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Podcast# 277 To Hell in a Handbasket: Finding the Hidden Lifeboat on The SS America
Episode 27720th October 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
00:00:00 00:13:49

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The SS America: A Metaphor for a Fading Nation

The Rise and Fall of America's Seaworthiness

In the annals of history, the SS America stands as a poignant metaphor for the United States. Designed by William Francis Gibbs, this ship was a beacon of technological prowess and beauty, much like America in its prime. Yet, today, both the ship and the nation it symbolizes lie in ruins, mere shadows of their former selves. The last time America was at its peak was during the Eisenhower Administration.

The Disconnect Between Wall Street and Society

While Wall Street thrives, it remains oblivious to the societal decay around it. Their focus? Profits. The elite and corporations are no different, prioritizing profitability over the well-being of everyday citizens. This disconnect raises a pressing question: Do the wealthy truly grasp the consequences of their actions?

The Illusion of Wealth and Security

History offers lessons. The Titanic tragedy serves as a stark reminder that wealth can't always guarantee safety. Many of the affluent passengers aboard the Titanic believed their riches would shield them from harm. Yet, when disaster struck, their wealth was rendered meaningless. Today's uber-rich should heed this lesson, for they too may be blindsided by unforeseen calamities.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


entered commercial service in:

00:52 visible today there are only photographs old primitive video and the fading memories of those that sailed on her long ago recounting the stories of her beauty and Excellence that has now been lost just as those passengers who once traveled on her became lost to the ravishes of time yep I don't believe it's even possible that I could have found a more apt metaphor for my country which economically aesthetically and socially is a complete shadow of its for self and the last time this country was truly seaworthy was during the Eisenhower

01:39 Administration and that was a long time ago now I would best describe the way I feel about the condition of current America uh it would be as old Romans of so long ago who talked and longed for the days when Rome was at the height of her power Beauty ands stability the time of Augustus but by the time of the insanity of ciglia those days were long gone never to return so naturally it begs the question I do not claim to be a scholar but if my perceptions are even half correct where the hell does one go from here well that depends on quite a

02:29 few things but in all honesty your options well they're a bit limited the most effective way of looking at this situation is that it is a game a game called life and what needs to be understood very clearly is that if you lose you can't just laugh and Shug it off and say to yourself oh well I lost but it's just a game I can come back to it later and try again I can hit the reset button no big deal I'll say this just once The Game of Life plays for Keeps and you become the sum total of your losses and if you

03:15 continue to have many losses but you have a Cavalier attitude towards those losses you can find yourself in a whole lot of trouble the important thing to bear in mind is for for the vast majority of people as the country goes so their life goes yep now I just want to clarify when I'm talking about how the country is going I'm specifically talking about how well the country is working as a society not how well Wall Street is doing by and large Wall Street doesn't give a damn about the livability of

03:59 society they are only concerned with profits and not even concerned about how they get them the corporations in the elite don't really give a rat's ass about livability either which affects you know you and I the consumers the peons they are only concerned with profitability and many of you out there actually already know this so the question any sane person would ask should be pretty obvious don't the ruling money Elite understand don't they understand that if they keep going with what they're doing

04:45 they themselves will not be able to survive well the short answer is no allow me to give an example of China and India are two of the most densely populated countries on Earth just take a look at any videos concerning this issue from either country and you'll see the largest cities are populated with something like 100 million people per square foot okay okay okay I I'm trying to make a joke there but actually in terms of the living conditions it may as well be yet you always notice that the obscenely wealthy they live outside of

05:38 those areas they have large beautiful Estates which is what they are accustomed to and it is the same pattern whether it be India China the UK Japan Germany France and of course the United States and they have all the resources they need and then some simply put the resource needs of the masses regardless of where they may be it's not the concern of the rulers and generally speaking with a few exceptions such as the Roman baths and the aqueduct water system it never has been because the reality is that generally speaking none

the post economic boom of the:

07:30 things that would need to be done but the plausibility of that happening without basically initiating near dictatorial government seems very unlikely and is beyond the scope of this episode The bit of good news however is what can happen for you the individual are you a person that believes that America's basically can't be saved do you believe that America is going to hell in a hand basket if so it would be really good for you to contact me via my website because for one thing I'm preaching to the choir and secondly

Titanic disaster in April of:

09:03 scrutinized many times a lack of sufficient number of lifeboats Lifeboat lowering mechanisms that did not function properly a crew that was not adequately trained in emergency procedures and even the Crow's Nest Iceberg Lookouts who didn't even have binoculars as they should have the reasons for the tragedy were many and over 1,500 people lost their lives horribly yet there is another aspect which is seldom talked about what should be introspectively learned from this approximately a third of the passengers were first class and very

09:58 wealthy yet in the final analysis all that wealth could not save them you can have all the money in the world but under the right circumstances it can be totally useless and unfortunately those people had to learn that reality with their lives it is a very similar situation with extremely wealthy people today they totally believe that the system is not going to crack and even for those who do have a bit more foresight they believe that if or when uh the proverbial hits the fan they'll be able to flee on their

10:45 private jets or by some other means but that couldn't be further from the truth there are many multifaceted issues which would prevent them from doing this this and I'm telling you I know this to be the absolute reality just remember despite all their Millions the extremely wealthy still couldn't get their ass into a Lifeboat from the Titanic just imagine only 24 hours previously all those very welltoo folks on the Titanic were whining and dining dancing and having the time of their lives feeling

11:32 absolutely safe and secure because it is what they had well become accustomed to in life it is what they firmly believed and trusted and what would happen in the next 24 hours was simply unimaginable and that is what the uber wealthy of today having with all those wealthy folks who perished 111 years ago with Titanic they simply won't be able to imagine the unimaginable until next time this is earnest reminding you that there are no bad words just bad actions take care



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