Partner with work of CareImpact and Journey With Care!
In this series of episodes our passionate hosts, Johan Heinrichs and Wendi Park, invite listeners on an explorative adventure into their lives and insights. Johan will be joining more episodes with Wendi as a co-host and they take the opportunity to get to know them a little better.
Submit your questions for the third episode of this series where they take listener questions. It could have anything to do with them, the podcast, or CareImpact...GET CURIOUS!
or join our Sojourner's Discussion group at
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Editing and production by Johan Heinrichs:
What does loving your neighbor actually look like? This
Speaker:is Journey with Care, where curious Canadians get inspired to
Speaker:love others well through real life stories and honest
Speaker:I think the thing you're most excited about is me being
Speaker:on. You don't have to do all the intros.
Speaker:Which is my first three words? So if you don't
Speaker:know what we're talking about here, I'm Johan Heer on
Speaker:with Wendy on with the Journey with Care podcast,
Speaker:And I'm gonna be joining as more of
Speaker:a presence on the podcast as a secondary host.
Speaker:I'm so looking forward to it. Yes. And if if you caught that that those
Speaker:first few, banters, I often have hard
Speaker:time starting my intros, and you've been, coaching me on how to do
Speaker:podcasting. And so, I'm glad that you're on this side of the mic
Speaker:now. Yeah. So it's gonna be a little bit more fun just to have
Speaker:another perspective, and maybe I can bring Wendy down sometimes
Speaker:when she's on with a guest and, you know, she takes over, that sort of
Speaker:things. Good luck with that. Yeah. You might have noticed that we are calling this
Speaker:series Jet Party. We want to do something a
Speaker:little bit lighter because we've had some heavy topics, and we got some
Speaker:heavy topics coming. And because I'm jumping on as a secondary host
Speaker:for more episodes, it's not gonna be every episode. Sometimes one of us will be
Speaker:away. But for more episodes, we wanna just give our
Speaker:listeners an opportunity to get to know us a little bit better, being able to
Speaker:connect with us as hosts. And along with that, we
Speaker:created this group forum on our website for our listeners
Speaker:to come on and chat with us, ask questions, get to know other
Speaker:listeners, and have those conversations. So you can already check that out
Speaker:and join that group discussion at journey with care dotca.
Speaker:That is up and running, and we're excited about that. So
Speaker:Yeah. I really hope people, jump on that because we do
Speaker:listen to our listeners. We do read every comment that they they
Speaker:write, and and I'm looking forward to maybe getting some of the
Speaker:questions that, some of you in the audience are are listening to and might have
Speaker:for us. It's gonna be good. And just to make it a little bit more
Speaker:return for their labor. If either of them falls down, Wendy,
Speaker:one can help the other up. I fell yesterday. And
Speaker:where were you? You weren't being very spiritual. I I tripped on my stairs.
Speaker:But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them out. So
Speaker:we got each other to help each other out. So sorry for myself. Yep. Yeah.
Speaker:It's often used, misquoted for a wedding text. I'm glad
Speaker:that, we are both happily married to different people. But,
Speaker:it is important that we work together. And I'm a little nervous actually
Speaker:because we haven't, rehearsed this, haven't seen each other's questions.
Speaker:So this jeopardy game is you're gonna get the authentic
Speaker:us. Yeah. And back to the group discussion, it's called the Sojourner's
Speaker:group. That's what we've called it. So if you join the group, you are an
Speaker:official Sojourner of Journey with Care. Anyway, we're
Speaker:gonna be splitting this up into 3 episodes. It's gonna go back and
Speaker:forth for the first two episodes, questions that Wendy and I have prepared
Speaker:for each other without knowing the questions in advance.
Speaker:And then for the 3rd episode, this is where our listeners
Speaker:come in. We need you to submit questions. It could be for us personally.
