Nick Mott: This series was supported by
Speaker:Nick Mott: the Pulitzer Center.
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: I'm really happy
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: to be Gwich'in.
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: I'm proud to be a Gwich'in.
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: My people are
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: some of the most amazing
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: humans that ever walked this
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: planet. They survived
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: some of the harshest, coldest
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: winters migrating.
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: And, you know, they fought
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: to survive so that I can be
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: here.
Speaker:Amy Martin: This is Bernadette Demientieff,
Speaker:Amy Martin: the executive director of the
Speaker:Amy Martin: Gwich'in Steering Committee.
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: I'm actually
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: Gwichyaa Zhee Gwich'in- there's
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: different tribes
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: that we all speak
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: united against any
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: development in the Arctic
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: Refuge coastal plain.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Welcome to Threshold, I'm Amy
Speaker:Amy Martin: Martin, and this is the fourth
Speaker:Amy Martin: episode in our series about the
Speaker:Amy Martin: future of the Arctic National
Speaker:Amy Martin: Wildlife Refuge.
Speaker:Amy Martin: And it's another two-parter, by
Speaker:Amy Martin: the way.
Speaker:Amy Martin: This time we're focusing on
Speaker:Amy Martin: Gwich'in voices.
Speaker:Amy Martin: The Gwich'in are part of the
Speaker:Amy Martin: Athabaskan family of tribes.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Their territory spans a huge
Speaker:Amy Martin: region of northeast Alaska and
Speaker:Amy Martin: northwest Canada.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Today, there are 15 small
Speaker:Amy Martin: villages scattered across this
Speaker:Amy Martin: area.
Speaker:Amy Martin: But historically, the Gwich'in
Speaker:Amy Martin: didn't live in permanent
Speaker:Amy Martin: settlements.
Speaker:Amy Martin: They were semi-nomadic.
Speaker:Amy Martin: They based their lives on the
Speaker:Amy Martin: movements of the caribou herds.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Bernadette pulls out a map to
Speaker:Amy Martin: show me the shape of the
Speaker:Amy Martin: Gwich'in homelands.
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: As you can see, there's a line
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: right here. That's the border.
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: So they stuck the
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: border right in the middle of
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: our ancestral homelands.
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: So half of us are Canadian,
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: half of us are
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: American.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Bernadette grew up in Fort
Speaker:Amy Martin: Yukon, Alaska, one of those
Speaker:Amy Martin: 15 Gwich'in villages,
Speaker:Amy Martin: and she now lives in Fairbanks.
Speaker:Amy Martin: The organization she leads, the
Speaker:Amy Martin: Gwich'in Steering Committee,
Speaker:Amy Martin: has been working to protect the
Speaker:Amy Martin: coastal plain since the 1980s.
Speaker:Amy Martin: And the relationship between
Speaker:Amy Martin: the Gwich'in and the caribou
Speaker:Amy Martin: is the foundation of their
Speaker:Amy Martin: opposition to drilling.
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: All our songs, all our
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: stories, everything is based
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: on the caribou herd.
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: I mean, we have a culture, a
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: spiritual connection to these
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: animals.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Bernadette says drilling on the
Speaker:Amy Martin: coastal plain is a threat to
Speaker:Amy Martin: the Gwich'in because it's a
Speaker:Amy Martin: threat to the Porcupine caribou
Speaker:Amy Martin: herd.
Speaker:Amy Martin: The 1002 area where drilling
Speaker:Amy Martin: has been approved is one of
Speaker:Amy Martin: the places the herd depends on
Speaker:Amy Martin: to raise their newborn calves.
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: That's sacred to my
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: people. It's called lizhik
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: gwats'an gwandaii goodlit.
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: And that's, "sacred place where
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: life begins."
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: Every Gwich'in protects the
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: Arctic refuge coastal plain.
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: That's our identity.
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: Without that place, we would
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: cease to exist.
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: That is how strong
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: the message is to us.
Speaker:Amy Martin: I'm always uneasy seeing all
Speaker:Amy Martin: people of any group think
Speaker:Amy Martin: or feel a certain way,
Speaker:Amy Martin: especially a group that I'm not
Speaker:Amy Martin: a part of.
Speaker:Amy Martin: But I can tell you that it's
Speaker:Amy Martin: really hard to find Gwich'in
Speaker:Amy Martin: people who are supportive of
Speaker:Amy Martin: oil development on the coastal
Speaker:Amy Martin: plain.
Speaker:Amy Martin: I think it's fair to say that
Speaker:Amy Martin: they're very united.
Speaker:Amy Martin: So this episode is
Speaker:Amy Martin: not about diving into the pro
Speaker:Amy Martin: versus anti oil tension.
Speaker:Amy Martin: That's not really what's going
Speaker:Amy Martin: on here.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Instead, we're going to be
Speaker:Amy Martin: exploring the back story.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Who are the Gwich'in?
Speaker:Amy Martin: What is it like to have such a
Speaker:Amy Martin: strong connection to a wild
Speaker:Amy Martin: animal?
Speaker:Amy Martin: What do we know about how oil
Speaker:Amy Martin: development on the coastal
Speaker:Amy Martin: plain would affect the caribou?
Speaker:Amy Martin: And how are the Gwich'in
Speaker:Amy Martin: responding, now that oil
Speaker:Amy Martin: development has been approved.
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: We have to stand up
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: against any more destruction
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: to our homelands.
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: This is our home.
Speaker:Speaker 4: This, Mr. President is
Speaker:Speaker 4: what energy dominance is all
Speaker:Speaker 4: about.
Speaker:Speaker 4: So let's go.
Speaker:Speaker 5: Do you think that's that's
Speaker:Speaker 5: progress? That's not progress.
Speaker:Speaker 4: They all like to eat caribou.
Speaker:Amy Martin: That's kind of the connecting
Speaker:Amy Martin: thread
Speaker:Speaker 4: That's connecting thread,
Speaker:Speaker 4: the caribou.
Speaker:Speaker 1: Every single
Speaker:Speaker 1: herd of caribou in
Speaker:Speaker 1: Canada is in major decline.
Speaker:Speaker 4: We are the caribou people.
Speaker:Speaker 4: If it wasn't for the caribou,
Speaker:Speaker 4: we won't be here today.
Speaker:Amy Martin: It's rainy and cold outside,
Speaker:Amy Martin: but I'm in a very snug log
Speaker:Amy Martin: cabin.
Speaker:Amy Martin: This is Arctic Village.
Speaker:Amy Martin: And when I look
Speaker:Amy Martin: out the window here, I'm just
Speaker:Amy Martin: looking out over vast
Speaker:Amy Martin: wilderness.
Speaker:Amy Martin: We're going to spend most of
Speaker:Amy Martin: this episode in Arctic Village,
Speaker:Amy Martin: a Gwich'in community of around
Speaker:Amy Martin: 150 people in northeast
Speaker:Amy Martin: Alaska.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Snuggle in.
Speaker:Amy Martin: That's a woodstove you can hear
Speaker:Amy Martin: in the background.
Speaker:Amy Martin: There are no roads into the
Speaker:Amy Martin: village. You have to fly in
Speaker:Amy Martin: and the airport is a small
Speaker:Amy Martin: patch of gravel.
Speaker:Amy Martin: So far in this series, we've
Speaker:Amy Martin: been up on the northern edge of
Speaker:Amy Martin: the Arctic National Wildlife
Speaker:Amy Martin: Refuge.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Now we've hopped over the
Speaker:Amy Martin: Brooks Range, the mountains
Speaker:Amy Martin: that bisect the refuge, and
Speaker:Amy Martin: we're on the southern boundary.
Speaker:Amy Martin: The refuge officially begins
Speaker:Amy Martin: just across the river from
Speaker:Amy Martin: Arctic Village.
Speaker:Amy Martin: When I was there in August of
Speaker:Amy Martin: 2017, the Porcupine
Speaker:Amy Martin: caribou herd was moving through
Speaker:Amy Martin: the mountains outside of town.
Speaker:Amy Martin: I'm on the border of
Speaker:Amy Martin: the Arctic National Wildlife
Speaker:Amy Martin: Refuge and well above the
Speaker:Amy Martin: Arctic Circle.
