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Unlocking Your Full Potential and Leading a Life of Meaning and Fulfillment | MAG0017
Episode 1724th April 2024 • Magnetize • Grace Oben
00:00:00 00:24:24

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Join us on the unlocking your full potential and lead a life of meaning and fulfillment episode as you embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth to unlock your true potential and live a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.

Join us as we explore practical strategies, mindset shifts, and actionable steps to help you unleash your greatness and create a life that aligns with your values and aspirations. Get ready to unlock new possibilities, cultivate resilience, and lead a life that truly reflects who you are meant to be. Let's embark on this empowering journey together.


  • Define your vision 
  • Set specific goals
  • Visualize your success
  • Align with your values
  • Take inspired action

About the Host: 

Grace Oben is a highly sought-after international speaker, Author, Mindset and Purpose Clarity Coach who is dedicated to empowering women, unwed pregnant teens, and teen moms to find clarity in their purpose, make a lasting impact in the world, and make money living it. With a passion for helping others, Grace has been featured on GO TV, Global News, Podcasts, Magazines, where she shares her valuable insights and inspirations.

Drawing from her extensive experience and expertise, Grace offers transformative coaching programs that empower women, unwed pregnant teens, and teen moms to discover their unique gifts, unleash their potential, and create a life of purpose and fulfillment. Through her engaging speaking engagements, she captivates audiences with her dynamic storytelling and practical strategies for personal and spiritual growth. 

If you're ready to transform your life, Grace is ready to guide you on your journey of purpose-discovery, helping you unlock your potential, and make a positive impact in the world.

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Grace Oben:

Hello, hello, hello. Hi. Welcome to the unlocking your potential and leading a life of meaning and fulfillment masterclass. I'm Grace Oben. And today I have the honor to share with you a few thoughts on how to unlock your full potential and lead a life of meaning and fulfillment. We will be in this in this transformative course you will embark on a journey of self discovery and personal growth to unlock your true potential, and live in life filled with purpose and fulfillment. So we'll be we'll be going through some strategies and, you know, through this, this time that we have together, and I'll be sharing with you some steps to help you to help guide you on how to really unlock your full potential and live a life of meaning, and fulfillment. So the first step I'd like to share with you today is envisioning your dream life with clarity and purpose. You know, before you embark on any journey, before you embark on any project, you want to be really clear on what you are about to embark on, you need clarity, and you need passion. You know, you need to define your vision, what's your vision? What is it you want to achieve? What's your purpose? What's your goal was your mission. You know, take the time to clarify articulately, or take the time to clarify or to clearly articulate what your dream life looks like. You know, in terms of what age your career relationships, health and personal growth, you also want to set specific goals. You want to set specific goals. You want to break down your vision into specific measurable goals that will help you move closer to realize your dream life. You want to visualize your success. What does that mean? Create a mental picture of yourself, living your dream life, engage your art, engaging all your senses, into and your emotions. To make the vision more valid and compelling. You want to also align with your values. Ensure that your vision and your goals are in alignment with your core values, and your beliefs to create a sense of purpose and fulfillment. You don't want to pursue a vision that it's not in alignment with your core values. You know, you want to take inspire steps, inspire apps inspired actions. Take consistent and purposeful steps towards your goals for your your passion, you know, clarify your vision, you know, to bring your dream life into reality. So that's the first thing you want to do. The second step you want to take is taking consistent actions and stay open to new opportunities that come your way. You know, sometimes we just shut our eyes or shut ourselves out of other opportunities, new opportunities for different reasons that you want to stay open to new opportunities that come your way. You know, you want to do that by developing a routine. Establish a daily and weekly routine that includes tasks and actions align with your goals to maintain consistency in your effort. I always say to people that the result is in the consistency. The consistency is what produces a result. You know, not a one time thing is when you are consistent in whatever you do. That's when you start seeing the the real result. You also want to stay flexible. You want to remain open to adjusting your plans and strategies as needed. Sometimes you might need to tweak things sometimes you might need to adjust things. So you want to be open to adjustment. You want to stay flat Sibyl, you know, you want to embrace change and new opportunities that may arise unexpectedly. You know, you want to also embrace learning by continuously seeking new knowledge, skills and experiences to expand your horizons, you know, to be prepared to seize opportunities that come your way. You know, one thing I say to people is that one of the worst thing that can happen to someone is to have an opportunity and not be prepared for it, it's better to be prepared, and then you don't have the opportunity to have an opportunity, then you are not prepared. I think that's one of the worst thing that can really happen to anyone. I know that for short, it happened to me, years, yes, years ago, and I always coach people to always be prepared, it's better for you to be prepared, and the opportunity never comes your way better than for you not to be prepared and that you have an opportunity. But you can take advantage of that opportunity, because you were not prepared for that opportunity. And you want to network and connect by building relationships with diverse individuals and communities to increase your exposure to potential opportunities and collaborations, you know, partnership is a beautiful thing. You know, one person can accomplish 1000 by two people do 10,000 Can you imagine that not even, it's not doubled? Right, it's 10 times the number. So, collaboration is something you want to be open, you want to stay open to partnership is one something you want to stay open to, you know, you also want to practice gratitude by cultivating a mindset of gratitude for the opportunities that come your way. Right, you want to acknowledge and appreciate the the positive impact they have, they have brought into your life they have on your on your journey towards your goal, you know, you want to the 13th is that you want to surround yourself with positivity like this is so important. This is so so important. Staying positive surrounding yourself with positivity, gratitude, and believe in your ability, you know, true positive and barrel environment. You know, surround yourself with positive and uplifting people who believe in your potential and encourage your growth and success. You know, you want to you want to distance yourself from people who constantly try to discourage you people who constantly trying to discourage you from pursuing your dreams. People who are always looking for something looking for 10,000 reasons why something will not work. Instead of looking for reasons why they will work. You want to you want to be mindful of people that you are not you want to distance yourself from people like that. You know, you want to surround you surround yourself with people who who are positive, who will say things that will uplift you say things that will inspire you who say things out, encourage you who say things that will bring the best out of you. People who will say to you, you know what, I know you can do this. I know you've got what it takes. You might not know everything that you need to know at this point. But one thing I know for sure is that you can do this, you've got this, you can do this, you want to you want to surround yourself with people like that. Those are the people you want to, you want to stay around. Those are the people you want to surround yourself with. You also want to practice gratitude, you know, by cultivating a daily practice of gratitude, to focus on the positive aspects of your life and build a mindset of abundance and appreciation. You know, you don't want to think lat you want to be grateful. You know, there's a very old hymn that says, count your blessings named and one by one. And you will be it will be it will surprise you what the Lord has done for you. You want to practice gratitude. Gratitude is a good place to start your day. Be grateful, being grateful of the good things that have come your way being grateful of the people in your life or the opportunities and just be grateful of the fact that you are alive. You have the gift of life,