Speaker:It could be fun questions. It could be for Care Impact. It could be about
Speaker:the podcast, previous conversations. Anything that's just
Speaker:been bothering you or you just wanna know a little bit more
Speaker:about us, you can submit those questions in the Sojourners group, or
Speaker:we also have a link on our website again to submit questions for
Speaker:that specific episode. But you need to have your questions
Speaker:in before April 13th
Speaker:2024 dating the podcast here. But please submit those
Speaker:questions so that we have something to talk about in the 3rd episode, and
Speaker:it should be fun. Alright. We are gonna move
Speaker:into our back and forth discussion. First of all,
Speaker:maybe we should just introduce ourselves. Maybe some people don't even
Speaker:know a little bit about us. I mean, Wendy, probably a
Speaker:little bit more because she's been on the podcast and kinda throwing tidbits
Speaker:here and there on her conversation. So you might already have a bit of a
Speaker:connection to Wendy. I've been on for a few episodes. You would have
Speaker:learned about my daughter Danica. We did a series of
Speaker:3 episodes there. So, yeah, I have 4
Speaker:kids. I have a son who's 17, almost 18, graduating
Speaker:this year. My daughter is turning 16. She's 15.
Speaker:And a son who's turning 14, who's 13. So, yeah,
Speaker:everybody turns a year older every year. So You too.
Speaker:Hey? Yeah. But they all have birthdays coming up. And my wife, we've been
Speaker:married for 21 years. And yeah. Oh, you
Speaker:beat us. My wife, Corey, she hasn't been on the podcast yet, but, yeah, maybe
Speaker:someday. We're gonna have to get her, on here sometime. I would love
Speaker:to to get her story. Yeah. For my family, for
Speaker:those of you that don't know me, my name's Wendy Park, and I'm the,
Speaker:cofounder for Care Impact along with my husband, Harold. He has been
Speaker:on the podcast once before. So he and I started
Speaker:Care Impact, out of just a love for the church
Speaker:and, for our community and across Canada,
Speaker:seeing the church in community. But we have a bustling
Speaker:family of we're 10 people together. I have 6
Speaker:kids, most of them older. The youngest is, like, still a
Speaker:teenager and, and up, and 2 grandkids.
Speaker:We live in here in Winnipeg on Treaty 1 territory. And
Speaker:what else is there to know about me, Johan? I guess they're gonna find out
Speaker:in this game. I don't know what kind of questions you've asked me. Say what
Speaker:I do at Care Impact or anything. I mean, I've been there for, what, a
Speaker:year and a half now, I think. Yeah. Just over that. I'm producing
Speaker:the podcast with Care Impact. I am the content development
Speaker:specialist for the last year and a half, helping work on the
Speaker:LMS to learning and equipping online,
Speaker:creating the school, which I've I've done in my previous employment
Speaker:where I where I built up an internship and our
Speaker:school and our online classes and all that sort of thing, which I'm bringing into
Speaker:Care Impact. So let's get into our jeopardy party. Jeep
Speaker:party. Alright. Let's do this.
Speaker:Okay. Well, I think we should probably explain the 4
Speaker:categories for today, so it's not like classic jeopardy. We're
Speaker:gonna ask the question, and the other person's gonna answer. These are questions that we
Speaker:haven't, shared with each other, but there's 4 categories,
Speaker:from 100 to 500 value and easy
Speaker:to harder. The first category is fun and whimsy.
Speaker:The second category is faith and purpose, and the third category
Speaker:is would you rather, and the 4th category is learning. And so I'm gonna maybe
Speaker:turn category is learning. And so I'm gonna
Speaker:maybe turn it over to Johan. You can choose your first
Speaker:category, for whichever dollar amount that
Speaker:you want. Alright. Let's go let's just start with something fun. Let's
Speaker:go fun and whimsy for 300. Alright.
Speaker:Let me reveal this because I have not seen it. So,
Speaker:Johan, fun and whimsy for 300. Can you share a guilty
Speaker:pleasure TV show or movie that you enjoy?
Speaker:Well, I have to say I love
Speaker:the Indiana Jones movies. Ever since I was a little kid, it it's
Speaker:always fed that that adventure part of me
Speaker:and my love for history. So growing up, like, I loved
Speaker:history. I would like, I was on the search for the Ark of the Covenant
Speaker:with my head in the in books because of Raiders of the Lost Ark. So,
Speaker:like, I love that stuff Okay. And The Office. Oh, good to know. And The
Speaker:Office, you said. I have still not watched that series. I I it just
Speaker:bores me. Wendy, what's your first one you wanna pick
Speaker:here? Okay. I'm going to I'm gonna get spiritual
Speaker:here. I'm gonna do faith and purpose for 100, please.
Speaker:How do you define living life on purpose? That's a
Speaker:deep one. Oh, sheesh. That should be a $500
Speaker:one. How do you define living life
Speaker:on purpose? K. You're gonna cut out the silence.
Speaker:Right? This is a hard one.
