have that opinion, they have ownership over what's being created.

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

And so it's like this almost like this different sense that, that they are

Crista Hermance:

helping create it, which puts, you know, their buy-in for actually contributing

Crista Hermance:

to it and doing the things that are in the family plan a lot more than if it

Crista Hermance:

was just something that was told to them.

Crista Hermance:

I think that creating a family plan also kind of just creates this like

Crista Hermance:

team in your family, where it gives you guys the ability to work together,

Crista Hermance:

to achieve these goals and have these, these family values that you want.

Crista Hermance:

And this mission statement, all of these things that we're going to be

Crista Hermance:

talking about to just all come together and be able to have everybody on the

Crista Hermance:

same board with what's created from it.

Crista Hermance:

Another thing that I think is super important, especially when you have

Crista Hermance:

younger kids , and maybe there's like, you have a wide spectrum, right?

Crista Hermance:

You have your youngest who's seven, and then you have your oldest who's 12.

Crista Hermance:

And you know, maybe in the past, the younger have not had that opinion and

Crista Hermance:

being able to voice what they want.

Crista Hermance:

Um, and so I think that this actually gives those younger kids,

Crista Hermance:

the ability to say what they want.

Crista Hermance:

Right, to make sure that they are heard, um, and to know what they're feeling,

Crista Hermance:

because, you know, sometimes especially if they're younger, they might not be as

Crista Hermance:

opinionated and they might not be able to share it, but this is a really kind

Crista Hermance:

of open forum to be able to do that.

Jessica St. Pierre:

I totally, totally

Jessica St. Pierre:


Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

So next.

Crista Hermance:

So what is a family vision plan?

Crista Hermance:

Well, a family vision plan is going to be different to every family.

Crista Hermance:

Um, it, it really is this plan that you guys are creating that

Crista Hermance:

can be made up of things such as.

Crista Hermance:

Family values, a family mission statement, goals, and all of these

Crista Hermance:

different aspects to it that, that we are gonna talk about today.

Crista Hermance:

When it comes to creating a family vision plan, like we said, it's important

Crista Hermance:

that your whole family is on board with this, because if you're just, if you go

Crista Hermance:

and you create it, and you're saying, here's the family vision plan for this

Crista Hermance:

year, and then your kids are like, But I didn't get to put any input in this,

Crista Hermance:

you know, I, I don't have a say in this.

Crista Hermance:

And so this is why it's so important that you guys create this together.

Crista Hermance:

Um, because then it makes sure that everybody is on board

Crista Hermance:

with what is included in there.

Crista Hermance:

So the first thing that we're going to talk about is family values.

Crista Hermance:

And just as just one thing real quick is the family vision plan that we are saying,

Crista Hermance:

this is something that we do, right?

Crista Hermance:

This is what Jessica and I have have worked on.

Crista Hermance:

And this is what we do.

Crista Hermance:

It doesn't mean that this is what you have to do, but what this does

Crista Hermance:

is this, this, this helps you just kind of have a base to start with.

Crista Hermance:

You can absolutely use our format and how this is done, but you can

Crista Hermance:

figure out what works best for your family, given your situation.

Crista Hermance:

I will tell you that we are going to have free printables that we're going to be

Crista Hermance:

sharing with you for this to help you do either you can do all of it from there,

Crista Hermance:

or it's a starting off point for you.

Crista Hermance:

So the first thing that we want to look at is family values.

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

And with family values, this is an opportunity for you to go through when

Crista Hermance:

you're creating this with your family.

Crista Hermance:

And we have eight categories of family values for you to choose.

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

You're going to pick stuff from each one.

Crista Hermance:

And so let me just go through these with you, and then we're going to

Crista Hermance:

go through each one individually.

Crista Hermance:

So we have family time activities, health, finances.

Crista Hermance:

Education travel adventures, character, and the last one is spiritual or faith.

Crista Hermance:

And so when we, when we talk about this and when you're creating this with your

Crista Hermance:

family, the first one is family time.

Crista Hermance:

And so what we're going to do is we're going to give you specific

Crista Hermance:

ones that Jessica and I use and kind of going back and forth and just

Crista Hermance:

sharing, like here's some ideas.

Crista Hermance:

What are some examples of family values that would be included

Crista Hermance:

with family time for you, Jessica?

