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Balance, Being, Body and Business
8th February 2023 • Push to be More • Matt Edmundson
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A lot of people seem to think that in order to be successful, they have to give up all other aspects of their life, but that's not true. In fact, finding balance is one of the most important things you can do if you want to grow a successful business.

Join us for a brand new episode where Brendon Macdonald from Digital Smile Design talks about his journey, the lessons he learnt as an entrepreneur and how it helped him grow and be successful in life.

Here's some of the great stuff that we cover in this show:

  • Brendon & his wife started their business over 10 years ago when a large publishing company left Europe after the 2008 crash. They started to sell advertising for their magazine and eventually bought out the other partners in the dental publication. As digital media became more popular they decided to start Yello Veedub as a social media marketing agency with 50+ dental clients including DSD who later bought their agency.
  • Brendon talks about the challenges he faced when he went from having his own agency and making all the decisions himself to working for DSD as an employee.
  • Brendon experienced an identity crisis with his business, Yello Veedub. He was constantly in a fight for survival and had no time to reflect or grow as an individual. After the sale of Yello Veedub, Brendon began focusing on four main pillars: balance, being, business and body.
  • There are three key areas to meaningful growth: autonomy, mastery and purpose. Brendon realized he was holding his team back by providing all the answers himself instead of allowing them autonomy and self-discovery. Becoming a coach was one of the biggest learning moments for him - working on the business rather than just within it had huge impacts on both his own productivity and morale within his organization.
  • Brendon suggests focusing on balance in order to maximize business performance. He recommends listing activities that are classified as working in the business and assigning a percentage of time towards them. He also emphasizes building processes, delegating tasks, and creating autonomy within the team to free up more time for long-term planning.
  • People are always looking to move up and have more success, defined however they see fit. This can be a difficult mindset to break out of, but it is possible. Brendon has gone through many changes in the past few years and shares that it was difficult at first because he had to get used to not being in charge all the time. He has since learned how to better communicate with those around him and present his ideas in a way that is more effective.



Brendon is an astute problem solver who strives for excellence and executes plans with care and determination. He inspires others with his discerning nature and conscientious, measured approach.

Brendon Macdonald is Sales & Marketing Director at Digital Smile Design (DSD) where he took this position when DSD acquired Yello Veedub, his Sales & Marketing Agency in 2018. Yello Veedub, a Full Service Sales & Marketing Agency in 2015, specializing in the dental market. Before this he was involved in several social media consulting and e-commerce businesses focusing and specialising in the global health sector.

Brendon has extensive experience in brand & online digital strategies in the B2B & B2C healthcare & e-commerce sectors. He has a Bachelor of Economics from Rhodes University (2003) and worked in investment banking for a number of years before starting his own businesses in the retail sector before his last venture with Yello Veedub.


For complete show notes, transcript and links to our guest, check out our website:


Brendon Macdonald:

My identity was based on problemsolving, I was very proud that

Brendon Macdonald:

I could, you could come to me very quickly and I could look at a situation and I

Brendon Macdonald:

could find a solution for the problem.

Brendon Macdonald:

That was my whole persona.

Brendon Macdonald:

My whole personality was, you come to me, I solve your problem.

Brendon Macdonald:

But what I didn't understand at the time was that I was actually holding

Brendon Macdonald:

everybody back, including myself.

Brendon Macdonald:

Yeah, because then no one takes initiative.

Brendon Macdonald:

No one has autonomy, and they basically just push everything on

Brendon Macdonald:

you, which makes you work harder.

Brendon Macdonald:

Uh, you have a high workload.

Brendon Macdonald:

You get frustrated with everyone because you're like, why can't you just do

Brendon Macdonald:

these things and mm-hmm, you train them to say, come to me cuz I'll give you

Brendon Macdonald:

an answer in, in, in a minute or two.

Matt Edmundson:

Welcome to Push to Be More with me, your host, Matt Edmundson.

Matt Edmundson:

This is a show that talks about the stuff that makes life work

Matt Edmundson:

and to help us do just that.

Matt Edmundson:

Today I am chatting with my very special guest, Brendon MacDonald, all the way

Matt Edmundson:

from Madrid, uh, about where he has had to push through, hat he does to

Matt Edmundson:

recharge his batteries, uh, and to be as well as what he's doing to be more.

Matt Edmundson:

Now the show notes and transcript from my conversation with Brendon are gonna be

Matt Edmundson:

available on our website

Matt Edmundson:

And whilst you are there checking those out, make sure you sign up for the

Matt Edmundson:

newsletter cuz each week we will email you the links and the notes from the show.

Matt Edmundson:

Straight to your inbox automagically.

Matt Edmundson:

It's free.

Matt Edmundson:

It's easy.

Matt Edmundson:

So why not sign up now?

Matt Edmundson:

This episode is brought to you by Aurion Media, which helps entrepreneurs

Matt Edmundson:

and business leaders set up and run their own successful podcast.

Matt Edmundson:

Brendon, you know what?

Matt Edmundson:

I have found running my own podcast to be super, super rewarding.

Matt Edmundson:

It opens doors to amazing people like nothing else I have seen.

Matt Edmundson:

I've built networks, made friends, had a platform to champion my customers,

Matt Edmundson:

my team, and my amazing suppliers.

Matt Edmundson:

And I think just about any entrepreneurial business leader should

Matt Edmundson:

have a podcast because it has had a huge impact on my own business.

Matt Edmundson:

And of course, That sounds great in theory, but in reality there's a lot

Matt Edmundson:

of technical stuff to think about.

Matt Edmundson:

There's strategy to think about.

Matt Edmundson:

I mean, the list goes on, which is why so many people don't actually do it.

Matt Edmundson:

You see, I love talking to people, but I don't really enjoy all

Matt Edmundson:

that other stuff, if I'm honest.

Matt Edmundson:

So, Aurion media, they take it all off my plate, which is amazing.

Matt Edmundson:

I do what I'm good at, and they brilliantly take care of the rest.

Matt Edmundson:

So if you are wondering if podcasting is a good marketing strategy for your business,

Matt Edmundson:

do connect with them at

Matt Edmundson:

That's A U R I O N media dot com, and we will of course link to them on the

Matt Edmundson:

website and in the show notes as well.

Matt Edmundson:

Now, Let's put all that aside.

Matt Edmundson:

Let's focus on today's guest.

Matt Edmundson:

Brendon is an astute problem solver who strives for excellence and executes

Matt Edmundson:

plans with care and determination.

Matt Edmundson:

He inspires others with his discerning nature and

Matt Edmundson:

conscientious measured approach.

Matt Edmundson:

Brendon is a sales and marketing director at Digital Smile Design, also known as

Matt Edmundson:

DSD, where he took this position when it was acquired by Yello Veedub, his

Matt Edmundson:

sales and marketing agency back in 2018.

Matt Edmundson:

Yello Veedub was a full service sales and marketing agency in 2015

Matt Edmundson:

specializing in the dental market.

Matt Edmundson:

That was a pivot that Brendan made.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, before this, he was involved in several media consulting and

Matt Edmundson:

e-commerce businesses focusing and specializing in the global health sector.

Matt Edmundson:

He has extensive experience in branding online digital strategies in the B2B

Matt Edmundson:

and B2C healthcare and e-comm sectors.

Matt Edmundson:

He has a Bachelor of Economics from Rhodes University, uh, and worked in

Matt Edmundson:

investment banking for a number of years before starting his own business Yello

Matt Edmundson:

Veedub, which is an interesting story in itself, why it was called Yello Veedub.

Matt Edmundson:

I've known Brendon now for a few years, so I'm looking forward to this.

Matt Edmundson:

Brendon, great to have you.

Matt Edmundson:

Thanks for coming onto the podcast, man.

Matt Edmundson:

How you doing?

Brendon Macdonald:

Great, Matt, thanks for having me on the podcast.

Brendon Macdonald:

Looking forward to our discussion today.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, normally we have great conversations.

Matt Edmundson:

I just never record them.

Matt Edmundson:

And you, you kind of go and it's like, oh, bugger, I should have recorded that.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, but yeah, it's, uh, it is interesting.

Matt Edmundson:

So tell me, um, just tell me I guess, a, a bit about Yello Veedub, how DSD

Matt Edmundson:

acquired it, and why you are in Madrid.

Brendon Macdonald:

Yeah, great.

