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Genesis Ch 6 vs 9 to Genesis Ch 7 vs 24
Episode 98th January 2025 • 15 Minute Daily Bible Walk • Pastor Robert Thibodeau
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Genesis Ch 6 vs 9 to Genesis Ch 7 vs 24

Pastor Bob Thibodeau delves into the biblical narrative of Noah and the flood, emphasizing the significance of being in the ark as a metaphor for being in Christ. He discusses how Noah, described as a just man who walked with God, was given specific instructions to build the ark, which would save him and his family from the impending flood.

The episode highlights the misconception that all animals entered the ark two by two, clarifying that clean animals were taken in by sevens, while unclean animals were brought in two by two.

As the floodwaters began to rise, Pastor Bob reflects on the disbelief of those outside the ark and the divine control over the situation, including the closing of the ark's door by God. This narrative serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of faith and obedience in the face of impending judgment.


  • Noah was a just man and walked closely with God, similar to Enoch.
  • The command from God to Noah included specific instructions for building the ark.
  • Clean animals were brought into the ark by sevens, unlike the unclean animals.
  • The flood was a significant event that lasted for 40 days and nights.
  • Methuselah's name signifies a prophetic timeline for the coming flood's onset.
  • All living creatures outside the ark perished, demonstrating God's judgment on corruption.

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Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Hello, everyone, everywhere.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Pastor Bob Thibodeau here.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Welcome to the 15 Minute Bible Walk today, which is January 7th where we left off last time in Genesis, chapter 6, verse 8.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

So we're going to pick up today in Genesis, chapter six, verse nine.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

These are the generations of Noah.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And Noah walked with God.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

That means he's got this close relationship with God.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Who's the other one that did that?

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Enoch was taken out of the earth by God here.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Noah is going to have a job to do before he gets to go.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

He says, Noah got three sons.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Shem, Ham and Japheth.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

The earth was also corrupt before God.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

The earth was filled with violence.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

God looked upon the earth and behold, it was corrupt.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

For all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And God said to Noah, the end of all flesh has come before me.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

For the earth is filled with violence through them.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And behold, I will destroy them with the Earth.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Or the middle reference here says, I will destroy them from the face of the earth.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Think about that now.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Verse 14.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Make thee an ark of gopher wood.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

With rooms you shall make.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

In the ark you shall pitch it without within and without with pitch.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

This is the fashion which you shall make it of.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

The length of the ark shall be 300 cubits, the breadth of it, 50 cubits, the height of it, 30 cubits.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

A window you make in the ark.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And in a cubit shall you finish it above.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And the door of the ark you shall set in the side thereof.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

With lower second and third stories you shall make it.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Verse 17.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And behold, I, even I, do now bring a flood of waters upon the earth to destroy all flesh, wherein there is the breath of life from under heaven.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And everything that's in the earth shall die.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

But with you I will establish my covenant.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

You shall come into the ark.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

You, your sons, your wife, your sons, wives with you.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And of every living thing of all flesh.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Two of every sort you shall bring into the ark to keep them alive with you.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

They should be male and female, of fowls after their kind, cattle after their kind.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Two of every sort shall come unto you to keep them alive and take thee, or take you unto thee of all food that is eaten.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And there shall be food for you and for them.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Thus Noah did according to all that God had commanded him.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

So he did.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Now we start in Genesis 7:1.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And the Lord said to Noah, Come you and all your house into the ark.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

For you have I seen righteous before me in this generation.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Of every clean beast, ye shall take to you by sevens, the male and his female.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Another beast that are not clean by two, the male and his female.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Now, there's a fallacy right there, because what do we always see or hear or say about Noah and the ark?

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

They came two by two, male and female of all.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Well, we're correcting that statement right now, aren't we?