Jessica St. Pierre:

So I think for us, our family chose mealtimes of.

Jessica St. Pierre:

Eating together.

Jessica St. Pierre:

We do mad, sad, glad at dinner.

Jessica St. Pierre:

And it's something that the kids love just talking about their day

Jessica St. Pierre:

and having that individual, like one-on-one time talking about

Jessica St. Pierre:

themselves and also one-on-one dates.

Jessica St. Pierre:

My husband and I taking each of the kids out on one-on-one dates.

Jessica St. Pierre:

Those are some things that, our family has chosen as family time.

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

Um, so for us it's having game night.

Crista Hermance:

Once a week, that is something that I enjoy playing with my kids.

Crista Hermance:

And I, I mean, my kids could play games with me every single night.

Crista Hermance:

if we had the time, but just having that time together, another

Crista Hermance:

one that is, I think, a big one in a lot of families is having

Crista Hermance:

down technology time.

Crista Hermance:

So like not being on social media, like, especially like, if it's like in the

Crista Hermance:

evening after dinner, like having the technology off and just being able to

Crista Hermance:

actually spend quality time together.

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

Number two activities.

Crista Hermance:

So what are some activities that you guys do in your

Crista Hermance:


Jessica St. Pierre:

We love to go mountain bike riding.

Jessica St. Pierre:

So we have a local trail nearby that all the kids suit up and we ride the bikes

Jessica St. Pierre:

from our house and they just have so much fun that, and we live by the beach.

Jessica St. Pierre:

So, uh, beach, sunset dinners are huge hits in our, our house.

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

I like that one.

Crista Hermance:

So for us I love.

Crista Hermance:

Skating like at a skating rink with skates on.

Crista Hermance:

And that's something that I started doing with my kids this past year.

Crista Hermance:

And I mean, they love it.

Crista Hermance:

You know, they love that time that they get to spend with me.

Crista Hermance:

Our phones are off and we are just having fun and dancing to the music.

Crista Hermance:

Another activity that I want to do more with my kids is some type of

Crista Hermance:

family like dinner and a movie night.

Crista Hermance:

Whether we do it once a week, whether we do it a few times a month, but it's

Crista Hermance:

really just where they get excited.

Crista Hermance:

And they know that when we're doing this, it is, it is family dinner night.

Crista Hermance:

And so it's going to be, you know, more than just the average, you know,

Crista Hermance:

dinner being served and us, you know, talking, it's going to be something

Crista Hermance:

that's going to be more planned.

Crista Hermance:

Um, and just because I do want them to have that anticipation, right.

Crista Hermance:

That kind of fun aspect to it.

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

Let's talk next about health.

Crista Hermance:

What kind of family values do you have from a health perspective?

Jessica St. Pierre:

I think because we are a busy family of five and

Jessica St. Pierre:

each kid is in multiple sports for us just having those home cooked meals

Jessica St. Pierre:

and meal, planning them out and just making sure that the kids are getting

Jessica St. Pierre:

good, nutritious food, rather than.

Jessica St. Pierre:

Picking stuff up a few nights a week, because we're just on the go.

Crista Hermance:

Yeah, I absolutely get that one.

Crista Hermance:

That's going to be a huge one for me too, is, is meal planning.

Crista Hermance:

Um, that's going to go into my personal goals.

Crista Hermance:

And you know, one thing is having my kids actually help me do some meal planning,

Crista Hermance:

where they get to choose what meals they want to help contribute to that meal.

Crista Hermance:

Planning I think is, is big.

Crista Hermance:

Because again, they got to choose it.

Crista Hermance:

And so hopefully it'll get them to eat better, um, or at least eat

Crista Hermance:

the meals that they're choosing.

Crista Hermance:

Another one for me from a health perspective is I really just

Crista Hermance:

want to get my kids out there.

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

I want them to see like a healthy lifestyle is just part of life.

Crista Hermance:

You know, I don't want them to dread having to put down

Crista Hermance:

their tab and not get outside.

Crista Hermance:

And so I want to do more hiking with my kids.

Crista Hermance:

We have so many places in Southern California to go hiking that

Crista Hermance:

is just, you know, something that I see us doing a lot more.

Crista Hermance:

I've tried to do it.