Brendon Macdonald:

Great question and I'm happy to share.

Brendon Macdonald:

I think, uh, Yello Veedub was a marketing agency.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, we started a very interesting story.

Brendon Macdonald:

We, my wife and I have been in business for, uh, very long time, so over 10 years.

Brendon Macdonald:

And, uh, we.

Brendon Macdonald:

In 2008 when the, the big crash happened with all, with the

Brendon Macdonald:

whole world, with Lehmann & Banks starting the, the run on everything.

Brendon Macdonald:

Uh, my wife was working in a publishing company, uh, American Publishing Company,

Brendon Macdonald:

and they had some scientific publications.

Brendon Macdonald:

One was a dental one and the other one was a Separation science,

Brendon Macdonald:

you know, the CSI program?

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Matt Edmundson:

Loved it.

Matt Edmundson:

Loved it.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Brendon Macdonald:

So, um, obviously in 2008, the American, uh, company

Brendon Macdonald:

obviously went through some issues, so they kind of left Europe and they

Brendon Macdonald:

just left all their titles there.

Brendon Macdonald:

And so everybody who remained in that part of the world kind of

Brendon Macdonald:

inherited these titles where they, they had like, the dental publication

Brendon Macdonald:

had like 60,000 paid subscribers.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and so the directors of that company all got together.

Brendon Macdonald:

My wife was part of that process and I was just transitioning out of another

Brendon Macdonald:

business, so I had time on my hands.

Brendon Macdonald:

So I started to sell advertising in their magazine cuz it

Brendon Macdonald:

was a magazine publication.

Brendon Macdonald:

Yeah, yeah.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, basically, long story short, um, me and my wife ended up buying the other

Brendon Macdonald:

partners out in the dental publication.

Brendon Macdonald:

Oh, wow.

Brendon Macdonald:

And so we, we were running that publication and we were finding it harder

Brendon Macdonald:

and harder to, to sell advertising space.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

. Cause digital was just about when that was, when all the big social

Brendon Macdonald:

media, Facebook and all that were becoming quite popular and that

Brendon Macdonald:

advertising was, uh, coming up.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and so yeah, we were, we were just floating along, just the two of us.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and then we saw an advert by a prominent dental business coach,

Brendon Macdonald:

and he said, I, I want, I need someone to do my social media.

Brendon Macdonald:

and we had been phoning all the big suppliers trying to sell

Brendon Macdonald:

ads, uh, full page ads, uh, in our magazine and was being, wow.

Brendon Macdonald:

It was becoming much harder.

Brendon Macdonald:

And I had a couple conversations with the supplier saying, you know,

Brendon Macdonald:

this thing, social media or this Facebook, do you guys do that?

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, cuz we are just about to spend this amount of money with this

Brendon Macdonald:

agency to do our social media.

Brendon Macdonald:

And I was asking for a fraction and I was suffering and they were

Brendon Macdonald:

considering spending so much more.

Brendon Macdonald:

So it kind of coincided with we need to get into social media marketing.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and then this advert happened, and so we replied and said, of course we do that.

Brendon Macdonald:

Please think of us.

Brendon Macdonald:

And we, we were, we were hired and as soon as we hired, we went and.

Brendon Macdonald:

For a social media course.

Brendon Macdonald:

I remember looking on online, trying to think, okay, how do

Brendon Macdonald:

you do the social media thing?

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and then that's how Yello Veedub was born.

Brendon Macdonald:

Essentially was uh, we got very lucky, uh, the business coach

Brendon Macdonald:

would go into dental, uh, client.

Brendon Macdonald:

And it was at the time when you needed to do social media.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

And they said, oh, great agency.

Brendon Macdonald:

And then kind of through word of mouth, um, we grew our client base very quickly.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

And then we had to start to hire people.

Brendon Macdonald:

And then Yello Veedub was a social media marketing agency,

Brendon Macdonald:

um, for, for a couple years.

Brendon Macdonald:

And then again, same thing.

Brendon Macdonald:

We, we struggled to get results.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, they started to taper off as the social work started to mature and started

Brendon Macdonald:

to charge you, you have to do paid media.

Brendon Macdonald:

So we kind of evolved into the full service agency because we were kind of

Brendon Macdonald:

having to start to do websites, have to do Facebook ads, do all the things

Brendon Macdonald:

that we needed to do to get results, and that's how we kind of evolved from posting

Brendon Macdonald:

Facebook posts to doing brand websites, digital marketing and everything.

Brendon Macdonald:

And that's how we specialize in dental work cuz we just

Brendon Macdonald:

had over 50 dental clients.

Brendon Macdonald:

We became experts in, in how to find patients for the dentists.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

And DSD was one of those clients, uh, we met them in 2012 and we stayed

Brendon Macdonald:

with them and, and then they had a big deal that they did and part of their

Brendon Macdonald:

strategy to kind of expand was to bring marketing in-house for their network.

Brendon Macdonald:

And that's how Yello Veedub kind of was approached?

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

They liked what we did.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and they said, come join us.

Brendon Macdonald:

And that's what we did.

Brendon Macdonald:

Uh, and so now my family, we live in Madrid cuz that's where

Brendon Macdonald:

they're headquartered and yeah.

Brendon Macdonald:

Enjoying the ride so far.

Matt Edmundson:

Enjoying the ride so far.

Matt Edmundson:

So it sounds, I mean, it's a heck of a journey, you know, and, and all the

Matt Edmundson:

twists and turns that it takes and, um, you know, one of the things I've always

Matt Edmundson:

admired about you and your wife, Rita, just the, the ability just to upsticks

Matt Edmundson:

and move to a different part of the world, cuz it's not the first time you've

Matt Edmundson:

moved and lived in a different country.

Matt Edmundson:

Is it?

Brendon Macdonald:

No it's not.

Brendon Macdonald:

No, we, we moved in 2005.

Brendon Macdonald:

We moved from Southern Africa, so my wife's from South

Brendon Macdonald:

Africa, I'm from Zimbabwe.

Brendon Macdonald:

And uh, yeah, the situation in, in Africa was what it was and

Brendon Macdonald:

so we had to move and so, yeah.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, but I think, I think we're good now.

Brendon Macdonald:

I think we're

Matt Edmundson:

kind of settled.

Matt Edmundson:

Your kids speak Spanish fluently.

Matt Edmundson:

You Maybe not so much

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

Uh, I have a, a family that speaks Spanish except me.

Brendon Macdonald:

So I've got three translators, which is great, and I'm a little bit

Brendon Macdonald:

ashamed to say it's been two years and I haven't learned anything.

Brendon Macdonald:

But that's cuz I've been pretty busy, so.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

Yeah, it's something we can,

Matt Edmundson:

pretty busy.

Matt Edmundson:

So what's it like when you are, um, , you've got this agency, you've

Matt Edmundson:

got your, your, uh, own agency, um, and then you get approached by DSD.

Matt Edmundson:

You go through the negotiations.

Matt Edmundson:

They, they in effect take you over, buy you out.

Matt Edmundson:

What was, what was that like, what was some of your thinking at that point?

Matt Edmundson:

Because I mean, this is.

Matt Edmundson:

In some respects what a lot of business people dream about, right?

Matt Edmundson:

It's the exit, it's the how do I build this to sell it?

Matt Edmundson:

And so you've done what a lot of people dream about and I'm, I'm

Matt Edmundson:

kind of curious, what was it like back then when you were approached?

Matt Edmundson:

What was your thinking like?

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, I think transparently speaking,

Brendon Macdonald:

um, , it was something that I could see was going to happen.

Brendon Macdonald:

It was, it was starting cuz I was part of the conversations

Brendon Macdonald:

with, with DSD and their plans.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

So I could see it coming a long way off.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and if I'm being honest, um, Yello Veedub, although successful, it

Brendon Macdonald:

was very tough to run the business.

Brendon Macdonald:

It was super stressful.

Brendon Macdonald:

You know, when you're an agency owner, um, effectively on your own.

Brendon Macdonald:

And cash flow is a constant battle.

Brendon Macdonald:

It was always a battle for us.

Brendon Macdonald:

We, we never had the amounts of cash flow.

Brendon Macdonald:

We needed to kind of scale to get to a place.

Brendon Macdonald:

So I felt with Yello Veedub, I had hit a glass ceiling and I didn't.

