Artwork for podcast 5 Minutes With Grey Hair Dave
Gray Hair Dave Talks Climate Change: What Can We Really Do?
Episode 1303rd October 2024 • 5 Minutes With Grey Hair Dave • Grey Hair Dave
00:00:00 00:15:53

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Gray Hair Dave shares his reflections on the recent devastating impacts of Hurricane Helene, emphasizing the unexpected severity of the weather events in the U.S. He expresses his concerns about the changing climate and the public's expectations of political leaders in addressing these issues. Additionally, Dave touches on the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East and the human suffering that results from war, highlighting the plight of ordinary people caught in the crossfire. He encourages kindness and understanding in society, urging listeners to be considerate of others, especially those in service roles. Finally, Dave provides a glimpse into his upcoming project, Boomer Podcasters, aimed at helping individuals learn how to podcast effectively and without financial strain.

Gray Hair Dave returns with a casual yet insightful discussion that traverses the personal and the global. He opens with a lighthearted introduction, celebrating the unique identity he has crafted as ‘Gray Hair Dave,’ before transitioning into serious reflections on recent weather-related disasters in the U.S. Notably, he discusses the aftermath of Hurricane Helene, painting vivid pictures of the devastation witnessed in Florida and the surrounding areas. Dave expresses genuine concern for those affected, emphasizing the impact of climate change and the unpredictability of weather patterns in regions traditionally less prone to such extreme weather events. His commentary extends to the political sphere, critiquing the inadequacy of responses to climate change from public officials and the media’s tendency to ask impractical questions regarding governmental influence over natural disasters.

This episode also reflects on societal attitudes towards entitlement and kindness, as Dave calls for greater compassion in daily interactions. He urges listeners to consider how they treat service workers and others in the community, advocating for a shift towards understanding and empathy rather than confrontation. As he navigates through various topics, from personal anecdotes about Christmas plans to broader discussions about global conflicts, Dave maintains a relatable tone that resonates with listeners, encouraging them to reflect on their positions in society and the world at large. His heartfelt advice to smile at others serves as a reminder of the power of small gestures in fostering connection and kindness in a sometimes divisive world.


  • Gray Hair Dave emphasizes the importance of kindness and understanding towards others in daily interactions.
  • He expresses concern over recent devastating weather events and their impact on communities across the United States.
  • Dave reflects on the disconnect between political debates and realistic solutions to climate change issues.
  • He shares his plans for a new podcast aimed at helping others learn how to podcast effectively.
  • Dave encourages listeners to be aware of their entitlement and to practice empathy in society.
  • He highlights the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East and emphasizes the plight of innocent civilians caught in war.



Welcome to five minutes with gray hair Dave.


He has gray hair.


He has a gray beard.


He wears glasses like the guy in the artwork.


Oh, and the guy in the artwork is better looking.


Now here is gray hair Dave.

Gray Hair Dave:

Yeah, folks, that's me.

Gray Hair Dave:

Gray hair Dave.

Gray Hair Dave:

I am back.

Gray Hair Dave:

Welcome back to five minutes of gray hair Dave.

Gray Hair Dave:

I almost said Boomer podcasters because I've been working on that.

Gray Hair Dave:

I'm going to show notes, show thoughts, show ideas of what's going to happen.

Gray Hair Dave:

I'm going to record the trailer today or tomorrow.

Gray Hair Dave:

I've got the show notes all where I want them to be or the show ideas as a plan.

Gray Hair Dave:

And then if I can, I want to get into show number one tomorrow, which will explain what's going to be happening on Boomer podcasters.

Gray Hair Dave:

But let's get away from that for a bit and change subjects.

Gray Hair Dave:

Been a lot of changes lately in the world that I was hoping to talk a little bit about and hopefully not offend anybody, because I hope you all know by now that is never my intention to offend all of you.

Gray Hair Dave:

You are friends.

Gray Hair Dave:

You are my family.

Gray Hair Dave:

In a way, you're my podcasting family.

Gray Hair Dave:

And of course, the last thing I want to do is offend anybody and lose your listenership or your friendship or anything like that.

Gray Hair Dave:

So if I do offend, please, in advance know that I don't mean it on purpose.

Gray Hair Dave:

So back to what's going on in the world.

Gray Hair Dave:

Last week here in the United States, we had Hurricane Helene, or.

Gray Hair Dave:

Yeah, Helene.

Gray Hair Dave:

And, you know, I'm always worried, where's it gonna hit?

Gray Hair Dave:

And it, it was, it was devastating.

Gray Hair Dave:

And I'm sure you've all seen on the news and the pictures, the photos, the videos, it.

