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Strategies for Managing Your Energy as an Entrepreneur
Episode 2715th October 2024 • Make Space For More • Melissa Swink
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Episode Summary

In this very special episode of the Make Space for More podcast, Melissa Swink interviews Jamie G. Smith, a renowned business & lifestyle elevation strategist, speaker, and content creator! The pair discuss strategies for overcoming burnout and achieving authentic business growth. Tune in to learn about the importance of energy management, the impact of past experiences on present success, and the necessity of letting go of control to rise higher. Jamie shares her journey of empowering high-achieving women and offers insights into maintaining consistent energy and productivity. Stay to the end for a special announcement bout an upcoming masterclass focused on energy management.

Key Highlights:

  • Energy management is crucial for achieving more with less stress.
  • Letting go of control can lead to greater freedom and success.
  • Creating a supportive team is essential for scaling a business.
  • Morning practices can set the tone for a productive day.
  • Women empowering women can create a ripple effect of success.
  • Decision fatigue can hinder productivity and creativity.
  • It's important to embrace vulnerability and learn from mistakes.
  • Coaching can provide valuable insights and accountability. 

About Our Guest: 

Jamie G. Smith empowers industry leaders to rise above doubts & limitations & gain the competitive edge through next level Authority, Strategies & Powerful Collaborations. As a renowned business & lifestyle elevation strategist, speaker, & content creator Jamie is the founder of L.U.X.E. Everyday. LUXE stands for L.ead a U.nique e.X.traordinary E.xistence Everyday. Jamie has a gift to share, a free PDF to help you enhance your EDGE! Embrace your own fresh Daily E.D.G.E. routine while you ignite both your personal and professional life by implementing and taking powerful action!

About Melissa:

Melissa Swink, Founder & CEO of Melissa Swink & Co., has a team of virtual assistants who provide administrative and marketing support for small businesses and non-profits.

Since 2012, Melissa and her team have helped more than 100 businesses grow through the services they offer, and she is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs create profitable, scalable businesses they love.

Her work is all about doing what works (and eliminating what doesn’t) and driving real, measurable results. Visit to learn more! 

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Melissa Swink (:

Hi everyone, welcome to the Make Space for More podcast where we talk strategies for growing and scaling your business in a way that's authentic and aligned for you. I'm your host, Melissa Swink, and I just want to welcome you to the show today. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to something that's going to help you find ways to make your business more enjoyable, easier to run, and that is a perfect lead into our conversation today. I am being

joined by Jamie Smith. Jamie and I, I'm gonna read her bio in a minute, but we originally got connected through Alex Brzezowski, who was on a couple of weeks ago. She's the founder of Bee Organizing. She talked about her journey as an entrepreneur and the digital organizing services that she provides for her clients and all the organizational and team structure things that we dove into during that episode. So go ahead and check that out. But I'm just so grateful that she connected

Jamie and I, because while I focus on practical tips and tools and strategies for growing and scaling businesses, I don't often dive into some of the things that go a little bit lower below the surface. Things like, what do we do when we're feeling burned out and stressed and overwhelmed? It just can be really hard to achieve that next level of success that we desire when we have these internal things that are bogging us down.

I invited Jamie to be on the show today. I'm gonna tell you a little bit more about her and then I will let her share a little bit more about the work that she does and we're gonna talk about all things for best practices, for how we can have more consistent energy, productivity, and really more joy in our day -to -day lives and businesses. So without further ado, Jamie G. Smith empowers industry leaders to rise above doubts and imitations and, wait a second, wait a second.

Does it say limitations? Is there an L cut off? no, okay. All right, hold on here. Let me see. Yeah, I'm like, imitations? Huh, I wanna ask you about imitations.

Jamie G. Smith (:

It must be, yeah.

Jamie G. Smith (:

That's kind of funny though. That's kind of humorous.

