After a lengthy hiatus, Shadiin and Delma are back with another season of DIJ and the mutual respect is as present as ever...Once Shadiin learns to loosen up a bit...we discuss the theme of justice and money that will inform the rest of season 3. We talk about what it means to care about both justice AND paying our bills; our need for love and our need for liquidity. We talk about how often we feel called to move the world in the right direction, while shrinking our voice in order to remain "digestable" and employed. Sometimes we're silent when we should be loud. Sometimes people are counting on us while we're counting our money.
Why? Because we're human, fallible, greedy, and we want to be comfortable. We live in a broader context that says, be a capitalist, or live off the grid. Your hosts have chosen. So the question remains: how do we live with ourselves?