Speaker:Well, when I think of life on purpose, I think of intentionality. Are we
Speaker:just letting life slip through our fingers, or are we gonna actually do some
Speaker:things? And so for me, living life on purpose is being
Speaker:intentional about what I do, even doing hard things, whether that's
Speaker:learning or traveling or saying goodbyes or having
Speaker:new hellos. I think that to me is living life on purpose,
Speaker:and it also has to do with knowing who I am and who I am
Speaker:becoming and who god has created me to be and aligning
Speaker:those choices to that. We'll go with that. Okay.
Speaker:If our listeners have more questions on that specifically, journey
Speaker:with care dotca, and you'll get that in the 3rd episode. Alright.
Speaker:Let's go with learning for 200. I'm teaching you a really
Speaker:complicated board game. So if you had to choose between
Speaker:reading the instructions, listening to the instructions,
Speaker:watching me play it, or doing it, simply playing it, how would you
Speaker:learn best? This one hits close to home
Speaker:because I have family members that love board games,
Speaker:and explaining complicated board games to me makes me wanna
Speaker:run and hide. They I usually need warning ahead
Speaker:of time so I can go on YouTube and watch how the game is played.
Speaker:So I would have to say watching and then also just Okay.
Speaker:Getting on with it, playing this chitter chatter. Yeah. None
Speaker:of that. Let's get at her. Yeah. Yeah. No. I'm with you. You you taught
Speaker:me a board game at our last, staff retreat, and, I learned by
Speaker:doing actually. I don't think you liked that game, though. It's too
Speaker:it it wasn't black and white for you. I did. I did
Speaker:because it challenged me. Dixit. Dixit. Yep. Was
Speaker:the game, and I actually bought that game for my family after for
Speaker:Christmas. So it just took me a little while to warm up to it. It
Speaker:was way too whimsical for me and abstract, but, you know, I'm I'm
Speaker:willing to learn new things. My wife hates that game. Oh, well,
Speaker:we don't play it anymore for that matter, but, alright, I'm
Speaker:gonna go for would you rather for
Speaker:300, please. Would you rather engage in a
Speaker:deep theological discussion or participate in vibrant
Speaker:worship? Well, I would I do
Speaker:like good worship music and being in a service
Speaker:where there's good worship in that way, but I am
Speaker:gonna lean towards, theological discussion any
Speaker:day. It it depends though who I'm talking with, but I I
Speaker:do enjoy theology. I do discussing things not just for the
Speaker:cerebral exercise, but I I could even be devil's advocate
Speaker:in challenging where we go with our discussion
Speaker:and and understanding the depths of God. I think there's always
Speaker:a mystery there that intrigues me. So, yeah, I'm
Speaker:definitely leaning towards the theological discussion. Alright.
Speaker:I I bet you would do the music because you're a musician. I really enjoy
Speaker:a good theological discussion. Me and my son go and walks, and we duke it
Speaker:out all the time talking about theology and videos we've watched on theology. We
Speaker:love that stuff. As far as worship, yeah, I'm a worship leader too,
Speaker:but theology is great. You can't have good worship without good
Speaker:theology. So What I don't enjoy about theological discussions
Speaker:is if we're just really rigid on when we say
Speaker:theology, are we talking just white theology? Because that's often what we reduce
Speaker:it to. Or are we looking at liberation theology and all these other
Speaker:different ways and perspectives and world views? That's what intrigues me
Speaker:because there that's what challenges me to get out of my white box
Speaker:and encompass more ways of looking at who god is and what the bible
Speaker:says. So that's what I mean by by theology, not just
Speaker:western theology. Alright. I'm gonna try a would you rather
Speaker:for 400. Alright. Would you rather
Speaker:retire early and enjoy life on the beach or work as long as you
Speaker:possibly can in what you love to do? Definitely
Speaker:the second one. I I don't even enjoy the beach, and
Speaker:maybe I I don't know how much I have set aside for retirement anyway,
Speaker:so that's not really an option. You did sign your
Speaker:life away with Care Impact, I hope. If you wanna support our work,
Speaker:There we go. Shameless plug here. Okay. I'm gonna go fun and
Speaker:whimsy for 100. Alright. If
Speaker:you were a superhero, what would your superpower
Speaker:be? Oh, goodness. Now I'm gonna reveal some of my childhood upbringing.