Melissa Swink (:

All right, so without further ado, I'm gonna share a little bit more about Jamie and then we're gonna have her share a little bit more about her journey as an entrepreneur and dive into all the things. So Jamie G. Smith empowers industry leaders to rise above doubts and limitations and gain the competitive edge through next level authority, strategies and powerful collaborations. I love powerful collaborations.

As a renowned business and lifestyle elevation strategist, speaker, and content creator, Jamie is the founder of LUX everyday, so L -U -X -E, and it stands for lead a unique, extraordinary existence everyday. Love this. Jamie, welcome to the show. Thank you so much for joining us today. Really appreciate you coming and sharing all of your knowledge and expertise to help our audience beat some of the stress and burnout and things that keep us stuck and hold us back.

Jamie G. Smith (:

Well, I'm so excited to be here, Melissa. Thank you for having me. You know, we connected a few months ago and we just had this natural connection, I think because we work with a lot of the similar clientele. We work with a lot, at least I work with a lot of high achieving women. And so, yeah, so I got started originally. I know that you had mentioned that, you know, I've always worked with women. Like whether it be when I was raising little kids, I was leading Bible studies and then...

And then I looked, you know, I was like, I want a bigger circle of uplifting women. So I created my own organization called Women Inspired Together. And it was really around creating positive life events where we could socialize, but also up -level together. And instead of women tearing one another down, it was really about boosting one another up and encouraging one another to be our best and our strongest and elevate within our gifts. And so that was such a fun time for me. I would do in -person events, all -day events.

ld one another. eventually in:

And I'm like, Hey, guess what? I'm launching tomorrow. This is what it's about. She's like, she's like, I want you to coach me. I'm like, what? Wait, I wasn't even ready to coach at, that point, because I was really just trying to launch the business. And she's like, no, I, I want you to coach me. And she's like, you know, I was just talking with God and like, I feel like you're supposed to coach me. And I'm like, I wasn't even ready to coach at that point. Cause I really was just trying to launch my business. that's thing. This is a really funny thing.

Melissa Swink (:


Jamie G. Smith (:

she was on medications because she had just had surgery and I caught her in the hospital.

Melissa Swink (:


Jamie G. Smith (:

So it was a really, really funny story because the whole conversation was very uplifting because she had been on medications. But I ended up coaching her for several years. We ended up elevating her business and she sent me so many referrals and it was so much fun. And it's one of my natural things is elevation strategy. so with high achieving women, what I found is many times our

Melissa Swink (:


Jamie G. Smith (:

they've achieved a lot in their business, but maybe other aspects of their life have fallen to the wayside or are not as high as they would like them to be. Or they're trying to achieve a next level in their business and they need better tools because when we go to a next level, we need next level boundaries, next level energy, we need next level concepts and ideas and ways to...

handle things, we need next level habits. And so even when you're going to a new level and even if you've achieved so much, sometimes you actually need a whole nother reset to achieve that with more ease and with more flow and more effortlessly, effortlessly, but also standing in your power. So I absolutely love coaching women and mentoring them.

Melissa Swink (:

love that you shared that story of the evolution of your business and really how you got started with all of this and how when you had reached out to your friend and she was like, wait, I want you to coach me. That just took things in a whole nother direction. But she knew that she needed coaching. She needed more than a membership. She needed that one -on -one experience with you. And then I love how you just...

Jamie G. Smith (:


Melissa Swink (:

stepped up and like, okay, this is where I'm being led. This is where I'm being called. And so now how many women have you coached? You might not even know after, you know, however many years of being in business, but how many women have you coached throughout the course of your career?

Jamie G. Smith (:

It's been hundreds, but I do do a little bit of different. I do some group coaching, but I also do one -on -one. So it just depends on what they're needing. The group coaching is more collaborative. It's more mastermind kind of oriented. Whereas the one -on -one is really a deep dive into their specific, like that VIP coaching where we really specifically look at their, you know, what are they needing? What are they desiring? And sometimes...