Speaker:Amy Martin: There are people out hunting
Speaker:Amy Martin: caribou all around me.
Speaker:Amy Martin: It's pretty cool.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Alaska is home to 32 different
Speaker:Amy Martin: caribou herds and had over
Speaker:Amy Martin: 200,000 animals.
Speaker:Amy Martin: The Porcupine herd is one of
Speaker:Amy Martin: the biggest.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Their name comes from the
Speaker:Amy Martin: Porcupine River, a tributary
Speaker:Amy Martin: of the Yukon, which winds
Speaker:Amy Martin: through their territory.
Speaker:Amy Martin: And they have the longest land
Speaker:Amy Martin: migration route of any mammal
Speaker:Amy Martin: on the planet.
Speaker:Amy Martin: It can be more than 1500
Speaker:Amy Martin: miles roundtrip.
Speaker:Amy Martin: In the early summer, they
Speaker:Amy Martin: nurture their young calves on
Speaker:Amy Martin: the northern side of the Brooks
Speaker:Amy Martin: Range, close to the coast.
Speaker:Amy Martin: By mid-July, they've usually
Speaker:Amy Martin: begun the trek back over to the
Speaker:Amy Martin: southern side.
Speaker:Amy Martin: If you haven't done so yet, you
Speaker:Amy Martin: might want to listen to the
Speaker:Amy Martin: short intermission we posted in
Speaker:Amy Martin: between episodes three and four
Speaker:Amy Martin: to hear about what that journey
Speaker:Amy Martin: looks and feels like.
Speaker:Amy Martin: It really is remarkably
Speaker:Amy Martin: beautiful.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Looking up into the mountains
Speaker:Amy Martin: on the edge of the wildlife
Speaker:Amy Martin: refuge.
Speaker:Amy Martin: If this were in the lower 48,
Speaker:Amy Martin: this would be a major tourist
Speaker:Amy Martin: destination.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Walking through Arctic Village
Speaker:Amy Martin: feels more like walking on a
Speaker:Amy Martin: country road than walking
Speaker:Amy Martin: through town.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Other than the main drag where
Speaker:Amy Martin: you can find the store, a
Speaker:Amy Martin: church, and the school,
Speaker:Amy Martin: the houses are pretty spread
Speaker:Amy Martin: out and it's obvious
Speaker:Amy Martin: that people here still rely
Speaker:Amy Martin: heavily on the animals of this
Speaker:Amy Martin: region to sustain themselves.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Fish are laid out on drying
Speaker:Amy Martin: racks next to people's homes.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Entryways are decorated with
Speaker:Amy Martin: antlers, and children have
Speaker:Amy Martin: painted tributes to caribou all
Speaker:Amy Martin: over the outside wall of the
Speaker:Amy Martin: store.
Speaker:Amy Martin: And everywhere I went, I found
Speaker:Amy Martin: tiny bits of bone and teeth
Speaker:Amy Martin: scattered on the ground.
Speaker:Amy Martin: This place is so defined
Speaker:Amy Martin: by hunting that the bodies
Speaker:Amy Martin: of animals have become part of
Speaker:Amy Martin: the soil itself.
Speaker:Amy Martin: And it's also a place defined
Speaker:Amy Martin: by quiet.
Speaker:Amy Martin: This is Arctic Village on
Speaker:Amy Martin: Saturday afternoon.
Speaker:Amy Martin: And that's exactly how Sarah
Speaker:Amy Martin: James likes it.
Speaker:Sarah James: My name is Sarah James
Speaker:Sarah James: and I live in Arctic
Speaker:Sarah James: Village, Alaska.
Speaker:Sarah James: And it's called
Speaker:Sarah James: vashraii k'oo.
Speaker:Sarah James: That means "a creek with
Speaker:Sarah James: a high bank."
Speaker:Amy Martin: Sarah is in her mid-70s and she wears her long gray hair in a ponytail down her back. As she leads me into her house,
Speaker:Amy Martin: we walk by buckets on her porch, holding thick bones that were clearly part of a living animal
Speaker:Amy Martin: not too long ago.
Speaker:Sarah James: I've been cutting meat.
Speaker:Amy Martin: The bones are stripped clean,
Speaker:Amy Martin: but still stained red with
Speaker:Amy Martin: fresh blood.
Speaker:Amy Martin: She says they came from a moose
Speaker:Amy Martin: recently shot by a young man in
Speaker:Amy Martin: the village.
Speaker:Sarah James: And he shot his
Speaker:Sarah James: first bull moose.
Speaker:Sarah James: So he gets
Speaker:Sarah James: to distribute.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Following tradition, she says,
Speaker:Amy Martin: he first gave some meat to
Speaker:Amy Martin: everyone who helped him in the
Speaker:Amy Martin: hunt.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Then word went out around the
Speaker:Amy Martin: village for everyone to come
Speaker:Amy Martin: and get a portion.
Speaker:Amy Martin: But the sharing didn't stop
Speaker:Amy Martin: there.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Sarah divided the meat she'd
Speaker:Amy Martin: been given into smaller
Speaker:Amy Martin: portions so she could hand more
Speaker:Amy Martin: out to others.
Speaker:Amy Martin: The first portion went to a
Speaker:Amy Martin: visitor to the village.
Speaker:Sarah James: And then I'm sending one to
Speaker:Sarah James: my friend.
Speaker:Sarah James: She's not doing good with
Speaker:Sarah James: cancer, and
Speaker:Sarah James: I'm sending one to her.
Speaker:Sarah James: And then I send
Speaker:Sarah James: one to that one elder down
Speaker:Sarah James: here for me.
Speaker:Sarah James: They were not getting any kind
Speaker:Sarah James: of meat, so I send that down.
Speaker:Amy Martin: As we sit down to talk, all
Speaker:Amy Martin: of Sarah's tools from this work
Speaker:Amy Martin: are still out.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Knives, bowls, a bloodstained
Speaker:Amy Martin: piece of cardboard laid on top
Speaker:Amy Martin: of a low table and
Speaker:Amy Martin: a big rock, which she says
Speaker:Amy Martin: she uses to break the bones.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Using part of the earth for
Speaker:Amy Martin: cleaning the animals they hunt
Speaker:Amy Martin: is a Gwich'in value, she says.
Speaker:Sarah James: And there's some other respect
Speaker:Sarah James: for our food.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Sarah has led a fascinating
Speaker:Amy Martin: life in the same room
Speaker:Amy Martin: where she's been processing the
Speaker:Amy Martin: moose meat, there's a
Speaker:Amy Martin: photograph hanging on the wall
Speaker:Amy Martin: of her shaking hands with
Speaker:Amy Martin: President Clinton.
Speaker:Amy Martin: She offers me a cup of tea made
Speaker:Amy Martin: from berries she's collected.
Speaker:Amy Martin: And as the water heats up, she
Speaker:Amy Martin: shows me a whole shelf full of
Speaker:Amy Martin: books in the back of her house
Speaker:Amy Martin: that feature her and her work.
Speaker:Amy Martin: As I got to know Sarah, part of
Speaker:Amy Martin: me wanted to drop everything
Speaker:Amy Martin: and make a whole podcast season
Speaker:Amy Martin: just about her if she would let
Speaker:Amy Martin: me.
Speaker:Amy Martin: I'm not doing that, but I am
Speaker:Amy Martin: going to devote the whole first
Speaker:Amy Martin: part of this episode to her
Speaker:Amy Martin: story.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Sarah was born in 1944,
Speaker:Amy Martin: the youngest of nine children,
Speaker:Amy Martin: and she spent her early
Speaker:Amy Martin: childhood living way out in
Speaker:Amy Martin: the wilderness, often wearing
Speaker:Amy Martin: clothes her mother made for her
Speaker:Amy Martin: out of caribou hide.
Speaker:Sarah James: I was wearing caribou
Speaker:Sarah James: from head to toe.
Speaker:Sarah James: That's just us family out there
Speaker:Sarah James: 50 miles from the nearest
Speaker:Sarah James: neighbor all around.
Speaker:Sarah James: Just our family.
Speaker:Sarah James: But I never lonesome or bored
Speaker:Sarah James: that I know of.