Brendon Macdonald:

And I didn't, I didn't know, and I know now what I should have done in the

Brendon Macdonald:

past, but at that moment in time I was completely clueless and I just felt kind

Brendon Macdonald:

of stuck cuz uh, for, for, but two to three years, we, we were growing, but

Brendon Macdonald:

we weren't growing to what we needed.

Brendon Macdonald:

You know, we couldn't track the right talent or we didn't have

Brendon Macdonald:

the right,or it was kind of the chicken or the egg situation.

Brendon Macdonald:

It was like, we need better people, but we can't afford to pay those people.

Brendon Macdonald:

So I was in that cycle with Yello Veedub.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and so the honest truth, it was, it was a relief, um, because

Brendon Macdonald:

obviously it kind of took the burden off trying to break through

Brendon Macdonald:

the grass ceiling away from me.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and, and the process was fairly straightforward, um, because, uh, if I'm

Brendon Macdonald:

being honest, the value of Yello Veedub, um, wasn't hard to work out the value.

Brendon Macdonald:

So I can imagine if, if the agency was a lot bigger and there was a lot more

Brendon Macdonald:

value involved, um, it would be a lot more complicated process, but it was very

Brendon Macdonald:

straightforward what they wanted, what.

Brendon Macdonald:

What size we were.

Brendon Macdonald:

So I think we were the right size to be acquired by dsd, if that makes sense.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

Um, yeah, I, I, I will say that the biggest, I did have huge

Brendon Macdonald:

reservations because I don't think I'm a very good employee.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

I don't think anyone, I don't think anyone should hire me.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, so I was really concerned about that, to be honest, that their idea

Brendon Macdonald:

of, you now have to communicate with a group of individuals and you might,

Brendon Macdonald:

they might not necessarily agree with your direction, so there was a lot more.

Brendon Macdonald:

You have to improve your communication skills cuz now when you are running

Brendon Macdonald:

the business effectively with one.

Brendon Macdonald:

one or two main business leaders, but you make all the decisions normally to

Brendon Macdonald:

go into an environment where there's 10 people that also make the decision.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

, that was something that I was really weighing on my mind.

Brendon Macdonald:

I was like, will I survive?

Brendon Macdonald:

Will this, will this, will this be something that I can adjust and adapt to?

Brendon Macdonald:

And, and it's kind of part of the process of how I changed and evolved

Brendon Macdonald:

for the better, to be honest.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

Cause when you're kind of stuck by yourself, Making all the shots.

Brendon Macdonald:

Making all the calls, um, you don't have to develop those skills.

Brendon Macdonald:

Yeah, it's just.

Brendon Macdonald:

You just make the decision and you move forward and there's no

Brendon Macdonald:

negotiation, there's no discussion, there's no kind of debate.

Brendon Macdonald:

Uh, if, if truth be told, it's just like, I want to do this and we're gonna do this.

Brendon Macdonald:

I feel it's right and we're gonna move forward.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, um, so that was kind of the only thing that I, I struggled with in the first

Brendon Macdonald:

year, uh, when I started the, the process of, of kind of working with DSD and

Brendon Macdonald:

winding down the business in Yello Veedub.

Brendon Macdonald:

Cuz what we did was we became the agency for their network, but we

Brendon Macdonald:

had some existing clients, so we had to offboard them over time.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

And there's focus on the dsd, so it was a transitional period of, we still made

Brendon Macdonald:

money, but eventually after one year it was, we needed to stop all those

Brendon Macdonald:

contracts and then focus on, on DSD clients and their, and their networks.

Matt Edmundson:

So it took, this transition then takes about a

Matt Edmundson:

year where you go from being the owner to being an employee.

Matt Edmundson:

And it's fair to say, I mean, you, you are quite involved in dsd, right?

Matt Edmundson:

You are, um, the head of marketing there.

Matt Edmundson:

It's not like you just, you went from zero, uh, hero to zero or anything.

Matt Edmundson:

I mean, you, you took a fairly reasonable role in the company, right?

Brendon Macdonald:

Yeah, it was part of the process of, um, cuz I shared, I was

Brendon Macdonald:

very transparent with their leadership saying, I have concerns about this idea

Brendon Macdonald:

of just kind of being part of, um, the workforce and not having any direction

Brendon Macdonald:

or say, or, um, kind of input in what the strategy and, and the directives would be.

Brendon Macdonald:

And we kind of struck a deal.

Brendon Macdonald:

I, I'm now part of the board of directors and, uh, we took some

Brendon Macdonald:

equities, small piece of equity, not, not, not, not massive.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and that kind of helps that, it helps the transition phase to be honest.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:


Matt Edmundson:

So you're still owning sort of part of what you're building.

Matt Edmundson:

So the, so this transition then, um, . So you had to learn to communicate and

Matt Edmundson:

you mentioned that there was stuff that you didn't know then, but you now know.

Matt Edmundson:

What else would you, would you put in that bucket?

Brendon Macdonald:

uh, you mean in, in terms of what, what I

Brendon Macdonald:

started to work on or what, what the transition was like because

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, just, just in terms of what you've started to work

Matt Edmundson:

and what you've started to learn about yourself, about market, whatever, just

Matt Edmundson:

that, um, you, you mentioned that, you know, when you started this process,

Matt Edmundson:

there was stuff that you didn't know, but you now know about, about the

Matt Edmundson:

whole thing, and I'm just kind of curious to dig into that a little bit.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

It, it's, it's fascinating.

Brendon Macdonald:

I think, um, and there's probably a lot of people listening that might be in the

Brendon Macdonald:

same position, um, when you're fighting to survive, cuz that's effectively what

Brendon Macdonald:

yello veedub was doing for many years, for five years because constantly iterating.

Brendon Macdonald:

We are trying to find out what we were, um, cause we had a bit of an

Brendon Macdonald:

identity crisis at Yello Veedub.

Brendon Macdonald:

We didn't, we didn't know who were best serving for, although

Brendon Macdonald:

we focused on dentistry as like what type of marketing were we?

Brendon Macdonald:

We didn't know how to position ourselves.

Brendon Macdonald:

We were kind of taking on clients just because we needed the cash rather than

Brendon Macdonald:

really evaluating and understanding that, this is not a good fit.

Brendon Macdonald:

And there's no, the likelihood of success is not that high

Brendon Macdonald:

because of the, these factors.

Brendon Macdonald:

But we took, we were taking the cash because we needed it.

Brendon Macdonald:

And so yeah, when you're in that zone of you are constantly working in the business

Brendon Macdonald:

to survive, there is no time to step back, reflect, and, and grow as an individual.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

So you're constantly in this, um, fight mode, this to survive mode.

Brendon Macdonald:

And so what.

Brendon Macdonald:

The, the transition here to DSD helped me do was I started to slow

Brendon Macdonald:

down and, and I didn't have to worry about that piece anymore.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and then, so there was, it kind of started this process of I could slow

Brendon Macdonald:

down, I could start to think and I could start to evaluate what, um, what

Brendon Macdonald:

the state of my life was at that time.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and it, it wasn't a good place, um, because if, now what I do is I, I break,

Brendon Macdonald:

I kind of try and break my life into four main pillars that I wanna focus on.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and it's like a, it's like a, it's rather than yearly goals, it's more

Brendon Macdonald:

like a monthly mission type thing.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and so the four pillars are, uh, balance being, uh, business, um, and body.

Brendon Macdonald:

And these four areas I try and have, try and develop what's uh, behaviors

Brendon Macdonald:

and, and habits that reinforce and build on those four pillars.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

And when I, when I, when we made the, the sale of Yello Veedub to DSD.

Brendon Macdonald:

, those fours were completely lopsided.

Brendon Macdonald:

Business was probably 98% of that balance, right?

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

I was just working the business.

Brendon Macdonald:

I worked 70, 90 hour weeks.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, so I neglected my body, definitely no being in terms of, you know, doing

Brendon Macdonald:

stuff that, uh, nurtures kind of my.

Brendon Macdonald:

. You know, I, I'm not into meditation yet, but I found a

Brendon Macdonald:

way for, to nurture my being.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

And then the balance was completely off.

Brendon Macdonald:

I was just working all hours.

Brendon Macdonald:

I wasn't spending time with, with the family just because, you know,

Brendon Macdonald:

you're in that survival mode.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

. Um, and so yeah, I think the process was, I, I got a bit of space and then I

Brendon Macdonald:

started to work my being, uh, a lot more.