Melissa Swink (:

Sure. Got it.

Jamie G. Smith (:

what they are desiring isn't even really what they need. Like we know that, right? Sometimes they actually need a new level of eyes to see what the core of the issue is so they can break through. That's one of the things I love helping women with so much, Melissa, is breaking through. Like, because we can't see our own shadows many times, we can't see the barriers that are holding us back. And so we continue to self -sabotage where we have specific default patterns that actually

Melissa Swink (:


Melissa Swink (:


Jamie G. Smith (:

keep pulling us back into where we used to be or into old habits and when we break through those it literally can change everything in an instant which is one of the things that I love.

Melissa Swink (:

100%. And you know, there's another coach that I follow and she talks about blind spots where they're blind spots for a reason. We don't see them or we have these double binds where we think, well, things have to be a certain way or I have to be like this, but not too much like this because otherwise it'll be like that. just, we just have these stories that we've made up or we just create these impossible standards and they work against us.

And we're just so close to obviously our own lives, our businesses, and you need that external trusted source to help kind of shed a light on some of these things so that we can break free.

Jamie G. Smith (:


Jamie G. Smith (:

And there's a couple of things you said there. First of all, a trusted source. it's so important. I say this with high achieving women, especially because they, they don't typically, they're the leader. They're the owner of the business. They, you know, they may be the industry leader and they don't usually, if you're in that place, you usually don't have very many people to speak with, right? You don't have, you're the one that's looked up to. And so you're like, you, you feel all the pressure to hold everybody together to

make sure everything happens, and yet not to be human, like not to be the person that has messy stuff going on or has some part of their life out of control or doesn't quite know what to do. Like you can't share that with most people because you're considered to be the one they look up to. And so a lot of times this safe space provides such an amazing place for women that are high achievers that maybe...

don't have that anywhere else with somebody that understands what they're going through, with somebody that understands the pressures that they feel, that somebody that understands, you know, what are some of the aspects that we go through as women? And a lot of it is holding ourselves back. It's that shame, blame, doubt. It's being too much, being not enough, that imposter syndrome. It's all the things, it's fear of failure. That's such a huge one. And so it's all of these things that we can't speak many times because

we don't feel like we have the freedom. They don't feel like they have the freedom. And so when I can hold that space for them and also do so with loving accountability, they can change so much in their life, right? And they have this ability to become an entirely new version of themselves. I call it their destiny identity because these women are stepping into their destiny and they...

Melissa Swink (:


Jamie G. Smith (:

before we're dimming their light and holding back because of the limiting stories, the limiting beliefs. And now they can actually shine their light bright, which helps everybody be able to understand that they can too rise and shine their light. And so it's so fun to watch this occur and just to watch the unfolding of these women.

Melissa Swink (:

revisit and maybe explore a little bit more the way that high achieving women like ourselves, I mean, certainly can identify with that myself and certainly you can, right? We are our best clients sometimes. We struggle with the same things and we can help others with those. Why do we hold ourselves back? Or what would you say with all the women that you've coached throughout your career?

Jamie G. Smith (:

It's so true.

Melissa Swink (:

What are some of the big ones or like if you could say like the top five reasons that we hold ourselves back, what are those? I'm just curious because it so oversimplified, but yet it's something that we just keep coming up to every time we try to elevate to the next level.

Jamie G. Smith (:

No, it truly is. Yeah, that's such a great question because it truly is from our past. It's things that have transpired, trauma, experiences we've had, and they shape us. And our subconscious wants to protect us. So it starts to limit how we play in this world. And the funny thing is, and I turned 50 back in two years ago, whenever it was, whatever that was.

Melissa Swink (:

Who's counting? Yep, a couple years ago.

