In this episode, you get to hear our first interview with a guy and his story of being stuck at fine. Brian Merrell’s account is very different from the stories you’ve heard in past episodes, and also very similar. We’re talking about why he didn’t leave an abusive marriage, why when he finally did leave, he still put up with abuse from others in his life, and how he finally made the decision to hold himself to higher standards.
Brian Merrell spent most of his professional life in sales. He hosts the podcast Tattooed in Business. He's a former bar owner, an Army veteran and former Combat Medic. A single father, Brian's daughter didn't speak to him or see him for six years. In 2019, he buried 8 of his closest family members and friends and struggled to find a way to pull himself out of that darkness. By working with counselors and a coach, he learned how to open up and tell his story so others could learn from it. And to rediscover success through his failures.
Shoutout to Success Champion Networking, which is where Brian and I met. It’s a network of get shit done business leaders looking to scale and grow their businesses.
Listen, we have just passed 5,000 total downloads of Fine is a 4-Letter Word. Help me reach the next milestone of 7,500. If you enjoy this show, please tell 3 other people about it. The more listeners, the more publicity. And that means these stories get in front of more people who can benefit from hearing them. So they can know they’re not alone. And there’s nothing wrong with them.
It’s about building connection and community. We need that now more than ever.
Brian's hype song is Remember The Name. Listen to it here: and