Crista Hermance:

I've sometimes I'm scared because you know, I, I don't have a

Crista Hermance:

lot of experience in hiking.

Crista Hermance:

And so I'm, I'm concerned from that aspect of, of taking my kids out

Crista Hermance:

to these trails that I don't know.

Crista Hermance:

So it's, you know, working my way up to the harder ones, I guess.

Crista Hermance:

Just having that healthy lifestyle, you know, I just want that to kind

Crista Hermance:

of be second nature to them that it's just like, that's how we live.

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

Rather than being on the couch and watching TV or playing on their tab.

Crista Hermance:

Let's talk about financial next.

Crista Hermance:

So what are some ideas from a financial perspective that you guys have?

Jessica St. Pierre:

So I think over the past few years, the kids have gotten

Jessica St. Pierre:

really good at saving their money.

Jessica St. Pierre:

And, one of the things that we want to focus more on this year is being

Jessica St. Pierre:

more generous with our finances.

Jessica St. Pierre:

And so not just you know, mom and dad being generous, but the kids being

Jessica St. Pierre:

generous, them saving a portion of their money and giving it to a charity of their

Jessica St. Pierre:

choice or somebody that they see a need.

Jessica St. Pierre:

So I think for us financially is just trying to just work as

Jessica St. Pierre:

a family, to be more generous.

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

I like that.

Crista Hermance:

And we are going to have a whole nother podcast on this.

Crista Hermance:

So I'm very excited for that, but there is just having kids money management, right.

Crista Hermance:

And, and being able to understand, you know, more how money works is again,

Crista Hermance:

my kids are a little bit younger.

Crista Hermance:

Um, and so it's, having an allowance and then what to do with that allowance.

Crista Hermance:

How does it get broken?

Crista Hermance:

And one of the things that I do want to focus on that is going to be

Crista Hermance:

part of that allowance that's coming in is how they separate out that

Crista Hermance:

money and being able to put it in.

Crista Hermance:

I think you use jars.

Crista Hermance:

Um, so very similar kind of concept of.

Crista Hermance:

But having that charitable aspect.

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

Because I am very big with supporting different organizations locally,

Crista Hermance:

especially when it's relating to young kids, and just helping them.

Crista Hermance:

And so I think.

Crista Hermance:

As kids, they can see this.

Crista Hermance:

And they have a lot of feelings towards it, especially if it's kids that are sick.

Crista Hermance:

And I know that they want to, because they see me doing so much.

Crista Hermance:

And I think that that would be something good for them to see and

Crista Hermance:

just start kind of having that aspect.

Crista Hermance:

so I agree with you on that one.

Crista Hermance:

I like that side when it comes to being generous.

Crista Hermance:

Um, and so for us would be that charitable.

Crista Hermance:

Um, okay.

Crista Hermance:

Number five is education.

Crista Hermance:

Do you have any family values here for education?

Jessica St. Pierre:


Jessica St. Pierre:

So when talking to the kids, one of the things that they love that

Jessica St. Pierre:

we do as a family, as we read of family book in the evenings.

Jessica St. Pierre:

And so our spin on education for this year is getting the ideas of the books

Jessica St. Pierre:

that the kids want to read and me reading.

Jessica St. Pierre:

To them.

Jessica St. Pierre:

So some of the ideas that they had were Harry Potter, the Narnia series.

Jessica St. Pierre:

So we're still narrowing down which, which series we're gonna focus on this.

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

My mind similar to, is I want to get my girls reading more.

Crista Hermance:

And so I don't make the time.

Crista Hermance:

And if it's, it's not my calendar, it doesn't get done.

Crista Hermance:

And this is why I like to plan things out.

Crista Hermance:

Um, is I want to go, I want to take them to the library more.

Crista Hermance:

The hours are so awkward from my schedule and it's just making sure that I have

Crista Hermance:

it on my calendar where I can take them.

Crista Hermance:

Um, because I do, I like that aspect.

Crista Hermance:

I like the reading side.

Crista Hermance:

Um, my older is really starting to read more so it's, it's exciting

Crista Hermance:

to see or start reading these books with chapters in them.

Crista Hermance:

And so I feel like going to the library is going to be really great for.

Crista Hermance:

And then, and then picking out those books for evening reading too.