Jamie G. Smith (:

yeah, I turned 50 and I at 50 years old as a high achieving woman realized I was still holding myself back. and the funny thing is as a high achiever, you can be achieving so many things. You can be a multimillionaire, but that doesn't mean like I would say 95 % of women are still dimming their light in some way and holding themselves back. And I realized this and it's because I

wanted to slide under the radar and not draw too much attention to myself. Because when I did, when I was younger, that brought on judgment, that brought on being attacked, right? And so many girls can attest to this, you know, and you're afraid to fail so that you don't get judged. Because you're now in the spotlight, right? So we don't want to do B2 play too big. And we don't want to like do something that we're not sure how it's going to turn out because then we fail and then people see and then we're judged. And then the whole cycle, right?

And so all of these things play into why we hold back. And even when we feel like we're not, if you really take a look at your life, I can guarantee almost at some level, you are holding a piece of yourself back. You are not playing at the biggest, boldest, most beautiful version of yourself. And it's because of things that have happened to you in the past. And it's a protective mechanism. Sometimes you don't even understand that this is there because it's how you've learned to operate in the world.

Melissa Swink (:

Mm -hmm.

Melissa Swink (:


Jamie G. Smith (:

successfully, just like I had, I was achieving, right? But I was also slightly, I knew I had learned to slide under the radar just enough so that I didn't rock the boat too much. I didn't draw too much attention. I didn't make somebody else feel less than. And so often we are afraid of making somebody else feel less than. And I had to learn. And this was a, this was a definite learning moment for me, Melissa. I had to learn that by holding back, I'm holding them back.

Melissa Swink (:


Melissa Swink (:


Melissa Swink (:


Melissa Swink (:


Jamie G. Smith (:

And this is why, because if I'm making somebody feel less than by, because I'm rising up and I'm not talking about because I was disrespectful or right. But if I'm rising into my level of where I know I can operate and somebody else feels less than. It's really, about their journey. I'm no longer responsible for their journey and I'm not responsible for what they decide to do. And I may be attacked by that because sometimes that that.

Melissa Swink (:


Melissa Swink (:


Jamie G. Smith (:

they may feel insecure about it, but that's not for me to be responsible for. And so when they feel like that, they can either do two things. They can rise with me and choose to do it, or maybe they're not ready. And if they're not ready, then I can't do anything about that. And I'm holding myself back until they're ready. Well, they may never be ready. And what's beautiful is when other women rise,

Melissa Swink (:

Mm -hmm.

Melissa Swink (:


Melissa Swink (:

Mm -hmm.

Jamie G. Smith (:

I like to say it this way, free women, free women. When we become free, we free other women to become free. And it's such a beautiful, powerful thing, but we have to embrace it and we have to give grace to women. They're not gonna be perfect while they rise. I'm just gonna tell you, things happen. It gets a little messy sometimes because we're doing new things that we don't know that we may not understand.

Melissa Swink (:


Melissa Swink (:


Melissa Swink (:

You mean we have to be willing to be vulnerable and make mistakes?

Jamie G. Smith (:

Yes, yes, yes, and yes, please. Like make as many mistakes as you can.

Melissa Swink (:

Especially like when our team is watching and you know, our families are watching or you know, our parents are watching like I'm just thinking of you know, Certainly things about our past, know past experiences or past failures or you know painful things that we've experienced certainly cause us to hold ourselves back within I think you touched on it as well.

Jamie G. Smith (:


Melissa Swink (:

is there's also other people in our lives that sometimes we start playing smaller to fit into maybe a box that they have kind of put us in, or we don't want somebody to feel inferior because we love them dearly and we don't want to rock the boat, we don't want to step on their toes. But I think that that's a huge part of learning how to succeed and also be okay with

others not necessarily joining you on that journey because to your point it might not be their time, it might not be their space.

Jamie G. Smith (:

Yeah, you honestly, you can't do anything about their journey, right? Like you can give them the space and the freedom to rise. The choice is theirs. And you are given these gifts for a reason. And I always talk about this because it's as if you were like a parent of a child.

