Jem and Justin chat about robot training, viral videos, nesting software woes, and inspired dowel finishing methods. Features shop talk about CNC automation, Fusion 360 pains, and label printing solutions.
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✍️ Comment or Suggest a Topic - New voice message option
- New youtube upcoming, tour
- UR Playtime UR Cobots and Robots
- People are so scared of new ideas (dumb white men) ⠄
- Millions more views, mostly hate comments
- Millions all round.
- Oligarch eyes, vendor lock-in ꘎
- Jem's new muse
- Nesting in Fusion
- More scripts to fix Fusion's massive flaws
- Label printing out of Airtable
- Pool cue dipping rig success ꘎
- Dust boot recommended by Multicam
- New PDX Airport killeth
- 99pi PDX Carpet Episode
- Configurator re-skins
- Plain Jane HTML hosting within Shopify
- - 10% off with link
Profit First Playlist
Classic Episodes Playlist
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Show Info
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Jem Freeman
Castlemaine, Victoria, Australia
Like Butter | Instagram | More Links
Justin Brouillette
Portland, Oregon, USA
PDX CNC | Instagram | More Links