Crista Hermance:

Is that something that I want to get better at and that we're

Crista Hermance:

doing together and that they look forward to it because they do look

Crista Hermance:

forward to, um, that nighttime routine as, as reading before bed.

Crista Hermance:

And it's something like we're running late and they're not listening,

Crista Hermance:

that's like the first thing that just.

Crista Hermance:

Right because I'm tired.

Crista Hermance:

After a long day, I want to go to sleep.

Crista Hermance:

I want to make sure that I'm making the time and I have it on there to be

Crista Hermance:

able to do that, reading with them.

Crista Hermance:

Cause I think that's important.

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

Number six, travel adventures.

Crista Hermance:

What do you have for traveling adventures?

Jessica St. Pierre:

So we have a trip that was planned prior to creating

Jessica St. Pierre:

our family vision for this year.

Jessica St. Pierre:

And so for us, it's having the kids come up with the things

Jessica St. Pierre:

that they want to do on the trip.

Jessica St. Pierre:

So we're going to Hawaii, we already know that one wants to go horseback riding.

Jessica St. Pierre:

One wants to go snorkeling.

Jessica St. Pierre:

And so it's just taking the things that they want to do and making them.

Jessica St. Pierre:

Fun with their activities rather than me just planning it out.

Crista Hermance:

Yeah, no, I like that.

Crista Hermance:

I never really thought about it that way as giving them the option about asking

Crista Hermance:

them what they want to do on the trip.

Crista Hermance:

Because again, my, you know, my kids have been so young it's, you know,

Crista Hermance:

I'm always planning the trips right.

Crista Hermance:

And figuring out where, where to go.

Crista Hermance:

And so that's one thing that I have done with them is what

Crista Hermance:

do you want to do this year?

Crista Hermance:

And so it's kind of getting ideas, cause it's, maybe it's not just that like one

Crista Hermance:

big trip or two trips over many, your family takes, but it's maybe what are

Crista Hermance:

some weekend trips that you want to do?

Crista Hermance:

Or, you know, little, little things that you have here that you want to go visit.

Crista Hermance:

Camping is one of them.

Crista Hermance:

Um, you know, we have a lot of really great aquariums in California.

Crista Hermance:

And so for me, it would be taking a trip to an aquarium that's a

Crista Hermance:

little farther than I would be okay.

Crista Hermance:

Doing an a day trip.

Crista Hermance:

Um, and then we stay at a hotel and we just make the weekend out of it.

Crista Hermance:

So it's, it's really kind of planning those, um, those

Crista Hermance:

adventures with my kids and maybe.

Crista Hermance:

Steal that from you, where when we do our big trip is asking

Crista Hermance:

them, what do you want to do?

Crista Hermance:

And then giving them an option to do an activity too.

Crista Hermance:

I think that's a great idea.

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

Character though.

Crista Hermance:

So this is, you know, this I think is so important of just really sh you know,

Crista Hermance:

how do you want your family to be, and, and coming up with these different ideas.

Crista Hermance:

So what do you have for.

Jessica St. Pierre:

So the two words that we nailed down for this year in character

Jessica St. Pierre:

was integrity of doing the right thing no matter who is looking and being brave.

Jessica St. Pierre:

Um, I have a seven year old that will not swim.

Jessica St. Pierre:

And so we are going to do hard things this year and we are going to be brave.

Crista Hermance:

I like that.

Crista Hermance:

Brave is one for me.

Crista Hermance:

Um, I find with, with my girls and my older one is just, you know, sometimes

Crista Hermance:

she's a little more shy and it's, you know, a little more nervous.

Crista Hermance:

And so it's, it's really kind of having that, that brave side to her.

Crista Hermance:

Um, so that's one of ours.

Crista Hermance:

Um, another one for me is positive.

Crista Hermance:

So I am generally a very positive person and I want them to kind

Crista Hermance:

of have that aspect where they're seeing things on a positive side,

Crista Hermance:

rather than always being negative.

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

If something happens or they lose a game, I mean, it's easy as that.

Crista Hermance:

Cause my four year old or almost five-year-old, she gets so upset when

Crista Hermance:

she loses and it's just, you know, then we can't play any more games.

Crista Hermance:

And so it's just trying to figure out how to get more positivity.