And you know exactly like the most beautiful gift that they would want, right? And so you give it to them for Christmas and it's like exactly what they want. It fills them full of life and laughter and fulfillment. And you give it to them and they open it up and they're like, and they're so excited, right? And then they close it back up and then they go hide it in their closet because they're afraid to either that it'll get broken. They're afraid somebody will steal it. They're afraid somebody else will want it and feel bad that they don't have one.

Melissa Swink (:


Jamie G. Smith (:

And that's what we do with our gifts is we hide them in the closet and then we'll just open up once in a while. Whereas we have these beautiful, magnificent things that we were given from, personally, I'm a God girl. don't know. However you view your relationship with a bigger being, but you were given these gifts and to hide them, it's our responsibility to share them. I'll say it that way. It's our responsibility to share them, to enjoy them fully and to see like,

What is the edge of that gift? How can I tap into more of that gift so that the world is a different place because of you?

Melissa Swink (:

So when we're talking about the things that hold us back and namely it's ourselves really at the end of the day that hold us back for a variety of things, some more internal, some more external, when we start looking at how do we overcome holding ourselves back or I know this is really where you shine is what are some of the best practices that we can incorporate into our day to day life so that we

have more consistent energy, we are more productive, we feel more fulfilled in the work that we're doing where we're not so stressed and burned out. Like, how do we beat all of this or what do we do about all of this really is the golden question. We know that everyone has it to some degree.

Jamie G. Smith (:

Yeah, well...

And that's so true. And I love that question because, and you may or may not like the answer if you're listening, but the truth is if you really want to go big and you really want to walk into your next level identity and again, especially your destiny identity, that thing that you're created purposely for, you're going to have to change everything. And that means your environment. That means the people. That means

your habits, that means your energy, that means the things you listen to, the things you read, like all of that is going to contribute to or take away from your ability to rise easily and quickly or not at all. Like it's these are all choices and some people will choose to go with you, but some people won't and you have to be okay with that. And then the same and the same thing is like some of your habits. For example, we spoke a little bit about energy management.

I feel so strongly about energy management because your energy is what gives you the capacity to do more. If you have limited energy and you're letting other things steal your energy, Melissa, you don't have the capacity to do what you really desire to do and were built to do. And I always say it like this, like for example, because capacity and energy management is many different things that affect both of those, right? But I say it like this. So for example,

I have a, if you're not watching, I have a hand above my head and a hand at my chin and say the hand above my head is your potential. The hand below my chin is, your energy, your capacity, right? Your potential, like if your energy, and I call this the energy gap. If your energy is down here by your chin, and this is all you are able to do right now, your potential has to come down to meet your energy. It can't do anything more because your vessel.

Melissa Swink (:

Mm -hmm.

Melissa Swink (:


Jamie G. Smith (:

is what takes you or enables you to do all the things you need to do. And then if your potential is back up your head and you raise your energy, you raise your capacity, which means your habits, your physical habits, your mental habits, all of those things, your environmental habits, you raise your capacity. Now your potential can raise as high as your vessel goes, right? We take out those mind blocks, we create.

good physical habits that gives us the physical energy. We eliminate environmental things that actually drain us of energy. And now we have the potential to really walk into, step into your new identity. But we have to clear out that space and really put a big focus on that because that is what is gonna help you get there with more ease, with more effortlessness, with more power.

Melissa Swink (:

Mm Mm -hmm. I think this goes perfectly full circle to what you started talking about is what got you to this point is not going to get you to the next level. Now, certainly consistency is part of that, being consistent and intentional about where you're headed. But you're right, the same team might not get you as grateful as you are of where they got you to today.

might not be the same team that's going to get you to the next level here. And there's just some, think it's about, it sounds like it's also becoming okay with letting go and making room for new and really paying attention to what is just no longer aligned with this next level.

