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070 Five Reasons My Podcast Went Viral
Episode 70 โ€ข 12th September 2024 โ€ข A Changed Mind | Mindset That Matters โ€ข David Bayer
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In this episode, our host, David Bayer, dives into the principles that have driven the rapid growth of his podcast and YouTube channel. He shares his journey from 15,000 subscribers to over 100,000 subscribers, emphasizing the importance of consistency, passion, and authenticity.

David introduces five key principles, including the "Finding Nemo" and "Bamboo" principles, which highlight the power of persistence and foundational growth. He discusses the significance of creating content for personal fulfillment and leading with love and hope.

Tune in for insights on achieving personal and professional success through timeless wisdom and universal principles.


Available on Amazon: A Changed Mind: Go Beyond Self Awareness, Rewire Your Brain & Reengineer Your Reality

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What We Explored This Episode

00:44 Growth Through Consistency

02:03 The Power of Consistency

03:04 Finding Nemo Principle for Podcast Growth

06:07 YouTube Algorithm Insights

09:42 Leading with Love in Content Creation

12:15 The Authenticity Factor

Memorable Quotes

"The number one reason the channel has grown so quickly is simply, I just kept recording and publishing even when nobody was watching."
"The bamboo tree, when you plant it, doesn't come out of the ground for three months, but it's deepening its roots, it's getting strong, it's building the foundation. And then all of a sudden, in month four, it shoots out of the ground and grows to tremendous heights almost overnight."
"When you're willing to just be you, you attract all kinds of new opportunities: wealth, health, possibilities. Everything starts to align when you just relax and be yourself."

