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Vance vs Walz, and Pete Rose vs Baseball Hall of Fame
Episode 1074th October 2024 • Common Sense Ohio • Common Sense Ohio
00:00:00 01:13:16

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We tackle the comparison of public schools to monopolies (by way of the longshoreman strike), the debate surrounding Tim Waltz's understanding of federalism, and review JD Vance's performances and views during a recent debate.

We also reflect on Pete Rose's controversial exclusion from the Baseball Hall of Fame, discuss the implications of Springfield OH legal filings in Ohio politics, and critique the media's role in shaping public perception.

Nostalgia takes center stage as we reminisce about Cincinnati Reds games and icons like Johnny Bench and The Big Red Machine of the 70's.

The conversation shifts from FEMA's role in disaster response to the impact of automation on the labor market, with a deep dive into union influence and government intervention.

Additionally, we explore the ethical and societal debates around abortion, highlight the increasing lawsuit controversies in sports, and discuss cultural shifts in the perception of historical figures.

Common Sense Moments

00:00 Ohio news and US Supreme Court cases.

06:30 Conflicted about unions; dislikes government intervention.

13:59 Contract finalized by January; Mayorkas' spending criticized.

23:23 Pilot grounded, hindering son's mountain rescue.

31:09 JD is sharp; debated well, differing economically.

35:54 Melania Trump Catholic but pro-choice; supports women’s autonomy.

41:20 Pete Rose's driven success.

56:01 Fact-checking controversies in political debates discussed.

01:00:51 Ohio bill proposes restrictions on imitation meat.

01:03:15 Elon provides Starlink service free after Trump's request.

01:11:51 Market influenced by inefficient yet effective legal system.

Recorded at the 511 Studios, in the Brewery District in downtown Columbus, OH.

Copyright 2024 Common Sense Ohio

Stephen Palmer is the Managing Partner for the law firm, Palmer Legal Defense. He has specialized almost exclusively in criminal defense for over 26 years. Steve is also a partner in Criminal Defense Consultants, a firm focused wholly on helping criminal defense attorneys design winning strategies for their clients.

Norm Murdock is an automobile racing driver and owner of a high-performance and restoration car parts company. He earned undergraduate degrees in literature and journalism and graduated with a Juris Doctor from the University of Cincinnati College of Law in 1985. He worked in the IT industry for two years before launching a career in government relations in Columbus, Ohio. Norm has assisted clients in the Transportation, Education, Healthcare, and Public Infrastructure sectors.

Brett Johnson is an award-winning podcast consultant and small business owner for nearly 10 years, leaving a long career in radio. He is passionate about helping small businesses tell their story through podcasts, and he believes podcasting is a great opportunity for different voices to speak and be heard.


Steve Palmer [:

Live from Studio C. That's channel 511. We've got a little studio down here. Common Sense. What's the idea? Well, the idea is to bring you Common Sense, with an Ohio based perspective and why you would ask do we care about Ohio based? Because where Ohio goes, so goes the world. And believe me when I say that because, just go count the number of presidents from Ohio. Just go count how many elections were decided to or, like, when Ohio goes one way, it typically goes that way. I mean, we're we're the heartbeat of America.

Steve Palmer [:

That's our slogan. Just ask DeWine.

Norm Murdock [:

Who is the governor of Ohio for those who don't even know

Steve Palmer [:

who DeWine is? Anyway, so we don't just cover Ohio news, but we do hit some Ohio stuff. And, you know, as a lawyer, as a study, or as a student of the US Supreme Court, go Google how many cases, that hit the US Supreme Court came from Ohio, like some of the most significant cases in history, Brandenburg versus Ohio, good First Amendment case, Terry versus Ohio, reasonable suspicion and pat downs. I mean, just lots and lots. The list goes on. Berkemer versus McCarty, talks about Moran. Anyway, we're I'm not gonna bore y'all. It so check us out,, where we've got our backlog of episodes, where we've got Norm's blog, we got Brett's blog, we got my big goose egg blog, meaning I haven't done anything yet, but one of these days, I will. There is lots of good stuff there.

Steve Palmer [:

Check us out on social media. We got the clips. We're doing what the kids do. You know? Anyway, we are gonna jump right into it. For those who haven't watched the show, we've got a format, and we're gonna follow the format. This is October 4th. And anybody gotta guess what happened on October 4, 1957?

Brett Johnson [:

No idea. 50

Steve Palmer [:

57. 57. The Soviet Union converted an intercontinental ballistic missile to launch Sputnik 1. Basically, starting the the first, the the gun, so to speak, of the space race.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

And, think what that did for the for the human population, you know, for you know, think how think of the advancements. You know, it's like it it it shows you. It's a it's a little little micro maybe a little microcosm of what good healthy competition, can can do. So I'm

Norm Murdock [:

not sure it was healthy. So let me give you my JD Vance, look over the shoulder like he did in the bait. I'll do that to Steve now. I'll look at the camera and go. Mhmm. Oh my god. So like that

Steve Palmer [:

Or you're gonna be like the Tim Conway.

Norm Murdock [:

So that that Sputnik thing scared the, you know Of course it did. Out of Americans. Like Sure. That and they could hear it, you know, beep beep beep. It's sending out a radio signal, and people were freaking out. Yeah. I mean freaking out.

Steve Palmer [:

But it it it basically kicked us in the backside. Yeah. And, no what was it? Less than 10 years later or about 10 years later, we were, on the moon.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Yeah.

Brett Johnson [:

That's fast track if you think about it.

Norm Murdock [:

So That's fast track. Just like this is an amusing aside, but, I went to the museum of the, head of the Soviet, Space Authority. It was in Zhytomyr, Ukraine. So when Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union, and it was fascinating. They basically copied the NASA, space buggy, you know, the little vehicle that drove around. They had one. They had a capsule that looked remarkably like a the Apollo capsule. It was, and, of course, our space shuttle was almost a direct copy of our space shuttle.

Norm Murdock [:

It they really went to town on us. And, you know, it's kinda like that old b 29 story we talked about, like, 2 years ago where Americans during World War 2 landed a b 29 in the Soviet Union, and it had bullet damage. And they put little tin can patches over the holes. And Stalin said, you will make an exact copy of and then, you know, like, he he had a whole fleet of them, like, 2,000 of these made by the

Steve Palmer [:

Tupelo. It shows you what capitalism can do.

Norm Murdock [:

That's right.

Steve Palmer [:

Okay? And those who disagree, just go study history. Yeah. Because why didn't Stalin invent these things?

Norm Murdock [:

That's right.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. You know? Like, why didn't well, you didn't have Henry Ford churning out the mass produced factory items.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, when nobody would take a risk of failure

Steve Palmer [:

That's right.

Norm Murdock [:

Because you got shot.

Steve Palmer [:

You got killed.

Brett Johnson [:

Right. You know?

Steve Palmer [:

You suck, you die.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. You're

Steve Palmer [:

right. Yeah. You know? But, and and those who again, just to bring it back to Ohio just a little bit, if you, travel north on I 75 and you stop in Auglase County and take a and veer to the west, you're gonna find a small town called Wapakoneta, where you will be wandering the same streets that Neil Armstrong wandered in his, in his heyday, and you eventually, you'll stumble upon the Neil Armstrong Museum.

Norm Murdock [:

That's a pretty cool little diggy.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Worth doing. So here in Ohio, makes

Norm Murdock [:

it big again. Yep.

Steve Palmer [:

So anyway, that's our history fact of the day. And now, it is time for news with Norman. For those who haven't watched before, Norman's gonna spit out a bunch of stories. We're gonna talk about them, and, we'll see where it takes us.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, the to me, the, the hottest news came in late last night, the Longshoremen Union. The guy right out of Central Casting, you know, that talk like, Andrew Dice Clay. He makes 900,000 a year as head of the Longshoremen, Union.

Steve Palmer [:

Think about that for a second.

Norm Murdock [:

I mean, that's absurd.

Steve Palmer [:

I mean, think about that. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, that is that is

Norm Murdock [:

Almost a $1,000,000. Is is he part of the rich that

Steve Palmer [:

aren't paying their share?

Norm Murdock [:

Well, they say

Steve Palmer [:

Is that what Biden says?

Norm Murdock [:

They say over the course of the last 10 years, he's been paid a total of $7,000,000 by his union.

Steve Palmer [:

And, look, I'm not undercutting the value of his work. I don't know what he does day in

Norm Murdock [:

and day out. What he did that was egregious was he got on the tube. I don't know if you saw his press conferences, but he said things like, we're shutting the country down. Like, pay us what we want or nothing moves. I have the power to shut you down. And literally said it like a mobster. You know? Yeah. You know what I mean? Like like, I could give a crap about the people suffering from hurricane Helene.

Norm Murdock [:

I could give a crap about the auto workers who need these components to build cars. I could give a crap about farmers who need the chemical.

Steve Palmer [:

Sounds a little bit like extortion.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, it's what happens when you have a monopolistic situation.

Steve Palmer [:

Well, look, I I I I have a love

Norm Murdock [:

hate relationship. The one shop Yeah. You know. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

I have a love hate relationship with unions. What I do detest is when the government puts the thumb on the scale one side or another. Yeah. That when when when Biden what like, why did it's like it it whether the president supports a strike or doesn't like, when when the government starts to tinker with this and this goes all the way back to, like, Yeah. FDR did this with the auto manufacturers trying to negotiate, you know, different wages and it result. And, like, that was, like, the precursor to the big the Great Depression when that stuff was going on. So

Norm Murdock [:

There are some situations. So during World War 2, Truman forced I believe it was the coal miners. It may have been the steel workers.

Steve Palmer [:

No. It makes it big again in Ohio. Youngstown Sheet and Tube.

Norm Murdock [:

And he forced them back to go back to work. Yeah. He ordered them. So, Ron DeSantis in

Steve Palmer [:

Florida I think that was the case. Yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

So Ron Ron DeSantis in Florida did something akin to that. On this longshoreman strike, which was only 3 days. But he ordered the Florida National Guard to go to the ports and unload boats.

Brett Johnson [:

There you go. Yeah. And there's always an answer, isn't there? There's always an answer.

Steve Palmer [:

And it would But that's government

Norm Murdock [:

on the scale, but, you know, maybe maybe pro

Steve Palmer [:

Look. The like I said, I have a love hate relationship with this. And and the problem is

Norm Murdock [:

Well, Helene devastated Florida.