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

The clean beasts were seven, seven by seven, male and female.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

The beasts that were not clean were 2, 2 by twos, birds of the air by sevens, male and female, to keep seed alive upon the face of the Earth.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Reproduction, yes, but the birds are the ones that are going to be charged with distributing seed across this planet to bring the plant life back.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Verse 4.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

For yet seven days, I will cause it to rain upon the earth for 40 days and 40 nights.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Now, research has shown if you do the math to all this stuff, Methuselah was still alive when Noah was alive.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

He knows, great grandpa, Great, great grandpa, Great, great, great, great grandpa, right?

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

But the point being, Methuselah's name means seven days after.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

He's after seven days after when he dies, there's.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

When he dies, that's when the promise is coming.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Now, the mourning period for the loss of a loved one, a family member, is seven days.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

So here we see Now, God has come to Noah saying, go ahead and prepare it now.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

He says, time to get in.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

But he Sundays, for yet seven days, and then all this stuff's going to break loose.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

He's given them time to mourn the loss of Methuselah.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Once he died, the clock started right there.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

I mean, you know that that starts the clock of when the flood will come.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

So Noah now knows it's time God showed him seven days.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

The morning period is over.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

He says, now get in the ark.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Take all the animals with you.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Take enough food.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

You should.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

I mean, all this is already packed up, right?

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And he said, here, we'll drop back down here to verse 5.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Noah did according to all the Lord commanded him.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Noah was 600 years old when the flood of waters came upon the earth.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Verse 7, chapter 7, verse 7.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Noah went in his sons, his wife, his son's wives with him into the ark because of the waters of the flood of clean beasts and of beasts that were not clean, of birds, fowls, and of everything that creeps upon the earth.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

They went in two by two to Noah under the ark, the male and female, as God commanded Noah.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

That's where we get these kids, TV series and all this stuff two by two.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

That was the unclean animals, okay?

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

He's already loaded the clean ones.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Now he's loading the unclean waters, the unclean clean animals.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

As soon as he gets done.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Verse 10.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

It came to pass after seven days that the waters of the flood were upon the earth.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Verse 11.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

In the 600th year of Noah's life, in the second month, the 17th day of the month, that same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And the windows of heaven were opened, the floodgates were opened, says, and rain was upon the earth 40 days and 40 nights.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

I just think about that.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

We've already studied that.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

There's this mist that comes up to water all the plants and.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And keep everything running.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

It's never rained before, ever.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Okay, Now, Noah, building this ark.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Boy, what are you doing building an ark out here in the middle of nowhere?

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

You know, why don't you take it to the lake down there, right?

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And he's telling about it's gonna rain.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

What's rain?

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Water that falls from the sky.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

No, you've been out in the sun too long, son.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Water doesn't fall from the sky.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

It comes up from the ground.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Where you been, boy?

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

All right.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

They just couldn't believe it.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And then he's catching their attention as he's completing the ark.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

All these animals are starting to come towards him.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

They're hanging out outside the ark.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

They're sitting around scratching their head like, what the heck's going on here?

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Then they hear that Methuselah had died.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Oh, man, he's the oldest guy who's ever lived.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

You know, that's Noah's relative.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And then they see no.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And his family loading all this food, putting all the food for the animals in there, putting food for them in there.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Then they're rolling barrels and barrels and barrels of seed for all these different plants in there.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And is.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

What are you doing with all that seed?

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Don't you need to plant that?

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

What are you putting it in there for?

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

It's going to rain.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Oh, yeah, that's right.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Water's falling from the sky.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Okay, whatever.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And then it does that first time.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

What's that?

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

This water where that man is hitting them in the eyes.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And it starts raining.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And then the deluge comes.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

All right, that's where we're at now.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Where were we here?

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Where'd I leave off at?

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Okay, we'll go back up here.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Verse 12, chapter 7, verse 12.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

The rain was upon the earth for 40 days and 40 nights.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Do you think people were pounding on the door to ark?

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

I mean, it took a little while for the floods to get there, right?