Speaker:I was very sheltered, and I didn't really watch TV or really get into
Speaker:it even when I could. You can invent 1. Oh, I could
Speaker:I like inventing. Okay. So I think I would love
Speaker:to be I'm a networker, and there's a lot of times where
Speaker:I'd like to be many places at once. Because I get FOMO. I I
Speaker:like to be at a lot of places not because I feel like I need
Speaker:to be at all those places, but I want to. I love networking and being
Speaker:part of some of the things that are happening across Canada.
Speaker:And I do like a good travel too, so I'd love to jump all over
Speaker:the globe. So, yeah, that's my answer. And when I look at your calendar,
Speaker:sometimes looks looks like you are omnipresent. So
Speaker:I try. I try. How is she in this city and this city all on
Speaker:the same day? Does it make any sense? Yeah. No. I I get around.
Speaker:I I make it work. Alright. Faith and
Speaker:purpose for 300. Okay. Let's
Speaker:see if you got an easier one. I I kinda shied away after that one.
Speaker:You you scared me after the first one. Okay. Faith and
Speaker:Purpose for 300. Can you share a favorite bible
Speaker:verse or quote that resonates with you? Oh,
Speaker:I'll I'll do quote and a and a verse. My favorite quote
Speaker:is probably by Tozer and most people know it. The first thing
Speaker:that comes to your mind when you think of god is the most important thing
Speaker:about you. That is Mhmm. My favorite quote by
Speaker:Tozer. And my favorite verse is actually
Speaker:an obscure one, which I've kind of run with for a few
Speaker:decades now. It's Amos 5 4, a part of it. It's
Speaker:simply seek me and live. Seek the Lord and
Speaker:live. So Oh, I like that. Amos
Speaker:isn't usually the the quotable that people come up with so that that you
Speaker:get, an extra point for originality. Alright. I'm gonna
Speaker:go with faith and purpose for 200, please.
Speaker:Can you recall a moment where your faith was tested and how
Speaker:did you overcome it? That's a deep one. Well, I can recall
Speaker:many moments where my faith was tested and how I
Speaker:overcame it. Many of you will already know I'm an Enneagram
Speaker:8, and I love a good challenge. And sometimes I walk into these challenges,
Speaker:and and those are the things that have tested me. But if you're wanting an
Speaker:example well, there's many examples that I could think of,
Speaker:but I I think my mind jumps to the time where my
Speaker:husband and I really heard from the Lord about
Speaker:quitting our jobs that we really loved in in ministry, and
Speaker:to let go of something that you actually really enjoy that gives
Speaker:life and purpose, and yet he's called you into something deeper,
Speaker:That was a test of faith for me to not know what I
Speaker:was jumping into. It's not like we had Care Impact on the back
Speaker:burner, a a glossy brochure in the making. We didn't know
Speaker:what it was that we were jumping into when traveling across
Speaker:Canada, just god chasing it and seeing what is this that we were to
Speaker:do and, seeing how god clearly revealed
Speaker:himself through that. Not only that, but the practicality of
Speaker:giving up 2 incomes when you're raising a family, it took
Speaker:active faith and just trusting in god. But I've learned through
Speaker:that. I've grown through that, and I often refer to it because now
Speaker:it gives me more boldness to do other crazy things. When god says it, he
Speaker:provides and and how he's been so faithful. Can you believe it? It's been 10
Speaker:years since we we've started this journey with Care Impact,
Speaker:and god has been so faithful in in adding people
Speaker:to our team and in our resources. I just can't describe
Speaker:how faithful he has been, but, I definitely was
Speaker:tested because Harold and I are not that type of
Speaker:spontaneous people to just simply do that. But
Speaker:Especially with the family. Yeah. And it it tests me actually now
Speaker:as I do a lot of fundraising and, and needing to to bring in
Speaker:resources to add to our team. The faith journey for me
Speaker:right now is that it's not only my family on the line. I
Speaker:have other people's families that are dependent on none of us
Speaker:are here, I don't think, for the money, but we are
Speaker:dependent on Care Impact flourishing so
Speaker:that we can provide for our family and do the work that god has called
Speaker:for us. So so now I feel a different kind of weight as I
Speaker:look at how do I support and grow our team as we have
Speaker:more positions to come that need filling in. So I'm like, k. You want
Speaker:this to happen? So we create the job description and the god stories that
Speaker:come out. You're one of those examples that that really was a
Speaker:response to to prayer and you heard God's voice and,
Speaker:we keep growing that way. Amen. Alright. We haven't
Speaker:had any 5 100 yet. Even though when I put these questions together, I
Speaker:didn't put them in any particular order of difficulty.