Steve Palmer [:

You have an emergency. Well, it's

Brett Johnson [:

a national security thing.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. This this is the exception to my detestation of this. It's just saying we're in the middle of an emergency. Right. Now the other now it this is, Reagan famously fired all the air traffic controllers when they went on strike.

Norm Murdock [:

And they violated their contract by doing it.

Steve Palmer [:

They violated the contract, went on strike. Yeah. And I think Biden has some the the the executive branch has some authority here to sort of, to soften this. I think there's, like, a 90 day period or something. But at any rate

Norm Murdock [:

But he declined to do that. Biden did not

Steve Palmer [:

intend to. Where he's going. Right? No. I think he finally came out and said he's supporting the union. Yes. He did. And I think Harris said there but it just it just reeks of politics.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. He said, I will not interfere and call on them to settle, but I hope they do.

Steve Palmer [:

And look. I I like all negotiations that. Like all negotiations, I presume Yeah. That there are valid points on both sides. Sure. I presume that there are wrong.

Norm Murdock [:

The thing, Steve. What the longshoremen wanted, wait, I don't know yet. Okay? But what they wanted, they were offered a 50% raise over the next, I think, 5 years. So basically, 10% a year, whatever. They were offered a 50% raise. They went on strike because they they demanded 70% raise

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

Which they say that the talking heads on on in the media said that they would go from an average of $125,000 a year. Okay? Mhmm. As, you know, time card blue collar workers to under this raise, the average pay will be about 200,000. Now now, dude, I'm just saying. For for a non college degree job, I'm like like, I

Steve Palmer [:

don't I don't care about

Norm Murdock [:

that. I wanna join that union.

Steve Palmer [:

I don't care about the college degree non college. Because I think it is sort of nonsensical that we ascribe higher wages to those who went to college. But Oh,

Norm Murdock [:

I'm not saying that at all. I'm just saying, like, you can get out of high school, become a a longshoreman, and make $200.

Steve Palmer [:

I think that's true in a lot of the trades right now. I think that's true in plumbing. I think it's true in electric.

Norm Murdock [:

It's because it's a monopoly. And also, that contract is going to, one of their big issues was no modernization, no robotizing.

Steve Palmer [:

And that that's the problem. Like, so

Norm Murdock [:

That's the problem. That's a monopoly.

Steve Palmer [:

That is the problem. So look, I mean, like I said, I would love it. I think unions are valid, and I hate them sometimes. I love them other times. You know, it's like it's a, I have a love hate relationship with them about

Norm Murdock [:

They're saying our US ports are the only ports in a developed country that are now there's no automation.

Steve Palmer [:

The automation thing is such a, you know, it's it's I guess, back to our discussion on capitalism. Right? It's like we can't envision where what it would look like. What how where it goes after these people or after it's automated. Where do these people get

Norm Murdock [:

Well, we well, we do know that. So the UAW works in factories where there are a shit ton of automated robots doing the welding, putting on the parts, and it has reduced the number of union workers in those factories. Yeah. And that's been going on for 40 years.

Steve Palmer [:

What I mean in the big picture, it's like we can't picture what's gonna happen to all those employees, all those union members, all those workers. Where do they go next? I don't know. But until you get there, you don't find out. That's the idea of capitalism. You've gotta push forward. You've gotta constantly pave new ground. This is why we had air we had, big bombers in World War 2 and Stalin didn't because we're always pushing the envelope, and we have to encourage that. So

Norm Murdock [:

It's also a cost it's also a cost thing. Sorry to interrupt. But Of course. Right? But, you know, like, inflation is fed by paying people more than they're worth because we're gonna deny automation in in these harbors.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. That's crazy. This is this is a false, weight on the scale. Right?

Brett Johnson [:

That's right.

Steve Palmer [:

And it's like it it you can't change progress. You cannot change it. You can't you can deny it long enough, but sooner or later, it'll come back and bite you in the end.

Norm Murdock [:

There's gonna be nonunion docks. I mean, that's later,

Steve Palmer [:

it's gonna like, somebody's gonna build another dock. It's gonna get so expensive that somebody's gonna build another dock and say, come to us. We'll do it with robots for half the price.

Brett Johnson [:

Right? I mean, look, that

Steve Palmer [:

might be oversimplified. But that's the But

Brett Johnson [:

you're hearing that, though, too. So I was hearing some shipping companies. They they knew it was coming, so they went to other ports.

Norm Murdock [:

Other ports.

Brett Johnson [:

I guess the West Coast or where I I don't know wherever it was. Yeah. But they're using other ports.

Steve Palmer [:


Brett Johnson [:

So and then but I thought I read too that there are some ports that do have some automation, and it's kind of a net net. It's not hurting them so bad. But I don't know where they came from to be where they are Yeah. Including the automation. So maybe they were so far behind. The automation brought them back to modernization and, making money. Yeah. I I don't know.

Steve Palmer [:

But Well and I also heard I did just as a parallel. I don't even know if it's a parallel. Back, you know, 10, 15 years ago, my my father was always, involved in Poland and other, European countries, particularly the block countries. And, there was a lawyer visiting him from Poland, and he was talking about the American infrastructure and how bad it was Yeah. Generally speaking. He was talking particularly specifically about, like, we still had everybody had hardwired phones. Everybody had the this is this. And Europe had sort of advanced well beyond us in that stuff.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. And I don't know the facts and details behind it because he was telling me this. And he attributed it to the fact that everything in Europe got destroyed in World War 2, so they had to start from scratch.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

We didn't. So we still had we still had the we still have the arcane stuff that we do Yes. Because we've always done it that way. And that's, you know, that that that is one of the problems with advancement. We just keep doing it because we always do it.

Brett Johnson [:

That evolution timeline started ahead. Right. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

That's interesting. Down to the ground and are forced to rebuild it. You're gonna use new modern supplies to build it.

Norm Murdock [:

Right. So That that's a story of the Japanese steel industry and how they took over America's, steel industry because we're using the old Bessemer furnaces from

Steve Palmer [:

The Bessemer furnace. Like, high school.

Norm Murdock [:

Like like like a 150 years ago stuff, like Andrew Carnegie stuff. Right? And we bombed the Japanese and and so when they built in the fifties sixties their steel factories, state of the art and that's why they want to buy US Steel. You know, like like Japan is the steel producer.

Steve Palmer [:

These are very ancient concepts. Right? They say we have the old myth about the phoenix and you have the old and even Christ. I mean, you have you have Christianity. It's a lot of this is premised on the same kind

Brett Johnson [:

of thing.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. What you have to sort of re be reborn and start over and and once you get mixed, from the ashes, you get more. Mhmm. So, anyway

Norm Murdock [:

And well and so we'll see how this goes. I guess the final they're gonna dot the I and cross the t's around January 15 on this contract. So we'll find out more about what actually was, decided. I think the other really hot story, we have to talk about this, is, Alejandro Mayorkas, the head of, the Department of Homeland Security, under which the Secret Service is, ICE is, the Customs and Border Patrol is, like FEMA. Like, he's in charge of a bunch of agencies. He came out yesterday and said, they're out of money. And the I I immediately heard congressman looking into this and saying, dude, you spent over, like, a $1,000,000,000 buying hotel rooms, meals, and giving credit cards out to illegal aliens. That's where your budget went.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

And so when American citizens in North Carolina are wiped out over 200 dead, they're still finding them up in trees, you know, dead. Governor DeWine has sent the Ohio National Guard down there to help. And Mayorkas is basically saying, you know, I my budget is blown. I've I've spent the money. We don't have enough money. And Kamala was handing out or announcing that after 10 days wait, in each person's account that applies, we're gonna give them $750.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. So look, of of interest here to this is, if anybody follows Dave Ramsey you ever follow Dave Ramsey?

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

He just interviewed Trump.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. And he's been all over about this.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. And so what's interesting to me is, like, Ramsey, like, a lot of them hate him, whatever. But, he preaches to have an emergency fund.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. He's very practical.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. So, like, what he says is all common sense. So he preaches to have an emergency fund. Right. And you would you would think that the government might take a little bit of a cue here. So he would say, have a 3 to 6 months emergency fund in your personal account or whatever it would be. And, like, here you have Mayorkas saying, well, we blew all our money. Why you know, how does that happen? So if we've got something called FEMA, and I we can agree or disagree on whether that should exist.

Steve Palmer [:

But Exactly. Right. We have that. And the idea is for FEMA to come in when there are natural disasters that we all know occur, and they've occurred since the beginning of time. And now they're even more expensive because we're building these huge, you know, houses and and and structures and and on the beach where these things happen. You would think if your sole purpose is to respond to an emergency, you might have an emergency fund

Norm Murdock [:

Right. Ready to go. Let me do a JD Vance right now.

Brett Johnson [:

Well, and, you know, and guess I'm I'm gonna be a cold hearted bastard on this one. And just say, what does the government owe us to come in and help us though?

Steve Palmer [:

I'm with you, man. Like, look. It's $750.

Brett Johnson [:

This Go find a hotel. I mean, I I I know. I mean, it's cold cold hearted bastard.

Norm Murdock [:

No one's I'm feeling you.

Brett Johnson [:

Because I'm feeling you. They don't we we got we gotta go to mom and dad when we have an emergency.

Steve Palmer [:

We have replaced our personal emergency funds with the government, and the government doesn't have one.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, this is this is cranky norm.

Steve Palmer [:

I don't know.

Norm Murdock [:

And pissing off everybody after 911, but what we set up this expectation with American citizens now. After 911, right, it wasn't your fault, Steve, my fault. It wasn't Trump's fault. It wasn't George Bush's fault. It wasn't really Rudy Giuliani's fault. It was the terrorists' fault for taking down the Twin Towers and hitting the Pentagon. Why did American taxpayers pay each victim I think it was roughly 800,000 or a 1,200,000.2? It's

Steve Palmer [:

feel good money.

Norm Murdock [:

I so, dude, like, I don't get that. Why did they get this big, huge check from Americans? What are you so some old 85 year old guy who was up in a tree, which is this is a true story. He was screaming, rescue me, rescue me, get me off the roof, get me out of this tree. And people on the other side of the river, the I guess the Swannanoa River, whatever it is that goes through Asheville, they were looking at him. And right then, the building or the tree cracks and he goes down the he's dead. So why shouldn't his grandchildren get a 1,200,000,000 from the government? Right.