Gray Hair Dave:

It was devastating.

Gray Hair Dave:


Gray Hair Dave:

There's a place I go to here in Florida called Treasure island, and it's.

Gray Hair Dave:

I mean, the streets were just covered in sand.

Gray Hair Dave:

People's houses and cars were just buried in sand.

Gray Hair Dave:

And it went further north into the big Bend area of Florida and wiped out a couple of towns.

Gray Hair Dave:


Gray Hair Dave:

I mean, most everything is gone.

Gray Hair Dave:

And then it continued on into Georgia and into the Carolinas.

Gray Hair Dave:

And there are towns in Carolina that are in the mountains area, devastated, gone.

Gray Hair Dave:

I mean, there's just nothing left.

Gray Hair Dave:

And that one, it came up quick, but it didn't come up quick.

Gray Hair Dave:

And if you don't live in the Florida Georgia area or Louisiana, around New Orleans, mobile, Alabama, that kind of area, you don't expect that kind of devastation from a hurricane that far north.

Gray Hair Dave:

Oh, my God.

Gray Hair Dave:

It's terrible.

Gray Hair Dave:

It's terrible.

Gray Hair Dave:

I just, I don't know.

Gray Hair Dave:

I don't know what's happening in the world when it comes to the weather.

Gray Hair Dave:

And it's nothing that I can do about it or you can do it, do anything about it.

Gray Hair Dave:

But I was watching a little bit of the vice presidential debates, and this is still on the same subject.

Gray Hair Dave:

Vice presidential debate was just a couple of days ago, and one of the commentators who were asking the questions actually said, what do you think we can do about climate change?

Gray Hair Dave:

Or what are you going to do about climate change so we don't get this bad weather anymore?

Gray Hair Dave:

What the, what, what?

Gray Hair Dave:

Oh, I'm sorry.

Gray Hair Dave:

As a vice president of the United States, I can change weather.

Gray Hair Dave:

Now, I know Donald Trump says he can do a lot of things.

Gray Hair Dave:

I personally don't believe changing the weather is something a president has the ability to do.

Gray Hair Dave:

I remember that they, they blamed Katrina on George Bush.

Gray Hair Dave:

What did George Bush do to make a hurricane come through?

Gray Hair Dave:

It amazes me, the questions that they ask.

Gray Hair Dave:

But think about those things before you vote.

Gray Hair Dave:

Think about them before you realize how sometimes these people who are asking the questions that they expect your public officials to answer are not doing their homework.

Gray Hair Dave:

Let's just go with that.

Gray Hair Dave:

I'm not going to be rude about it, but all right, let's move on to something else now.

Gray Hair Dave:

So it's going to be one of them days for sinuses.

Gray Hair Dave:

But anyways, I'm going to cut that out.

Gray Hair Dave:

So anyways, let's go on to the rest of the world.

Gray Hair Dave:

What's going on.

Gray Hair Dave:

The fighting over in the Middle East.

Gray Hair Dave:

I, I understand what's going on.

Gray Hair Dave:

I pay, I pay somewhat attention, but I don't make it my day because I don't watch the news much anymore.

Gray Hair Dave:

I try to stay away from it because it can be addicting.

Gray Hair Dave:

But I feel for those people.

Gray Hair Dave:

You watch bombs going into their homes and the people that are being hurt are the people who are just there working every day and trying to have a life and live.

Gray Hair Dave:

They're not in the war.

Gray Hair Dave:

The war brought it.

Gray Hair Dave:

The war came to them and they did not want it, and there's nothing they can do about it.

Gray Hair Dave:

I am thankful that I live in a country where most people don't attack us.

Gray Hair Dave:

And when they do, they really pay for it.

Gray Hair Dave:

You look back at 911, which was just last month here in the United States, directly the anniversary, and people paid for what they did to us for years, but they did it.

Gray Hair Dave:

And, and it was sad and stupid.

Gray Hair Dave:

Okay, I'm saying that it's stupid.

Gray Hair Dave:

These things that are going on are real.

Gray Hair Dave:

I know there's reasons behind all of it, but really, is it necessary in today's society to be at war?

Gray Hair Dave:

It just is not.

Gray Hair Dave:

Okay, onto another subject.

Gray Hair Dave:

Next subject.

Gray Hair Dave:

Is going to be something happier, I hope.

Gray Hair Dave:

I was thinking about what is going to happen around Christmas time this year.

Gray Hair Dave:

I don't know why Christmas just came into my head the other day, but it did.

Gray Hair Dave:

And I kept thinking to myself, now, what are you doing for Christmas this year?