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

And just kind of have that, keeping them up from that positive.

Crista Hermance:

The other one is kind you know, if I, if I say something the most

Crista Hermance:

throughout the date to my kids, it is, you know, please behind are you

Crista Hermance:

being kind, is that a kind thing to do?

Crista Hermance:

So I'm, I'm always talking about that because I think just having

Crista Hermance:

that, like that kind heart can just can do so much for them.

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

Last one we have is spirituality or faith.

Crista Hermance:

So what do you have for, for that one?

Jessica St. Pierre:

We came up with love for other people.

Jessica St. Pierre:

So just showing love in every single aspect and having love coming.

Jessica St. Pierre:

First, first and

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

Yeah, I love that.

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

So for me, there's a side of meditation that I think it's kind

Crista Hermance:

of just this like peacefulness.

Crista Hermance:

Um, and I have like these cards that I've bought on Amazon for my kids on,

Crista Hermance:

you know, just kind of taking some time and, and kind of calming down.

Crista Hermance:

And so it's kind of sharing that with them.

Crista Hermance:

Um, and then just for myself is trying to do it more consistently because I find

Crista Hermance:

that I just react better to things when I'm able to, to do that more consistent.

Crista Hermance:

So we went through all of our family values, right?

Crista Hermance:

So all of these things that we're kind of working towards, we, you

Crista Hermance:

know, worked out with the family.

Crista Hermance:

These are aspects to each of these different topics.

Crista Hermance:

So the next is creating a family mission statement and to create your

Crista Hermance:

family mission statement, it can be.

Crista Hermance:

As long or as short as you want it to be, it is specific to your family, but

Crista Hermance:

an idea of how to create your family mission statement is to take the

Crista Hermance:

words or phrases from what you've just created from your family values and put

Crista Hermance:

those in sentences together, and maybe three to five sentences to be able to

Crista Hermance:

have this family mission statement.

Crista Hermance:

So Jessica, you have one that you can share with

Crista Hermance:


Jessica St. Pierre:


Jessica St. Pierre:

So we came up with, uh, we want to spend more quality time together.

Jessica St. Pierre:

We will be generous, brave fun.

Jessica St. Pierre:

Do the right thing.

Jessica St. Pierre:

Show love to others and treat.

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

I mean, it's so simple.

Crista Hermance:

And especially with young kids, like, you don't want it necessarily

Crista Hermance:

to be this huge, long thing that the kids were like, what does that mean?

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

It should be simple to be able to just look at it.

Crista Hermance:

And I think that was.

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

So you had your family values done.

Crista Hermance:

You've done your family mission statement and next is creating goals.

Crista Hermance:

So the idea here is that you want to create maybe three to

Crista Hermance:

five family goals that align with what you have in your family.

Crista Hermance:

Values, right.

Crista Hermance:

These are these ones that you've either you have these, uh, words for, or these

Crista Hermance:

phrases or things that you want to do.

Crista Hermance:

Jessica, do you have any goal examples you can give and I'll share one or two of

Crista Hermance:


Jessica St. Pierre:


Jessica St. Pierre:

So, um, some of ours is, having mealtimes together as a family, a home cooked

Jessica St. Pierre:

meals, at least five nights a week.

Jessica St. Pierre:

And doing one-on-one dates we have a pretty crazy schedule.

Jessica St. Pierre:

So one-on-one dates at least one child once a month with both my husband

Jessica St. Pierre:

and I and another family goal is we are all going to teach my youngest

Jessica St. Pierre:

to swim no matter what it takes.

Crista Hermance:

Yes, that's a good one.

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

I like that.

Crista Hermance:

And for the family date night, one, this is something that Jessica and

Crista Hermance:

I have talked at length about, and we are going to be doing another

Crista Hermance:

podcast episode on this one.

Crista Hermance:

So wait for more on this one.

Crista Hermance:

I think it's a super exciting topic.

Crista Hermance:

It's something fun.

Crista Hermance:

The kids love it.

Crista Hermance:

Um, and I think it just means so much.

Crista Hermance:

So we're going to talk more about that one.

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

So for me and my family it's going to be to hike once a month.

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

So we're going to have hiking on there from that health side.

Crista Hermance:

I'm going to plan out library visits once a month.