Steve Palmer [:

And where do you stop? Where do you stop? Where

Norm Murdock [:

like like, where did this whole concept come up with that we paid people?

Brett Johnson [:

Because I was liking it to you know, and again, I was young when the blizzard of 78 hit. And there are people that died from that.

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, big time. It was brutal.

Brett Johnson [:

And it was brutal. Yes. But did we have this will you owe me money because we had a snow blizzard? No. No. There was money to help excavate and get that snow out of the way, get electric back on. When was FEMA? Guys to be on on on poles. Did FEMA come after Katrina?

Steve Palmer [:

Is that is that when that came out?

Norm Murdock [:

No. No. FEMA existed before. Did it exist?

Brett Johnson [:

I assume. Yeah. Well well

Steve Palmer [:

before that. I I this this all sort of came to light, and I it it seemed very political at the time because Bush too, he didn't do enough or he didn't go to Nora or whatever it would be.

Norm Murdock [:

The difference was, Steve, when Katrina happened, the the media and people in their heads, somehow they viewed FEMA as a quick reaction force, which it was not designed to be. And it's

Brett Johnson [:

how can it be? It it well It's boots on the ground that she'll

Steve Palmer [:

be doing.

Norm Murdock [:

Now we expect

Steve Palmer [:

it. Exactly. The thing with her I think this is all Thomas Sowell, who everybody if you've listened to the show, you know that he's my hero. I mean, that guy is a genius. I I and I love economics. I love sort of the because it's it's it's like a combination of of of reasonable financial analysis, with human psychology and and outside market for it. I mean, it's just it's a fascinating study to me. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. He talks about this that look. The the the amount the number of hurricanes and the devastation of hurricanes hasn't really gone up, but the cost has Sure. Because we are building more expensive structures. Sure. Before you know, go back a 100 or 50, 60 years, and you would go to the North Carolina coast, and those who used to vacation is with their grandkids, whatever, will know this. Yeah. Is that you'd have these little beach shacks?

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. On the Outer Banks.

Steve Palmer [:

On the Outer Banks.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

So you would have these beach shacks, and

Norm Murdock [:

they were they were

Steve Palmer [:

point, and they were up on stilts. Yep. And they didn't cost much to build. No. And the reason they didn't cost much to build is because everybody knew that every couple of years, there's gonna be a hurricane. It's gonna take it down. Right. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

And there was so what happens? Well, the federal government puts its thumb on the scale and says, now insurance companies, you must insure this. So everybody else's in the country's insurance rates go up.

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

And what do the big investors do? I can go build a 3 story house with an elevator and start selling $15,000 a week vacations down there Right. And it's insured.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

And guess what? The insurance companies have to insure it because the government says so.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, FEMA backs it up. Right?

Steve Palmer [:

And FEMA backs it up. So they have no risk. They've, like, the the the investors and I don't blame the investors. Look. This is this is the human side of it. We are gonna do what we do as humans. I see an angle. I'm gonna go make money.

Steve Palmer [:

I'm gonna be an enterprising entrepreneur about it.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

And the government's gonna pay for it and force insurance companies to pay for my loss. I'm on. I'm in it. I'm in, man.

Brett Johnson [:

So now we have a situation where where insurance companies have no buy states. You can't buy in certain states. They're not gonna sell it

Steve Palmer [:

to you.

Norm Murdock [:

They've left those markets.

Brett Johnson [:

They've left markets. Yeah. Exactly.

Norm Murdock [:

And now your only choice is FEMA. Like, so you can so I have a I have a home that part of my land is in a flood zone here in Ohio. And if I have structures in that flood zone, the only insurance I can buy my my insurance company will set me up with FEMA Insurance. And FEMA issues the

Steve Palmer [:

And and FEMA doesn't have any money Yeah. Apparently. Yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

Right? So it's a They're out for this budget year.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. Right. So they don't have any money. So you can go make a claim. But you imagine that? You pay for insurance and they can't pay it.

Norm Murdock [:

So, Steve, imagine you're in Asheville, North Carolina right now. Kamala flies in, says we're gonna give you a $700 $750 check. You don't have any power. You don't have any water. You don't you don't have a way to flush your toilets unless you go down to the creek with a bucket and come back to the house. You know, like, you're living like a prehistoric person. And the 700 and so you have no electricity. The $750 is is gonna be directly deposited into your checking account.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. You're it's gone

Norm Murdock [:

in 10 days. What are you gonna you gotta we live for a week and a half till

Steve Palmer [:

it This is like this is like the COVID money. Remember that? It's like, you're gonna get, like, x dollar. And I'm like, this is it does nothing.

Norm Murdock [:

It does nothing.

Steve Palmer [:

You shut down my business, and you're giving me a couple $1,000? Like, screw you people. Yeah.

Brett Johnson [:

Well and and I wanna go back a little bit because I like I said, I was coming off as a cold hearted bastard there. I mean, we need to help everybody.

Steve Palmer [:

Watches the show. We all live. You know? Brett is Brett

Norm Murdock [:

is the meanest guy here.

Brett Johnson [:

But but just I'm just thinking about that.

Steve Palmer [:

You know,

Norm Murdock [:

they're another Vance.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. You know, yes, we need to help these folks and and but it takes some time, but it's that but, you know, but we're not obligated to pay these people. It's that, you know, one story came up political. It's political. One story came up and I it's a long story, but I'll kinda try to synopsize it. That, you know, the day after all this happened, there was a South Carolina pilot flying volunteer supply and rescue missions. He was ordered out of the Lake Lure area.

Norm Murdock [:

Is that crazy? It's crazy. It's crazy. He wants to help.

Brett Johnson [:


Norm Murdock [:

And they're saying you can't come.

Brett Johnson [:

You can't. And at the moment that they said we're gonna take we're gonna, put you under arrest. You're grounded. He had left his son and another rescue victim on a mountain because he I I think there was a supply situation. He couldn't handle enough in the plane. So they were forcing him to not go get his son. Yeah. Grounding him at that moment in time because the sheriff or whoever the or the coordinator was was being a dick at the moment because get out of my get out of my help.

Norm Murdock [:

I think I would have got back in my plane and said, send an f 16 Exactly. Shoot me down.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. You know, I mean, at the moment, this guy's flying by people that need help.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Yeah. What a

Brett Johnson [:

And I get that there's coordinated efforts, but that was the day after. That's what we are about. We go and help each other.

Steve Palmer [:


Brett Johnson [:

And you put cold water on this shit.

Steve Palmer [:

Let the government it it's so stupid. Like, you had a hero.

Norm Murdock [:

Even in Katrina, it was the NGOs, like the Red Cross or Catholic Charities or Samaritan's Purse. It was it was those organizations that got on the ground first and actually were helping people. And it's the same way here.

Steve Palmer [:

That that that's human.

Norm Murdock [:

That's human.

Steve Palmer [:

That that's what makes our country great. Right. We have created an incentive structure. In fact, our country relies on this. That's right. We have to be involved at the local level. And if we are not, our country fails. And the problem is when the government says we're gonna fix it all for you, the rest of us sort of think, well, I don't have to do anything because they're gonna fix it.

Norm Murdock [:

That's right. Right. So I won't contribute to United Way. Right.

Brett Johnson [:

And I was sitting here and expecting it and bellyache about not getting something in 10 days or They're taking not enough or whatever.

Steve Palmer [:

Come on. And they're taking your money, the government

Norm Murdock [:

That's right.

Steve Palmer [:

In the form of more taxes and less services.

Norm Murdock [:

And guess what? If you don't pay those taxes, you go to prison.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Washing it through the most efficient or the most inefficient washing machine ever created. Ever created. Blowed it up with too many employees, blow it up with way too many processes

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

And then giving it to who they wanna give it to. Or we could just incentivize a structure where I help you. Yeah. I helped somebody yesterday. I gave him a $100. Yeah. Right? And I didn't think twice about it.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. No government program. 20.

Steve Palmer [:

And how many people have done that? There are no government programs. Somebody needed it, and they're like, I'll get you back. I said, you know what? If you can Yeah. No worries.

Norm Murdock [:

The basket at church. Yeah. When this weekend, when they pass a basket around, there'll be a second basket for the victims. For

Steve Palmer [:

the victims. Yes.

Norm Murdock [:

You know that.

Steve Palmer [:

And then Yeah. The church members will get in their wallet and pull it out, and they'll they'll leave money there. Now

Brett Johnson [:

No overhead. Uh-huh. Is paying

Steve Palmer [:

for everything. Why would you do that? Yeah. And and look. I is it and you can make your argument that people are so horrible. They won't give any money, but, you know, they used to. People used to be at the local level.

Norm Murdock [:

That's how that's how we took care of things like homelessness and hunger. We would donate to charities who would then fill that role. Yeah. But somewhere along the line, we got the idea government's a solution to everything. Yeah.

Brett Johnson [:


Norm Murdock [:

Right. Every single problem in life. Right. You know, to the point that, like, Kamala's proposing, and this sounds political, but this is a good example. She is going to regulate grocery store prices from the federal level? That's absurd.

Steve Palmer [:

Like Yeah. She knows that's dumb.

Norm Murdock [:

That's that's, like, insane. It like, where is that in the constitution?

Brett Johnson [:

I mean, they're already they're already regulating that the pricing by not allowing Right. Large corporations, Kroger, for example, to buy other grocery store change.

Norm Murdock [:

That's right.

Brett Johnson [:

You know, they're already controlling that and Yeah. Maybe good, maybe bad. I don't know the devil's in the details. Yeah. Yes. You don't want one grocery store. Well there

Steve Palmer [:

you go.

Brett Johnson [:

Right. Come on.

Norm Murdock [:

Right back to monopolies. It's like the longshoremen. It's Soon you don't

Steve Palmer [:

need to do it. I know you do not suffer.

Norm Murdock [:

But it's like public schools. That's why there's the EdChoice program. You know. And it's not like a dislike of unions or a dislike of public schools. It's a dislike of monopolies. A private monopoly like like you say when they broke up when they broke up, who was it up in Cleveland? When they broke up American Petroleum or whatever it was called way back when. Yep. Yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

It was like when they broke up Ma Bell.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

Right? Because Ma Bell controlled all telephony in in America. They broke it up into 7 separate

Brett Johnson [:

Baby Bells. Yeah. Exactly.