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

They're knocking, they're knocking, they're knocking.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And he not opened the door.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

They're climbing up on top of the ark.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

They're doing their best to get on it.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Oh, not opening the door.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Because the Lord is the one that closed the door.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Noah can't open it.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

He can't even try.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

It's close.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

That thing's huge, okay?

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

That's why it took God to close it.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

So 40 days, 40 nights in the same day.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Verse 13.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Noah, shem ham jpet.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

The sons of Noah, Noah's wife, three wives and their sons with them into the ark.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Verse 14.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

They and every beast after his kind, all the cattle after their kind, every creeping thing that creeps on the earth after his kind, every fowl after his kind, every bird of every sort, they all went into Noah, into the ark.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Two and two of all flesh, wherein there is the breath of life.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

All Noah had to do was go in.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

That's it.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

God moved them all from the area close to the ark, and now they're in the ark.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

God took care of all of it.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

He didn't have to go out wrestling them or wrangling them or lassoing them or anything.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

They walked up that ramp into their little stalls, all right?

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Verse 16.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

They went in, male and female of all flesh, just as God commanded him, and the Lord shut him in.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

The Lord shut the door.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

That's it.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Doors closed, doors locked.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Verse 17.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And the flood was 40 days upon the earth.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And the waters increased, lifting up the ark.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And it was lifted up above the earth.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And the waters prevailed, were increased greatly upon the earth.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

The ark went upon the face of the waters, and the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And all the high hills that were under the whole heaven were covered.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Fifteen cubits upward did the waters prevail, and the mountains were covered.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Verse 21.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of foul and of cattle, of beast, of every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth, and every man so that all in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land died.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Remember, God breathed the breath of life into Adam.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

That breath is passed down to all of us.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

That same spirit is in us.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

We got ours from you and me, from Noah, all right?

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And here those that weren't in the ark lost it.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And all whose the breath of life that was in the dry land died.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And verse 23, every living substance was destroyed, which is upon the face of the ground, both man, cattle, creeping things foul of the air, they were all destroyed from the earth.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And Noah only remained alive.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And they that were with him in the ark, that represents Jesus and those who are in him, that ark represents Jesus.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Everything and everyone else at the end will die unless you're in Jesus.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And that's where we're going to leave it at the.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

I'll go ahead and finish off verse 24.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And the waters prevailed upon the earth 150 days.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And we'll begin in chapter eight next time.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

But I just want to leave you with that thought that we have the breath of life in us because God breathed it into Adam.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And it's been everybody since Eve on down, right?

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Everyone who was not in the ark died.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Their spirit died and they ceased to exist.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Folks, that's.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

That's being in Christ.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

That is being in Christ.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

We will continue to be in Christ if we're with him.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

You can laugh all you want.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

You can say what you want.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

You can say, I don't believe any of that stuff.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

It's all hokey pokey, wishful thinking stuff.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Well, you'll be one of those that died.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

It's only those who are in Christ that get to keep their spirit alive through him, in him, by him, for him, serving him.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And I'm way over my time right now, so let's go ahead and stop this for today.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

We'll take it up right here again next time.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

But because of what we just said, I want to pray with you right now.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

I want to pray with you that.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

That if you've never received Jesus as your Savior, to keep your spirit man alive, you got to be in him, just like we just said.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

So pray this prayer with me right now, Lord Jesus, I want to be in you.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

I want you in me.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

I want to be one with you and our Holy Father.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And I ask you right now, Lord, I know I'm a sinful man.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And I thank you for your forgiveness.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

I praise you for the forgiveness you've given me.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Wash me clean, created me this new man that has the true spirit of the most High God in you, living on the inside of me.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

And Lord, I thank you for the promise that I'll be with you and in you for all of eternity.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

In Jesus's name I pray.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

If you pray that prayer, leave a comment down below.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Say, I prayed that and I receive it in the name of Jesus.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Praise God.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:


Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

Till next time.

Pastor Bob Thibodeau:

This Pastor Bob, reminding you to be blessed in all that you do.



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