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The Spirit of Grit
Episode 521st June 2021 • The BraveHearted Woman • Dawn Damon
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Dawn Damon 0:07

Hey beautiful women. This is Dawn Damon, the brave heart mentor and you're listening to the brave hearted woman. This is a podcast designed to help you find your brave so you can live out your beautiful vision. I have been working with women for years. And now I want to help you too. I'm here to awaken the brave heart inside of you so you can ignite the flame of your vision you can reach your goals and achieve your dreams. Come on this good brain.

hen he was nine years old. In:

it for the applause or to please man, I actually pushed myself when no one was looking. It's something that I did for me inside of me. I wanted to grow. I wanted to excel. And so I'm really not surprised as I've come to this age and this place in my life that I am very passionate about helping others find their grit. I want to help you Braveheart. I want to help you find your push, I want you to discover your capacity for tenacity. So what is this thing called grit? How do we find this quality or some people they're born with it, they have a little bit more than their temperament that causes them to be people that will continue to endure and depress. But grit can be fostered. You can learn this you can develop it like anything else in life. So Webster says that grit is the courage and the resolve, or the strength of character. Today, there's a book out called grit. And it's written by Angela Lee Duckworth, and she puts it like this. grit is passion and perseverance for very long term goals. She Angela, by the way, currently spearheads some of the most important studies in this role of grit and how grit plays a huge role in success. But she goes on to say grit is having stamina, grit is sticking with your future. Alright, I want you to hear this a minute. grit is sticking with your future, day in and day out, not just for the week, not just for the month, but sometimes for years, and working really hard to make that future a reality. So I hope you have a vision for your life. I hope you see something for yourself in your future. I hope that you're believing for big things, great things, amazing things, I want to remind you that there are seeds of greatness inside of you. But some of these things, they're not going to just come in a week, they're not going to come in a month. But you've got to have stick to itiveness for years, you've got to believe in yourself, believe in your calling, believe in the passion, believe in the qualities that you have the talents and the skills that you have a calling your Creator put inside of you, and you need grit to get through it. So what's the anatomy of grit? What are some of the components of grit, and I just want to share a few things that came to my mind. First of all, courage, bravery, right. I don't know how it is for you. But I want to just tell you, that this inner fortitude, this strength of courage, this willingness to face fear right in the face, and overcome it and say fear, you're not going to give me small boundaries. I'm not going to live small, I'm not going to shrink. I'm not going to stay shackled to the wall of this prison. I'm going to break out and yeah, I'm scared. I'm doing it afraid, as Joyce Meyer says yes, I'm nervous. But if I don't move forward, if I don't take a step of faith, if I don't take some courageous action, I'm going to stay stuck in an existence or life that I'm not feeling fulfilled. It's I'm not joyful here. I'm not content. I have an aching in my soul or inside this relentless sense of unfulfillment inside me saying, I know God has given me more I know I'm called to more. And it takes courage. That's part of grit is reaching down inside and grabbing hold of courage. Grab a piece of leather and bite down on it if you have to. But take a step of faith. You've got to face your challenges and your obstacles with courage with brave action. And with brave words and courageous words. Don't let words come out of your mouth that allow you to hear yourself in despair and feeling like a failure and confessing and acknowledging that you don't have what it takes and it's never going to happen and oh, what's the point I'm just going to quit. I'm just going to give up. That's deception. That's that is you resistance coming against you. And that resistance is meant for you to push it away and disappear. Out Loud with your mouth and put your words into this universe and planet. Express your faith with words, trusting and standing on your calling that God has given you and saying, I'm going to be courageous.