Speaker:I could tell. It's pretty random. But
Speaker:let's go fun and whimsy again. We'll go for 500.
Speaker:Fun and whimsy for 500, it is. If you could swap
Speaker:lives with any fictional character for a day, who would it be?
Speaker:Well, that is a hard one though. I would say Indiana Jones
Speaker:because it's my favorite movie. But Indiana Jones. Yeah. He's
Speaker:a true inspiration. But, you know, I tried
Speaker:creating whips as a kid so I can swing from things, and it it always
Speaker:ends a disaster. So, like, I you try to swing
Speaker:and you fall on your back. It doesn't work the same way. Well, I'm I'm
Speaker:gonna go for, fun and whimsy for 200, please. Oh,
Speaker:I like this question. If you can only eat one food
Speaker:for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Speaker:Oh, this is a great question. I have
Speaker:different genres of food depending on who's the cook
Speaker:is maybe a a curve in in that answer.
Speaker:But I would have to say if they were a good Mennonite cook, I would
Speaker:want varenikiya and schmonfat for the rest of my life. Like, I
Speaker:could live on that. I would probably die sooner too because of a heart attack,
Speaker:but it would be vranikil, which is like Mennonite pierogis
Speaker:with the the cottage cheese in there and then the cream gravy.
Speaker:Oh my goodness. I could eat that. If I was in Korea, it would be
Speaker:dolsup bibimbap. If I was in Ethiopia, it would be
Speaker:definitely injera and what? A good cup of coffee.
Speaker:Yeah. Depends which country, but, right now, I'm feeling the
Speaker:varenikiya. If that sounds good to our listeners, I think we
Speaker:still might have some recipe books out there available
Speaker:to make it My mom's recipe, she has it in the cookbook.
Speaker:Let me know. Alright. Let's do,
Speaker:would you rather for 100?
Speaker:Would you rather for 100? Would you rather fundraise
Speaker:or speak at a conference? There were 2 things
Speaker:that I don't like doing.
Speaker:2 things that I do. Honestly, I think I'd
Speaker:rather speak at a conference. I don't like the stage very much,
Speaker:but maybe it's a control thing. I have control over
Speaker:what I say at a conference, but I don't have control on whether
Speaker:someone gives or donates. And convincing
Speaker:people is not True. Is not a fun thing. It's
Speaker:just easier to speak for. I think I think fundraising, I feel a
Speaker:little more vulnerable there than if I'm speaking. I can
Speaker:be vulnerable from the stage. No problem. But
Speaker:fundraising, I think that's a Canadian thing too. It means that we
Speaker:need other people to join us, and there's, it requires
Speaker:a dose of humility to and I think there's good ways of doing it.
Speaker:You do fundraising. I do fundraising. But,
Speaker:it's not easy when we ask for money. We but we do
Speaker:want partnership for sure. It's my turn. Right? So I'm
Speaker:gonna do would you rather for 200, please?
Speaker:Would you rather participate in a lively Sunday church service
Speaker:or a quiet spiritual retreat in nature? That's
Speaker:an easy one. Easy for you. See,
Speaker:I I like the omnipresence. I'd wanna do both. I
Speaker:do like both, but right now,
Speaker:I could definitely go for this quiet spiritual retreat in
Speaker:nature. I'm an extrovert, but I deeply love
Speaker:nature and just being in the quiet, maybe because I live in a lively
Speaker:household and work networking with people all day. So
Speaker:right now, I'm feeling the retreat in nature, definitely.
Speaker:Being by myself. Is that weird as an extrovert? I
Speaker:like I could really hermit. I did that for holidays this last
Speaker:year. I I had a silent retreat in Cuba,
Speaker:with loud Cuban music, but it was all by myself. It was wonderful.
Speaker:Okay. Your turn, Johan. What what's it gonna be? Let's keep it
Speaker:rolling. Learning for 400. Okay. This is fun. A
Speaker:rich uncle just offered to pay for a learning experience.
Speaker:K. You should get him to, support you. What is one thing
Speaker:that you would love to learn if he paid for it?
Speaker:How to easily fundraise?
Speaker:No. How to hire a fundraiser?