Jamie G. Smith (:


Jamie G. Smith (:

100%. And I love that you brought up team because I know you support teams. And I just want to, I want to circle back to this because one of the biggest things you can do is find a team to support you, the right team, right? Because also when you go to the next level, you want to do things more efficiently because again, you aren't the one that should be doing all of these things. If you're going to the next level, you need support that is next level support. And that's why I love what

Melissa Swink (:


Jamie G. Smith (:

I just want to say this. love what you do because it is crucial for any high achiever to start to look for a team that can support them like you do because they're not supposed to be doing all those other things. They're supposed to be doing what their magic is. Like they're supposed to be adding their biggest essence and impact in the world. And they can't do that by trying to do all of the other meniscus, you know, things around them. Would you agree?

Melissa Swink (:


Melissa Swink (:

Yes. Yes, 100%. And I talk about this every day. And it's been on so many episodes of this podcast is ultimately the how you spend your time determines your results. If we're spending our days putting out fires and responding to emails and just doing, you know, the little busy work in our businesses.

Jamie G. Smith (:


Melissa Swink (:

Yeah, sometimes it feels good to check those simple boxes, but are we really getting to that next level? Are we really doing the things that are going to get us those higher end clients or to develop that next level course or create that product that's going to solve so many of the issues that our clients are dealing with? You have so many resources and you only have 24 hours in a day. How are you spending them?

And so team is a huge part of that. We need to make sure that we're in our zones of genius in doing the work that we're meant to do and continue to trust and bring on people who can help us with everything else.

Jamie G. Smith (:

100%. And I want to, I want to speak to two things that you said there. The first one is letting go. Let's go there. So letting go, you have to begin to let go of so many things because again, to go to the next level, may have to let go of looking at social media all the time, right? As you're, as you're, as you're, you know, so many people at night or whenever they're, you know, bored or if they have a second, they scroll social media. Well, what happens on social media is

What you don't realize is you're actually like dwindling down your ability to make decisions because on social media, you're constantly, your mind is having to say yes, no, yes, no, yes, no, yes, yes, yes, no. And it's constantly making choices and decisions. Well, those decisions and choices are really needed for your business. They're needed for your kids. They're needed for all of these things. And when you exhaust your ability, because there's a limited capacity every day as far as your ability to make decisions.

Melissa Swink (:


Melissa Swink (:


Yes, I was just going to say decision fatigue is real and it's something that when I start experiencing decision fatigue, I know that it is time that I need to let go of some of those decisions and bring in somebody else to handle that aspect of a project or that aspect of the business because I can only handle so much.

Jamie G. Smith (:

and especially kids.

It is.

Jamie G. Smith (:

Mmm, that was good.

Jamie G. Smith (:

It is. so that's why, like even letting go some of your bad habits, like social media. And it doesn't mean that social media is bad, but I'm just saying maybe be conscious of how often you're on social media. And like for me, I get on there with a purpose and then I jump off. I don't usually scroll for a long time because I understand that that not only wastes my time, but it also takes my decision fatigue up a notch. But also then like, let's talk about like letting go of

Melissa Swink (:


Jamie G. Smith (:

you know, other habits that are not serving you any longer. Maybe they did before, but maybe they're no longer serving you. Letting go of people, letting go of self -sabotaging behaviors, but also, and this is the one I wanted to point out, control. Letting go of control. And this has to do with even working with your team, but in general, one of the biggest things I see, and I know because I experienced it and understand now how much it helps that when we

Melissa Swink (:


Jamie G. Smith (:

learn as high achievers to let go of control and understand that we can only control certain things. We can't control the outcome. We can't control any of those things that we, we can't control other people. We can't control, like, right? And part of that fatigue also is that need for control and wanting to know the outcome and all of the things. Well, the truth is you will never, like look at COVID. Could we have ever,

Melissa Swink (:


Jamie G. Smith (:

in a million years, that the globe was gonna shut down the next day. No, and could we have done anything about it? No. And that's just such a really crucial even perspective of learning the more freedom you desire, will it be completely correlated to the more control you let go of. So the more you can let go of that control, will allow other people to help you. That's a good one.

