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257: Protecting Your Energy for a Booming Business
Episode 25715th October 2024 • Burnout To All Out Podcast • Melissa Henault
00:00:00 00:50:58

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To really shine as a CEO, you’ve got to start putting yourself first.

Today Melissa is flying solo bringing you life-changing advice on how you can protect your energy in all areas of your life.  She’ll give you the invaluable tips and strategies you need to maintain balance so that you can work, create, and play (yes play!) as your best self.

Operating on all pistons is the only way to build an empire.  Listen in!

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • protecting your energy
  • energy leaks
  • energy blocks
  • prioritizing yourself
  • performance mentality
  • breathwork
  • CEO day
  • subcontracting
  • delegation
  • optimize your business
  • body and business
  • create more impact
  • LinkedIn™


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Melissa [:

Hey, hey, burnout to all out community, excited for this episode. It's one I've been asked to do for quite some time. I'm always asked, how do you always have so much energy, Melissa? You're just loaded with it. And so I'm giving you a peek behind the curtain of my program called the modern entrepreneur where I actually coach in this community around how bodies build businesses. We actually focus on mind, body, and spirituality, and how when we get these things right, actually, everything can unfold in our business. And so, today, inside of our community, I actually coach to them a couple of core buckets of how to protect your energy for impact. And I walk them through the different categories of life and business and, strategically, how you can be more effective in protecting your energy so that you have more capacity to hold what you're calling in by clearing those energetic paths and protecting what is leaking your energy and creating space for growth. So I hope you guys enjoy this episode.

Melissa [:

Need some effective tactical advice that actually helps you get results and makes a real difference in your life and business? You've come to the right place. If you're finding yourself here today, it means you're getting ready to gain serious traction in your business. Rapidly multiply your income and impact. And you're ready to make it happen while living all out. Guys, I'm Melissa Hennault, your trustworthy corporate dropout turned 6 figure business burnout turned happy and healthy CEO of a multimillion dollar online business. And you're listening to the Burnout to All Out pod podcast. On this show, we're serving up innovative growth strategies, simple implementation methods to put them into practice, and action stimulating inspiration tailored specifically for the modern entrepreneur. Let's dive in.

Melissa [:

I put this topic into the modern entrepreneur first, like, one of the first main things I was like before we end the year, after we've done a lot of the woo stuff, we really need to spend time with as we talk about with modern entrepreneur, bodies build businesses. And we've been on very much a inner spiritual journey, inner child shadow work. We've learned modalities for nervous system regulation. We've just learned about even Britney talked a little bit about nutrition. But today, I really wanna talk about protecting your energy in business. So this is something that's not talked about a lot in entrepreneurship and it's why I wanted to make it a in-depth discussion today in modern entrepreneur because there's a couple of different categories of life that could be creating energy leaks for you in business. And those energy leaks can be coming from business, but those energy leaks can also be coming from the home. And so, I've identified a couple of different categories of places that you can be finding energy leaks that are impacting your effectiveness in business and life.

Melissa [:

And that's really what we wanna talk about today because when we have energy leaks and they're occupying our mind and they're occupying literally our physical bodies, it's pulling us away from our highest self and it's pulling us away from the highest impact that we can make. And so the categories I wanna talk about today, we're gonna talk about energy leaks at work. We're gonna talk about energy leaks at home. We're gonna talk about energy leaks and managing energy in the self and the the self body. And some of you are even experts in this, like Tisha, when it comes to nutrition. And then we're also just gonna talk about just random energy leaks that I wanna talk about. So with that, like, I'm just gonna jump in. So what I've learned about myself is that and you guys, some of you have witnessed this in Modern Entrepreneur where how many of you have had some major release or relief from actually just getting to the root of and identifying something that inherently you were holding within that was blocking you and or pulling, like, draining your energy.

Melissa [:

And once you addressed it and moved through it, it created more capacity for you to hold more. And I mean, that's a big premise of modern entrepreneur is we how are we able when we call in more, how do we have the capacity to hold more? Well, we have the capacity to hold more by recognizing where we're leaking. So who has experienced an area of business or life that was really a radical energy leak and you didn't even recognize it till you recognized it and addressed it head on and moved through it. Yes? Okay. And so, that's what today is all about. So what I'm gonna do in Melissa form is I just kinda reflected on these different buckets and I wanna walk you through areas. Call this your energy for performance assessment checklist. I'm gonna walk you through categories.