Crista Hermance:

We're going to plan one weekend trip once a quarter, right?

Crista Hermance:

So it's to the aquarium or it's, you know, somewhere fun or something

Crista Hermance:

that we're doing as a family where we get to go spend time together.

Crista Hermance:

Um, so when you're doing these, you want to make sure you write these goals,

Crista Hermance:

that they are specific, um, to whatever these values are and that, you know,

Crista Hermance:

the kids can see what these goals are because you're going to work towards.

Crista Hermance:

And in the principles that we're going to give you for this, we're actually

Crista Hermance:

going to give you, a goal sheet for you to be able to write down your goals.

Crista Hermance:

And then you are going to get this activities, calendar where

Crista Hermance:

it basically lists out the months.

Crista Hermance:

And then you can put, you know, what activities that you're going to be doing

Crista Hermance:

to maybe help you just figure out from a goal perspective, where do you want

Crista Hermance:

these activities or things to be in your sheets, so that you have an idea and

Crista Hermance:

that you can see it, and then it's over.

Crista Hermance:

And so like for me, I would go through and just pick like once a month here's

Crista Hermance:

the month or the weekend that I am doing that we were doing hiking.

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

And so that I have it every single month on this date, and then I'm going

Crista Hermance:

to put it in my calendar because once it's in my calendar, then I know I

Crista Hermance:

will do it because it's there and nothing will get scheduled around it.

Crista Hermance:

So we have all of this stuff done for the family vision plan, right.

Crista Hermance:

You've created.

Crista Hermance:

The values, the created the mission statement and you have these goals

Crista Hermance:

and you're going to put together this activity calendar the best way

Crista Hermance:

to check in and see how is it going?

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

You created this family vision plan is to have a family meeting.

Crista Hermance:

And so it really just depends on your family and what you think

Crista Hermance:

would work best, but it could be something that you could do.

Crista Hermance:

You could do it once a quarter.

Crista Hermance:

I mean, you know, it, I mean, you might even want to do it once a week.

Crista Hermance:

It just depends on what your family schedule is, how old your kids are,

Crista Hermance:

you know, your family, you do what's best for you guys, but you want to

Crista Hermance:

have a meeting where everybody gets back together and you go through

Crista Hermance:

and see how everything is going.

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

Do these values still align?

Crista Hermance:

Are we working towards these values that we have?

Crista Hermance:

Are we still.

Crista Hermance:

On the same target with our mission statement, right?

Crista Hermance:

Is this, is this still what we're working towards?

Crista Hermance:

And that we believe as a family, does anything need to be tweaked?

Crista Hermance:

Does anything need to be changed?

Crista Hermance:

And then how are we doing with our goals?

Crista Hermance:

So in this one, it's going to be, can any of the goals get checked off?

Crista Hermance:

Maybe you were able to do something.

Crista Hermance:

And so it's, you know, really kind of looking at that aspect of it,

Crista Hermance:

maybe adding a new goals, right.

Crista Hermance:

But it's being able to go and just check in to see, because if

Crista Hermance:

you put this whole plan to get.

Crista Hermance:

And you don't do anything for it and you don't look at it again, you know,

Crista Hermance:

what was the point of doing it besides it was this really great idea, right?

Crista Hermance:

So you want to make sure that you check in with it and kind of just,

Crista Hermance:

you know, figure out where are we at.

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

And then the last thing is when you put all of this together is

Crista Hermance:

you want to have it in your house somewhere that everybody can see.

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

So that it's up all the time.

Crista Hermance:

That if, you know, if you're eating dinner or it's in the kitchen or

Crista Hermance:

you're having breakfast, like the kids are going to see, they're like,

Crista Hermance:

oh, I need to work on being kind.

Crista Hermance:

Or I need to work on being generous.

Crista Hermance:

Um, you know, they can see this on a daily basis and then, you know,

Crista Hermance:

it's always there reminding them.

Crista Hermance:


Crista Hermance:

Okay, so that is it.

Crista Hermance:

This is your family vision plan.

Crista Hermance:

You have the resources, make sure to download those.

Crista Hermance:

You should be able to get the link in the show notes to be able to download

Crista Hermance:

the free printables to be able to put your family vision plan together.

Crista Hermance:





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