Melissa Swink (:



Melissa Swink (:


Yes, the word surrender is coming to mind. I can only control my own decisions. I can only leverage the information and the understanding I have right now to make the best decisions that I can. I can be consistent with my daily practices and habits, but at the end of the day, I can't control the outcome. I can't control other people. I can't control

the world around me. And so it's about that. I think I like the word surrender. It's just, I'm doing everything that I can. I'm doing the best that I can. And I have to let go and detach almost from ultimately the outcome. And you just learn and you come back the next day and you keep just recalibrating and doing the best that you can.

Jamie G. Smith (:


Jamie G. Smith (:

And that's so important because I know that you see this with your clients too, Melissa, is when you're trying to control everything, all that happens is you get overwhelmed, you get stressed, you have anxiety, and it's not necessary. It truly isn't because when you step back and understand, I can't control those things. Now I can control my actions. I can control my behaviors. I can control my mindset. Right. I can control how I react to the situation. But what I can't do is control other people.

Melissa Swink (:


Melissa Swink (:


Jamie G. Smith (:

I can't control environments. I can't control, but I can put myself in a power position by doing what I know I can do. And I can even prepare for that. Like, for example, when we talk about energy management, this was a big thing for me because I'm an introvert, but I'm in extroverted situations all the time. Like I speak on stage, I go to big events, I run events. And so I'm an introvert. And so I had to learn. And also I have ostimato. So I have an autoimmune disease.

Melissa Swink (:


Melissa Swink (:


Jamie G. Smith (:

I had to learn how can I manage those situations and stay on top? How can I show up as the best, fullest version of me? How can I not deplete myself and not get completely burned out? And I had to learn to manage my energy to be able to optimize my energy versus let... So if we don't control our energy, our energy controls us.

Melissa Swink (:


Melissa Swink (:

Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Jamie G. Smith (:

So when I learn to manage it, that means I can have strategies before, during, after, for example, if I did speak at an event, I already know and I go in with, okay, I know I'm gonna need these things to help me show up in my fullest version of who I am. So I need to set boundaries around these things. I need to do certain practices. I need to have less stimulation. I have.

Melissa Swink (:


Jamie G. Smith (:

to make sure that I have like a room by myself so that I can decompress. can really, right? There's certain things I've learned just for myself that helped contribute to me showing up my fullest. But then in the middle of the event or say in the middle of a big debate, like maybe you're in a meeting and you have this big negotiation going on, right? That's stressful too. So in the middle of something, how do you control it? How do you reset in the middle of it? you can.

Melissa Swink (:


Jamie G. Smith (:

can't leave the situation, right? So learning those strategies as well. And then after, because after the event, after the big thing, if your central nervous system is taxed, like you're not going to be any good to anybody. So you still need to show up as that leader. But that means that you might have to take a day off. That means you might have to go do something else that fills you back up. That means you may have to completely rest and not do any email. So it's really having those strategies, Melissa, that can empower.

Melissa Swink (:


Melissa Swink (:


Jamie G. Smith (:

high achievers to really perform at a whole nother, I mean like a whole nother level.

Melissa Swink (:

Well, Jamie, this has all been very, very interesting and great reminders. Really, it's things that, you know, if you're listening, you're like, I've heard that before, or yeah, I've heard about, you know, holding myself back or blind spots or, you know, talking about stress and burnout. But these things are real and they impact us every day. And Jamie, you have a very special gift.

Jamie G. Smith (:


Melissa Swink (:

for our audience to help them beat some of these things. And then I knew you have a very exciting announcement as well for something new that's coming up.