Speaker:Sarah James: Yeah.
Speaker:Amy Martin: 15 miles from your nearest
Speaker:Amy Martin: neighbor would be a long ways,
Speaker:Amy Martin: even if you lived on a road.
Speaker:Amy Martin: But this was roadless
Speaker:Amy Martin: wilderness with bears and
Speaker:Amy Martin: wolves and foxes and wolverines
Speaker:Amy Martin: all around.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Sarah says she was warm,
Speaker:Amy Martin: well-fed and loved,
Speaker:Amy Martin: and she and her siblings had
Speaker:Amy Martin: a lot of fun adventures.
Speaker:Sarah James: We live our life on the land
Speaker:Sarah James: and I grew up off the land,
Speaker:Sarah James: and I learned more about
Speaker:Sarah James: respect and
Speaker:Sarah James: how each animal lives
Speaker:Sarah James: and how to respect
Speaker:Sarah James: them and all
Speaker:Sarah James: that.
Speaker:Amy Martin: It wasn't like they were
Speaker:Amy Martin: completely cut off from the
Speaker:Amy Martin: rest of the world.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Sarah says sometimes her dad
Speaker:Amy Martin: would trade some furs for
Speaker:Amy Martin: Western clothes for the kids,
Speaker:Amy Martin: for instance.
Speaker:Amy Martin: But however they could, her
Speaker:Amy Martin: parents were trying to keep the
Speaker:Amy Martin: family immersed in Gwich'in
Speaker:Amy Martin: ways.
Speaker:Sarah James: You know, I grew up
Speaker:Sarah James: in a good way, and I
Speaker:Sarah James: know what's ours and
Speaker:Sarah James: what's not.
Speaker:Sarah James: But I got taught very well
Speaker:Sarah James: by my
Speaker:Sarah James: family, my parents,
Speaker:Sarah James: my grandparents
Speaker:Sarah James: and my sister and
Speaker:Sarah James: brothers.
Speaker:Amy Martin: And she says she didn't
Speaker:Amy Martin: experience any sense of lacking
Speaker:Amy Martin: anything in her young
Speaker:Amy Martin: childhood.
Speaker:Amy Martin: At least most of the year.
Speaker:Sarah James: The only time
Speaker:Sarah James: I got really hungry
Speaker:Sarah James: is during the birthing time
Speaker:Sarah James: and nursing time and training
Speaker:Sarah James: time for animal that's
Speaker:Sarah James: starting maybe
Speaker:Sarah James: first week of June until
Speaker:Sarah James: 15th of July
Speaker:Sarah James: because I remember my mom say
Speaker:Sarah James: on 15th July we
Speaker:Sarah James: could trap for a ground
Speaker:Sarah James: squirrel.
Speaker:Sarah James: And around that time
Speaker:Sarah James: we just don't have
Speaker:Sarah James: anything to eat
Speaker:Sarah James: because we don't have anything
Speaker:Sarah James: in between that time because
Speaker:Sarah James: there's birthing and
Speaker:Sarah James: nursing and training time.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Sarah says she feels really
Speaker:Amy Martin: lucky to have been raised out
Speaker:Amy Martin: on the land this way,
Speaker:Amy Martin: especially because so much was
Speaker:Amy Martin: changing all around the family.
Speaker:Amy Martin: When her parents were young,
Speaker:Amy Martin: diseases like flu,
Speaker:Amy Martin: chickenpox and TB
Speaker:Amy Martin: brought into the area by
Speaker:Amy Martin: Europeans had swept
Speaker:Amy Martin: through the community and
Speaker:Amy Martin: killed many, which in people
Speaker:Amy Martin: and many other forms of
Speaker:Amy Martin: colonization had begun to
Speaker:Amy Martin: intrude as well.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Western religion and education
Speaker:Amy Martin: and increasing pressure on the
Speaker:Amy Martin: Gwich'in to stop following
Speaker:Amy Martin: the caribou herds and instead
Speaker:Amy Martin: settle into permanent villages.
Speaker:Amy Martin: But this concept of living all
Speaker:Amy Martin: year round in one place
Speaker:Amy Martin: seemed really strange.
Speaker:Sarah James: What we know is hunting and
Speaker:Sarah James: fishing, and we had to be out
Speaker:Sarah James: there to do it.
Speaker:Sarah James: And it's hard
Speaker:Sarah James: to stay in one place.
Speaker:Amy Martin: But that was definitely the
Speaker:Amy Martin: agenda of the U.S.
Speaker:Amy Martin: government.
Speaker:Amy Martin: At some point in Sarah's
Speaker:Amy Martin: childhood.
Speaker:Amy Martin: The Bureau of Indian Affairs
Speaker:Amy Martin: began to threaten her parents
Speaker:Amy Martin: that their children would be
Speaker:Amy Martin: taken away if they didn't send
Speaker:Amy Martin: them to school.
Speaker:Amy Martin: So when she was 13,
Speaker:Amy Martin: Sarah was shipped off to
Speaker:Amy Martin: boarding school in Oregon.
Speaker:Sarah James: And that was strange.
Speaker:Sarah James: I heard my parents I mean, they
Speaker:Sarah James: have to let us go to get
Speaker:Sarah James: education.
Speaker:Sarah James: That was pound into
Speaker:Sarah James: their head. So
Speaker:Sarah James: they're glad that we were
Speaker:Sarah James: in school, but they need
Speaker:Sarah James: our help at home, too.
Speaker:Sarah James: And they miss us too.
Speaker:Sarah James: I heard it used to be a very
Speaker:Sarah James: sad sight in Christmastime.
Speaker:Sarah James: And when all their kids are not
Speaker:Sarah James: there, you know, I
Speaker:Sarah James: couldn't imagine how it
Speaker:Sarah James: is because I only
Speaker:Sarah James: have one one boy and
Speaker:Sarah James: he's about 44 right
Speaker:Sarah James: now. But,
Speaker:Sarah James: you know, I go crazy just
Speaker:Sarah James: when I don't know
Speaker:Sarah James: if he's okay or not, you
Speaker:Sarah James: know.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Sarah graduated from high
Speaker:Amy Martin: school, but she says she
Speaker:Amy Martin: received her most valuable
Speaker:Amy Martin: education at home.
Speaker:Sarah James: I feel that I learned more
Speaker:Sarah James: from living off the land.
Speaker:Sarah James: At least I learned
Speaker:Sarah James: respect.
Speaker:Sarah James: And I learn who I am
Speaker:Sarah James: and what's
Speaker:Sarah James: out there and how
Speaker:Sarah James: to share, how to preserve,
Speaker:Sarah James: how to interaction
Speaker:Sarah James: stuff.
Speaker:Sarah James: And I think that's why
Speaker:Sarah James: even today, I,
Speaker:Sarah James: I kind of survive with
Speaker:Sarah James: what I got.
Speaker:Sarah James: And I'm thankful,
Speaker:Sarah James: you know, I don't have very
Speaker:Sarah James: much, but I'm thankful for
Speaker:Sarah James: it.
Speaker:Amy Martin: After high school, Sarah's
Speaker:Amy Martin: parents wanted her to get more
Speaker:Amy Martin: formal education,
Speaker:Amy Martin: but she was nervous because it
Speaker:Amy Martin: seemed like she was going to
Speaker:Amy Martin: have to transform herself into
Speaker:Amy Martin: a completely different person,
Speaker:Amy Martin: starting with her clothes.
Speaker:Sarah James: Usually these small
Speaker:Sarah James: college are in
Speaker:Sarah James: the white
Speaker:Sarah James: community and
Speaker:Sarah James: nice community like
Speaker:Sarah James: nice dress.
Speaker:Sarah James: And I don't I don't have money
Speaker:Sarah James: for clothing.
Speaker:Sarah James: So I kind of feel but I would
Speaker:Sarah James: never make it there.
Speaker:Sarah James: I never had nylons
Speaker:Sarah James: and I hate nylons.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Me too.
Speaker:Sarah James: So
Speaker:Sarah James: and then I had to be among a
Speaker:Sarah James: totally different group
Speaker:Sarah James: of people.
Speaker:Sarah James: Yeah.
Speaker:Sarah James: Different community, all
Speaker:Sarah James: that.