Brendon Macdonald:

So I started to understand that working hard and making money because

Brendon Macdonald:

ironically, there was a little bit of, um, payback from all that effort.

Brendon Macdonald:

It wasn't a lot, but it was a little bit of, and then I was

Brendon Macdonald:

like, I don't feel any difference.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, it didn't, it wasn't the thing that I thought it would be, if that makes sense.

Brendon Macdonald:

So you, yeah.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

You chase this goal, um, and then you get it and you're like, okay, now what?

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and it's a little, you're a little bit lost.

Brendon Macdonald:

So I started to work on myself.

Brendon Macdonald:

I started to listen to podcasts and read a lot about kind of what

Brendon Macdonald:

and it sounds cheesy, but what fulfillment is and, and, and happiness.

Brendon Macdonald:

Uh, that was the thing that I, I started, it was as covid happened as well.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

So a little bit more time and the whole world kind of stopped and

Brendon Macdonald:

decided, said, what is it all about?

Brendon Macdonald:

I was in that mode there, and, and slowly but surely, um, I used to just

Brendon Macdonald:

to work on and become more aware about kind of the three the three things

Brendon Macdonald:

that make everything worthwhile.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

Um, it's, it's what we use at DSD and it's kind of this like the three areas we

Brendon Macdonald:

want every team member to go through to experience what we call meaningful growth.

Brendon Macdonald:

And so I was trying to, I was becoming more aware of this idea

Brendon Macdonald:

of I want meaningful growth.

Brendon Macdonald:

Cuz at the, you know, you've been with me, uh, for many years when we,

Brendon Macdonald:

we worked together and, um, success and growth was the thing that I

Brendon Macdonald:

wanted for, for whatever reason.

Brendon Macdonald:

I don't know to this day I still don't know it was just a goal.

Brendon Macdonald:

Didn't have any meaning behind it, but it was, but now I understand

Brendon Macdonald:

that the growth is not just in business, but in those four areas.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and.

Brendon Macdonald:

You know, I, it was a period of understanding that piece.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

Um, once I understood the three areas that, um, that made most sense, uh, in

Brendon Macdonald:

terms of meaningful growth, then I could start to work on the gaps that I had.

Brendon Macdonald:

And that's, we can talk about what that is.

Brendon Macdonald:

Cause that's what I didn't know.

Brendon Macdonald:

So if I was to start again, an agency start in a completely different way.

Brendon Macdonald:

Cause I'd understand the kind of, Six to 12 things you need to scale a business.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and I was completely doing it wrong.

Brendon Macdonald:

I was and it, and it, and obviously that's why I didn't scale, uh,

Brendon Macdonald:

as much as I hoped it would.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

So, so it's be interesting if, if that ever happened again to

Brendon Macdonald:

try and see if I could make it different with what I know now.

Brendon Macdonald:

You know?

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Hindsight's a wonderful thing, isn't it?

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, and, and figuring all this stuff out as you go along.

Matt Edmundson:

I'm curious, right.

Matt Edmundson:

So you've got these four areas, so you said balance being body and business.

Matt Edmundson:

I may have got them in a different order.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Um, so you've got these four areas, and then you talk about three, the three keys

Matt Edmundson:

that you have in DSD to meaningful growth.

Matt Edmundson:

What are those three keys?

Matt Edmundson:

Let's, let's complete this picture.

Brendon Macdonald:

Yeah, so this was, um, I forgot what the book is and I,

Brendon Macdonald:

I'll, I'll, I'll try and if it comes to me, I'll, but there was a book

Brendon Macdonald:

that spoke specifically about, um, fulfillment and, and one of the quotes

Brendon Macdonald:

that stuck with me was that, and he used a quote saying, the, the fulfillment

Brendon Macdonald:

in martial arts is not necessarily

Brendon Macdonald:

uh, winning the trophy or winning the competition, but it's in the practice

Brendon Macdonald:

of, um, yeah, of the martial art that you get true kind of fulfillment.

Brendon Macdonald:

And that really stuck with me because it was like, I'd always aimed saying, I'll be

Brendon Macdonald:

happy and fulfilled if I can get to that point, that end point in, in the end road.

Brendon Macdonald:

But it's like, no, actually, if you enjoy what you do every day, then.

Brendon Macdonald:

, you then you're, you're in the place, right?

Brendon Macdonald:

It's, and you've, we've all heard it a hundred thousand times.

Brendon Macdonald:

Uh, you know, um, if you don't have a, a job that feels like a job, then you,

Brendon Macdonald:

you, you know, you're in the right place.

Brendon Macdonald:

So the three areas we've identified that we try and push for our team

Brendon Macdonald:

members that I push myself is, is autonomy, mastery and purpose.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, and Oh yeah.

Matt Edmundson:

Dan Pink's book, drive.

Brendon Macdonald:

Yes, that's exactly, yeah.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

So we, we kind of, we want.

Brendon Macdonald:

the team, or you want to feel in control on your day-to-day work, right?

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

. And if I look back at Yello Veedub days, and also in the beginning of, uh, DSD

Brendon Macdonald:

days running the team, cause we had to build a whole new team, um, uh, in Madrid.

Brendon Macdonald:

The, the way that I had done things, because I was working in the business

Brendon Macdonald:

and I was at the top and I thought, and the buyer that you introduced

Brendon Macdonald:

actually as an old buyer, um, which I, my identity was based on problemsolving,

Brendon Macdonald:

I was very proud that I could, you could come to me very quickly and I

Brendon Macdonald:

could look at a situation and I could find a solution for the problem.

Brendon Macdonald:

That was my whole persona.

Brendon Macdonald:

My whole personality was, you come to me, I solve your problem.

Brendon Macdonald:

But what I didn't understand at the time was that I was actually holding

Brendon Macdonald:

everybody back, including myself.

Brendon Macdonald:

Yeah, because then no one takes initiative.

Brendon Macdonald:

No one has autonomy, and they basically just push everything on

Brendon Macdonald:

you, which makes you work harder.

Brendon Macdonald:

Uh, you have a high workload.

Brendon Macdonald:

You get frustrated with everyone because you're like, why can't you just do

Brendon Macdonald:

these things and mm-hmm, you train them to say, come to me cuz I'll give you

Brendon Macdonald:

an answer in, in, in a minute or two.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and so I had set up systems that were very controlled.

Brendon Macdonald:

Like you, we use a sauna and there was like, A task with subtasks, which had

Brendon Macdonald:

subtasks and everything was measured.

Brendon Macdonald:

We used to track the time with the timer, and so we were very, very controlled.

Brendon Macdonald:

And that takes away autonomy.

Brendon Macdonald:

And so people don't feel in control of their day.

Brendon Macdonald:

They just come, there's a hundred tasks that they need

Brendon Macdonald:

to get through during the day.

Brendon Macdonald:

They didn't choose it, they didn't, uh, figure out the pieces themselves,

Brendon Macdonald:

which yeah, which is a big part of them feeling, uh, happy at work.

Brendon Macdonald:

Then it's, um, people want to feel that they're mastering their role and

Brendon Macdonald:

that they're growing and that they're.

Brendon Macdonald:

They're reaching the potential that they feel they can reach their potential.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

, uh, and then they want to do some work that feels like the purpose part.

Brendon Macdonald:

They want to do some work that has an impact.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, so yeah, these three areas are for dsd are.

Brendon Macdonald:

Are very defined because the type of work that DSD is doing is work that

Brendon Macdonald:

they'll talk about in 20, 30 years.

Brendon Macdonald:

They're breaking through, uh, how dentistry is going to deliver.

Brendon Macdonald:

And so in 10, 20 years time, the way DSD does it's dentistry is how every

Brendon Macdonald:

dentist will do their dentistry.

Brendon Macdonald:

And so the team that are working at dsd, the purpose is clear,

Brendon Macdonald:

um, and the impact is going to be measurable and it's going to be big.

Brendon Macdonald:

And so the purpose part is very easy for us because we can communicate that, that

Brendon Macdonald:

piece to the team, and they feel like they're, they're part of something bigger.

Brendon Macdonald:

They're part of a movement that is, that is helping dentists and is

Brendon Macdonald:

helping patients in, in the long run.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and then the autonomy and the mastery piece was the, the biggest

Brendon Macdonald:

learning that I had was this idea that, leaders make great leaders, right?

