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Changing Lives Through Love – Dr. Adena Pharmacist pt 1
Episode 139316th November 2023 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
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Changing Lives Through Love  Dr. Adena, Pharmacist pt 1

Please be advised that this podcast or anything Dr. Adena says is not to be taken as Medical Advice. It's for informational purposes only. Each person needs to consult their own physician or healthcare provider for medical advice and/or Treatment. Please be advised that this podcast or anything Dr. Adena says is not to be taken as Medical Advice. It's for informational purposes only. Each person needs to consult their own physician or healthcare provider for medical advice and/or Treatment.

Since the year 2000, almost 1 million drug overdoses have resulted in death.

26% of all arrests in America right now, are the result of drug offenses.

“Well, brother Bob, that’s the illegal side of things. The criminals and such…”

Really???  How about this:  6% of Americans over the age of 12 abuse PRESCRIPTION DRUGS each and every year… that’s over 16 million people!

12% of prescription drug users are addicted… and I’ll have more to say on that in a minute…

82%... 4 out of every 5 prescriptions filled, are for opioids.  Think about that!

Dr. Adena Asatoorian holds a Doctor of Pharmacy degree and has been a pharmacist for over 20 years. She has provided medication therapy management services and her interventions have truly saved numerous lives. Amen!

Dr. Adena, Pharmacist, is an incorporated name that has it’s sole purpose is to conduct public speaking events regarding “Understanding Drugs.” The mission statement is simple, “Changing lives through the power of Love and understanding drugs.” Amen!

Help me welcome to the program. Dr. Adena Asatoorian – or better known as, “Dr. Adena, Pharmicist!”  Dr. Adena, thank you for taking the time to join us today!

First question I always start with is this. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Dr. Adena, Pharmacist?”

Dr. Adena, living with someone who is addicted to drugs, whether legal or illegal, can be challenging. What advice do you give to loved ones in this situation?

How was “letting him hit rock bottom” working out? For him and for you?

Then the Lord interjected something into your life. Can you share how that changed your perspective on things?

You had a few instances where the Lord actually led you straight to him as he was off on his binges, etc. Can you share a little bit about those instances?

Folks, speaking from experience, drug addiction can take many forms. For Pastor Bob, it was because of pain management from my injuries. Thank GOD I was delivered from that. So much so, that when I had my knee replacement surgeries, as you heard, I did not even get the opioid prescriptions filled. God took care of the pain for me. Amen!

But, each person has to come to a place where you can make the decision on your own. My situation is not the same as your situation. Dr. Adena, Pharmacist, is here to help.

Drop down into the show notes. Click the links. Go to her website and take a look at all of the resources she has there. It’s not just for addicts, either!  It is for those loved ones who are trying to help and addict you care about. It’s for YOU!  To give you hope and encouragement as you stand, spiritually as well as physically, praying for and interceding for your loved one. Amen!

Please be advised that this podcast or anything Dr. Adena says is not to be taken as Medical Advice. It's for informational purposes only. Each person needs to consult their own physician or healthcare provider for medical advice and/or Treatment.





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