... to episode number 9 and my interview with Sam Seaton who is the CEO of MoneyHub, an award-winning digital financial tool for customer-centric organisations and a leading player in the field of open banking.
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Episode Overview
Sam has worked across a diverse mix of organisations, from global advisory firms such as Towers Watson, to innovative financial forecasting businesses, yet her unwavering ambition to make financial advice and information accessible to all remains constant.
That purpose-driven ambition became very apparent, very quickly in our conversations which lead me to ask Sam about whether a sense of purpose, or knowing your why, is truly important for leaders or is it just hype.
Alongside that we get deep into the weeds discussing resilience, tenacity, and deliberately putting yourself in positions where you feel deeply uncomfortable.
For me, the most interesting part of our conversation was Sam’s methodology for deciding when to stick with a plan and when to change tack.
So, having tee’d up another great episode…please enjoy my conversation with Sam Seaton.
Visual Summaries
Be sure to grab your visual summaries here.