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All the people out there who are achieving whatever it is that you want to achieve. Notoriety, thought leadership, a podcast, a best selling book, more wealth, better relationships, whatever it is, 90% of their success was that they just kept doing the thing. That's how they got healthy, that's how they got rich, that's how they became more spiritual. They picked a thing and did it, even though the results weren't there. But eventually, when you keep doing that thing, you get better and better and better at it, and you build a momentum. And so, number one reason the channel has grown so quickly is simply, I just kept recording and publishing even when nobody was watching. Welcome to a changed mind. A journey into the topics that matter to you most. From the neuroscience and spirituality of mindset and personal growth, to groundbreaking strategies for health, wealth and relationship relationships. To open and honest conversations about pressing global issues such as the environment, censorship, corporate capture, and democracy. Each and every episode reminds us of the certainty of the goodness of the future and provides the teachings, tools, and timeless wisdom inspiring you to create real, lasting change in your life and in the world. If you've been desiring a sanctuary for your spirit, a place to go to tune out the distraction, negativity, and doom and gloom, so that you can tap into the deep power, the vibrancy, and the potential you have inside, you're in the right place. Welcome to a changed mind. Hey, it's David. Welcome to a changed mind. A sanctuary for your spirit. A place where each and every episode I remind you of the certainty of the goodness of the future. I am your friend, your host, your guide, David Bayer. We just passed 80,000 subscribers on YouTube, on this channel. And by the end of the month, we're gonna hit over 100,000. And this time last year, I had less than 15,000 subscribers. And honestly, I'd been hovering around 15,000 for three years. And then all of a sudden, things just took off. So, I wanna share with you what happened, why it happened, because what I discovered are actually principles that are responsible for any kind of growth or success, or achieving any kind of goal you wanna achieve. They are actually universal principles that you can apply to growing your business, to attracting more relationships, to making more money, any goal you want to achieve. So, let's start by looking at what happened. Here's a graph of our growth over the last twelve months. Now, this is daily views or listens in the show. I launched the podcast in July of 2023. On this channel, I share my frameworks for personal growth and improvement. And in the beginning I was getting around 5000 listens a month. And then all of a sudden, ten months later, in May, June and July, everything took off. And now we get over a million views a month on this channel. And not only that, but my subscribers, my people, you are binge consuming my content. So this is a pretty amazing statistic. The average listener or viewer is consuming 6.5 episodes per month. Now I only record eight a month. And that sends incredible signals back to YouTube to show more people the channel, right? Because they're trying to keep people on the platform as long as possible. So I've identified five principles that led to this growth, and I'm going to share them with you today. The first principle is what I call the finding Nemo principle. Now, if you've seen the movie finding Nemo, you know what I'm talking about. Dory says, look, we'll find Nemo. All we have to do is just keep swimming. As long as you just keep swimming, you'll get to the desired outcome. In the beginning, it took a lot of time and energy to record these episodes. I was dealing with tech issues. I had never done it before. I was super uncomfortable. I do a bunch of different takes because I never liked anything that I recorded, and I felt like nobody else would either. But even though I was getting in my own way, I stayed committed to a promise that I was going to record one episode a week. So every week, no matter how I felt, no matter what I had going on, no matter how much I did or didn't like the episode I recorded and published it, I just kept swimming. Now, most people give up after a few attempts at something. They expect to get it easier right away, or they expect to get results too soon. And here's a really amazing statistic. The average podcaster never makes it to episode 21. Think about that. All the people out there who are achieving whatever it is that you want to achieve, notoriety, thought leadership, a podcast, a best selling book, more wealth, better relationships, whatever it is, 90% of their success was that they just kept doing the thing. That's how they got healthy, that's how they got rich, that's how they became more spiritual. They picked a thing and did it even though the results weren't there. But eventually, when you keep doing that thing, you get better and better and better at it and you build a momentum. And so, number one reason the channel has grown so quickly is simply, I just kept recording and publishing even when nobody was watching. Now, number two is the bamboo principle. The bamboo tree, when you plant it, doesn't come out of the ground for three months, but it's deepening its roots, it's getting strong, it's building the foundation. And then all of a sudden, in month four, it shoots out of the ground and grows to tremendous heights almost overnight. And so, as I said, I launched the podcast in July of 2023, and ten months later, it literally shot out of the ground. We went from 5000 listeners a month to a million in one month. And the reason for that was there was a whole back catalog of episodes just waiting to sprout out of the ground. Like I said, every week for ten months I was publishing an episode. But the way the YouTube algorithm works for a lot of channels is it watches and waits. It's studying how a handful of people are engaging with your content. It's seeing if you're going to keep publishing. It's looking to see if the metrics across all of your episodes look good. And then one day, boom, it starts pushing the channel out to hundreds of thousands of new viewers because it knows that you've got a strong foundation. And that's exactly what happened. And this is exactly what the universe does with anything that you're consistent with over time. People talk about the overnight success, but really, success is a combination of these first two principles. One, keep doing the thing over and over. Just keep swimming and know that even though you may not see the tall bamboo shoot yet, the underground growth is happening and it's only a matter of time before things take off. Principle number three. And I think this is relevant to both content creators on YouTube, but also to anything you're wanting to create in your life. Do it for you. I love recording my episodes. If you've been a regular watcher of the channel or listener