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Fathers in the Field - Mission is to change the lives of young boys
Episode 1022nd February 2024 • Hutch On Hunting • Bruce Hutcheon
00:00:00 01:02:40

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Mike McNeil - Fathers in the Field -

Fathers in the Field with Mike McNeil

 James 1:27 This is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of God, to visit orphans

and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.

Fathers in the Field works to achieve 3 important goals...

FAITH - Demonstrate to boys that they have a Father in

Heaven who created, loves and cares for them, and will never forsake them.

FATHERHOOD - Demonstrate fatherly love and commitment, to repair broken spirits and prepare the foundation for future fatherhood.

FORGIVENESS - Share the need for boys to forgive the failings of their earthly fathers, as our Heavenly Father forgives His children in Christ.

Fatherlessness is the #1 societal issue that is decimating the family and tearing at the very fabric of America.



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