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and this is the piece that I missed.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, I was always giving the answers rather than asking the questions and

Brendon Macdonald:

letting the, the team or the members self-discover the answer themselves.

Brendon Macdonald:

And once I started to do that, I can tell you that the, the potential of everybody,

Brendon Macdonald:

my time, my input was less and the impact was much bigger because I, it wasn't down

Brendon Macdonald:

to me and the team were much happier, much more fulfilled, because now my

Brendon Macdonald:

role is to determine what we need to do.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

. So guys, we need to make this amount, uh, of profit this year.

Brendon Macdonald:

And then they figure out the how, um, and say, okay.

Brendon Macdonald:

It's like, uh, the, the analogy of like, we need to build a, um,

Brendon Macdonald:

we need to get across the river.

Brendon Macdonald:

And then it's like, that's it how we get across the river.

Brendon Macdonald:

You guys figure it out.

Brendon Macdonald:

I trust you.

Brendon Macdonald:

I figure, and you, you give the boundaries and you give the

Brendon Macdonald:

frameworks that they, you know mm-hmm.

Brendon Macdonald:

but I, I might think that we need to build the bridge.

Brendon Macdonald:

But they might decide that they're gonna bring a build a

Brendon Macdonald:

pontoon or, or whatever it is.

Brendon Macdonald:

I said, I don't really, it doesn't really matter to me as long as

Brendon Macdonald:

we can get across the river.

Brendon Macdonald:

And the autonomy and the mastery piece in that for the team is huge.

Brendon Macdonald:

I, I've seen it with how our team has transformed, cuz

Brendon Macdonald:

we, our team had two parts.

Brendon Macdonald:

When I took over from dsd, there was a part where it was totally controlled,

Brendon Macdonald:

where we took all the Yello Veedub systems and we imposed them on everybody.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

and, uh, we used a system called Office Vibe, which is, um, kind

Brendon Macdonald:

of a tool for employee engagement and it measures, uh, okay.

Brendon Macdonald:

12, 12 areas of employee satisfaction.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

Relationship with peers, your manager, you know, compensation.

Brendon Macdonald:

It, it's very, very good system.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

And, um, we started with really high because we had this big promise

Brendon Macdonald:

and we were a scaling company, dsd.

Brendon Macdonald:

And then because of our systems and because of the way I was.

Brendon Macdonald:

The score gradually went down, like it went from eight eight outta

Brendon Macdonald:

10, cuz I do it outta 10 to about six outta 10, which is very low.

Brendon Macdonald:

And that was the time we were like, we need to do something

Brendon Macdonald:

cuz clearly it's not working.

Brendon Macdonald:

And then we basically, Said, okay, uh, we now gonna just set the goals

Brendon Macdonald:

and you guys figure it out and now we're back up at 8.9 or something.

Brendon Macdonald:

So people are super happy, they're growing, um, and

Brendon Macdonald:

they're taking on so much.

Brendon Macdonald:

It's, it's, it's really nice to see.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, yeah, and and everybody's super annoyed with me now cuz I never give

Brendon Macdonald:

her a straight answer, unfortunately.

Brendon Macdonald:

That's really funny.

Brendon Macdonald:

Heard team members say, just tell us we know, you know, just tell us

Brendon Macdonald:

and I'll, and, and, and I refuse.

Brendon Macdonald:

I said, no, I'm I.

Brendon Macdonald:

I think that you can, you can get this, I, I sometimes ask the

Brendon Macdonald:

questions in a way that the answers, the answer to the question is

Brendon Macdonald:

the answer, if that makes sense.

Brendon Macdonald:

You structure the question very well.

Brendon Macdonald:

But, um, yeah.

Brendon Macdonald:

Becoming a coach is kind of the, the big thing that is the big aha moment

Brendon Macdonald:

that I had, two, two big aha moments in the transition was I needed to

Brendon Macdonald:

work more on the business than in the business, I've heard it a hundred times.

Brendon Macdonald:

I went to many business courses.

Brendon Macdonald:

It never stuck with me because I was in the, I was in that survival mode.

Brendon Macdonald:

But once I, and I started to do that and I started to see the impact.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

It was huge.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and I've been there.

Brendon Macdonald:

People's like, you need to work on the business.

Brendon Macdonald:

I'm like, well, I need the clients to pay me, so I'm, I'm gonna

Brendon Macdonald:

have to solve the client issues.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

Um, we have to find the cash.

Brendon Macdonald:

I'm the salesperson.

Brendon Macdonald:

I have to sell, so that's all very good and well, but I'm

Brendon Macdonald:

not gonna survive, but I wish.

Brendon Macdonald:

I would've listened and said, okay, we need to do this.

Brendon Macdonald:


Matt Edmundson:

so, so how would you have, um, how would you have done that?

Matt Edmundson:

It's interesting, isn't it cuz it's, it's like you, it's great having this

Matt Edmundson:

learning now where you've got the space and you know, co one of, like you said,

Matt Edmundson:

one of the things Covid did was give us space and you've got the company, you've

Matt Edmundson:

got the structuring, you can play around with these things and maybe we'll come

Matt Edmundson:

back in a minute to the pain of this learning cause I'm curious about that.

Matt Edmundson:

But, um, You, you sat in these business seminars, heard that you should work

Matt Edmundson:

on your business, not necessarily in it, and you're like, yeah, whatever.

Matt Edmundson:

Because you know, I've gotta work 60 hours this week just to pay the bills.

Matt Edmundson:

So what would your advice be to your older self?

Matt Edmundson:

Now you are sort of three or four years in the future and you, and

Matt Edmundson:

you can look back and go, Brendon, this is what you need to know.

Matt Edmundson:

Bud I'm, I'm kind of curious what that would be.

Brendon Macdonald:

Yeah, there's, there's two parts, right?

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, the first part is if I was.

Brendon Macdonald:

because again, uh, it's a weird thing.

Brendon Macdonald:

It it's, it's a momentum thing, right?

Brendon Macdonald:

So when I, by the way, when in, when we sold Yello Veedub, when I came to

Brendon Macdonald:

Madrid, I, I was 50 pounds heavier.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

So just to show you the balance out of it.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

So I was extremely, I was tired all the time.

Brendon Macdonald:

I wasn't in great shape.

Brendon Macdonald:

Uh, and then I started, because I had time, I started to get in shape,

Brendon Macdonald:

and then I started to have a bit more focus and a bit more energy.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

. And, and so it's a weird thing because you, they all build on each other.

Brendon Macdonald:

So that's where the balance thing comes on.

Brendon Macdonald:

So the first thing I would tell myself is like, listen, you.

Brendon Macdonald:

, you need to address this balance in small micro, like 1% better.

Brendon Macdonald:

That's the way I've been doing it.

Brendon Macdonald:

It's just like you're not gonna make everything equal.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

, but you have to start to focus on the body and you need to do stuff to kind

Brendon Macdonald:

of make sure that you get the optimal kind of, uh, Outcome outta your body.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

Because if you're not, if you're not in shape or you're not ready or focused,

Brendon Macdonald:

then the rest is really difficult.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um mm-hmm.

Brendon Macdonald:

. And then you start to work on each, each of those pieces.

Brendon Macdonald:

So the first thing I do is like, they're these four areas work on the balance.

Brendon Macdonald:

Look at, like, write on where you are with each one.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and try and get the other ones closer to the business part cuz I

Brendon Macdonald:

think most business, small business owners or, or where, where you are

Brendon Macdonald:

hitting a glass ceiling is you, you're focusing on the business a lot.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and actually you're suboptimal, if that makes sense.

Brendon Macdonald:

You units and you can't break through that ceiling.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

. The second thing is probably say take a table.

Brendon Macdonald:

What really helped me was list all the activities that you classify

Brendon Macdonald:

as working in the business.

Brendon Macdonald:

So if you are the main salesperson, if you are the one who has to be client

Brendon Macdonald:

strategy working, you're the one who they call, like when there's a client

Brendon Macdonald:

has an issue or whatever it is, and you list all those things and then you put

Brendon Macdonald:

a percentage of how much you do in each business, and then you slowly, and then

Brendon Macdonald:

you have a working on column and you just be as honest as you can list it, and

Brendon Macdonald:

then you have your breakdown and then you just focus on trying to get one of those

Brendon Macdonald:

things across to reduce, be like, okay.