Speaker:I mean, I've always wanted to take the
Speaker:podcast engineering course. I'm pretty good at what I do. I'm a
Speaker:professional. Engineer. But if you Do you like to
Speaker:do more? Yeah. Act actually, you know what? I would I would say
Speaker:maybe business because it's the business side of things which I'm
Speaker:kind of learning on my own. Mhmm. And with
Speaker:the enhancements with AI and all this stuff, I like, you
Speaker:gotta learn how to pivot in this business pretty quickly too.
Speaker:So probably running the business side of things. I mean,
Speaker:I I only do it part time as just
Speaker:to supplement my work at Care Impact, but it's still something I wanna get
Speaker:better at. So k. Well, now that we're on the learning
Speaker:theme, I'm gonna stick with that column as well. I'm gonna do learning for
Speaker:100, please. What is one hobby you would love
Speaker:to learn to do? Oh, gee. This is hard, actually, because my husband
Speaker:Harold always tells me I need to find a hobby, and I always tell him,
Speaker:like, well, Care Impact is my hobby. I love doing this. I wake up every
Speaker:day thinking, wow. I get to do this for a job, but this should be
Speaker:really a 500 question for me because sometimes I
Speaker:don't see the point of a hobby. I'm not judging people who have them,
Speaker:but, I think I'd like to learn how to fly a plane, actually.
Speaker:So if I had a hobby that I could go on a Saturday and
Speaker:just fly around somewhere, that would be really good.
Speaker:And that would be actually very practical too. See, every hobby has to have some
Speaker:practicality with me of, like, it could get me places too. Right?
Speaker:I could, It's you wanting to be omnipresent. Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker:It's it's helping me towards a bigger goal. Yeah. So flying
Speaker:a plane. Alright. Faith and purpose for 400.
Speaker:Can you share a moment when you felt a sense of fulfillment
Speaker:in living out your purpose? Well, that's that
Speaker:should be 1,000. That's a tough one. Yeah. That's a that's a
Speaker:deep one. I hope that's how I
Speaker:feel when I meet the Lord. Mhmm.
Speaker:That I fulfilled the purpose in bringing this glory. Answer.
Speaker:Jesus is the answer? I'm
Speaker:gonna close off faith and purpose. We have one question
Speaker:left for 5 100. So faith and purpose for 500, please.
Speaker:Who or what inspires you to keep going when things get
Speaker:tough besides Kathy?
Speaker:Yes. She she is an inspiration for me doing all of my admin, which is
Speaker:great. No. This one's easy, actually. Who or what inspires
Speaker:you? I would say the who inspires me to keep going
Speaker:other than the obvious, Jesus, because he got me on this path to begin
Speaker:with. But I have to say the children in my life
Speaker:and those in my community who are in
Speaker:hard places, hands down, they inspire me to keep
Speaker:going when things get tough because it's not easy helping the church
Speaker:and social services and all of these sectors work together and come
Speaker:up with a new way of moving forward in in connecting and equipping
Speaker:the church. Church can be a hard space sometimes to
Speaker:navigate in helping them being effective in community.
Speaker:And when things get really tough, I have to say, but who is this
Speaker:for? I have to say it's worth it when
Speaker:community is created and and those that are marginalized
Speaker:or in hard places get supported because we had some of
Speaker:those tough conversations, had those tough faith moments, and,
Speaker:they're definitely worth it. That justice side of me goes.
Speaker:Awesome. Well, I think we're running out of time for this first episode,
Speaker:so we might just have to skip the rest of these questions. Right?
Speaker:What do you think? Well, we've got more questions for next episode. So
Speaker:let's save some of them. Absolutely. Okay. So for next
Speaker:episode, our categories, they're gonna be we're gonna do another
Speaker:would you rather. We'll do life reflections. We'll do
Speaker:questions on character and community and
Speaker:connection. So still some fun ones to come.
Speaker:Make sure you tune in next week to check those out. And, again, go to
Speaker:our website journey with care dot ca. I think I'm gonna put a big button
Speaker:on there or banner that says send in a question so that you can get
Speaker:those in before April 13th, I think we said, for that episode
Speaker:in a in a few weeks. So next week, we're gonna do part 2 of
Speaker:this one. Get to know us a little bit better. But before that, I wanna
Speaker:do a rapid fire with you, Wendy. You you can do a rapid fire
Speaker:with me next week. For me? But what Okay. Fine. I'm on the hot
Speaker:seat. So quick, really short answers, but here
Speaker:we go. Dogs, cats, or fish? Dogs and cats.