Speaker:Sarah James: It's just. I just couldn't do
Speaker:Sarah James: it.
Speaker:Amy Martin: But Sarah heard about another
Speaker:Amy Martin: program called relocation.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Several years before, Congress
Speaker:Amy Martin: had passed a law called the
Speaker:Amy Martin: Indian Relocation Act.
Speaker:Amy Martin: This was one piece of an
Speaker:Amy Martin: overall assimilation agenda
Speaker:Amy Martin: which was ascendant in the
Speaker:Amy Martin: 1950s and 60s.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Sarah was told the federal
Speaker:Amy Martin: government would pay for some
Speaker:Amy Martin: vocational training and later
Speaker:Amy Martin: help her get a job if
Speaker:Amy Martin: she was willing to move to a
Speaker:Amy Martin: city.
Speaker:Amy Martin: This was the express purpose of
Speaker:Amy Martin: the law to urbanize the
Speaker:Amy Martin: American Indian.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Sarah looked over her options
Speaker:Amy Martin: and one place leapt out.
Speaker:Sarah James: And that was San
Speaker:Sarah James: Francisco.
Speaker:Sarah James: I saw San Francisco that
Speaker:Sarah James: the hippie movement,
Speaker:Sarah James: they were anything
Speaker:Sarah James: but. They have to would pay
Speaker:Sarah James: attention to my clothing.
Speaker:Sarah James: I could just the way I want to.
Speaker:Sarah James: And that peace and love and
Speaker:Sarah James: flower and all of that sounds
Speaker:Sarah James: good.
Speaker:Sarah James: So I said San Francisco.
Speaker:Amy Martin: I love it.
Speaker:Sarah James: And I was scared to death.
Speaker:Sarah James: Too big man!
Speaker:Amy Martin: She enrolled in Business
Speaker:Amy Martin: College where she would learn
Speaker:Amy Martin: typing, data entry and
Speaker:Amy Martin: other clerical skills.
Speaker:Amy Martin: And she arrived in San
Speaker:Amy Martin: Francisco in 1967.
Speaker:Music: If you're going to
Speaker:Music: San Francisco,
Speaker:Music: be sure to wear some flowers in your hair..
Speaker:Amy Martin: The summer of 1967
Speaker:Amy Martin: was dubbed The Summer of Love.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Tens of thousands of young
Speaker:Amy Martin: people journeyed to San
Speaker:Amy Martin: Francisco that year, heeding
Speaker:Amy Martin: Timothy Leary's call to turn
Speaker:Amy Martin: on, tune in and drop
Speaker:Amy Martin: out.
Speaker:Amy Martin: John Phillips of The Mamas and
Speaker:Amy Martin: the Papas wrote this song for
Speaker:Amy Martin: his friend Scott McKenzie,
Speaker:Amy Martin: which became an anthem of
Speaker:Amy Martin: the Times.
Speaker:Music: All those who come to San
Speaker:Music: Francisco, summertime will be a love-in there.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Looking at pictures from the
Speaker:Amy Martin: Haight-Ashbury neighborhood at
Speaker:Amy Martin: this time or other places
Speaker:Amy Martin: where the hippies were
Speaker:Amy Martin: gathering, it's clear
Speaker:Amy Martin: that the young white people
Speaker:Amy Martin: were appropriating elements of
Speaker:Amy Martin: Native American culture or
Speaker:Amy Martin: their ideas of native culture.
Speaker:Amy Martin: They were putting on headbands,
Speaker:Amy Martin: painting their faces, even
Speaker:Amy Martin: wearing buckskin.
Speaker:Amy Martin: And here was Sarah James, who
Speaker:Amy Martin: actually grew up wearing
Speaker:Amy Martin: clothing made out of caribou
Speaker:Amy Martin: hide.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Did you spend a lot of time on
Speaker:Amy Martin: Haight-Ashbury then?
Speaker:Sarah James: I went down there to hang out,
Speaker:Sarah James: yeah.
Speaker:Sarah James: Because you feel comfortable
Speaker:Sarah James: there, yeah.
Speaker:Amy Martin: At least there were no nylons
Speaker:Amy Martin: required.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Sarah met up with a friend from
Speaker:Amy Martin: boarding school who was in the
Speaker:Amy Martin: area training to be a nurse.
Speaker:Amy Martin: And they began to navigate this
Speaker:Amy Martin: new world together.
Speaker:Amy Martin: And there was a lot more going
Speaker:Amy Martin: on around them than love-ins
Speaker:Amy Martin: and acid trips.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Protests against the Vietnam
Speaker:Amy Martin: War were heating up.
Speaker:Amy Martin: The civil rights movement was
Speaker:Amy Martin: in full swing, and Native
Speaker:Amy Martin: Americans around the country
Speaker:Amy Martin: began to voice their
Speaker:Amy Martin: frustrations and demand change,
Speaker:Amy Martin: too.
Speaker:Amy Martin: In fact, this is one of the
Speaker:Amy Martin: great ironies of the Indian
Speaker:Amy Martin: Relocation Act.
Speaker:Amy Martin: The goal was to assimilate
Speaker:Amy Martin: Native people and cut them off
Speaker:Amy Martin: from their cultures.
Speaker:Amy Martin: But as young indigenous people
Speaker:Amy Martin: were increasingly concentrated
Speaker:Amy Martin: in cities, they began to
Speaker:Amy Martin: share their experiences and
Speaker:Amy Martin: ideas, which led to a
Speaker:Amy Martin: new wave of Indian pride
Speaker:Amy Martin: and indigenous activism.
Speaker:Amy Martin: In 1968, the American
Speaker:Amy Martin: Indian Movement, or AIM, was
Speaker:Amy Martin: founded in Minneapolis.
Speaker:Amy Martin: And in San Francisco, young
Speaker:Amy Martin: native people were starting to
Speaker:Amy Martin: use the phrase "Red Power."
Speaker:Amy Martin: Sarah says the Mission District
Speaker:Amy Martin: became the gathering spot.
Speaker:Sarah James: On a weekend, we get to
Speaker:Sarah James: go down
Speaker:Sarah James: 16th and Mission Street.
Speaker:Sarah James: That's where we hang out
Speaker:Sarah James: because they had they pay band
Speaker:Sarah James: that one place.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Sarah says Native people would
Speaker:Amy Martin: come in from across the region
Speaker:Amy Martin: seeking each other out for
Speaker:Amy Martin: companionship and political
Speaker:Amy Martin: conversation.
Speaker:Sarah James: And then I started hanging
Speaker:Sarah James: out with San Francisco
Speaker:Sarah James: State College students,
Speaker:Sarah James: and they were talking about
Speaker:Sarah James: Native American rights.
Speaker:Sarah James: And right away, to my interest
Speaker:Sarah James: keeping around with them,
Speaker:Sarah James: they just started American
Speaker:Sarah James: Indian Law and
Speaker:Sarah James: they were taking that class
Speaker:Sarah James: and we just discussed it on
Speaker:Sarah James: the weekend. We hang around.
Speaker:Sarah James: They go back to
Speaker:Sarah James: their college.
Speaker:Sarah James: I go back to my apartment
Speaker:Sarah James: and
Speaker:Sarah James: well, anyway, one
Speaker:Sarah James: day I guess they decided
Speaker:Sarah James: to take over the Alcatraz,
Speaker:Sarah James: take the island back.
Speaker:Amy Martin: And you were part of that?
Speaker:Sarah James: Yeah.
Speaker:Amy Martin: This is the point in the
Speaker:Amy Martin: interview when I was like,
Speaker:Amy Martin: wait, what?
Speaker:Amy Martin: I sat down with Sarah to talk
Speaker:Amy Martin: about drilling for oil in the
Speaker:Amy Martin: Arctic National Wildlife
Speaker:Amy Martin: Refuge.
Speaker:Amy Martin: And here I was learning she
Speaker:Amy Martin: was a participant in one of the
Speaker:Amy Martin: most important direct actions
Speaker:Amy Martin: in 20th century Native American
Speaker:Amy Martin: history.
Speaker:Amy Martin: This is Richard Oakes, one of
Speaker:Amy Martin: the leaders of the Alcatraz
Speaker:Amy Martin: occupation, recorded by
Speaker:Amy Martin: a local news channel.