Brendon Macdonald:

selling, maybe I can't take, go away from selling cuz selling

Brendon Macdonald:

is a very, very important piece.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

. But building the processes, the planning, the training people.

Brendon Macdonald:

Can I find somebody in my team that can take this time?

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

So then I don't have to, then I can start to focus on the business.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, I think that's, that's what I started to do.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, biggest one for me personally, was building processes.

Brendon Macdonald:

I love building processes.

Brendon Macdonald:

But again, it's the autonomy piece, right?

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

So if you build the process, the team don't take it on board.

Brendon Macdonald:

They, yeah.

Brendon Macdonald:

Then it's not gonna stick.

Brendon Macdonald:

They're gonna do it.

Brendon Macdonald:

So that was the took a lot of my time.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, so I took that one out and I said, guys, this is what we need to do.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and then that was it.

Brendon Macdonald:

And so that's, that's what I would, I would start there because that gives

Brendon Macdonald:

you kind of a blueprint on how you can get more time in your day, because

Brendon Macdonald:

that's all you really need is the time.

Brendon Macdonald:

Kind of look up and look on the horizon.

Brendon Macdonald:

And cuz sometimes you're just busy, right?

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

You work,

Matt Edmundson:

you become busy full time, don't you?

Matt Edmundson:

In a lot of ways.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, yeah.

Matt Edmundson:

So that's what you'd tell yourself.

Matt Edmundson:

I guess my question then, my follow on question to this Brendon, is okay,

Matt Edmundson:

would, would Brendon of five or six years ago, listen to what you just said?

Brendon Macdonald:

It's a good question.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, probably not.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

Cuz I wasn't ready.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, uh, because I hadn't, I didn't work on my, my being I mm-hmm.

Brendon Macdonald:

and that's, that's what I'm quite.

Brendon Macdonald:

, uh, fastidious about now is, um, the way that I do my being and I'm gonna try,

Brendon Macdonald:

uh, but I, I dunno if it's gonna happen.

Brendon Macdonald:

I'm gonna try and do a little bit of meditation, um, that sort of

Brendon Macdonald:

stuff, but it's never stuck with me.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

, um, to be still and think, but my meditation is learning.

Brendon Macdonald:

And constantly reading.

Brendon Macdonald:

So I listen at least every day, uh, to a podcast.

Brendon Macdonald:

Uh, so on the way to driving these kids to school, and I want, on the way

Brendon Macdonald:

back, it's about 20 minutes each way.

Brendon Macdonald:

So I listen to just podcasts and business, podcasts and self-development

Brendon Macdonald:

podcasts and yeah, all kinds of stuff.

Brendon Macdonald:

And then I have the blinker step, which summarize books that help

Brendon Macdonald:

me figure out which, um, and I'm just constantly learning.

Brendon Macdonald:

I'm, I'm part of section four.

Brendon Macdonald:

I'd recommend everyone who hasn't to look at section four, cuz it it, for

Brendon Macdonald:

especially on business strategy pieces.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

and then another service called Maven, uh, which is kind of

Brendon Macdonald:

a competitor to section four.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and they have all these smart people just kind of teaching you

Brendon Macdonald:

business concepts and ideas and that kind of is how I opened or changed

Brendon Macdonald:

my perspective on a lot of things.

Brendon Macdonald:

And so as I started to listen and read, these, these ideas and

Brendon Macdonald:

concepts of these smart people.

Brendon Macdonald:

I started to see all the gaps that I had, and then I started to apply

Brendon Macdonald:

when they were telling me to, and then I was seeing success and I was

Brendon Macdonald:

like, wow, this is, this is great.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, I wish I'd done this earlier.

Brendon Macdonald:

So yeah, , probably the first thing to do is start to kind of open your mind.

Brendon Macdonald:

I, I, I think being open to new ideas and concepts, right?

Brendon Macdonald:

Because, that's one thing that is different is I know, I

Brendon Macdonald:

understand that I know very little.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and that I just have to constantly open my mind and Yeah.

Brendon Macdonald:

Ideas to, to what people are sharing.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

, yeah.

Matt Edmundson:

That drive, that growth mentality, that, uh, desire to

Matt Edmundson:

constantly learn to be curious.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, different people use different language, don't they?

Matt Edmundson:

And it, but it's the same thing, uh, the, the, the constant desire

Matt Edmundson:

to learn and, and to grow, I think.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, but I think in some respects, Brendon, as long as I've known

Matt Edmundson:

you, you have always had that.

Matt Edmundson:

You have, you have consumed more online courses um, than anyone else I know, if,

Matt Edmundson:

if I, I, I'm, I'm always where, like with section four, I, I remember sitting down

Matt Edmundson:

and you would, you know, I'm on section four because you told me about it, right?

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

And it's one of those kind of, uh, it's one of those things where I, I,

Matt Edmundson:

I know that you've been prolific at, um, just absorbing information and

Matt Edmundson:

it's good now actually listening to you talk that what you have, it feels

Matt Edmundson:

like is a lightness and a capacity to put some of this stuff into practice.

Matt Edmundson:

Whereas before you would learn it, but then you would just crack on, uh,

Matt Edmundson:

and, and, you know, you would pivot and you would change, but it was.

Matt Edmundson:

but now it's kind of like, no, no, no.

Matt Edmundson:

I'm starting to, to realize a little bit more about myself here.

Matt Edmundson:

Is that a fair reflection?

Brendon Macdonald:

It is.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

I, I think I, it's a good, it's a good, actually, the growth mindset piece was

Brendon Macdonald:

always something that I knew I had to do.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, but to be honest, the, the industry or then the way that the information was

Brendon Macdonald:

shared Wasn't there yet because there was, the quality of the content that you learn

Brendon Macdonald:

was very hard to find good quality stuff.

Brendon Macdonald:

So there's a lot of noise.

Brendon Macdonald:

In the past it was very like one man bands, and so you would buy,

Brendon Macdonald:

and I didn't have a lot of money.

Brendon Macdonald:

Then you'd buy a course and then it wouldn't be that

Brendon Macdonald:

great and you'd be like, oof.

Brendon Macdonald:

You know?

Brendon Macdonald:

Uh, but now with Section four and Maven, you, you can find really, really good

Brendon Macdonald:

content and then speed up your process.

Brendon Macdonald:

But, um, It's an interesting thought.

Brendon Macdonald:

I've never thought about that.

Brendon Macdonald:

If I went to back to my stress or my, my survival self, um, as I

Brendon Macdonald:

refer to it now, what would I do?

Brendon Macdonald:

Because you'd have to, you have to survive and pay the bills and pay the salaries,

Brendon Macdonald:

but how do you get out of that trap?

Brendon Macdonald:

Because I was lucky, cuz I'm, I, uh, I was very fortunate as that this kind

Brendon Macdonald:

of DSD came along and, and helped.

Brendon Macdonald:

Buy space and time, but I think probably it would have to be, you

Brendon Macdonald:

need to scale down and find time.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

Uh, to develop, which, which sounds super radical, but I don't know how

Brendon Macdonald:

else to get out of it, because you're kind of stuck in this, gotta find

Brendon Macdonald:

the, the fixed cost every month.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

You know?

Brendon Macdonald:

And so you just keep going.

Brendon Macdonald:

So it might be,

Matt Edmundson:

yeah, you do, you do, don't you?

Matt Edmundson:

And you get trapped in this.

Matt Edmundson:

. It's interesting, I, I've never yet had a conversation with somebody

Matt Edmundson:

where they said, oh, I'm moving and they're moving to a smaller house.

Matt Edmundson:

Unless they're like downsizing cuz the kids have left in their

Matt Edmundson:

fifties and sixties, or I'm moving to a slightly worse neighborhood.

Matt Edmundson:

It's like this, the drive for success is always, I need to be in a bigger house.

Matt Edmundson:

I need to have the newer car.

Matt Edmundson:

I need to have the better neighborhood.

Matt Edmundson:

My kids need to be in the best school.

Matt Edmundson:

I need to go on a better holiday Do you know what I mean?

Matt Edmundson:

And there's this constant, whatever defines success for

Matt Edmundson:

people, you mean whatever it is.

Matt Edmundson:

And it's that constant drive.