Steve Palmer [:

Baby Bells.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. So

Steve Palmer [:

Well, look. Let's, I I wanna I've gotta go back to Ohio a little bit. I'm gonna link it directly to the debate. Not because we got JD Vance.

Norm Murdock [:

No. We're ready.

Steve Palmer [:

We're ready. So here's here's my observation.

Norm Murdock [:

Yes, sir.

Steve Palmer [:

Waltz, Tim Waltz, he is a mix between Tim Conway and Neil McDonough.

Brett Johnson [:

So look, look.

Norm Murdock [:

I see the images. You're right. He's he's

Steve Palmer [:

he's So, dude, if you combine these 2 funny.

Norm Murdock [:

So, dude so, dude, let me

Steve Palmer [:

If you combine these 2, you've got

Norm Murdock [:

Let me throw some DNA in there.

Steve Palmer [:

In in Conway's from Ohio. Will it be Ohio? Yes, Steve. There you go.

Norm Murdock [:

Steve, 2 weeks ago, you you said Ed Asner.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. I've changed my mind.

Norm Murdock [:

Okay. I'm just

Steve Palmer [:

it dawned on me when I was watching that debate. I was like, man, he looks like Tim Conway, but his eyes are blue. So you gotta combine him with Neil McDonough, and you've got Tim Waltz.

Brett Johnson [:

I thought maybe it was the knucklehead comment that went to sent you to Tim Conway.

Steve Palmer [:

No. Well, It's almost an insult to Tim Conway because the man was a comedic genius

Brett Johnson [:

Oh, yeah. For sure.

Steve Palmer [:

From Ohio. Did I say he's from Ohio? Yeah.

Brett Johnson [:

He's from Ohio. Yeah. He is. He is.

Norm Murdock [:

What was shocking about that debate to me was was Tim Walz's total lack of a grasp of federalism. You could JD is talking about on nonfederal issues. Right? How there how you can have 50 different solutions amongst the 50 states. And that seemed to go right past Walls who thinks, like, the policy on whatever issue you're talking about ought to be federal.

Steve Palmer [:

He's a classic Marxist. Oh my god. You know what? His famous quote and I I sort of wish JD would have said it. It's like when I think Tim Waltz said, look. One man's socialism is another man's neighborliness.

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

It's like he couldn't say that. It's such nonsense. Yeah. Yeah. It's it's such BS. So this he thinks that, the government can fix these. One of these guys that thinks he's got the he's got the ability to fix it. Just give me the power.

Steve Palmer [:

Would you please help out get it fixed up for you?

Norm Murdock [:

The other thing about that debate and and and, this this blew me away. So I did a whole blog on this, people. So go go check us out on, Twitter, Facebook, or our website. I put I put this blog out there on all three platforms. They Waltz accused Trump of having a list of people that, for political reasons, he wants to send to prison. And I'm thinking, j d. Dude. Dude.

Norm Murdock [:

He teed the ball up. There are, what, like, 6 cases pending right now where the Biden administration is trying to put Trump in prison for political reasons.

Steve Palmer [:

And he didn't even have to go there. He could've started at the beginning of the Trump presidency when they start trying to prosecute all his people. It's like they they've been doing this. It's the classic, but the both sides.

Norm Murdock [:

It's unbelievable.

Steve Palmer [:

It's it's classic projectionism. Right? It's like, we're doing this. We're gonna accuse you of doing this.

Norm Murdock [:

That's right. Right.

Steve Palmer [:


Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. Right.

Steve Palmer [:

And it's, that's exactly Yeah. What it was all about. So look, the I don't know. Do you think the debate moved the needle at all?

Brett Johnson [:

I don't know. I think Do VP debates move it? I

Norm Murdock [:

Anyway Traditionally, no.

Steve Palmer [:

I think this one, though, yes. Maybe Biden Trump is so old that

Brett Johnson [:

maybe there's a Yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

Boy, even even the left leaning networks who say that Trump or say that Waltz won the debate, they are still saying JD did a hell of a job.

Brett Johnson [:

I think if JD was not on the ticket and it was Waltz versus someone else, I don't think anybody would give a damn. I think people wanna hear JD. I do too. You just just to hear him in that forum because he's

Norm Murdock [:

He was saying

Steve Palmer [:

he was just JD we had JD here on the show back in the an old version of the show, and he's a very sharp guy. And he proved it here at the in this debate, how how sharp he really is. I mean, there's a lot of stuff with JD I don't necessarily agree with economically. I mean, he still he he he still sort of thinks that government can I I think, anyway?

Norm Murdock [:

No. He he pretty much government can said that. So when they got into the topic of abortion, he was very clever in navigating that. He went right to the support of single moms and, moms in poverty and indicated that the government needed to provide solutions Yeah. Meaning, you know, money to to you know, and, of course, that's the classic thing that Daniel Moynihan pointed out. Well, then the government becomes daddy.

Steve Palmer [:


Brett Johnson [:

I know.

Norm Murdock [:

This is the And it leads to that cycle.

Steve Palmer [:

It's the great society cycle. Right? So you're gonna give money to single moms. You're gonna incentivize single moms. You're gonna get more of what you pay for.

Brett Johnson [:

Right. Right.

Steve Palmer [:

And that's what Mona that's what Monahan was was touting back

Norm Murdock [:

in the day. Shouted him

Steve Palmer [:

down as a racist.

Norm Murdock [:

And then they don't need men. And then these boys grow up, and they're they're in, stressed situations.

Steve Palmer [:

I think though what Jamie

Norm Murdock [:

And they act out.

Steve Palmer [:

To be fair. He I and he sort of dodged a little bit. He's like, look

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, he dodged.

Steve Palmer [:

He's like, look. Oh, yeah. You know, even in Ohio, we just had this constitutional amendment. He goes, so we've had to go back and sort of reevaluate our position. Right. He didn't say it out loud, but I think what he was really saying, look, I am anti abortion. I am pro life. I don't want abortions.

Steve Palmer [:

But we need to get everybody else on our team before we start cramming down any laws one way or another. Now I agree with most of that. I don't think the government should be we should be able what he's saying is we should be able to get to a point in the moral and philosophical debate that we don't need laws to prevent it. It just won't happen as much. You know, that's Right. I think that's what he was trying

Norm Murdock [:

to say. That was the Bill Clinton position. Abortion should be legal but rare.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. And and look, Vance Vance made that argument. And I think, politically, he dodged the question to say, look, I'm pro life.

Norm Murdock [:

He dodged it. Yeah. And he went right to the, you know, we gotta help with adoptions. We gotta make that easier, and we we have to help people.

Steve Palmer [:

And the Catholic church used to be the Yeah. Purveyor of most of that or a lot of that. Not most of it.

Norm Murdock [:

Now it's agencies.

Brett Johnson [:

Well, and it's gotta be built on both ends of the of the adoption process that, you know, allowing and and that scourging women to give up babies for adoption That's

Steve Palmer [:


Brett Johnson [:

And helping parents who wanna be, at or I should say, the couples that want to be parents and not have to go overseas Right. To make it easier to adopt. Right. Because I I've not lived that but we I we my family has friends that had to do that.

Norm Murdock [:

Yes. And

Brett Johnson [:

the IVF We probably don't know people have done it. It's ridiculous.

Norm Murdock [:

And same thing, JD talked about, you know, more help with IVFs. But all of this to your point, Steve, it's like so he comes from a very poverty based family. And through JD's eyes, he saw how important, like, Meals on Wheels and programs like that were to his grandmother who basically raised him. And he's looking at that and he and and that's in his head. Yeah. And he's thinking we gotta deliver

Steve Palmer [:

the experience.

Norm Murdock [:

We gotta live we gotta follow through on those kind of programs for poor people. And I think that's why he, like Bob Dole and a lot of mainstream, you know, Republican philosophers view, at least for the for the for the for the people that are at the bottom of the income scale, government ought to have all these programs. And I would rather see it, be nongovernment agencies Yeah. Myself.

Brett Johnson [:

Well, there's tons of examples of great non profit agencies that are doing great work.

Steve Palmer [:

They're they're doing great. Look, I was adopted. Right? 1970, I was adopted. In today's day and age, I would think I wouldn't exist. Oh, man. You know? Isn't it? You know? It's like,

Norm Murdock [:

And that is so tragic. Yeah. That I mean, we may be It is completely reversed. We may be losing babies that would cure cancer. We we don't know all these millions of babies what they would grow up and do.

Brett Johnson [:

I mean, it's it's unbelievable. What is what is the the saying of, you know, someone praying to to God, to Jesus, or praying to their God, whatever, is like, you know, send us an answer. It's like, I did and you aborted them.

Steve Palmer [:

Yes. I did. Right.

Norm Murdock [:

I mean, that's powerful.

Brett Johnson [:

It is. If you think about it, it's like okay. Yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

And I I don't know. So my outrage of the week I'm gonna skip forward because we're on the abortion topic briefly.

Steve Palmer [:

Oh, you gotta hold off here. We're gonna do the wonderfully outrageous segment when we always do.

Norm Murdock [:

I'll find another outrage. Alright. But Melania Trump's brand new book that just came out this week Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

I saw this.

Norm Murdock [:

Includes her belief now she's Catholic. She loves the Pope. All of these things in her background that are in that book. And yet conflicting with that, in my opinion, she is pro choice. And I'm like and she and and I heard her speak about this. She said, women need to be in full control of their bodies. And what I can't understand, because she's obviously a a brilliant, smart lady, and there's a lot of ladies like this who say that. And what I don't understand is why they don't view, like, you you almost think if if they were carrying puppies or something that was cute, another JD thing.

Norm Murdock [:

Right? But, like, why is it that they don't view that baby, you know, that viable baby inside them as that has rights. It has a body. It has humanity. It's not a kangaroo. It's it's not a cantaloupe. It's, you know, it's a human being, and I don't understand why that doesn't register.

Brett Johnson [:

I wonder if the book and that I haven't heard, you know, the preamble up to her saying that in the book of describes her journey of how she got to that. I want Mindset. Because I I think it's always interesting to to when people take a stance on something, what brought you to that?