Speaker:Richard Oakes: We, the Native Americans,
Speaker:Richard Oakes: reclaim this land known as
Speaker:Richard Oakes: Alcatraz Island in the name of
Speaker:Richard Oakes: all American Indians by right
Speaker:Richard Oakes: of discovery.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Alcatraz is a small island
Speaker:Amy Martin: in the San Francisco Bay that
Speaker:Amy Martin: indigenous people had lived on
Speaker:Amy Martin: or used for more than 10,000
Speaker:Amy Martin: years.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Most recently, the Ohlone.
Speaker:Reporter: What's this nation want to
Speaker:Reporter: establish out here?
Speaker:Richard Oakes: An American Indian nation
Speaker:Richard Oakes: comprising of all the, all the
Speaker:Richard Oakes: tribes, including
Speaker:Richard Oakes: the Alaskans.
Speaker:Amy Martin: In the 1800s, the U.S.
Speaker:Amy Martin: government took over the
Speaker:Amy Martin: island, urning it into a
Speaker:Amy Martin: military fortress and later
Speaker:Amy Martin: a prison.
Speaker:Amy Martin: And some of those prisoners
Speaker:Amy Martin: were Native Americans.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Like the 19 Hopi people
Speaker:Amy Martin: who were locked up on Alcatraz
Speaker:Amy Martin: in 1895 for
Speaker:Amy Martin: resisting the forced education
Speaker:Amy Martin: of their children.
Speaker:Amy Martin: The prison was shut down in
Speaker:Amy Martin: 1963,
Speaker:Amy Martin: and six years later, the
Speaker:Amy Martin: students that Sarah was hanging
Speaker:Amy Martin: out with in the mission decided
Speaker:Amy Martin: to take the island back.
Speaker:Reporter: You think you have the legal
Speaker:Reporter: right to clean the island and
Speaker:Reporter: why?
Speaker:Richard Oakes: Well you're talking about two
Speaker:Richard Oakes: different societies now in
Speaker:Richard Oakes: my society or in Indian
Speaker:Richard Oakes: society, yes, we do.
Speaker:Amy Martin: This was November 1969.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Sarah was working at an
Speaker:Amy Martin: insurance company at this point
Speaker:Amy Martin: and sharing an apartment with
Speaker:Amy Martin: that same friend from boarding
Speaker:Amy Martin: school.
Speaker:Sarah James: Middle of the night at 2:00.
Speaker:Sarah James: They came to our place, our
Speaker:Sarah James: apartment.
Speaker:Sarah James: For some reason that week
Speaker:Sarah James: we moved.
Speaker:Sarah James: They didn't know we move
Speaker:Sarah James: and they came to our place.
Speaker:Sarah James: We weren't there, so they went
Speaker:Sarah James: on without us.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Would you have gone if you had
Speaker:Amy Martin: been there?
Speaker:Sarah James: Yeah. I probably would just
Speaker:Sarah James: go.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Sarah missed that knock on the
Speaker:Amy Martin: door in the middle of the
Speaker:Amy Martin: night.
Speaker:Amy Martin: But when she and her friend
Speaker:Amy Martin: woke up the next morning.
Speaker:Sarah James: Then we got up and looked
Speaker:Sarah James: at the TV.
Speaker:Sarah James: There were up there on the
Speaker:Sarah James: island.
Speaker:Sarah James: Hey, they did it!
Speaker:Sarah James: There, they really
Speaker:Sarah James: did it right away.
Speaker:Sarah James: Say, I'm going.
Speaker:Sarah James: So I start packing.
Speaker:Sarah James: So I pack and I went down.
Speaker:Sarah James: They were there at the dock
Speaker:Sarah James: where they said they're going
Speaker:Sarah James: to be.
Speaker:Amy Martin: They were waiting to take
Speaker:Amy Martin: people who wanted to join.
Speaker:Sarah James: Yeah.
Speaker:Amy Martin: My gosh.
Speaker:Sarah James: But it was a real small
Speaker:Sarah James: rocking sailboat.
Speaker:Sarah James: I'd never been in a sailboat in
Speaker:Sarah James: my life, and I'm not the best
Speaker:Sarah James: swimmer.
Speaker:Sarah James: Got on there.
Speaker:Sarah James: I barely holding on.
Speaker:Sarah James: It was packed full.
Speaker:Sarah James: Inside and outside.
Speaker:Sarah James: I was outside holding on
Speaker:Sarah James: all the way over there.
Speaker:Amy Martin: The occupation of Alcatraz
Speaker:Amy Martin: lasted for 19 months
Speaker:Amy Martin: until June 1971,
Speaker:Amy Martin: and it's now considered one of
Speaker:Amy Martin: the pivotal moments in the
Speaker:Amy Martin: story of Native Americans
Speaker:Amy Martin: pushing back against white
Speaker:Amy Martin: domination in the United
Speaker:Amy Martin: States.
Speaker:Amy Martin: At the beginning of the
Speaker:Amy Martin: occupation, the students
Speaker:Amy Martin: issued a proclamation saying
Speaker:Amy Martin: they would pay the U.S.
Speaker:Amy Martin: government $24
Speaker:Amy Martin: in glass beads and red cloth
Speaker:Amy Martin: for the island, which was more,
Speaker:Amy Martin: they pointed out, than what the
Speaker:Amy Martin: colonists had paid for the
Speaker:Amy Martin: purchase of Manhattan 300
Speaker:Amy Martin: years earlier.
Speaker:Amy Martin: I'm going to play a little bit
Speaker:Amy Martin: more of Richard Oakes reading
Speaker:Amy Martin: the proclamation and understand
Speaker:Amy Martin: the power of what he's saying
Speaker:Amy Martin: here. You need to know that the
Speaker:Amy Martin: Bureau of Indian Affairs, part
Speaker:Amy Martin: of the Department of the
Speaker:Amy Martin: Interior, was the face
Speaker:Amy Martin: of the violent paternalism
Speaker:Amy Martin: that these students were
Speaker:Amy Martin: calling out.
Speaker:Richard Oakes: We will give to the inhabitants
Speaker:Richard Oakes: of this island a portion of
Speaker:Richard Oakes: that land for their own to be
Speaker:Richard Oakes: held in trust by the American
Speaker:Richard Oakes: Indian government, to be
Speaker:Richard Oakes: administered by the Bureau of
Speaker:Richard Oakes: Caucasian Affairs.
Speaker:Richard Oakes: For as long as the sun shall
Speaker:Richard Oakes: rise and the rivers go down to
Speaker:Richard Oakes: the sea.
Speaker:Richard Oakes: We will further guide the
Speaker:Richard Oakes: inhabitants of the proper way
Speaker:Richard Oakes: of living.
Speaker:Richard Oakes: We will offer them our
Speaker:Richard Oakes: religion, our education, our
Speaker:Richard Oakes: lifeways in order to help
Speaker:Richard Oakes: them achieve our level of
Speaker:Richard Oakes: civilization and thus raise
Speaker:Richard Oakes: them and all our white brothers
Speaker:Richard Oakes: up from their savage and
Speaker:Richard Oakes: unhappy state.
Speaker:Richard Oakes: We offer this treaty in good
Speaker:Richard Oakes: faith and wish to be
Speaker:Richard Oakes: fair and honorable in our
Speaker:Richard Oakes: dealings with all white men.
Speaker:Amy Martin: The whole proclamation is
Speaker:Amy Martin: definitely worth a read.
Speaker:Amy Martin: It's a pretty brilliant
Speaker:Amy Martin: political essay in which these
Speaker:Amy Martin: young indigenous people turn
Speaker:Amy Martin: the tables on white society
Speaker:Amy Martin: in a way that couldn't be
Speaker:Amy Martin: ignored.
Speaker:Amy Martin: And Sarah James was there,
Speaker:Amy Martin: but she didn't stay long
Speaker:Amy Martin: because in January 1970,
Speaker:Amy Martin: her father died suddenly
Speaker:Amy Martin: and she left for Alaska
Speaker:Amy Martin: immediately.