Gray Hair Dave:

I'm back to working part time with the mouse, and I have a little more time.

Gray Hair Dave:

Maybe I'll go do something.

Gray Hair Dave:

So maybe this year I'll go do something.

Gray Hair Dave:

Maybe I'll go spend a little money on myself for Christmas.

Gray Hair Dave:

And the beaches should be back to normal by then, but we'll see.

Gray Hair Dave:

But what are your plans for Christmas this year?

Gray Hair Dave:

Leave me a message on now go to my website, five minutes with gray hair Dave, and leave me a message.

Gray Hair Dave:

Oh, you get a little bit away from it and you forget your, your, your how you're moving things along.

Gray Hair Dave:

But anyways, so, uh, there was something else that I really wanted to talk about today.

Gray Hair Dave:

What was it?

Gray Hair Dave:

Well, what I wanted to talk about is obviously the ways away from my mind.

Gray Hair Dave:

And I don't want to get into weeds on something that's controversial or anything like that right at the very end.

Gray Hair Dave:

So let me just say this.

Gray Hair Dave:

I find that we are becoming less and less a society of happy people and more and more a critical society to where so many people believe that they are entitled to so many things that.

Gray Hair Dave:

That they just don't know what they're talking about.

Gray Hair Dave:

And I feel that that's sad, and I feel that that's a generational thing that's going to continue.

Gray Hair Dave:

And I don't know how to fix it.

Gray Hair Dave:

But I think it needs to be aware, you know, out there in the world that it's happening.

Gray Hair Dave:

So, on that note, I just want to say that it be kind to each other.

Gray Hair Dave:

You know, if you're at some place of business getting, you know, doing business with somebody and you don't like what's happening, leave, don't come back.

Gray Hair Dave:

That's one way to show them you don't need to get up in somebody's face who's over there making minimum wage, and it's not their fault.

Gray Hair Dave:

Just, it's not their fault.

Gray Hair Dave:

It's a situational thing or it's a corporational thing.

Gray Hair Dave:

It's whatever.

Gray Hair Dave:

But you don't need to be getting up in people's faces about anything.

Gray Hair Dave:

So it just at least animosity.

Gray Hair Dave:

And it leads to, you know, who looks bad in that scenario?

Gray Hair Dave:

The person who's doing that.

Gray Hair Dave:

Am I right or am I right?

Gray Hair Dave:

Entitlement is look at yourself in the mirror and go, is that me?

Gray Hair Dave:

If you're, if you're one of those doing it, and if you're one of the ones on the receiving end, folks, my apologies.

Gray Hair Dave:

I am so sorry for you.

Gray Hair Dave:

People try to intimidate me at work so that they can get free things from the mouse.

Gray Hair Dave:

I am not intimidatable.

Gray Hair Dave:

In my mind.

Gray Hair Dave:

I can be intimidated, but it takes a lot.

Gray Hair Dave:

So let's all be nicer to each other because if you were in that receiving position, you wouldn't like it either.

Gray Hair Dave:

So that's all I had on that subject for today.

Gray Hair Dave:

I got off of getting off of my soapbox for that.

Gray Hair Dave:

All right, let's move on.

Gray Hair Dave:

I changed the subject again now, and I'm going to go over to boomer podcasters again one more time.

Gray Hair Dave:

If you are a baby boomer, a gen x or a Gen Y or a Gen Z, or anybody who wants to learn how to podcast and you're listening to me, I have a course I'm building, which is not going to be expensive, but quite a bit of it's going to be free.

Gray Hair Dave:

It'll be on my website and it will be on my, on my YouTube page, and I'll be advertising on LinkedIn and Facebook and all those kinds of places where everybody does all that.

Gray Hair Dave:

But I wanted to remind you that if you have ever thought about something like that or, you know, somebody who's thought of something like that and just doesn't know where to go, and they don't want to pay a lot of money.

Gray Hair Dave:

They just want to go and they want to have fun.

Gray Hair Dave:

They want to do, to talk about things or they've got something great on their mind, they want to talk about or they want to, they've got a hobby that they are, they're interested in.

Gray Hair Dave:

Let them know about Boomer podcasters and that it's coming again.

Gray Hair Dave:

The trailer is coming out tomorrow, recorded tomorrow.

Gray Hair Dave:

I haven't exactly decided it's going to be a weekly podcast.

Gray Hair Dave:

I'm not going to do that more than once a week because there's a lot involved.

Gray Hair Dave:

I'm finding out there is a lot involved, and I don't want to steer anybody the wrong way.

Gray Hair Dave:

I also don't want anybody to believe that I'm just another guru out there going, oh, you can make money with your podcast, but you can if you do it right.

