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Citizens for a Greater Downtown St. Louis - Five Point Safety Proposal
29th May 2023 • Saint Louis In Tune • Motif Media Group, LLC
00:00:00 00:50:07

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Problem properties, liquor licensing, unhoused populations, cruising/general traffic lawlessness, and surface parking lots are issues that contribute to general disorder in cities like St. Louis. Citizens for a Greater Downtown St. Louis has proposed some solutions to these issues in their Five-Point Safety Proposal. Les Sterman from Citizens, details what is in the proposal and comments on the Citizens' draft city ordinances for short-term rentals and surface parking lots.

[00:00] Introduction

[01:51] Return to Civility - John Sweeney Speed of Laughter Project

[03:15] Citizens for a Greater Downtown St. Louis-Les Sterman

[04:20] What is the group Citizens for a Greater Downtown St. Louis[05:20]

[05:20] Five-point Safety Proposal

[06:49] 1. Problem properties

[13:22] 2. Liquor licensing

[21:33] Dred Scott Heritage Foundation - Dred Scott Commemorative Stamp

[22:34] Information about St. Louis In Tune

[24:04] Les Sterman's background

[27:08] 3. Unhoused populations

[30:10] 4. Cruising and general traffic lawlessness

[34:21] 5. Surface parking lots

[38:01] Solutions for all of the city as well as downtown

[39:09] Why all of these and not just one or two?

[40:13] Impact on tourism and conventions

[41:54] Response from city government

[43:43] What will it take to implement these?

[44:55] Downtown St. Louis has many wonderful things that get ignored and why living downtown has unique benefits.

This is Season 6! For more episodes, go to

@saintlouisdna @citizens4stl @stlcitygov @stlintune #shorttermrentals #unhoused #problemproperties #cruising #liquorlicensing #parkinglots



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