Grace Oben:

and you want to end your day being grateful for the protection, right? You want to practice affirmations, visualizations, you know, you want to use positive affirmations and visualization techniques to reinforce belief in your abilities, and envision your success in achieving your goals. You know, you also want to practice self compassion. You know, it's so easy to be compassionate towards other people, but not towards ourself, right? The same compassion you show for your friend that you really care for, for that person you really care for is the same level of compassion you need to show for yourself. But sometimes we can be very hard on ourselves, right? We can be when it comes to a friend, we can comfort them, we can show them empathy, we can console them, we will be there for them. But we sometimes I'm not very kind to ourselves, you know, being kind and compassionate towards yourself, acknowledging your strength. acknowledging your accomplishments, while learning from setbacks and challenges. You know, you want to acknowledge those things, no matter how small they are, those accomplishments you no matter how small they are, you want to account acknowledge them. By by practices, self compassion. You want to always develop yourself. Self develop development is another important aspect. You want to invest in personal development activities, such as reading, learning new skills, you know, learning is an ongoing thing. There are different levels in life, there are different levels in in whatever we do, whether it's career, profession, business, even our personal life, just as a as a as people, there are different levels. So ongoing learning, it's so important is vital. And then there is this self reflection, to enhance yourself, believe and cultivate a positive mindset for growth and success. The fourth step is embracing challenges as growth opportunities, and celebrate your achievements along the journey. Right, you want to establish goals that resonate with your deepest desires and values. You want to embrace challenges as a growth as growth opportunities. You know, we are to grow through our challenges. We are to grow through challenges growing through what we go through, it's so important. Challenges are not meant to break us to bring us down. They're not meant to discourage us challenges are not stop signs, then they are not stop signs or they are not you know, meant to to they are not signals to stop us. Right there are test you can go to the next level without writing a test a test right? Everyone was in school to get to the next class you needed to write a test and it was really challenging. So embracing challenges as growth opportunities and celebrating your achievements along the journey. You don't have to get to the to the end. Before you celebrate you celebrate as you go. You know have a growth mindset. embrace those those challenges as as learning opportunities and personal development. Viewing obstacles as stepping stones towards your goals. Obstacles as stepping stones towards your goals, build resilience, cultivate resilience, you know by facing challenges with a positive attitude. You know, when you face and challenge you said I got this. Perseverance is so important. Perseverance is necessary and determination to overcome setbacks and grow even stronger. reflection and learning It's another thing you want to look into you want to consider reflect on challenges as valuable lessons that provide insight for improvement and growth. Allowing you to adapt, you know, and evolve along your journey. Celebrate your milestones, celebrate each and every milestone, acknowledge and, and just celebrate your achievements, no matter how small to boost your motivation, confidence and momentum towards your goals. You know, ensure that your goals align with your core values and desires. Creating a sense of purpose and fulfillment that motivates you to persevere through challenges and stay committed to your journey. You know, life is a journey and in the journey of life, there are speed bumps, there are stop signs. Were all those are meant to help you grow through the journey, not to discourage you. The fifth point or the fifth step is consistently taking purposeful actions and remain receptive to the signs and opportunities that come your way. Be open to opportunities, so you don't miss them when they show up. You know, clearly define your goals and create a plan of action to guide your steps towards achieving them. Establish consistent daily habits that support your goals and keep your focus on that will keep you focused on taking purposeful steps. You want to set on a course that you must follow. You want to stay focus, avoid distractions. hold yourself accountable for taking steps towards your goals. And seek support from mentors appears to stay on track. There you will need to be your accountability partner. And you want to remain flexible and open to adjusting your actions. Right. You want to be open minded. So you want to be open in adjusting your actions based on feedback. Feedback is important. New information or unexpected opportunities that arises. You want to ask for feedback. Constructive feedback, and when you get feedback, take them seriously. practice mindfulness to stay present in the moment that will enable you to recognize and seize opportunities that align with your goals and also aspirations. The sixth step is you want to cultivate a mindset of positivity, gratitude and unwavering belief in your ability to create the life you love. You don't have to settle for less. You don't have to settle for what you don't love. You want to practice positive self talk. A lot of times we are not the most kind person to ourself. A lot of times we talk ourselves down, we call ourself names that we will not call someone will really care for. So you want to practice positive self talk. And again affirmations to reinforce a mindset of optimism, confidence and self belief. You want to practice keeping a gratitude journal to regularly reflect on and appreciate the blessings and opportunities in your life. Fostering a positive outlook. Again, you want to use visualization techniques to visualize your success. Imagine yourself already living the life you live you love. Imagine yourself already living your purpose. Imagine yourself already living your assignment carrying out your mission for which you were brought on earth to do that to carry out creating a powerful belief in your ability to manifest your dreams. Again, I