Matt Edmundson:

And once you're on that treadmill, it's very hard, I think, to then take

Matt Edmundson:

a step back and go, I need to redefine what success here is at the end.

Matt Edmundson:

Pull that back, change my thinking for a little bit, and then see what happens.

Matt Edmundson:

So coming back to this, you, you've obviously undergone a lot of personal

Matt Edmundson:

change in the last few years.

Matt Edmundson:

You've, in effect, slowed down on that treadmill.

Matt Edmundson:

Has that been painful?

Matt Edmundson:

I mean, I, that you are talking about some of the stuff about

Matt Edmundson:

yourself a bit like, oh, I was like this, but now I'm like this.

Matt Edmundson:

But those revelations I don't think are, are necessarily

Matt Edmundson:

that easy to swallow, are they?

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

And uh, it's interesting.

Brendon Macdonald:

The first two years was painful.

Brendon Macdonald:

because I was having to get used to not being in charge, which was a big thing.

Brendon Macdonald:

It was an ego thing for me.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and that was actually the other piece was I had an, I had an ego before.

Brendon Macdonald:

I, I suppose when you're a young man, you, you just naturally have ego.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

. And so a lot of my, my stress and a lot of my conflict came from

Brendon Macdonald:

just my ego getting in the way.

Brendon Macdonald:

And so being put into an environment where you're forced to keep it

Brendon Macdonald:

in check, um, is, is healthy, um, because now, my opinion was one of 10.

Brendon Macdonald:

And I, I was like very, like, this is the right way.

Brendon Macdonald:

You know, I, I know this is the right way.

Brendon Macdonald:

And then other people have different perspectives and different views

Brendon Macdonald:

and different cultures and mm-hmm.

Brendon Macdonald:

and it kind of forced me to work on that because I would come home very frustrated

Brendon Macdonald:

and really like, this is not gonna work.

Brendon Macdonald:

I, I, I can't handle this.

Brendon Macdonald:

This is ridiculous.

Brendon Macdonald:

Like, um, why don't they just do this thing?

Brendon Macdonald:

And they're not, they're not listening.

Brendon Macdonald:

to me and in the end it was, well, you need to, if you feel so strongly

Brendon Macdonald:

about this point, you're going to have to position it correctly.

Brendon Macdonald:

You're gonna have to improve your communication skills.

Brendon Macdonald:

You're going to have to understand the impacts, uh, with the pros and the cons.

Brendon Macdonald:

So you have to build an argument.

Brendon Macdonald:

Before I didn't have to build an argument.

Brendon Macdonald:

And then guess what?

Brendon Macdonald:

When you build an argument, some 50% of your ideas are not good.

Brendon Macdonald:

If, probably more.

Brendon Macdonald:

So, so you know, there was a book that, and I'm sure you've heard of,

Brendon Macdonald:

was called Radical Candor and, and that transformed, um, our team's

Brendon Macdonald:

communication when we started to do that.

Brendon Macdonald:

This idea of direct feedback in a high caring way.

Brendon Macdonald:

And so now I tend, because I learn, cause I do of course, once a week now, um, so

Brendon Macdonald:

before it was once maybe a month, um, now it's once a week, maybe two a week.

Brendon Macdonald:

I just have specific times and I just, like I said, that's my being piece.

Brendon Macdonald:

It's not even, yeah.

Brendon Macdonald:

I'm trying to learn something new.

Brendon Macdonald:

It's just, it's a form of meditation for me to acquire new ideas and concepts.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

. So I come a, I come to the team with a lot, right?

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and now I, we're in a place where they can challenge me directly, um mm-hmm.

Brendon Macdonald:

and, and they don't feel awkward or upset about it, and they're really.

Brendon Macdonald:

show the blind spots of what I see.

Brendon Macdonald:

Cuz obviously in my position, I, I have blind spots because I don't

Brendon Macdonald:

do the work on a day-to-day basis.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and so, yeah, I would say about 30% of the stuff that I, that I bring

Brendon Macdonald:

forward, we move forward in some way, but a lot slower than we used to do

Brendon Macdonald:

before, which is also useful because super disruptive to constantly change things.

Brendon Macdonald:

Uh, and I'm not building the process anymore.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, so yeah, I'm kind of in a mode where, we have a channel.

Brendon Macdonald:

We, we use Rocket Chat, which is the, like a Slack alternative.

Brendon Macdonald:

I've created a channel and so I agreed with the team.

Brendon Macdonald:

I just put everything there and why I think is a good idea, um,

Brendon Macdonald:

the managers and the leaders, there's only three or four of them.

Brendon Macdonald:

And then, Because I was kind of burning everybody with, with new ideas.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and then we, we, we let it like stew there and then I,

Brendon Macdonald:

I, I get it out, it's there.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and I don't, I don't hassle, uh, cuz it's, you know, telling everybody

Brendon Macdonald:

every week about a new concept or idea.

Brendon Macdonald:

It's too much.

Brendon Macdonald:

It's just too much.

Brendon Macdonald:

That's it.

Brendon Macdonald:

But I needed a place to put it.

Brendon Macdonald:

So that's kind of how I handle it.

Brendon Macdonald:

Yeah, no, that's great.

Brendon Macdonald:

It was, it was super painful.

Brendon Macdonald:

I had lots of, lots of conflict, lots of arguments with lots of

Brendon Macdonald:

people and the managers basically ended up understanding that most of

Brendon Macdonald:

the time it was my issue, it was my fault, and I was being unreasonable.

Brendon Macdonald:

And we just had open kind of dialogue between the leadership and the managers

Brendon Macdonald:

and the team, um, where they tell me that I was being unreasonable, which

Brendon Macdonald:

I was most of the time, or they didn't understand why I was the way that

Brendon Macdonald:

I was upset or frustrated because my personality is one that I am.

Brendon Macdonald:

I, you can never tell what I'm feeling.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, so I'm quite detached.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

So they don't know if I'm mad or happy or sad or angry at them or not.

Brendon Macdonald:

It's just a very, so, uh, yeah.

Brendon Macdonald:

So they were like, we just don't get it.

Brendon Macdonald:

Why are you upset?

Brendon Macdonald:

Or why you angry?

Brendon Macdonald:

I'm like, I'm not angry.

Brendon Macdonald:

I'm not at all.

Brendon Macdonald:

I just, I don't share.

Brendon Macdonald:

I'm not an open book, if that makes sense.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

And so now they understand that about me.

Brendon Macdonald:

It's also much better as well, so they don't assume that I'm feeling something,

Matt Edmundson:

Ah, fantastic.

Matt Edmundson:

I think it's really powerful, mate, and, and such a wonderful and lovely story.

Matt Edmundson:

When you, you talk about these were the problems and predominantly it was on me.

Matt Edmundson:

That that takes humility.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, and it's not something that you see a lot these days because

Matt Edmundson:

normally people go, there's a problem.

Matt Edmundson:

It's your fault.

Matt Edmundson:

You need to fix it, for me, or you need to change this or you need to change that.

Matt Edmundson:

There are very few people I think out there that go, there's a problem.

Matt Edmundson:

How much of that can I own?

Matt Edmundson:

Um, and it's uh, it's a different mindset and it's, it's wonderful to

Matt Edmundson:

see, mate, listen, we have got to the stage of the podcast and there's

Matt Edmundson:

a lot of conversation I feel like we could go into, but I'm aware of time.

Matt Edmundson:

So we have got to that section of the podcast, which I call question box.

Matt Edmundson:

And if you're watching on the video, hope you're enjoying these

Matt Edmundson:

state-of-the-art graphics, um,

Matt Edmundson:

So this is where I take, uh, a whole bunch of random questions, um, out of a box.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, I don't even know who wrote these questions.

Matt Edmundson:

I can't even remember how they appeared on my desk.

Matt Edmundson:

But anyway, um, say stop.

Matt Edmundson:

I will, uh, stop at that question and then we'll find out what your answer is.

Brendon Macdonald:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

If, uh, and I'm, I read this question.

Matt Edmundson:

I'm trying to think, how would Brendon actually answer, uh, this question?

Matt Edmundson:

I don't actually know, so I'm gonna ask it.

Matt Edmundson:

If you could own one piece of art, what would it be?

Brendon Macdonald:


Matt Edmundson:

That's a really hard question.

Matt Edmundson:

I think it's a really hard question.

Brendon Macdonald:

I am into, uh, NFTs, so please don't judge me.