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

And I

Brett Johnson [:

And I I don't understand that. Yeah. I don't understand. We probably well, as men, we never will

Norm Murdock [:

Because clearly

Brett Johnson [:

to that degree. But but what brought her to that decision?

Norm Murdock [:

Because clearly Yeah. In the same book, I saw the interview. Clearly, she loves her son, Barron. Yeah. He's everything to her. Right.

Steve Palmer [:

Well, look. The I think there's this is a product of what now since 1968 probably or even earlier, like, of of this pushing that abortion is is your right. It's your good. It's it's like it's a great thing. It's all your

Norm Murdock [:

it's all your body.

Steve Palmer [:

It's all my body.

Norm Murdock [:

It's this Now there's a second one in here.

Steve Palmer [:

It's like you can't you can't there's been a a a sec 2 generations now of people that have been told this.

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

And, you know, it's it's hard to argue. They believe it because they believe it. And and, you know, it's like, I don't agree with it at all. I think it's I think it's an insane. I think there will be a time when we look back on this

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

That this era. History will look back and say, and they aborted, they killed all these kids. They killed all these babies.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

You know, it's like, it it'll coincide, I suspect, with a decline of Western civilization in in some way. Yeah. And the history will treat it that way. It'll be like, can you imagine?

Norm Murdock [:

No. I can't. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

That's what I mean, I think that's how they'll be asking.

Norm Murdock [:

Can you

Brett Johnson [:

imagine that they they

Steve Palmer [:

thought it was a good thing to kill all their babies?

Norm Murdock [:

There's this charity, that Glenn Beck constantly promotes. And I think now, Clay and Buck Show promote this. You guys probably heard of this. It's it's a charity where you donate, and what it does is it gives a, a sonogram, appointment.

Steve Palmer [:

Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. To get the name of the charity.

Norm Murdock [:

To a pregnant young woman, married, not married, doesn't matter. If she wants, she can get a free sonogram or whatever they call that. And they say that when the mother hears the beating heart of her baby inside

Steve Palmer [:

of her, Like, that is It almost always changes. Right?

Norm Murdock [:

And almost like, 90% of them leave and and don't get an abortion.

Steve Palmer [:

It's a clump of cells. Yeah. They're told it's just matter Yes. That doesn't matter. Yeah. You know, it's like, that's what they're told. Yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

But when they see the shape from that ultrasound and they hear the baby's heart

Steve Palmer [:

Anybody who has experienced that That changes. And you're not moved, then you're not human. You like, if you like, I experienced it with my kids. I got to see that. And I got a little here.

Brett Johnson [:

Jaw dropping.

Norm Murdock [:

You see toes?

Steve Palmer [:

It's it gives me it gives me tingles even talking about it. It is it is so incredible. Yeah. And I've always I've always said, if you don't think that that's a baby, just ask any woman who had a miscarriage. Yeah.

Brett Johnson [:

Whether that

Steve Palmer [:

was a baby or not.

Brett Johnson [:

Right. And I and I regret not you know, at that time, we'd had we'd had the technology of just recording that little heartbeat.

Steve Palmer [:

Isn't it insane?

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. I just like to wish you had that. I know. It's like, oh, we could have because you could bring home at that time they have

Steve Palmer [:

all the same thing. And you're shocked and this has happened. They got the little thing. It's like it's it's crazy. Look at that. That would

Brett Johnson [:

have been so cool because the kids would be Yeah. That was my heart then.

Steve Palmer [:

You know,

Brett Johnson [:

I mean, that sort of thing. But anyway yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

Well, look. We got one more big bit of a higher news we should talk about, Charlie Hussle. More of I know this hit you right in the heart. Pete Rose, I think one of the maybe the greatest baseball player of all time.

Norm Murdock [:

All arounder.

Brett Johnson [:

All arounder. All arounder greatest. The older

Norm Murdock [:

he was a manager for a while.

Brett Johnson [:

What he's a

Norm Murdock [:

A base runner. Right. Stole a ton of bases.

Brett Johnson [:

What he did with and for other players Yeah. As well. Because Mike Schmidt would say when he came to the Phillies Oh. That Mike was a better player because Pete was there for a few years. Wow. So he did that in the clubhouse.

Steve Palmer [:


Brett Johnson [:

That that, you know, Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

This is, I've thought a lot about this. And and, look, I was a kid. I grew up on a big red machine. I can probably name all the players Oh, yeah. In the 70 5, 76 teams. But, you know, that everybody can do that. But when I started to think about more was how human Pete Rose really is. Right.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. And, you know, you've got these both sides of Pete Rose, the part that you're talking about, which is directly correlated to the part that's bad. You know, it's like Yeah. He Yeah. He pushed and pushed and pushed and succeeded in baseball for his own egotistical needs. You know, you can almost call it narcissistic, but that's what pushes success as humans. And then we have the other side that you have to balance. You have to say, it it you got this other side of evil.

Steve Palmer [:

You know, we all have it in us in some way, shape, or form. And there's the old saying, it's like, well, which one succeeds and it's the one that you feed? I heard that this week. I heard somebody I think it was Clavin said that.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

It's like the one that you feed is the one that succeeds.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. The white wolf, black

Steve Palmer [:

wolf, cyanide. Is it? The one that the one that you feed. Yep. And and, you know, Pete was flawed in a lot of ways. Oh, sure. But he was successful in a lot of ways. Yeah. And you can be both.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

And there's redemption in that. And this is where we, as a society, as as the woke society, we have eliminated the ability for humans to be, both good and bad, which is to say, we are denying human, reality. Alright.

Brett Johnson [:

Well and and if you look at the hall of fame, so you go to Cooperstown and and if you walk in there and you tell me that any of those guys are angels.

Steve Palmer [:

Oh, come on. Of course. You're lying.

Brett Johnson [:

Right. You know, and it so to me, it's time now Pete's gone. Let's get him in the hall of fame.

Steve Palmer [:

Pete got caught.

Brett Johnson [:

Get get him in there. You can put an asterisk on on his on his plaque or whatever you wanna do. But that dude deserves it because it's gonna bring back a lot of baseball fans of our era back into it because we've been disenfranchised. I think With with baseball.

Steve Palmer [:

And I

Brett Johnson [:

think it would bring me back to say it's a boys club. But doesn't Let him back in. Get him in there.

Steve Palmer [:

The reality of peeping not denied access to the hall of fame is a reflection of the reflection of the same ego on the other side. Yeah. Of course. It's an egotistical decision.

Norm Murdock [:

They made

Steve Palmer [:

that not the reality decision.

Brett Johnson [:

Made that choice on lifetime ban at that 11th hour.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Done and done. I hate you, Pete. So you're never getting in. And nanny nanny nanny. There's nothing you can do about it. You're gonna have to die before you get in.

Brett Johnson [:

It's a boy's club. They can change the rules. Let him in Yeah. For the fans. For the fans.

Steve Palmer [:

It detracts from the the value and the legitimacy of the Hall of Fame.

Norm Murdock [:

Exactly. You know, guys, I I have nothing to add. You guys have said it all. I mean, that basically was my blog about this is, you know, his desire to win was so strong and so mainstream American. The idea that whatever you do, whether it's throwing horseshoes, mopping a floor, serving burgers at McDonald's, whatever you do, you know Pete Rose would do it as best as he could.

Steve Palmer [:

And try to beat you

Norm Murdock [:

That's right.

Steve Palmer [:

Every single time.

Norm Murdock [:

That's right.

Steve Palmer [:

So who do you want on the battlefield with you?

Norm Murdock [:

Honestly. Right. Exactly.

Steve Palmer [:

Do you want Tim Walz, or do you want Pete Rose? Well,

Norm Murdock [:

he shirked his duty, Tim Walz.

Steve Palmer [:

He he did not get into it. But then he went with this passive sort of

Norm Murdock [:

But when it came time to deploy, he weaseled out. And he was dead.

Steve Palmer [:

Who do you want?

Brett Johnson [:

That's right, ma'am.

Steve Palmer [:

Do you want Patton? Yeah. Or do you want Tim Walz?

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

You know, who do you want on the bet? You want somebody who wants to win, damn it. And I don't care why they want to win.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, and has heart. That has heart. And that's his soul. And that's his team player. Yeah. So Pete would lay down a bunt. For Pete. You people don't understand.

Norm Murdock [:

A bunt or a sacrificial fly

Steve Palmer [:

To get a run-in.

Norm Murdock [:

Yes. Is is helping your team at your own loss.

Steve Palmer [:

So Pete winning to him meant his team had to win. That's

Brett Johnson [:

right. Right.

Steve Palmer [:

And like you said, Brett, he made everybody better with competition. That's right. So look. Go let's get cheesy for a second. Go watch the movie Rudy where, you know, you've got the scrub player going up going like he's he's like the what they call the scrimmage hero. You know, he's going, like, full speed against the against the big guys. And he's like, look, I'm here to make you better. I'm no I'm nothing, but I'm here to make you better as a team.

Steve Palmer [:

This is why I'm here. Right. Now Pete was both. I mean, Pete was he did both at his role. Yeah. And and he made everybody better. So, look, if you deny any human access or or if you if you say that person is not worthy of anything at all and you basically cancel them Yeah. For these tendencies, then you've canceled the best people in the world.

Steve Palmer [:

Right? Do you think our best generals, like you said, are are all good? Yeah. And shame on anybody who says that they are. Right? Because these this is I I always say, the wokeness is like the, the the social equivalent of an ex post facto law. You know, it's like, you you you you were judging people by your own perceived morality, which doesn't even exist anyway. So

Norm Murdock [:

I I was I was at Riverfront Stadium that week, not at the game where he, Ty Cobb had 49.4091.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. Yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

But Ty Cobb did.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

And Pete I think I was at the game where Pete equaled ties, Ty Cobb's record, 4191. But the game but he didn't exceed it. He he did that in the next game, and I wasn't there. But I was there that week, and it was really something to be in that stadium because everybody anticipated maybe I'll get to see this record broken. And you were talking about imperfect people in Cooperstown. So Ty Cobb would try to cleat other players.

Steve Palmer [:

He was a notorious prick.

Norm Murdock [:

He was a nasty guy. He he used the n word about the Negro Baseball Leagues and how that was not legitimate because they weren't in baseball when Ty Cobb was, and he wanted to keep the n word people out. He was a horrible, horrible human being. Yeah. And all Pete did that he admitted to, he finally admitted.