Speaker:Sarah James: And I never went back
Speaker:Sarah James: because there's no phone
Speaker:Sarah James: or electricity here
Speaker:Sarah James: and no way to go back.
Speaker:Sarah James: All that kind of stuff.
Speaker:Amy Martin: So here's Sarah James in 1970,
Speaker:Amy Martin: 26 years old, raised
Speaker:Amy Martin: in the Alaska wilderness and
Speaker:Amy Martin: swept up into events that were
Speaker:Amy Martin: making headlines all around the
Speaker:Amy Martin: world.
Speaker:Amy Martin: And now she's suddenly back
Speaker:Amy Martin: in Arctic Village.
Speaker:Amy Martin: The census that year recorded a
Speaker:Amy Martin: population of 85 people.
Speaker:Amy Martin: I imagine she might have felt
Speaker:Amy Martin: like this was sort of the end
Speaker:Amy Martin: of something.
Speaker:Amy Martin: But as it turned out, all
Speaker:Amy Martin: of this had been training
Speaker:Amy Martin: for what was coming next.
Speaker:Amy Martin: We'll have more after this
Speaker:Amy Martin: short break.
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: Hi, my name's Matt Herlihy and
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: I've been a Threshold listener
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: and donor since season one came
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: out in 2017.
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: I was also one of the first
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: volunteer board members of the
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: nonprofit organization that
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: makes Threshold.
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: Over the past seven plus
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: years, I've had this unique,
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: firsthand look at just how much
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: work it takes to make this kind
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: of show. I mean, the time,
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: the dedication, the
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: determination that's required
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: to tell these in-depth stories
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: that really make people think
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: and feel and give people a
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: sense of what it's like to
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: really go to places where the
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: stories are happening to, to
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: talk to the people who are part
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: of them.
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: It creates this rich, immersive
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: listening experience.
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: And I think that kind of
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: reporting, this whole kind of
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: show is not easy to make.
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: It's also not easy to fund.
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: You know, talk about slow,
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: in-depth, thorough.
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: These are not often part of the
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: existing models for making a
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: podcast. So it's up to people
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: like us to really make sure
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: Threshold can get made.
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: I believe the Threshold is
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: doing really matters and if you
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: do, to help them keep
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: doing it.
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: Threshold's Year End
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: fundraising campaign is
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: happening right now through
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: December 31st and
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: each gift will be doubled
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: through NewsMatch.
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: So if you give $25,
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: they'll receive 50.
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: You can make your one time or
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: monthly donation online at
Speaker:Matt Herlihy:
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: Just click the donate button
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: and give what you can.
Speaker:Matt Herlihy: Thank you.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Hi Threshold listeners. Do you ever find yourself wondering what businesses are doing and what more they should do to confront climate change? Then you should check out Climate Rising, the award-winning podcast from Harvard Business School. Climate Rising gives you a behind-the-scenes look at how top business leaders are taking on the challenge of climate change. The show covers cutting edge solutions from leveraging A.I. and carbon markets to sharing
Speaker:Amy Martin: stories that inspire climate
Speaker:Amy Martin: action.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Recent episodes feature
Speaker:Amy Martin: insightful conversations with
Speaker:Amy Martin: leaders like Netflix's first
Speaker:Amy Martin: Sustainability Officer, Emma
Speaker:Amy Martin: Steward, who discusses how the
Speaker:Amy Martin: global entertainment giant
Speaker:Amy Martin: uses its platform to promote
Speaker:Amy Martin: climate awareness.
Speaker:Amy Martin: You'll also hear from CNN's
Speaker:Amy Martin: chief climate correspondent
Speaker:Amy Martin: Bill Weir about the importance
Speaker:Amy Martin: of integrating climate change
Speaker:Amy Martin: into news coverage.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Each episode dives deep into
Speaker:Amy Martin: the challenges and
Speaker:Amy Martin: opportunities that climate
Speaker:Amy Martin: change presents to
Speaker:Amy Martin: entrepreneurs and innovators.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Listen to Climate Rising
Speaker:Amy Martin: every other Wednesday on Apple
Speaker:Amy Martin: Podcasts, Spotify
Speaker:Amy Martin: or wherever you get your
Speaker:Amy Martin: podcasts.
Speaker:Dallas Taylor: I'm Dallas Taylor, host of
Speaker:Dallas Taylor: 20,000 Hertz,
Speaker:Dallas Taylor: a podcast that reveals the
Speaker:Dallas Taylor: untold stories behind the
Speaker:Dallas Taylor: sounds of our world.
Speaker:Dallas Taylor: We've uncovered the incredible
Speaker:Dallas Taylor: intelligence of talking
Speaker:Dallas Taylor: parrots.
Speaker:Speaker 6: Basically, birdbrain
Speaker:Speaker 6: was a pejorative term.
Speaker:Speaker 6: And here I had this bird
Speaker:Speaker 6: that was doing the same types
Speaker:Speaker 6: of tasks the primates.
Speaker:Dallas Taylor: We've investigated the bonding
Speaker:Dallas Taylor: power of music.
Speaker:Speaker 7: There's an intimacy there in
Speaker:Speaker 7: communicating through
Speaker:Speaker 7: the medium of music
Speaker:Speaker 7: that can be really a
Speaker:Speaker 7: powerful force for bringing
Speaker:Speaker 7: people together.
Speaker:Dallas Taylor: We've explored the subtle
Speaker:Dallas Taylor: nuances of the human voice.
Speaker:Speaker: We have to remember that humans
Speaker:Speaker: over many hundreds of thousands
Speaker:Speaker: of years of evolution have
Speaker:Speaker: become extremely attuned
Speaker:Speaker: to the sounds of each other's
Speaker:Speaker: voices.
Speaker:Dallas Taylor: And we've revealed why a famous
Speaker:Dallas Taylor: composer wrote a piece made
Speaker:Dallas Taylor: entirely of silence.
Speaker:Speaker 7: I think that's a really
Speaker:Speaker 7: potentially quite useful and
Speaker:Speaker 7: quite profound experience to
Speaker:Speaker 7: have.
Speaker:Dallas Taylor: Subscribe to 20,000Hz
Speaker:Dallas Taylor: right here in your podcast
Speaker:Dallas Taylor: player.
Speaker:Dallas Taylor: I'll meet you there.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Welcome back to Threshold.
Speaker:Amy Martin: I'm Amy Martin and I'm in
Speaker:Amy Martin: Arctic Village, Alaska,
Speaker:Amy Martin: listening to the story of
Speaker:Amy Martin: Gwich'in leader Sarah James.
Speaker:Amy Martin: After a childhood in the Alaska
Speaker:Amy Martin: wilderness adolescence in
Speaker:Amy Martin: an Oregon boarding school,
Speaker:Amy Martin: an on-the-ground activist training in San Francisco, Sarah had returned home to a state about to be transformed by oil. Up on the coast, the Prudhoe Bay oil field had been discovered. And by the late 1970s, the Trans-Alaska Pipeline was built. Oil was flowing south to the Port of Valdez
Speaker:Amy Martin: day and night. In the 1980s, Sarah started hearing that drilling operations might be expanded to the east of Prudhoe. Into the calving grounds of the porcupine caribou herd.
Speaker:Sarah James: And so I went to my brother.
Speaker:Sarah James: At that time, they told
Speaker:Sarah James: my brother, Well, how come they
Speaker:Sarah James: keep telling me they're going
Speaker:Sarah James: to do gas and oil development
Speaker:Sarah James: up there?
Speaker:Sarah James: And he said, yeah,
Speaker:Sarah James: oil companies are huge.
Speaker:Sarah James: They're very huge.
Speaker:Sarah James: We can't stop it.
Speaker:Sarah James: You know, just us
Speaker:Sarah James: is too huge.
Speaker:Sarah James: I don't think we'll get
Speaker:Sarah James: anywhere with it.
Speaker:Sarah James: Well, we shall see about
Speaker:Sarah James: it. I told him that, you know,
Speaker:Sarah James: and he said there might
Speaker:Sarah James: be a way.
Speaker:Sarah James: Let's, let's work on it,
Speaker:Sarah James: he said.
Speaker:Sarah James: So I laugh.
Speaker:Amy Martin: And she got to work.