Gray Hair Dave:

And it's.

Gray Hair Dave:

If you find the right niche and you, or niche, you can make money as a podcaster.

Gray Hair Dave:

Lots of people do.

Gray Hair Dave:

And everybody and their brother should stop trying to be Joe Rogan.

Gray Hair Dave:

Oh, look at the money.

Gray Hair Dave:

Joe Rogan makeshi Joe Rogan been doing this for years before he got to where he is.

Gray Hair Dave:

And he's not going anywhere soon.

Gray Hair Dave:

And why should he?

Gray Hair Dave:

He's got something that's working for him.

Gray Hair Dave:

I'm happy for him.

Gray Hair Dave:

He's got a staff.

Gray Hair Dave:

He does.

Gray Hair Dave:

He does a great job.

Gray Hair Dave:

But that's what I'm saying.

Gray Hair Dave:

I can help you with that.

Gray Hair Dave:

I can't help you get to be Joe Rogan, but I can help you get your word out there and hopefully eventually get monetized if it's something you want to do.

Gray Hair Dave:

Because, you know, we all know making money is important.

Gray Hair Dave:

That's why I'm going to be doing boomer pocket casters, because I want to make some money.

Gray Hair Dave:

Let's be honest, I'm retired now.

Gray Hair Dave:

I'm semi retired now.

Gray Hair Dave:

I like that word, semi retired now.

Gray Hair Dave:

It's probably too weird, but I like it.

Gray Hair Dave:

People ask me, hey, Dave, is this your retirement job?

Gray Hair Dave:

It is now.

Gray Hair Dave:

It is now doing it.

Gray Hair Dave:

The mouse.

Gray Hair Dave:

It is now.

Gray Hair Dave:

And I'm happy about it.

Gray Hair Dave:

So don't forget, folks, got any thoughts, any comments on what's going on here, go to the website.

Gray Hair Dave:

Five minutes of

Gray Hair Dave:

that's the number.

Gray Hair Dave:

Five minutes with

Gray Hair Dave:

leave me a message.

Gray Hair Dave:

Down that bottom right hand corner, there's a microphone with you.

Gray Hair Dave:

Click on that and you put in your email address, which I don't sell, don't give away.

Gray Hair Dave:

Leave me a message or go to the contact page and leave me a message there.

Gray Hair Dave:

I want to hear from you also, folks, if you know somebody or bunches of people who don't know what a podcast is, don't know what kind of genres are out there, whether it's narrative or true crime or it's this kind of thing I'm doing here, or if it's a interview show or a news show, so many different types of shows out there, please show them what they are.

Gray Hair Dave:

Show them where they can find them, because they can find them on their computer, on their laptop, on their iPads or whatever pad tablet they got and on their phones.

Gray Hair Dave:

And a lot of people, I went out a while ago and people had no idea what a podcast really is or does.

Gray Hair Dave:

They all thought it was a radio show.

Gray Hair Dave:

Well, it's not an Internet radio show.

Gray Hair Dave:

It's a podcast.

Gray Hair Dave:

Also, folks, don't forget to smile at somebody today.

Gray Hair Dave:

Somebody you don't know.

Gray Hair Dave:

Somebody you do know.

Gray Hair Dave:

Say hello.

Gray Hair Dave:

You'll be surprised at the reaction you get.

Gray Hair Dave:

You'll make their day, and.

Gray Hair Dave:

And they in turn, will make yours.

Gray Hair Dave:

So, from gray hair Dave here at Gray hair Productions, you all have a great week, and I will talk to you again next week.

Gray Hair Dave:


Gray Hair Dave:

Have a nice one.

Gray Hair Dave:

Bye bye.

Gray Hair Dave:

Hey, I'm sorry.

Gray Hair Dave:

I just thought of one more thing I wanted you to know.

Gray Hair Dave:

This show is being brought to you by Gray hair Productions.

Gray Hair Dave:

That's my parent company of what I'm doing now.

Gray Hair Dave:

So on gray hair productions, you have this show, five minutes with gray hair Dave.

Gray Hair Dave:

But we also have a boomer podcasters.

Gray Hair Dave:

The podcast and course where I teach you the baby boomer, the Gen X, or the Gen Y, or anybody who just wants to know how to podcast, how to do it without breaking the bank, without having nerves about it, and how to plan it and get it out there into the world.

Gray Hair Dave:

So don't forget, tell your friends about me, and I will talk to you soon.

Gray Hair Dave:

Thanks so much for being here.

Gray Hair Dave:

I really, really do appreciate you every single time you listen.

Gray Hair Dave:





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