Brett Johnson [:

Oh, he lied.

Norm Murdock [:

That's a problem. Yeah. He at first, he said, I didn't bet on baseball. Then he wrote another biography. And in that one, he said Look. I did.

Steve Palmer [:

Pete was a flawed guy. Ty Cobb is a flawed guy.

Norm Murdock [:

But he didn't bet against us.

Steve Palmer [:

The problem, as far as we know, the problem the problem is this, is that when you we we have now created this shifting judgment. So some people get canceled, some people don't get canceled, and it's all dependent upon whatever the popular morality is of the day, which is really to say it's all dependent on politics.

Norm Murdock [:

Right. And it's I mean, for God's sakes, OJ killed people.

Steve Palmer [:

OJ killed people.

Norm Murdock [:

He's in the football hall of fame.

Steve Palmer [:

So the question is Yeah. You know, wouldn't it be better?

Norm Murdock [:

But Pete bet. He bet.

Steve Palmer [:

It's like tearing down statues. Wouldn't it be better to have the actual history written next to the statue?

Brett Johnson [:

Well, and And remember

Steve Palmer [:

his flaws. Including the flaws. Nice. I'm not saying whitewash.

Norm Murdock [:

Every baseball team and the league itself has official gambling partners now.

Brett Johnson [:

No. Exactly.

Norm Murdock [:

Are you kidding me? You're keeping him out of the hall because he bet

Brett Johnson [:

That you're allowing the money to flow the other way. Yeah. Because I it it kinda hit there are many, deaths on a national scale that really hit me. I mean, the first one, and the other thing, you know, and deaths do big family. That's where thing and it is. It's like, why is Pete hit me so hard. Right. And I think it's that and we're all gonna feel this like at chipping away of your of your childhood.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. It it is a mindless of our mortality. He's gone now.

Norm Murdock [:

He was a hero to me.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. You know

Steve Palmer [:

when Johnny Bench dies, it's gonna be

Norm Murdock [:

the same time.

Brett Johnson [:

Because I love the yeah. Just what he did on the field. Johnny wasn't an angel either. No. But it's that what he did on the field amazed me.

Steve Palmer [:

It was sort of like Oh, he did. The media, but, you know, it's like Johnny was a good guy. You know? Throwing from the media perspective.

Norm Murdock [:

Johnny Johnny threw people out on 2nd base when they were stealing. Yeah. That's how fast his

Steve Palmer [:

He was incredible.

Norm Murdock [:

So, like, he could get up out of a crouch Open and throw the ball.

Brett Johnson [:

And and you know how he perfected that? He threw twice as far. Oh my god. So he took this took that distance from second base and further and got his arm pinpointing. That's how he did it. It's in his, catch you later book.

Norm Murdock [:

I mean, it's unreal.

Brett Johnson [:

That is freaking amazing.

Steve Palmer [:

It's freaking amazing.

Brett Johnson [:

That's how he did that. Yeah. You know? And here how Pete Rose have attacked, hitting. You know, his his the ESPN spots that he's done and such like that. It just it's almost common sense. If you think about how they approach doing baseball.

Norm Murdock [:

So you're the pitcher wind up a throw. Just just slow motion wind up a throw. So he watched that ball all the way. So if he's if he's not gonna swing, he followed it. He turned his head and he would watch where it hit. Yeah. The catcher's glove.

Brett Johnson [:


Norm Murdock [:

I mean, that dude, he ran every pop up that he knew the guy was gonna catch. He skedaddled to 1st base Like, I'm gonna be like, what if he drops it?

Brett Johnson [:

I'm there.

Steve Palmer [:

I'm and,

Brett Johnson [:

you know, I I'd forgotten too.

Steve Palmer [:

No margin of error that he's No. Or he's in control.

Brett Johnson [:

And I forgotten how how proficient he was on both sides of the plate. Lefty, righty.

Steve Palmer [:

Oh, yeah. He was a And

Brett Johnson [:

and and I was thinking about this the other night. It's that the attitude of, like, you're not gonna fuck with me, pitcher.

Steve Palmer [:

If you're

Brett Johnson [:

right handed, I'm going I'm going left. You're not gonna do inside pitch on me because I'm gonna flip it around. And he was a he was proficient on both sides. He was I don't I never did get a final number on what he because he was a natural right handed, I believe. I don't know what he done left handed, but I'm sure it's gotta be high 200.

Norm Murdock [:

And you know he practiced that.

Brett Johnson [:

Oh my god. Yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

You know?

Steve Palmer [:

That was just he's self learned.

Norm Murdock [:

That's right.

Steve Palmer [:

He just forced himself to be a leader.

Brett Johnson [:

Amazing player.

Norm Murdock [:

And and and so why was he a hero? Because we all looked at that and said, man, I aspire. What in some ways, you being a lawyer, you know, you being a businessman

Steve Palmer [:

A hustle.

Norm Murdock [:

You you look at that and go, and I want I want a little of that in my character. Yeah. I'm gonna copy that guy's character. I want I want dirt

Brett Johnson [:

all over my front, and I I want that.

Norm Murdock [:

Right. Yeah. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

And and instead, we are we are idolizing almost the opposite in this image, you know. Like, we really are.

Brett Johnson [:

Right. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

Like, good for everybody and blah blah blah blah. Trophies for everybody.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, and even gangsters. Like, young young people love this old gangster thing. And you're like, really? The OG? That's your hero? Not

Brett Johnson [:

like yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

Well, there was a reason, like, our like our icons to take it to boxing. Like, Ali was an icon. Yes. Because he was a he he was a phenomenal boxer first. Right. Right? And then then what he did, like, it it and he was clever. Credibility. And he was sharp.

Steve Palmer [:

He was clever. He worked hard. He trained hard. He hated it, but he did it. Yeah. You know, and and that was the only way he'd get away with his rhetoric. And then it get it landed credibility to his political positions, whether you agreed or didn't agree. That's right.

Steve Palmer [:

It it like, if he would have been a a a stooge who didn't work hard and didn't win in the ring, this had no value whatsoever. So look. Those character qualities can be used for good. They can be used for bad, but almost always you need them if you're gonna be an excellent person.

Norm Murdock [:

That's right. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. If you're gonna if you're gonna excel, you have to have them. So anyway Right. Rest in peace, Charlie O'Souce.

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Alright. We got anything in the justice front?

Norm Murdock [:

I did not find anything compelling.

Steve Palmer [:

Well, I'm gonna talk about something that happened. Because out in Springfield, we had, some group file

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

Private criminal charges

Norm Murdock [:

That's a

Steve Palmer [:

good one. Against Vance Springfield, Ohio, no less, against Vance and Trump. So they what they did is they went down and they filed, a we call them personal filings in Ohio

Norm Murdock [:

law. Private complaint.

Steve Palmer [:

Private complaint or private filing. So in theory, I can go down and I can swear out an affidavit, and I can, I can file a criminal charge against somebody? Now the the prosecutor's office has to review it, and they have to they have to rubber stamp it. I'm not gonna go into all the process, but it's not gonna get any legs, folks. It doesn't mean anything. It was all just a political ploy.

Norm Murdock [:

Political ploy.

Steve Palmer [:

And it was just a a a chance for, somebody to draft out this long lengthy brief. And look, I read the brief. Nice job.

Brett Johnson [:

Oh, really? Yeah. Let me look. Well okay.

Steve Palmer [:

Lots of research went into it. And, you know, they they clearly don't practice criminal law. Yeah.

Brett Johnson [:

Okay. Okay. Okay.

Steve Palmer [:

Lots of research went into it. It was a well written piece, and it was all bullshit. Like, it was it was, you know, they put a lot of time into it. Like, I see, like, a product. Like, I know what it takes to generate that kind of work.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

And it takes time. Yeah. You know, it takes legal resources. It takes time. You know, it's like as Lincoln said, a lawyer's time is a stock and trade. Well, you spent some time on it. So I

Norm Murdock [:

I hope you got paid.

Brett Johnson [:

So it really was yes. It was a waste of time, but it wasn't a waste of time for everyone involved. I mean For for PR purpose. For

Steve Palmer [:

PI purpose. Yeah.

Brett Johnson [:

If done properly and it was

Steve Palmer [:

So look, there's a there's a then this is maybe a bigger picture stuff, bigger picture, consideration. And there's an old saying that if you file it in a legal proof in a legal pleading, then you you have immunity from lawsuit. So, you know, you don't get you can't slander in a public pleading is you have immunity from that. And there's look. I I get it. There's nuances to this, and it's not a hard fast rule. But that's that's sort of the thing. So if you filed in a public pleading, then you can say things, with some protection.

Steve Palmer [:

And lawyers know how to use weaselly words like on information and belief and Yeah. We believe or research shows or Yeah. You know, you know, or we are surmising that. And, you know, you got the right weasel words in there. You can you can basically use the system as a public platform for speech.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Gotcha. It, I think so I'm I'm gonna make a pre January 1st prediction. Regardless of how the election works out, somebody somewhere is gonna document a roasted goose, cat, or dog. Like, there somebody will do it or has done it, and it will be documented. And at some point, it'll come out that the report to JD Vance from whoever the person was in Springfield will be verified at some point. That's my prediction. There were they will eventually find a Haitian who would go on camera and say, yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

I found the stray cat. I cooked it, ate it, Which is legal, by the way, in Canada. I don't know if you guys know that. You can

Steve Palmer [:

eat cats and dogs.

Norm Murdock [:

You can eat cats and dogs in Canada. It's legal. Whatever.

Steve Palmer [:

Mhmm. Whatever. Right?

Norm Murdock [:

And people eat geese all the time. I mean, it's like That's

Brett Johnson [:

what it tastes like crap.

Steve Palmer [:

I I I love to I love to hunt. Yeah. And and water

Norm Murdock [:

Chris Chris goose. Waterfowl

Steve Palmer [:

hunting. Reason. Waterfowl hunting, it's like a live action video game, man. It is so much fun. Calling in birds and watching the ducks come and watching fly. Geese are horrible. I cannot stand eating geese. I I have to turn him in a jerky.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Great.

Steve Palmer [:

Because it's it's like, you know, they're just nasty, nasty things.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, let's go around and do outrageous and wonderful things.