Speaker:Sarah James: I was one of the tribal council
Speaker:Sarah James: then, and
Speaker:Sarah James: the tribal council chose
Speaker:Sarah James: me to deal with
Speaker:Sarah James: environment issues.
Speaker:Amy Martin: So Sarah started going to
Speaker:Amy Martin: meetings throughout the region,
Speaker:Amy Martin: learning about what was going
Speaker:Amy Martin: on up on the coast and how it
Speaker:Amy Martin: might affect the caribou.
Speaker:Amy Martin: She says she definitely wasn't
Speaker:Amy Martin: working alone.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Lots of folks were involved,
Speaker:Amy Martin: including Inupiat people
Speaker:Amy Martin: who are also concerned about
Speaker:Amy Martin: protecting the caribou and
Speaker:Amy Martin: their own communities.
Speaker:Amy Martin: In 1987, they succeeded
Speaker:Amy Martin: in getting the U.S.
Speaker:Amy Martin: and Canada to sign an
Speaker:Amy Martin: international treaty designed
Speaker:Amy Martin: to protect the Porcupine
Speaker:Amy Martin: caribou herd.
Speaker:Amy Martin: And the language of the treaty
Speaker:Amy Martin: made it clear that the animals
Speaker:Amy Martin: needed to be protected, both
Speaker:Amy Martin: for their own sake and for
Speaker:Amy Martin: the sake of the people who
Speaker:Amy Martin: depended on them, both
Speaker:Amy Martin: nutritionally and culturally.
Speaker:Amy Martin: The treaty also established
Speaker:Amy Martin: the Porcupine Caribou
Speaker:Amy Martin: Management Board, which still
Speaker:Amy Martin: exists today and is supposed
Speaker:Amy Martin: to be consulted on development
Speaker:Amy Martin: projects that could impact the
Speaker:Amy Martin: herd.
Speaker:Amy Martin: But the Gwich'in knew the
Speaker:Amy Martin: allure of the oil was going to
Speaker:Amy Martin: continue to turn the heads of
Speaker:Amy Martin: the big companies.
Speaker:Amy Martin: And the treaty lacked an
Speaker:Amy Martin: enforcement mechanism.
Speaker:Amy Martin: By itself, it wasn't enough to
Speaker:Amy Martin: prevent drilling on the coastal
Speaker:Amy Martin: plain.
Speaker:Amy Martin: So members of the new
Speaker:Amy Martin: management board started going
Speaker:Amy Martin: out to villages and talking to
Speaker:Amy Martin: people.
Speaker:Sarah James: They went to each village and
Speaker:Sarah James: talked to elders,
Speaker:Sarah James: what we should do.
Speaker:Sarah James: And
Speaker:Sarah James: the one elder, Mary Kay.
Speaker:Sarah James: And she said, Well,
Speaker:Sarah James: when we deal with it back
Speaker:Sarah James: in the day, like back
Speaker:Sarah James: before our first visitor,
Speaker:Sarah James: when there's a threat to our
Speaker:Sarah James: nation and this
Speaker:Sarah James: is a threat to our nation,
Speaker:Sarah James: they come together as a nation
Speaker:Sarah James: and, and then they
Speaker:Sarah James: make a decision within
Speaker:Sarah James: less than four days,
Speaker:Sarah James: then that's how they deal with
Speaker:Sarah James: the issue.
Speaker:Sarah James: And those days bow and arrow
Speaker:Sarah James: days.
Speaker:Sarah James: And we should do that.
Speaker:Sarah James: We should call it a nation
Speaker:Sarah James: back to gather
Speaker:Sarah James: it, take it on from then.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Sarah says this idea of
Speaker:Amy Martin: bringing the whole Gwich'in
Speaker:Amy Martin: Nation together to figure out
Speaker:Amy Martin: how to respond to the threat of
Speaker:Amy Martin: oil development quickly gained
Speaker:Amy Martin: traction among the Gwich'in.
Speaker:Sarah James: So they call
Speaker:Sarah James: and gather here in the Arctic
Speaker:Sarah James: Village, June 5
Speaker:Sarah James: to 10, 1988.
Speaker:Sarah James: People start coming, and
Speaker:Sarah James: I think we have 15
Speaker:Sarah James: chief U.S.
Speaker:Sarah James: and Canada and
Speaker:Sarah James: 15 elders
Speaker:Sarah James: and one youth from
Speaker:Sarah James: each village.
Speaker:Amy Martin: That was kind of the official
Speaker:Amy Martin: delegation.
Speaker:Amy Martin: But Sarah says Gwich'in people
Speaker:Amy Martin: from across their home
Speaker:Amy Martin: territory started arriving
Speaker:Amy Martin: and getting the whole Gwich'in
Speaker:Amy Martin: community together in one place
Speaker:Amy Martin: at one time was no
Speaker:Amy Martin: small feat.
Speaker:Amy Martin: These are tiny villages
Speaker:Amy Martin: scattered across really rugged,
Speaker:Amy Martin: wild territory with
Speaker:Amy Martin: no roads connecting them
Speaker:Amy Martin: and divided by a national
Speaker:Amy Martin: border.
Speaker:Amy Martin: One family chartered a plane.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Others piled into boats
Speaker:Amy Martin: and took them up the rivers.
Speaker:Sarah James: It's difficult to travel
Speaker:Sarah James: that river from here to
Speaker:Sarah James: Yukon.
Speaker:Sarah James: But then they did.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Sarah says back in what she
Speaker:Amy Martin: calls "bow and arrow days,"
Speaker:Amy Martin: the semi-nomadic life of the
Speaker:Amy Martin: Gwich'in meant that all of the
Speaker:Amy Martin: different subgroups met and
Speaker:Amy Martin: mingled frequently.
Speaker:Amy Martin: But the colonization process
Speaker:Amy Martin: had changed. That and the
Speaker:Amy Martin: various Gwich'in bands have
Speaker:Amy Martin: become much more separate from
Speaker:Amy Martin: each other.
Speaker:Amy Martin: At the 1988 gathering,
Speaker:Amy Martin: Sarah says, they were reminded
Speaker:Amy Martin: that they shared a common
Speaker:Amy Martin: language and history
Speaker:Amy Martin: and common concerns
Speaker:Amy Martin: for the future.
Speaker:Sarah James: And it's just like a rebirth
Speaker:Sarah James: of the nation as a whole.
Speaker:Sarah James: Everybody getting to know each
Speaker:Sarah James: other. There's some graveyard
Speaker:Sarah James: of their relatives
Speaker:Sarah James: here. They want to worship.
Speaker:Amy Martin: One native-owned media
Speaker:Amy Martin: organization was allowed to
Speaker:Amy Martin: film parts of the event.
Speaker:Amy Martin: And we've put a link to that
Speaker:Amy Martin: video up on our website.
Speaker:Amy Martin: There were non-Gwich'in people
Speaker:Amy Martin: who came to the gathering too.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Government officials,
Speaker:Amy Martin: representatives from
Speaker:Amy Martin: conservation groups and
Speaker:Amy Martin: Sarah says they brought their
Speaker:Amy Martin: non Gwich'in ways of doing
Speaker:Amy Martin: things with them.
Speaker:Sarah James: They came up with the agenda.
Speaker:Sarah James: But when
Speaker:Sarah James: they start the meeting,
Speaker:Sarah James: those elders took over
Speaker:Sarah James: the meetings and said, we don't
Speaker:Sarah James: need this agenda.
Speaker:Sarah James: So they tore up the agenda
Speaker:Sarah James: and said, we'll take it from
Speaker:Sarah James: here.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Whatever plan the outside
Speaker:Amy Martin: groups may have had.
Speaker:Amy Martin: The elders said, No, thank
Speaker:Amy Martin: you.
Speaker:Amy Martin: This is our gathering and we'll
Speaker:Amy Martin: do it our way.
Speaker:Sarah James: And then somebody presented
Speaker:Sarah James: a talking stick.
Speaker:Sarah James: It's just a stick with the
Speaker:Sarah James: eagle head on it.
Speaker:Sarah James: And then they said, who will
Speaker:Sarah James: talk with a stick?
Speaker:Sarah James: And we had to be in the center
Speaker:Sarah James: of the whole community
Speaker:Sarah James: hall.
