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Fitness and Faith – Derrick Johnson pt 1
Episode 140027th November 2023 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:28:43

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Fitness and Faith

 Derrick Johnson pt 1

Physical fitness is something that every person, regardless of age, needs to keep up on. When we think of physical fitness, a lot of time we think of dirty gyms, nasty locker rooms, big hunks that smell and look down on anyone that is not like them. Amen.

But it is not that at all.

When I was growing up in high school, I was anything but fit. I played sports, but was not considered an “athlete” by any stretch of the imagination.

But, once I joined the military, they “kind of have a way” of getting you into shape right away. I was impressed with what I had become and decided to continue down that road of physical fitness.

Our guest today is Derrick Johnson, also an Army veteran, a life coach, a trainer and someone who shares his mission of helping others tap into their true potential.  Derrick came also came from a childhood of being bullied and as a shy child. Physical fitness became his outlet.

Now, he helps folks – just like you – to gain the confidence and physical prowess that comes from becoming physical fit. Amen!  Derrick specializes in helping you turn just about any pain in your life into FUEL to help FAITH be your guide through life! Amen!

Help me welcome to the program, Derrick Johnson.  Derrick, I appreciate you taking the time to come on the program today.

Tell us about growing up and how your sister challenged you to get physically fit…

You advocate that nobody should allow our past to dictate our future. No matter what our past may be all about. Explain that for us…

I know you talk about the “runners high” and things like that when you push your body past what it (the body) thinks is the limit. Can you share with us a little bit about that…

I loved working out in the morning. In the Army, I would wake up at 430am, drive to the unit and go for a run 3 or 4 mile run before PT at 6am.  I just loved working out in the morning.  When did you – and when do you recommend – for people to get their workouts in?

How does physical fitness relate to business success, relationship success – and our own self esteem?

I enjoyed working out on my own. Competing with myself. Lifting more each week, going faster each week, etc. What are your thoughts on working out alone or with others?

Folks, as you heard directly from Derrick Johnson, fitness means more than just doing 100 pushups or being able to lift 200 pounds or run a 7 minute mile. Fitness includes our mental acumen and our Spiritual state as well as our fitness level.

Remember, you have a family that is depending on you. You have coworkers who are depending on you. You have YOU that is depending on YOU to make the right choices in life. Physical fitness is one of those choices. Amen!

Drop down into the show notes and get in touch with Derrick Johnson right now. Right now – while you are thinking about it. Amen. Just click the links below to reach out to Derrick Johnson and start taking back your life right now. Praise God.




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