Steve Palmer [:

Got our wonderful outrageousness or outrageously wonderful segment. Now what we do here is we talk about something wonderful that happened during the week that we all are happy about.

Norm Murdock [:

Let's end on let's end on that. Let's end on the wonderful. Let's do the outrageous first. Why don't you just because I already did Melania.

Steve Palmer [:

Look. I think what was outrageous, and and I thought it it really combines with my wonderfulness too, because I'll have a different one, I think. But I after all the all the the, blowback of the live fact checking of the Trump Harris debate, After all the criticism on both sides, really, even the even the Dems were saying, yeah, they went too far in the Trump Harris debate to fact check, and Trump and they even admitted some of the fact checking was wrong. Then we have the the, Vance and Walls debate, and they promised no fact checking. And then they tried to do it anyway. I just I mean, look, there's probably more outrageous things that are are happening, but it just it's like it was so painfully obviously Yes. Outrageous to me that they did it. So

Norm Murdock [:

Nora O'Donnell's statement after they concluded that debate about climate change, she then did a one sentence summation of what she says is the reality. Well, most scientists say that climate change

Steve Palmer [:

is real. Consensus. The consensus.

Norm Murdock [:

And I'm like, what what are you Wikipedia now?

Steve Palmer [:

Like, just outrageous. Outrageous. We decided or as an American the Americans get to decide the president. We get to vote. Yeah. And part and parcel with that, we have this powerful, resource out there called the media. The media is supposed to give us information in real time now. Like, we can have information.

Steve Palmer [:

Boom. I just saw on my phone that the strike they've got a deal for the strike. So we're getting information in in real time.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

And it's a resource that we have. And and what they have done with it is tainted it. They have they have created a and you can say it was Trump that that that created this distrust in the media of this fake news or whatever it is, but it's crap. It the we're only

Norm Murdock [:

talking George Bush Hitler too.

Steve Palmer [:

It is this has been

Norm Murdock [:

going on for a long time.

Steve Palmer [:

We are only observing what we are seeing. Yeah. And this they are now doing it in the open. Yes. They are now in real time trying to, push the climate change agenda by saying there's a scientific consensus. I'm not gonna debate about that now. Right. And, look, believe it.

Steve Palmer [:

All I know is that there's a disagreement on both sides.

Norm Murdock [:

That's right.

Steve Palmer [:

And and now at the same time, they're saying these Haitians were actually here lawfully, and then they won't even let Vance fix it.

Norm Murdock [:

And besides that, Steve, when she says consensus, at one time on planet Earth, the consensus amongst scientists was the earth was flat.

Steve Palmer [:

Look. I I wrote a blog

Norm Murdock [:

And the sun rotated around the earth. Sure. So the whole point of science is to question everything. It's all up in the air at all times. You state a premise That is the science way.

Steve Palmer [:

Scientific method, you state a premise, and you do everything you can to disprove it. Yes. Not prove it, but disprove it.

Norm Murdock [:

And you don't suppress those who are opposing How

Steve Palmer [:

many times? Theory. How many times do you have to prove that the earth is round? I say as many times as somebody asks.

Norm Murdock [:

Exactly right.

Steve Palmer [:

You you should have proof, and I can't remember the biblical scriptures, but you should have proof of your belief.

Norm Murdock [:

Suppress speech by saying, hey. We have a consensus on that. Shut up. You you don't get to question anything. Be quiet. We already have a consensus.

Steve Palmer [:

And in that darkness, that is where the conspiracy conspiracy theories and the dangerous ones even. The dangerous ideology starts to grow. The mold grows in the darkness.

Norm Murdock [:

You really agitated me here, Steve. And so, Brett, excuse me. Just one more thought. One more thought. This week also, to to Steve's point, John Kerry stated that the real problem for governance in the climate area in America Mhmm. Is the first amendment.

Steve Palmer [:

The first amendment's

Norm Murdock [:

in the way. The first amendment's in the way. Holy god.

Brett Johnson [:

He could

Norm Murdock [:

have been president. He's he says that

Steve Palmer [:

I'm John Kerry, and I don't believe in free speech.

Norm Murdock [:

Wow. That's what he said.

Steve Palmer [:

He says the first amendment is a big impediment to us doing what we need to do to to stop disinformation about things like climate change or whatever it would be. I mean, this is true. He said this out loud.

Norm Murdock [:

He said this out loud.

Brett Johnson [:

He said

Steve Palmer [:

it out loud. So look, I mean, it be if you're not leery, if downright rejecting anybody who says, just get rid of our constitutional protections Right. So I can solve the problem. Yeah. That's what they're saying. Right. What they're saying, these these pesky balance of powers, constitutional rights, and at the same time, they're accusing the other side of being a threat to democracy. Look.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. The the greatest protection we have to preserve our democracy, to preserve what we created, what our founders created is the Bill of Rights, is our individual freedoms.

Norm Murdock [:

So I don't want I

Steve Palmer [:

fight for them every day.

Norm Murdock [:

I don't wanna shut up John Kerry. I have no impulse to restrict his speech

Steve Palmer [:

At all.

Norm Murdock [:

But he wants to restrict mine. Correct. It's unbelievable.

Brett Johnson [:


Norm Murdock [:

Anyway Yeah. Exactly.

Brett Johnson [:

No. No. No. No. Outrageous. Apparently, a couple of Ohio representatives had some time on their hands that they have put together a proposal on restrictions on imitation meat and egg products because we, as Ohioans, can't read and understand labeling of, protein placed based, burger patty. So, the 2 GOP state lawmakers say it's time to crack down on how imitation meat and egg products, like plant based proteins, are branded in Ohio. It's House Bill 661.

Brett Johnson [:

Proposal redefines misbranded food in Ohio revised code addition adding definitions for lab grown and insect based and plant based proteins that resemble traditional meat and egg products. So, basically, they're they're saying, you know, if it says burger or a patty, we as Ohioans, we we're so damn stupid.

Norm Murdock [:

We can't figure this out.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. Because we need the government to tell us.

Brett Johnson [:

And then the overreach that we are not going to serve that in our schools because we're trying to protect our farmers. Mhmm. Now guess where the soy is coming from?

Steve Palmer [:

That's right. That's right. So look. I know. This is where we started. The government is putting the thumb on the scale of of things in the market.

Brett Johnson [:

So these 2 have got some time on their hands. Representatives have, Roy Klaffenstein from Haviland and Jack Daniels.

Norm Murdock [:

So you're saying you're saying basically it's duplicative. Yeah. There's already labeling. Yeah. That discloses.

Steve Palmer [:

So in in we're too stupid to understand.

Brett Johnson [:

You're too damn stupid. So this this brand that they have a picture of, and it's an example, incognito from Morningstar. 100% plant protein burger patties.

Norm Murdock [:

What else do you need?

Brett Johnson [:

What else do you need?

Steve Palmer [:

So they can't Plant but we can't say patty anymore.

Brett Johnson [:

I think that's I think it's the term. Burgers and patties. No. I think it's where it's going.

Steve Palmer [:

That's great.

Brett Johnson [:

You're not allowed to call it a hamburger

Steve Palmer [:

or a patty. What about a chicken burger? Exactly. Can I have a kind of a turkey burger?

Norm Murdock [:

So I just

Brett Johnson [:

I just got a bite into that.

Steve Palmer [:

Sounds like a big shit burger to me.

Brett Johnson [:

Because I

Norm Murdock [:

just got back from Kentucky and there's that whole burb, you know, you can't you can't call it Kentucky bourbon or Tennessee bourbon unless it's from those states.

Brett Johnson [:


Norm Murdock [:

Right. Champagne, unless it's from France.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. Blah blah blah. Yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

Good god. Yeah. Protectionist legislation.

Brett Johnson [:

Right. Exactly. That that really serves very little purpose. Well, I'll

Norm Murdock [:

I'll I'll skip the outrage I already did, Melania, and and go to wonderful. So, you guys probably heard that, Biden, probably because he's endorsed Trump, told Elon to take his Starlink, communication in North Carolina and Florida, and they weren't gonna FEMA's not gonna pay you for that. So Trump gets on the horn with Elon and says, Elon, would you just do it as a good citizen for free? And he said, okay, Don. I'll do it. Okay. So

Brett Johnson [:

so so So what what's he gonna do again? I'm sorry.

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, the Starlink cellular service Oh, I gotcha. Is being given for free in the hurricane areas.

Brett Johnson [:

Elon, that is a fantastic move.

Norm Murdock [:

Isn't that a wonderful thing?

Steve Palmer [:

Goodwill That's right. Of

Brett Johnson [:

people will remember you for doing that little

Norm Murdock [:

effort. Exactly.

Steve Palmer [:

And he's he's chock full of his

Brett Johnson [:

kind of sense.

Steve Palmer [:

He really is.

Brett Johnson [:

It makes sense.

Norm Murdock [:

He's a he's a fascinating guy.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. Exactly.

Steve Palmer [:

But now and and I think at the same time, if he would have been forced to do it, he would have fought it all the way to the end. But if he's asked to do it nicely, he'll just go do it. Right?

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Yeah. Trump picked up the phone, and and he crumpled. And he was like, yeah. You know, that's probably a wonderful

Brett Johnson [:

thought about doing it.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, because he he just had his contract canceled. Yeah. And he's thinking, well, gee, that was pretty dumb of you, FEMA, but And he So now he's doing it for free. Yeah.

Brett Johnson [:

Now he's looking he's looking at the value of X going. What I see this recently that's down 80% of what he bought it. It's like, oh my god.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. I don't care.

Norm Murdock [:

Probably Tesla. I'm posting for us then.

Steve Palmer [:

It's common sense. I always move the market.

Brett Johnson [:

Tesla's up, but x is down. Yeah. Oh my god.

Steve Palmer [:

Brett, what's wonderful in your world?

Brett Johnson [:

You know, I'm too angry to go anything wonderful. I I don't know. I know. I just it's been an angry week for me. I I and I think it's the Pete Rose thing. I I don't know. I don't know.

Norm Murdock [:

But that can be wonderful. I'm sure you've had good thoughts.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. You know, and good point. So one wonderful thought that came out of this is that recollection of that going back to my childhood and and and this isn't really Pete Rose related, but it's what I did when as a kid and you will both of you

Norm Murdock [:

guys probably did the same. Hey, people. Look at the hat, by the

Steve Palmer [:


Brett Johnson [:

Cincinnati red. Going to bed, listening to the reds games.