The next thing I want to talk to you another piece I think of grit is discipline. And these are when I think of discipline, I think about habits that support my goals and my dreams. And I want to talk to you about that. What habits Do you have, in fact, in my online course, we talk about creating powerful habits that support you. Because discipline is important. And I am going to speak about passion today. But discipline can take you further than passion, because you can be really juiced up and excited about something. But if you don't have a structure in place that will help you, if you don't have a plan or a strategy that you're committed to, and then fierce execution that you're disciplined to doing these things, you just gonna have a heart full of passion. And that's great, but you're not going to hold it in your hand. You we have to see these things come to pass, we have to manifest these dreams and visions that we have. And one of the way you're going to do that is by the habits, the discipline. So we don't leave things to chance, we orchestrate what time am I going to wake up? What are the five things that I'm going to do every morning at five o'clock? The five things the six things that every successful person does before 8am? Do you know what those are? Well, I'll share those with you on one of my podcasts here. But you've got to have that discipline because there will be voices that will come in to sabotage your progress all the time, you're going to hear voices to say oh, this isn't worth it, it's not worth the effort. You're tired, take a break. You know, I god bless her, I have one friend that she can't commit to something or stick to it with anything in her. The minute she gets tired of the minute she sniffs some failure, the minute she comes upon a time where it's gonna take grit is gonna take resolve, you've got to stay in there. And if you're feeling weak, you'd call some friends to stand around. Man, she bails she is out she has started more things than I can even think of and I can't even count. And maybe you have a friend like that. Or maybe at times you've been like that. We got to go down a little bit deeper and find out what is sabotaging you Is there a fear of success? Is there a fear of vulnerability is there a fear of not being in control, because when you take some steps of faith, you don't get to control everything you get can you get to control your attitude, that's what you get, you get to decide how you're going to show up and how you're going to face that. So here's another piece of the anatomy of grit, passion. You got to keep the fire ablaze, you've got to stay passionate, you've got the drive, and you've got the commitment. But sometimes distractions can dim our light and you know disruptions and distractions and interruptions, they begin to suck us dry of the energy that we have. And the love for the work that we're called to starts to wane. So you've got to say no to things that interfere, you've got to say no to things that zap your energy. Because you want to give the best hours of your life the best hours of your day to the endeavor that you're called to the thing that you want fulfilled, you don't give it leftovers, there's not a relationship around that would survive if you just gave it leftovers, if you were always tired, if you didn't have passion, if you didn't put that priority first. And so if there are some things that you're believing for, and I really trust and hope that there are brave hearts, that you've got a vision and a dream, and I'm just here to cheer you on, then give the best hours and find out when that is for you find out when your search time is when you're highly creative, and you're highly motivated. Mine is in the morning. And so most of my work is done before 9am I'm, I'm meditating, I'm praying, I'm not reading a book, I'm saying my affirmations, I'm exercising, and I'm creating I have a window of creation. And that's when you know for me, that's when it happens. But also, as you go through life, you know, you want to stay passionate about the thing that you're called to. And one of the ways you can do that is make sure you don't violate your code of ethics, your values, your beliefs, because you can really find yourself in a place where you're frustrated with your own self, you feel discouraged. You have a sense of sadness because you're out of alignment, and that's painful. So keep your values and your beliefs, keep them don't don't get out of alignment by trying to think that you can get away doing something and being something and saying something thing in living a certain way, that's not lining up with what you really believe.

ve got five seconds to do it.:

I am about to give up here? I'm about to throw in the towel. Are you a person who just needs to be encouraged today? You're a brave heart. And so you've got this, let's say a few affirmations together. I persevere. I press on. I do not quit. I am patient in waiting. This journey does not wear me out. My circumstances or even these fearful events do not move me. I am persevering. Kalpana Chawla, an American astronaut said this. The path from dreams to success does exist. Now you have the vision to find it, the courage to get on to it and the perseverance to follow it. That's my word for you today. I hope all of you brave hearts will get on that path. uncover your vision, have the courage to take uncomfortable action, brave action and the grid to stay with it so that you can receive all that you're believing for. This is Don Damon, you're listening to the Braveheart mentor. And I hope today you brave hearted women that you will take a step of courageous action and if you were feeling tempted to give up that today is your reminder to uncover your vision and live your brave.

Thanks for hanging out with me today and becoming brave. If this has helped you be sure to share it with someone and subscribe so you never have to miss another episode. For more about me my books, my coaching or online courses, visit Dawn and as always be brave and live your vision.



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