Speaker:Can I say 2? Nope. Gotta pick 1.
Speaker:Caramel and cappuccino. Forgive me, but I'm gonna choose cream, the our dog.
Speaker:K. Beach vacation or mountain retreat?
Speaker:Mountain retreat. Coffee or tea?
Speaker:Definitely coffee. A nod to the Enneagram.
Speaker:Favorite ice cream flavor? Oh, I would
Speaker:probably go with the dark chocolate with a tons of toppings
Speaker:and, a little scoop of everything.
Speaker:Early bird or night owl? Both. Can
Speaker:I say both? Because I stay up late and I get up early. That's how
Speaker:I go. You just don't sleep. Comedy or drama?
Speaker:I'm gonna go with drama because comedy isn't always very funny. And you
Speaker:always say you don't like drama. I don't like drama, but I like
Speaker:you know what? I like Korean drama. Some of them. Okay.
Speaker:Okay. That's weird. I'm married to Korean. He he
Speaker:gives me my own k drama. Pancakes or
Speaker:waffles? Waffles with my mom's white
Speaker:pudding sauce on top. Also in the recipe book, I
Speaker:believe. It's also in the recipe book. I'm a big fan of all
Speaker:her her cooking. Okay. Bacon or sausage?
Speaker:They're both unhealthy, but if it's farmer sausage, I'm Mennonite through
Speaker:and through, so farmer sausage. Favorite season of the year?
Speaker:Summer. Books or movies? Books.
Speaker:I love my books. 5 at a time. Would you rather travel to the
Speaker:past or the future? Definitely the future.
Speaker:Past is history. Sunrise or sunset?
Speaker:I think a sunset. Pizza.
Speaker:Pineapple or no pineapple? I love pineapple on
Speaker:my pizza. I don't care if people judge me for it, but it tastes so
Speaker:good. Sweet or savory snacks?
Speaker:Both. If I had to choose, I probably would
Speaker:go towards the sweet in the
Speaker:chocolate ice cream area. Would you rather have the
Speaker:ability to fly or be invisible? Superpowers again. Fly.
Speaker:That'd be fun. It helped me in my omnipresence. Summer or
Speaker:Winter Olympics? Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker:I'm there for the food. Either. Either is fine. I don't mind either. I I
Speaker:do watch. Okay. Camping or glamping?
Speaker:Well, if it was just up to me, it would be camping. So I like
Speaker:to go camping with Janet who's on our team, also my cousin, and
Speaker:we go camping camping. My family is not going
Speaker:even glamping. I tried that, so I I ain't gonna stick with camping.
Speaker:Alright. Last one. Would you rather have a rewind button or a
Speaker:pause button? I would go with pause
Speaker:because I think we make good life choices and we can breathe when we
Speaker:pause, but rewind its its history. We can learn from it. I I
Speaker:don't like to live in regret. Alright. That's the last of our
Speaker:questions. So part 2 next week, again, head over to
Speaker:journey with care dotca. Send in your questions because we need
Speaker:we need some. We look forward to hearing from you. I hope you've
Speaker:had fun with us. That or you can have an episode of Complete Silence and
Speaker:that would be you can use it as reflective time. Hey. I also
Speaker:wanted to remind our listeners, actually, if you head to the website, you can get
Speaker:Journey with Prayer a few days early, the same time our episode
Speaker:releases. So if that's something that you want, head over to
Speaker:journey of care dotca, and that's a little bit of a benefit there. And we
Speaker:hope to have other stuff there as well. So see you then.
Speaker:Thank you for joining another conversation on Journey with Care,
Speaker:where we inspire curious Canadians on their path of faith
Speaker:and living life with purpose in community. Journey with Care is an
Speaker:initiative of Care Impact, a Canadian charity dedicated to
Speaker:connecting and equipping the whole church to journey well in community.
Speaker:You can visit their website at careimpact. Ca or visit journeywithcare.
Speaker:Ca to get more information on weekly episodes, Journey with
Speaker:Prayer, and details about our upcoming events and meetups. You
Speaker:can also leave us a message, share your thoughts, and connect with like
Speaker:minded individuals who are on their own journeys of faith and purpose.
Speaker:Thank you for sharing this podcast and helping these stories reach the
Speaker:community. Together, we can explore ways to journey in a good way.
Speaker:And always remember to stay curious.