Steve Palmer [:

Oh, yeah. And,

Brett Johnson [:

remembering during those 2 or 3 innings when Joe Knox all would be the play by play.

Steve Palmer [:

Oh. And, this one belongs to the reds.

Brett Johnson [:

And, and and Joe would have Joe and Marty. Joe would have those long pauses of not talking. Yeah. And, you'd hear the crowd and you'd hear the stadium and you were there because of that pause.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. That that presence. Yeah.

Brett Johnson [:

That presence that he didn't have to fill it.

Norm Murdock [:

You know what? He let

Brett Johnson [:

you be at the game by not talking.

Norm Murdock [:

You know what Joe was doing?

Brett Johnson [:

Oh, I know he was. I know. Oh, for sure. But it's that, you know, Marty will go out to get a burger or whatever. But it's that I remembering just hearing the crowd noise going up and down because the mic would pick it up differently when Joe finally got on. But just that

Steve Palmer [:

Well, let's go around the base.

Brett Johnson [:

Just that. I love that.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Johnny Bench.

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, Oh, yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

Backed up by Bill Plummer, maybe?

Norm Murdock [:

Davy Concepcion at short.

Steve Palmer [:

At first was Perez. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Alright. 2nd was Joe Morgan. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

3rd, Dave Concepcion. Or, a short stop was Concepcion. 3rd was Pete.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Sometimes George Foster.

Steve Palmer [:

Sometimes You

Norm Murdock [:

know, see he'd be in

Steve Palmer [:

the outfield. You had, George Foster, Cesar, Geronimo.

Norm Murdock [:

Tony Perez.

Steve Palmer [:

Tony Perez. Or he was 1st base.

Brett Johnson [:

Perez was 1st.

Steve Palmer [:

Perez was 1st.

Norm Murdock [:

Pete, you know, couple times

Brett Johnson [:

he moved.

Steve Palmer [:

I forget the other He would go to 1st. Yeah. Times.

Norm Murdock [:

Did you say George Foster? You already

Brett Johnson [:

had Foster center.

Steve Palmer [:

Was center field. Yeah. I forget right field with Cesar Geronimo. I forget left field.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. The whole line I missed. Yeah. Anyway,

Steve Palmer [:

that's a big red machine. Yeah. Backed up by our Tom Seaver on the mound.

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

Bill or Tom Hume. Yeah. Another pitcher. I forget who their closers were. Yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. But

Steve Palmer [:

go watch the highlights.

Norm Murdock [:

Clay Carroll, what it was a reliever.

Steve Palmer [:

Yep. And Sparky Anderson.

Norm Murdock [:

The horse they called Clay because he had a nose.

Steve Palmer [:

Yes. Sparky Anderson.

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, Sparky. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

But go check out those games, the Boston.

Brett Johnson [:

If you wanna see a funny bit of of Sparky, catch the episode he's on with WKRP in Cincinnati.

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, really?

Brett Johnson [:

He yeah. That one episode that he got had a call in show.

Norm Murdock [:

I'll find that.

Brett Johnson [:

Oh my god. It's hilarious. Sparky was a good actor. He was he was good in that show. He was That one episode.

Steve Palmer [:

Sparky was awesome.

Norm Murdock [:

He was awesome.

Steve Palmer [:

Like, that was an era of baseball Yeah. That will never ever get back. You know? It just became so corporate after that. And I remember, I mean, all the teams, you can pick out characters on all the teams. We we'll talk about Nolan Ryan some other day, but

Norm Murdock [:

Large shot.

Steve Palmer [:

Large shot. I mean

Brett Johnson [:

That's an owner for

Norm Murdock [:

god's sakes with that big dog on David Letterman. So crazy. Oh, for God.

Steve Palmer [:

Like, they were just bigger than life personnel.

Norm Murdock [:

They were.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. So anyway, look, I got a couple of things that were wonderful. Brett, you already brought it up. It was this guy it's it's awful and wonderful. You you had a good Samaritan with a helicopter. He was out there trying to save people, and he's like, damn the torpedoes. I'm gonna go do it anyway. Mhmm.

Steve Palmer [:

And his biggest regret was he like, he he finally acquiesced, and they grounded him. And he he he he acquiesced to the threat of getting arrested for going to save people. But what an what an incredible Yeah. Like like, that's what we need more of.

Norm Murdock [:

I saw a NASCAR driver, Greg Biffle, in a helicopter doing the same thing.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. It's like, look. This is what we need, folks. We need more of this. Yes. We need more of this. Like We do. In the in the face of all this nonsense bureaucracy, we're gonna go save lives and just do it because it's the right thing to do, and it's Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

You know? If like, we are a country built on risk taking.

Norm Murdock [:

Yes. We are.

Steve Palmer [:

And I'm convinced if today if we invented cars today, they would be outlawed by this overprotective government. You know, they would absolutely be outlawed.

Norm Murdock [:

Have you seen the pictures of the horses? They're using horses as pack animals now because the roads are washed away. But a horse can go down those trails. Sure. Yeah. It's like we're going back to technology that

Steve Palmer [:

we we American ingenuity. Right? Just get it done. Fix the problem. Go go get it done. The other thing I think that is sort of wonderful is the backlash that is coming on this idea of men competing against women in women's sports. Every every week, I'm looking I'm not gonna go into the details because we're

Brett Johnson [:

running out

Steve Palmer [:

of time. But every every week, I see more and more stories

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

Of of women's or or even girls, like Yeah. Like, even literally girls.

Norm Murdock [:

That volleyball The

Steve Palmer [:

volleyball team.

Norm Murdock [:

Girls that that joined the lawsuit Yeah. Against their own university.

Steve Palmer [:

Yep. Yep. And we're seeing more and more of people pushing back on this.

Norm Murdock [:

San Jose State University.

Brett Johnson [:

Okay. Yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

Look at that.

Steve Palmer [:

So now we're seeing more and more of this. We're just not gonna play. Yeah. Alright. Well, you're gonna forfeit. That's okay. Because people are taking a stand on something that is right. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

Like, the and it's not just an individual. It's the team.

Norm Murdock [:

So one of her This

Steve Palmer [:

is how things change.

Norm Murdock [:

One of her, co you know, one of the players on the team is a dude. And BYU, and I think, Boise State or you of Idaho. But 2 teams basically said, we're not sending our girls over to play against a man because when he spikes a ball

Steve Palmer [:

It's dangerous. Well, hell yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

Holy god. I saw it

Steve Palmer [:

with a soccer team. I've seen it. There was another, I forget the others. It must have been another volleyball team, but it wasn't just that one. So, like, more and more, this is happening. So, you know, hats off. This is how things change. You you have to fight the culture at the cultural level.

Norm Murdock [:

That's right.

Steve Palmer [:

You know, that that's what has to happen because it's it's wrong.

Norm Murdock [:

And it's also that legal question of standing. She is on the team with the dude. She definitely has standing.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. So that's an interesting that's a legal debate or that's a legal discussion to go down. Like, what what is stand standing means that I have some something is affecting me. The law is affecting me. The conduct's affecting me.

Norm Murdock [:

So forcing her to room with the guy.

Steve Palmer [:

That I have the I have enough at stake where I can bring a lawsuit. Yeah. So it's, like, you as a taxpayer couldn't sue these people because that's not enough. Taxpayer standing doesn't exist. Our Supreme Court laid it to rest. You have to have a personal stake in the outcome somehow individually impacted.

Norm Murdock [:

They're forcing her to to room with this guy, and they didn't tell her. She had no idea.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. Can you imagine that?

Norm Murdock [:

And and so she she said, I wondered why because she's new to the team, a transfer. And she said, I wondered why all the other girls never roomed with this one girl. And she was assigned to me for, like, the last 2 months solid every road trip.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. Well, I

Norm Murdock [:

And she's like, nobody ever told me it's a dude in the bedroom with

Brett Johnson [:

me. Yeah. And I would think there'd be some standing as well too that if so if you're on the team with the guy and you're you're you're playing these teams that are they're just basically saying we're not gonna play you with forfeit the game.

Steve Palmer [:


Brett Johnson [:

You can't accumulate stats.

Steve Palmer [:

No. Yeah. No. No. No. Right. So I would think

Brett Johnson [:

even more so.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Even more so. So if I'm on a team and nobody's playing against me, like, I have been I am I'm here at college getting a scholarship

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

So I can go enjoy my sport so I can play my sport. Now, look, you could even you could ratchet it up even more if it's a sport that could go pro later and you're not.

Norm Murdock [:

Or Olympics.

Brett Johnson [:

Which which women's volleyball now is. It's getting some spotlight for pro. It is. There's the potential of it earning income beyond college. So they're standing right there.

Steve Palmer [:

So this will change the market. This will the the market will move this. The the this is like everybody hates the legal system. I love it. It is the most inefficient yet effective means of making changes because I I got into law for this reason. As as as society goes, so does the legal system. Sometimes one's leading the other, sometimes the other's falling behind.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

But it's it's it's sort of a mirror. It's a it's a mirror image of what's going on.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Tread Scott was a nightmare decision, but then it was overturned.

Steve Palmer [:

Yes. Why? Because it was in writing in a way that would they did their best to justify it, best to rationalize it, and only then can you make an argument against it. Yeah. Right? But if you suppress all that Yeah. You're arguing in the

Norm Murdock [:

dread. Old old old dread. It dreads just property. And then you read that in in writing and you go, he's property? Yeah. He's a human being. Yeah. So Anyway Cool.

Steve Palmer [:

Look. Any we're we're gonna wrap it up with that Common Sense Ohio, where you can check us out at We're coming at you live now. How awesome is that? So I hope you I hope we've got I'm sure we've got millions of of, viewers across the globe. If not, we will next week.

Norm Murdock [:

I love I love everybody, by the way.

Steve Palmer [:

And Norm still loves everybody.

Norm Murdock [:

Even those I vosys vociferously disagree with.

Steve Palmer [:

He says something different once the camera goes off. No. No light. So, anyway, alright. Look. We are Common Sense Ohio. Check us out. Common Sense Ohio show dot com.

Steve Palmer [:

Coming at you right from the middle each and every week, at least until now.




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