This episode of Looking-glass Forum introduces a sorely needed discussion that very few people are informed about, the Biden regimes plans to empower the World Health Organization to take political power away from the American people and weaken the U.S. Constitution and specifically States rights and jurisdictive sovereignty. We focus in on Joe Bidens hypocrisy as it relates to his past association with the KKK and present mocking support of the corrupt BLM organization.
We compare the democratic Republic and its inherent self-government with its characteristic popular sovereignty over and against the system of monarchy and aristocratic nobility championed by the Vatican. The principalities of Europe have long been at war with democratically elected popular governments which empower the citizenry since 1822 and the Congress of Vienna. Archduke Metternich was the champion of the Roman papacy and a powerful Knight of Malta.
The Knights of Malta are an occult power structure that embody the global totalitarian elite that have strengthened both the communists in China and the World Health Organization. The symbolic nature of The Red Cross as a medical agency is derived from the legacy of the papal Knights. It's crucial to understand that the Knights of Malta were once known as the Hospitaller Knights and were at the center of creating the WHO and earlier the AMA (American Medical Assoc.) through acolytes of the Skull & Bones society at Yale University. Skull & Bones being an elite platform guiding next generation initiates to the papal knighthood orders.
We discuss the distressing state of Washington D.C. having long been the lair of the corrupted political classes who reign injustice over the J6 defendants while insulating crackhead Hunter Bidens espionage within the bureaucracy. The January 6th Fed'surrection of 2020 was orchestrated to entrap patriotic Americans who now represent the new heroes of the American Revolution 2.0. The swamp has begun to align with the CCP and the WHO and to target dissidents within America who want their Constitution and Government back from the extreme Marxian left who are fully engaged in collapsing America from within.
China and Bill Gates are the largest contributors to the W.H.O. along with the World Economic Forum who also happen to be the biggest pushers of global population controls. We must confront the framing of the American people with unmanageable national debt through commercial bondage via the imposition Social Security numbers and Birth Certificates and the fascism of the massive Bio-Security State. The WHO would be empowered to force abortion mandates on States who have passed laws restricting it.
We must discuss the role of the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schaub who has long been connected to the Rothchild family and the head of the Bilderberg meetings as they contribute to the development of World Government through the instruments of the World Health Organization, and we work hard to show that these groups merely serve the interests of European nobility and the power elite like the Knights of Malta who execute the Vatican's geo-political agenda behind the scenes as they erect the New World Order.
Check out this Podcast: Episode 417 - The Global Pandemic Treaty: What You Need to Know
Check out this Podcast: Episode 1,842 - The Economy Continues Its Free Fall; The Rise Of The Global Covid Summit
Check out this Podcast: Is the CDC the Regime’s Trojan Horse?
Check out this Podcast: Jeffrey Tucker: How the US Adopted CCP-Inspired COVID-19 Control Policies, a Timeline
Check out this Podcast: Episode 1,854 - Britt Stands Strong With Farmers In Alabama; Malone And Other Virologists Have Their Own Covid Summit To Fight For Autonomy
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Confronting the WHO Tyranny, Looming Currency Collapse & The American Revolution 2.0 - Part 1