Brendon Macdonald:

I'm into NFTs.

Matt Edmundson:


Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and, uh, because I, I see them as the next

Brendon Macdonald:

form of fundraising kind of vehicles.

Brendon Macdonald:

There is, um, A series of NFTs, which are called the Board Monkeys.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, and I would, I would want one of those.

Brendon Macdonald:

Those are are rare.

Brendon Macdonald:


Brendon Macdonald:

It's kinda, that's my space.

Brendon Macdonald:

I'm not that cultural.

Brendon Macdonald:

So digital is my, My thing.

Matt Edmundson:

Of course it would be an Nft, of course it would be digital.

Matt Edmundson:

Why would I expect anything different?

Matt Edmundson:

And I was thinking he's not gonna, I can't think of any artist or, uh,

Matt Edmundson:

he's ever mentioned I, I sculpture.

Matt Edmundson:

No, I can't think of anything.

Matt Edmundson:

I, how's he gonna answer this for, of course he's gonna go digital.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, that's really interesting.

Brendon Macdonald:

The being, the being piece is, yeah.

Brendon Macdonald:

That's, it's never to go to, uh, museums or stuff.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Now we had, um, we had a lady called Chris Ivers on the podcast, and her

Matt Edmundson:

thing, her whole being is just like, I need to go hang out in art galleries.

Matt Edmundson:

That's, that was the whole thing.

Matt Edmundson:

And so I'm kind of curious what the answer for her that question would be a bit.

Matt Edmundson:

For you it's just No, no, no, no.

Matt Edmundson:

I'm gonna do an online course.

Matt Edmundson:

It's funny, I love the fact that people wire differently and it

Matt Edmundson:

makes everybody's story different.

Matt Edmundson:

And I, I genuinely love that about humanity.

Matt Edmundson:

So, Brendon, as you know, this show is sponsored by Aurion Media, right?

Matt Edmundson:

Which specializes in helping folks like your good self set

Matt Edmundson:

up and run their own podcast.

Matt Edmundson:

So I'm kind of curious, right?

Matt Edmundson:

If you had your own podcast, out of the people that have impacted your

Matt Edmundson:

life, past, present, uh uh, who would be on your guest list and why?

Brendon Macdonald:

Well, uh, it sounds like we set this up, but, uh, I think

Brendon Macdonald:

you'll definitely be on my guest list, um, and, because you, you, you, we didn't

Brendon Macdonald:

mention it, but you, you helped us a lot though, um, because obviously you, you

Brendon Macdonald:

joined us, uh, in our journey with Yello Veedub and you bought us time as well.

Brendon Macdonald:

We, you know, at that time we also kind of every, and that's kind of why you

Brendon Macdonald:

say, what would you do differently?

Brendon Macdonald:

I, I don't think I'd do anything differently because when before you

Brendon Macdonald:

came along, I had less time mm-hmm.

Brendon Macdonald:

than you came along.

Brendon Macdonald:

We had a little bit more time and then DSD came and then, so

Brendon Macdonald:

it was all part of that process.

Brendon Macdonald:

So definitely you, um, and I'm very interested in understanding the,

Brendon Macdonald:

the statements of the whole being greater than the sum of the parts.

Brendon Macdonald:

The understanding what's, what is that secret sauce?

Brendon Macdonald:

What's the X factor that, yeah, yeah.

Brendon Macdonald:

You take things differently, they are valuable, but when you put

Brendon Macdonald:

them together in a certain way, uh, there's a lot more value in that.

Brendon Macdonald:

So I would be interested in, uh, in my industry specifically, I'd want

Brendon Macdonald:

to interview all the people that I see have successful businesses,

Brendon Macdonald:

uh, dental clinics specifically.

Brendon Macdonald:

I'd just like to understand, uh, on the key parts of the business, what

Brendon Macdonald:

they did, uh, to understand if there is kind of a common thread, um, of

Brendon Macdonald:

what, cuz everybody has the same materials, has the same processes or

Brendon Macdonald:

same pillars that they have to focus on and something that they've done has

Brendon Macdonald:

made them more valuable than the others.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, so, yep.

Matt Edmundson:

That's really interesting.

Matt Edmundson:

It's interesting, that whole synergistic thing, isn't it?

Matt Edmundson:

And you're, you are all right that, that, that desire how in the

Matt Edmundson:

world have you, and that's part of the reason why I love this show.

Matt Edmundson:

You get to pick people's brains and you kind of go, how did you do what you do?

Matt Edmundson:

That's really interesting.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

So, Brendon, listen, thank you so much, bud, for being on the podcast.

Matt Edmundson:

I managed to record this conversation this time, which is super, super helpful.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, and everyone's listening to it, and if they want to reach out, connect with

Matt Edmundson:

you, what is the best way to do that?

Brendon Macdonald:

The best way is just to message me on LinkedIn, I think.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, so just find, find me.

Brendon Macdonald:

Uh, it's just Brendon Macdonald as you can see, uh, on, on

Brendon Macdonald:

the title, uh, graphic there.

Brendon Macdonald:

And yeah, just reach out if you wanna understand my journey

Brendon Macdonald:

or if you need some help.

Brendon Macdonald:

Um, I have failed at many things and I've tried almost anything, so please, if I can

Brendon Macdonald:

help someone miss one of those failures.

Brendon Macdonald:

I, I'd be a happy person.

Brendon Macdonald:


Matt Edmundson:

yeah you and me both.

Matt Edmundson:

You and me both.

Matt Edmundson:

I just tell people I've failed more times than I've succeeded, but it's

Matt Edmundson:

just that my successes far outweigh my failures, which is the reason why

Matt Edmundson:

I'm here, uh, which is a beautiful thing, and I'm very grateful for that.

Brendon Macdonald:


Matt Edmundson:

Ah, brilliant.

Matt Edmundson:

Thanks mate.

Matt Edmundson:

Thank you for joining us and we will of course, link to your information

Matt Edmundson:

to Brendon's information in the show notes, which you can get along for

Matt Edmundson:

free, along with the transcript from today, uh, at, or

Matt Edmundson:

it'll go direct your inbox if you are subscribed to the emails, news, emails

Matt Edmundson:

newsletters, or email newsletter.

Matt Edmundson:

Just pick one.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

It's awesome.

Matt Edmundson:

Brendon, you are a legend.

Matt Edmundson:

Thank you for joining me my friend.

Brendon Macdonald:

Thank you, Matt.

Brendon Macdonald:

I enjoyed it.

Matt Edmundson:

Ah, it's been great.

Matt Edmundson:

What a great conversation.

Matt Edmundson:

Huge thanks again to Brendon for joining me and also a big shout out

Matt Edmundson:

to today's show sponsor Aurion Media.

Matt Edmundson:

If you do wonder whether the podcasting is a good marketing strategy for your

Matt Edmundson:

business, do connect with them at a u r i o n media dot com.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, of course you'll find the link on the website, as well.

Matt Edmundson:

Be sure to follow our podcast, push to be more wherever you get your podcast

Matt Edmundson:

from because we have even more great conversations lined up just like today.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, and I don't want you to miss any of them, and in case no one

Matt Edmundson:

has told you yet today, I need to find the, the button on my thing.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, I think it's this one.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

You are awesome.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Uh, that's right.

Matt Edmundson:

It's just a burden you have to bear.

Matt Edmundson:

It is burden.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, Brendon has to bear this burden.

Matt Edmundson:

I have to bear it.

Matt Edmundson:

You have to bear it too.

Matt Edmundson:

We're just awesome people.

Matt Edmundson:

Now, push to be More is produced by Aurion Media.

Matt Edmundson:

You can find our entire archive of episodes on your favorite podcast app,

Matt Edmundson:

the team that makes this show possible is Sadaf Beynon, Josh Catchpole,

Matt Edmundson:

Estella Robin and Tim Johnson.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, theme music was written by Josh Edmundson, and as I mentioned, the

Matt Edmundson:

transcript and show notes are available on our website where

Matt Edmundson:

you can also sign up for the weekly newsletter and get all of this good

Matt Edmundson:

stuff direct your inbox totally.

Matt Edmundson:

That's it from me.

Matt Edmundson:

That's it from Brendon.

Matt Edmundson:

Thank you so much for joining us.

Matt Edmundson:

Have a fantastic week.

Matt Edmundson:

I'll see you next time.




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