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#44. Nurturing Jesus’ Heart for Muslims in Jesus’ Church — an Advocate to Love Muslims in America
Episode 4413th September 2022 • Our Urban Voices • Dr. Alfonse Javed
00:00:00 00:38:11

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Pastor Alfonse Javed looks beyond his personal experiences to Jesus’ heart for Muslims and His heart for the nations living in our communities.

Christ’s command is straight forward, “love your neighbor.” But fear, presumption, or cultural differences may get in the way. Then what?

Special Guest Host: Chris Clayman, co-founder of Global Gates Network and Heart for Muslims

What You’ll Learn:

  • Where to start if your congregation isn’t interested in reaching out to Muslims
  • What to do about fear, presumption or indifference when they are stumbling blocks to reaching out to Muslims in your community?
  • About the most effective missionaries among the immigrant diaspora communities

Bonus Content: 

Existence – Get a Free Copy of this Book with a Subscription

About the Guest: 

Dr. Alfonse Javed, the Senior Pastor of 1st Baptist Church of Metuchen, has planted a church abroad, has been a missions pastor and has served as a missionary in Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan.

Born in Lahore, Pakistan — the son of a pastor — Pastor Javed began serving in church at a young age. He has served as a missionary in Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan. He has also planted a church in Greece. In the 1990s, a providential relationship formed when Calvary Baptist Church started supporting his ministry efforts; he would later serve as the missions pastor of that congregation. Eventually, in 2009, he moved to New York with a new vision — mobilizing churches to engage Muslims in the NYC metro area.

Dr. Javed’s advanced theological training is from the Greek Bible College, Davis College and Liberty University. He has earned three undergraduate, three graduate, and three doctoral degrees. His dissertations have explored various subjects from religious influence on the American school system to evangelism and church planting, to Islamic madrases and the treatment that Muslims students have received in the post 9/11 New York City school system. He maintains a blog,, and is the author of The Muslim Next Door: A Practical Guide for Evangelism and Discipleship. Dr. Javed and his wife, Sarah, have four children.

Scripture Related to Episode:

Matthew 28: 16-20; Luke 24: 44-53; Jesus Great Commission

Matthew 22: 39, John 13: 34; Loving Your Neighbor – Great Commandment

Ephesians 2: 8-10; Good Works Are Result of Salvation

John 6: 44-45; Father Draws People to the Son

Exodus 22: 21; Leviticus 19: 33-34; Be Kind to the Stranger in Your Midst

Links Related to Episode:

Alfonse Javed - Twitter

Chris Clayman, Cofounder of Global Gates Network

Brooklyn Arab-American Friendship Center

Virtual Prayer Walking in Unreached People Group Communities

Our Urban Voices Podcast

Heart for Muslims Conference

Timestamped Show Notes:

02:00 - Introducing the Guest Host - Chris Clayman

02:47 - Family and Fun

03:43 - Why Start the Heart for Muslims Conference?

04:08 - The Talibanization of Pakistan

04:33 - Non-Muslims Dismissed in Pakistan

05:22 - A Christian Being Perceived as a Muslim in America

05:57 - Hatred toward Muslims, Post 9-11

06:29 - Jesus Has a Heart for Muslims

07:57 - The Diaspora Connection with Christian Immigrants

09:10 - Trends in Ministry among Muslims

11:29 - Network and Resources for Ministries

12:50 - A Call to Ministries and Churches Who Want to Figure Out How to Reach Out to Muslims

14:58 - Why Should Christians Reach Out to Muslims?

17:07 - What Should the Local Church Know about Starting Muslim Outreach?

17:58 - Taking the First Step

18:55 - 86% of Muslims Have Never Met a Christian

19:11 - When to Refrain from Muslim Outreach

20:20 - Where to Start When Your Congregation Lacks the Vision to Reach Out to Muslims?

22:57 - Calling, Praying, Sending and Going

23:34 - Virtual Prayer Walks for in Communities of Unreached People Groups in North America

24:16 - What to Do about Fear?

25:59 - Christian Do Not Need to Convert Muslims

26:42 - Confidence in the Lord

27:08 - Life Happens

27:50 - What Happens after Death?

28:42 - What's Needed for a Genuine Relationship?

29:48 - The Problem with Trying to Convert People

30:55 - Faith, Loving God and Loving Your Neighbor

31:20 - Genuine Friendships and Being Upfront

32:40 - Western Friendships vs Eastern Friendships

33:24 - Ending a Conversation before it Begins

34:53 - Our Urban Voices - Things that Impact City Life in the Context of Christian Faith

36:04 - Javed Contact Info, Our Urban Voices and Twitter

37:00 - Joke: Where Were You Born?

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