Speaker:Sarah James: So that's how they
Speaker:Sarah James: ran their meeting.
Speaker:Amy Martin: And almost everything happened
Speaker:Amy Martin: in Gwich'in.
Speaker:Amy Martin: The video doesn't give names
Speaker:Amy Martin: for individual speakers, but
Speaker:Amy Martin: it does provide translations.
Speaker:Amy Martin: And this man is saying, "Oil
Speaker:Amy Martin: burns when the trucks and cats
Speaker:Amy Martin: work and the wells are drilled,
Speaker:Amy Martin: the oil spreads all over the
Speaker:Amy Martin: caribous' food."
Speaker:Amy Martin: He says, "What will become
Speaker:Amy Martin: of our children when the
Speaker:Amy Martin: caribou go?"
Speaker:Amy Martin: The story of the outside groups
Speaker:Amy Martin: creating an agenda and
Speaker:Amy Martin: the elders promptly tossing it
Speaker:Amy Martin: out- I think this is an
Speaker:Amy Martin: important detail.
Speaker:Amy Martin: As we talked about last time,
Speaker:Amy Martin: one of the meta battles
Speaker:Amy Martin: surrounding the fight over
Speaker:Amy Martin: drilling in the refuge is who
Speaker:Amy Martin: controls the narrative.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Are pro-oil groups using
Speaker:Amy Martin: some Inupiaq people to advance
Speaker:Amy Martin: their agenda?
Speaker:Amy Martin: Are conservation groups doing
Speaker:Amy Martin: the same with the Gwich'in?
Speaker:Amy Martin: But both of those lines of
Speaker:Amy Martin: thought give all the agency
Speaker:Amy Martin: to white people.
Speaker:Amy Martin: In Sarah's narrative, the
Speaker:Amy Martin: Gwich'in are the protagonists,
Speaker:Amy Martin: they know what they want and
Speaker:Amy Martin: they make it happen.
Speaker:Amy Martin: She's not describing some
Speaker:Amy Martin: hapless group of people who can
Speaker:Amy Martin: easily be manipulated by
Speaker:Amy Martin: outsiders.
Speaker:Woman at Gathering: And together here,
Speaker:Woman at Gathering: we're going to fight
Speaker:Woman at Gathering: in a good way
Speaker:Woman at Gathering: to teach
Speaker:Woman at Gathering: many white people out there
Speaker:Woman at Gathering: who do not understand our ways.
Speaker:Woman at Gathering: We got to teach them.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Sarah says it quickly became
Speaker:Amy Martin: clear that there was no
Speaker:Amy Martin: disagreement among the Gwich'in
Speaker:Amy Martin: about the goal.
Speaker:Amy Martin: What they were trying to figure
Speaker:Amy Martin: out was a strategy.
Speaker:Woman at Gathering: They know that they're
Speaker:Woman at Gathering: against oil and gas
Speaker:Woman at Gathering: development, but how are we
Speaker:Woman at Gathering: going to do it?
Speaker:Woman at Gathering: You know, what to do,
Speaker:Woman at Gathering: where we're going to go, how
Speaker:Woman at Gathering: are we going to do it?
Speaker:Woman at Gathering: And then they say,
Speaker:Woman at Gathering: the only way we're going to win
Speaker:Woman at Gathering: is unless we do it in a good
Speaker:Woman at Gathering: way, educate the world
Speaker:Woman at Gathering: in good way and make
Speaker:Woman at Gathering: friends because we can't
Speaker:Woman at Gathering: do it ourselves, it's too huge.
Speaker:Amy Martin: So they wrote a resolution,
Speaker:Amy Martin: a short, clear message,
Speaker:Amy Martin: saying who they were and what
Speaker:Amy Martin: they wanted.
Speaker:Amy Martin: You can read it on our website.
Speaker:Amy Martin: It says the Gwich'in have a
Speaker:Amy Martin: right to continue their way of
Speaker:Amy Martin: life and that their culture
Speaker:Amy Martin: depends on the caribou.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Therefore, oil and gas
Speaker:Amy Martin: development should be
Speaker:Amy Martin: prohibited in the 1002 area.
Speaker:Man at Gathering: We have it in writing with our
Speaker:Man at Gathering: signatures on it.
Speaker:Man at Gathering: I think they
Speaker:Man at Gathering: know at least we have
Speaker:Man at Gathering: one nation of
Speaker:Man at Gathering: Gwich'in people that are saying
Speaker:Man at Gathering: no and
Speaker:Man at Gathering: we mean no.
Speaker:Man at Gathering: And, you know, maybe
Speaker:Man at Gathering: it means it may
Speaker:Man at Gathering: help in the decision-making.
Speaker:Sarah James: We are the caribou people.
Speaker:Sarah James: If it wasn't for the caribou,
Speaker:Sarah James: we wouldn't be here today.
Speaker:Sarah James: And to take away of who
Speaker:Sarah James: you are and be proud
Speaker:Sarah James: of who you are,
Speaker:Sarah James: that's genocide.
Speaker:Amy Martin: At the 1988 gathering,
Speaker:Amy Martin: the Gwich'in chose eight
Speaker:Amy Martin: ambassadors to help get that
Speaker:Amy Martin: message out to the world.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Sarah was one of them.
Speaker:Amy Martin: And this was a permanent
Speaker:Amy Martin: appointment.
Speaker:Amy Martin: This was now her assigned role
Speaker:Amy Martin: in the community for the rest
Speaker:Amy Martin: of her life.
Speaker:Amy Martin: So she picked up that mantle
Speaker:Amy Martin: and has never set it down.
Speaker:Amy Martin: She's given speeches all over
Speaker:Amy Martin: the country.
Speaker:Amy Martin: She's traveled to Washington,
Speaker:Amy Martin: D.C. countless times to meet
Speaker:Amy Martin: with lawmakers and to testify
Speaker:Amy Martin: at congressional hearings.
Speaker:Amy Martin: And every two years since 1988,
Speaker:Amy Martin: the Gwich'in have held another
Speaker:Amy Martin: gathering. And every two years,
Speaker:Amy Martin: they've reaffirmed their
Speaker:Amy Martin: opposition to drilling on
Speaker:Amy Martin: the coastal plain.
Speaker:Sarah James: They never break what they make
Speaker:Sarah James: the decision on at that time
Speaker:Sarah James: and never have.
Speaker:Sarah James: And never will.
Speaker:Amy Martin: So that's the message Sarah has
Speaker:Amy Martin: been repeating over
Speaker:Amy Martin: and over.
Speaker:Sarah James: Look like
Speaker:Sarah James: we made the right decision back
Speaker:Sarah James: in 1988.
Speaker:Sarah James: We overcame many, many
Speaker:Sarah James: battles because
Speaker:Sarah James: all American out there
Speaker:Sarah James: along with us, spoke
Speaker:Sarah James: loud and clear, they don't want
Speaker:Sarah James: a gas and oil development.
Speaker:Sarah James: And I believe it's
Speaker:Sarah James: going to stay that way.
Speaker:Sarah James: I believe we're going to win.
Speaker:Amy Martin: I recorded this conversation in
Speaker:Amy Martin: August of 2017.
Speaker:Amy Martin: In December of that year,
Speaker:Amy Martin: President Trump signed the Tax
Speaker:Amy Martin: Cuts and Jobs Act, and
Speaker:Amy Martin: the Arctic National Wildlife
Speaker:Amy Martin: Refuge was open for oil
Speaker:Amy Martin: and gas drilling.
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: I feel like my home
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: is being attacked.
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: I feel like
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: my children are being
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: attacked.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Again, this is Bernadette Demientiff.
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: To
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: me, this is how I look at
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: it.
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: Like I would walk into your
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: house, sit at your table, and
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: you start going through your
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: cupboards and
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: go in and kick them back on
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: your couch, kick them out.
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: That's how I feel
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: when they're coming in here and
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: just wanting to rip everything
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: apart.
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: You know, I get angry,
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: but then I have to always
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: remember I have to go back to
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: what our elders say and
Speaker:Bernadette Demientieff: do it in a good way.
Speaker:Amy Martin: Stay with us for part two.