Grace Oben:

can't stress To the north, but you have to, you need to surround yourself with positivity. Surround yourself with positive influences. Such as supportive friends, mentors, and resources that uplift and inspire you. Identify and, and challange any limiting beliefs or negative thought patterns that may hinder your progress, replacing them, right with empowering beliefs that align with your goals and your aspirations. You know, there are things that people will do for you or people will help you do that there are things that you need to do for yourself. And one of those things that you will need to do for yourself is challenging limiting beliefs that hinders you hinders your progress. The seventh step is embracing challenges as lessons in disguise, and acknowledge your progress with gratitude and celebration. You deserve it. You want to embrace challenges as lessons in disguise because that's what they are. Challenges are lessons in disguise. And you want to acknowledge your prep your progress with gratitude and celebration. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, recognizing that overcoming obstacles can lead to personal development and resilience. You want to reflect on challenges as valuable lessons that offer insights and opportunities for improvements, allowing you to adapt and grow stronger, even stronger. express gratitude for the challenges that you face. As they provide opportunities for growth and development, shaping you into a better version of yourself. One of your major goals is to be a better you every day. I always say to myself grace. The grace of today needs to be better than the grace of yesterday. Am I being the better you better vision of yourself. Celebrate your small wins, acknowledge and celebrate your progress. It's so important. It will boost your confidence. It will inspire you, it will motivate you, it will empower you. No matter how small. It will help you build your momentum. And it will help you stay positive and motivated on your journey. The seventh point and the final point is trusting in the university's abundance and your inner power to attract the life you truly truly desire. You deserve to live the life you truly desire. Believe in abundance, trust in the abundance of the universe. It's real. It's possible it's available even to you. You just need to believe in it. You just need to trust in it. Knowing that there are endless opportunities and possibilities available to you. Embrace the concept of the law of attraction. Believing that your thoughts your emotions and your actions can attract positive outcomes and experiences into your life. Recognize and tap into your innate power to create the life you desire. Understanding that you have the ability to manifest your dreams through focused intention and action. Let go of the need to control every aspect of your life and instead surrender to the flow of the universe. allowing things to unfold naturally. Enough alignment with your intentions. You need to cultivate a sense of gratitude for the lessons in your life. And trust in the progress in the process of manifestation, knowing that the universe supports you in achieving your true desires. The universe is for you, not against you. So you need to believe in the abundance of the universe. And you need to stay aligned with your intentions. I hope that these will trigger something on your insight, I hope that what I just shared with you will help you or guide you to really start embarking on that journey of that life that you truly, truly would love to leave. Because you deserve every bit of it. You can have it all. You can have it all. You just need to believe that it's possible and that you have what it takes to achieve it, and that you are worthy of it and that you deserve it. So I'm Grace Oben. And it was a privilege it was an honor to share this with you and I really hope that this changed something on your insight. Thank you




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