Jamie G. Smith (:

I do. I'm so excited. if so, like I said, I work with a lot of high achievers. So I have a really amazing PDF that will help you. It's really what top tier achievers use at some of their best practices for a morning practice. And so if you would like to grab that for free, I promise it will be amazing. There's some really great reflections on there for you to do every single morning to really set your morning out like so it's ready to go. So it's

you know, you're ready at the highest level. And so if you'd like to take a look at that, I would be happy to send that to you. Just go to luxeveryday .com forward slash edge, E -D -G -E. So luxeveryday .com forward slash edge. It's because that will help to give you that edge every morning. And so you can opt into that. And then with that as well is I'm going to be, we talked about this a little bit. I'm going to be doing an energy management masterclass.

Melissa Swink (:

Tell us more about this because I feel like having that consistent energy is everything. Like I feel like some days I'm just, I'm on top of my game and I'm very productive and I'm in, I'll say a good mood. Like things are just in flow and then there's other days where it just like everything just feels so hard. Like I really have to psych myself up to get my work done. I really have to focus.

Jamie G. Smith (:


Melissa Swink (:

more intentionally when I'm having a conversation with a team member or client, how do we have more consistent energy?

Jamie G. Smith (:

Yeah, I call it like the energy spectrum because a spectrum like when we go up and down and up and down, that's just exhausting, right? And that's because we're not being consistent with our strategies. And there's really high level strategies that I teach. I break them down into different categories so that you can actually assess each one for yourself because one category you might be crushing it on, but then the other categories

maybe you didn't even realize, like again, those blind spots, you didn't even realize that it was happening or that it affects you so much. So we go through these different categories so that you can truly assess your own life and then make the strategies to improve it, to have that consistency. But not only the consistency, it provides you so much power and so much more of an elevated essence that you get to do now. Like you feel better.

You are more creative. You're more productive. You're more motivated. You are less reactive. Now, can I just say as a boss, as an industry leader, it's really good to be less reactive. And it also provides less stress, less overwhelm. So when you put these strategies in place, now you can actually accelerate your life so much faster with so much more ease. And you can alleviate the stress and the anxiety to a minimum because now you're

Melissa Swink (:

Yes, yes, absolutely.

Jamie G. Smith (:

you're aware of it. are now pro -active with it versus reactive with it. So yeah, if you would like to come to the masterclass, I'll be sharing some really amazing strategies for top tier producers, top tier industry leaders. And it'll be towards the end of October. So if you're listening to this, love to have you along. And if you opt into the Edge,

that I just said, LuxEveryday .com, back or forward slash edge. You can also hear, I'll also be sending out information about the upcoming master class so you won't miss anything.

Melissa Swink (:

Well, wonderful. Jamie, thank you so much for sharing all of your knowledge. These are all really great reminders for us to just really tune into who we are and what we need in order to be that next level leader that we're meant to be and achieve the things that we want to be. And I'm just so grateful for you and the knowledge that you've shared, but then also, of course, the work that you do in this world because

I feel like coaching in my life has made a huge difference, not only in my business, but in other areas that I've received coaching on, like in terms of health and relationships and things like that. And it's just, it's so beneficial to have somebody in our corner as high achieving women who can help us see solutions to the things that we're struggling with in a more intimate way of being able to.

really help shed that light and be that source that we talked about, that trusted source for that information. So just wanted to honor you. Thank you for everything that you've shared today. Want to thank all of our listeners for tuning in today. I know that you are out there growing your business beyond you and part of that is fueling your own energy and your presence in the way that you're showing up in the world. So I hope that this information was helpful for you today.

If you know another business owner who gets stressed out from time to time or struggles with maintaining their energy, would you please share this episode with them because there might be an aha that they received or it might trigger them to say, you know what? I actually haven't been, say, taking time after the end of a busy day to just decompress and just be, and I am an introvert.

I am burning the candle at both ends and I need to recharge just little things that can remind us like, I haven't been good about doing that. And this is a great reminder. So please consider sharing this information with them. And I will be back next week with more tips and tools and strategies for growing and scaling your business beyond you. Thanks so much everyone for joining us today. We'll be back next week. Bye bye.




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