of the show, I'm in my studio. I get to sit down, take a few minutes to organize my thoughts, and then have a very real conversation with you. Because that's what I love to do. If it were up to me, you and I would grab coffee every morning and talk about how the universe works. How thoughts become things. Talk about the challenges we are having in our lives and how we can apply spiritual principles to navigate through them. How we can extend our purpose in the world, to become wealthy on every level. Talk about how we're going to change the world together. And that's what the show is. So as much as I want to share with you, truth be told, I'm doing it because I love it. I need it, I crave it. But so often in our lives we do things for other people or for other reasons. We do things because we think it's going to make others happy and then they will approve of us. Or we do things not because we love doing the thing, but because we think the outcome will finally make us happy. More money, more followers, more freedom. A lot of content creators on YouTube get burned out because they're creating content for the algorithm, not for themselves. Anything that you want to be great at or anything that you want to achieve that is meaningful for you, it's going to come with challenges, unexpected twists and turns. And if you're going to keep going, you have to be doing it for you, doing something you love. I remember after our first million listener month, I hit a streak where I was getting less views and listeners on a handful of episodes that were really great episodes. And I found myself getting down. I expected things to just keep growing and growing, and of course that's not how it happens, but I got down because I started doing it for the numbers, doing it for the growth, and I had to catch myself like, why am I actually doing this? Number one, because I truly love it. And number two, because I love you and I want to be in this conversation with you. So that's principle number three, do it for you. Principle number four, lead with love. I know it sounds hokey, but there's a lot going on in the world today. And fear is something that is inside all of us. And it's something that can be used to hook you. If you look at a lot of the thumbnails and titles on YouTube today shows that I used to watch. It's about how people are coming to get you. It's these really expressive, scary looking, shocking faces and thumbnails around the system is going to collapse and the world is going to end. And you can get people's attention if you do that. You can go out and complain and talk about fear and all the things that are going wrong in your life and you'll find people who will have that conversation with you. But here's the thing, it's not sustainable. When people are bombarded with fear, eventually they burn out and they don't want to look at it anymore and they start looking for something to feel better. Are you with me? It's probably why you're here on this channel. And I think the measure of good content or anything that you're doing for yourself or other people is do I feel better after watching or listening or engaging with this thing? My hypothesis when I launched this show was that people want to feel certain about the future, that they want to believe in miracles and possibilities. And that's why before every episode of my podcast, I say, welcome to a change mind. A sanctuary for your spirit. A place where each and every episode, I remind you of the certainty of the goodness of the future. And that's why my listeners are binge consuming my content. You can look at the comments on my shows. You guys are literally saying, I can't stop watching your videos. It's making me feel so hopeful and so good about myself and my life and what's possible. And now I record two episodes a week. That's eight episodes a month. And the average viewers watching or listening to 6.5 episodes, that's almost every single episode I'm publishing. Why? Because I'm leading with love. I'm leading with hope. I'm leveraging the power of high vibration to bring people into this content and to keep them here, not attract them through doom and gloom and burn them out. So whatever you're doing, lead with love, lead with hope. Leave people feeling better than when you found them. And if you do that, man, you can create a movement. You can achieve anything. The last principle is called the authenticity factor. It's the number one comment I see on my channel. I recently published an episode that talked about how one of my mentors told me to throw my scars, not my stars. We're all so afraid of not being good enough and comparing ourselves to other people, that we do all kinds of things, to posture ourselves, to be liked, to be perfect. And that takes up so much of our life force and our energy. And it's not attractive when you're being you. You're being super powerful. When you let people see your wins and your failures, your stars and your scars, you inspire and you show that you're not perfect. People are looking to relate, to connect more than ever. And the way we do that is through our shared experience. And a lot of our experiences were hard. I talk a lot about my drug and my alcohol and my pornography addiction. I talk about my business failures. I talk about my relationship challenges, my health challenges. I talk about how even today, as a teacher of transformation, I have my good days and my bad days, and people are able to relate to that. And you know what? Because so many other people are afraid to be real, when you're willing to do it, it's magnetic, it stands out. It's attractive. And when you're willing to just be you, you attract all kinds of new opportunities. Wealth, health, possibilities. Everything starts to align when you just relax. And be yourself. So that's what I discovered over the last year. Those takeaways, frankly, are even more valuable than all of the amazing things that have come out of this channel growth. And I hope those distinctions are valuable for you. If they are, leave me a comment. Leave me a question. If you love this episode, look, why not be a part of this growing community? Subscribe hit the Bell icon so you can get reminders if you're listening on the audio platforms. Do me a favor, leave me a rating. That's the way we can get this work out there, and I'll see you in the next episode. Hey, it's David. One more thing. If you want to go even deeper on everything talked about on today's episode, don't forget to jump over to you can find the link in the show notes and subscribe to our newsletter. A couple of times a week I'm going to be sending you the latest episodes that we've released, along with additional free trainings. You'll get immediate access to my free mindhack ebook and go even deeper into all the tools, the technologies, and the frameworks that have helped tens of thousands of people established a change mind. Don't forget to jump on over to the site and I will see you in the next episode.




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