Melissa [:

You can take notes and ask yourself, where do I need to take better inventory and radical action? And so, I'm actually gonna start with one that's really close to home and actually started me on my kind of personal development journey. And it's actually where Allie and I first connected and it was around the whole, like, nutrition and wellness well-being. I wanna talk about self. I wanna talk about self and energy to perform. I often talk about this and some of you may have heard me use this analogy before. And if you haven't, like, take this in. Professional athletes and Olympians know the value of their body. They know how much of an asset their physical body is.

Melissa [:

They have their nutrition, and their movement, and their sleep down to a science. Why is that? Why is that? Because they've recognized that their bodies are their most valuable asset. So this is a reflective question for all of you. So where you are today in your life and how you prioritize what is of value in your business. Where do you prioritize your physical self in that level? Do you prioritize your team as higher value? Do you prioritize different assets in your business as higher value? Are you prioritizing clients and delivering on service of higher value? Or are you recognizing that in order to deliver at the highest level, you have to make yourself the highest value to take care of. And this is something that really hit me square between the eyes a number of years ago when I first started on my business journey with Kelly Roche. She actually was a professional athlete. She was a pro football cheerleader.

Melissa [:

And I loved what she talked about with this whole performance mentality for entrepreneurs and how are you taking care of yourself. Because when you're in corporate America or when you work for someone else, you can be sick, can't you? You can be out. I know in corporate, I took all the sick days I could. If I was sick, I didn't give a fly an f. I was out because it wasn't my responsibility. But when you own a business, can you afford to be sick? It is no bueno when the CEO is in adrenal crisis or ill for any reason in the ER or urgent care. And so we have to recognize that how we take care of ourselves and if we are ignoring this, the ripple effect it's making in all the decisions we make in business, how we're showing up and responding in business, how resilient we are to challenge in business, how frequently we're getting ill in business, which is slowing us down, and how we're responding to the people that we work with because of our health. Because any of you just felt really shitty on a certain day with a mind blowing headache, just feeling awful and, like, the last thing you can do is handle a staff member or a testy client and you're just you're triggered because you're not taking care of yourself.

Melissa [:

So a couple of things I want you to assess. Start with nutrition. Right? You are what you eat, friends. You are what you eat. And are you respecting yourself well enough to be cognizant of what you're putting in your body? Because you are what you eat. You become what you eat. Literally, your physical body becomes what you ingest. And so if you don't have a really good nourishing nutrition regimen, I want you to assess that.

Melissa [:

I want you to think about yourself as an elite athlete in business. I want you to think about yourself as an Olympian in business, that you have the tenacity to run and lead the company. So there's nutrition, and for those of you who do launches, you do webinars, you're really busy season, some of you guys have heard this with me. I am militant on Sundays before a 9 day launch with making sure my refrigerator is stocked with super healthy nutrition. Because how many of you have been in absolute overwhelm burning the midnight candle with business, and you're, like, eating the leftover chicken nuggets off your kid's plate. You're, like, grabbing the Snickers bar because it's all that's in the you haven't planned. And then, you're just setting yourself up for crash and burn because not only are you exhausted, but now you're not nourishing yourself properly either. So reality check for some of you, are you getting ready for game day? Are you getting ready for game day? I know Laurel knows this from our launches too with our social sellers.

Melissa [:

Are you ready for the push? Or do you have your artillery around you? And then that brings me to sleep is another one. In my early days in business, I would burn the midnight oil thinking that I was being more productive. It just being superwoman in my business until I got my WHOOP Strap. Anybody got like a Oura ring or a WHOOP Strap? Yeah. And started to realize like how detrimental Like, I was the one that was like up till 10 or 11 and up at 4 AM to the gym. I was like literally blowing my adrenals out. Like the amount of cortisol running through my body and the stress in my body, I was so sleep deprived. And this significantly impacts your decision making, but it also impacts your resiliency.

Melissa [:

How triggered you are, how you respond to other people, how you respond when things don't go right, but it also impacts your health going back to sick days. So during launch now, unlike my early days in entrepreneurship, like, literally, I get ahead on my sleep. The first five out of 9 days, I'm in bed before 8:45. And because I know the 5th if you wear one of these, you'll see what mental stress does to you. I wasn't aware that literally the physiological stress of sitting and presenting in front of a 1000 people with 9,000 registrants who watch the replays and a quarter of the revenue for the company on my shoulders, I didn't realize how much physiological stress that actually put on me. I didn't realize that mental stress could equate to physical stress, and I know that Tisha knows all about this. But what I found that was wild and why I'm so militant about sleep now is during one of my launches when I first got my WHOOP Strap, a lot of you guys know I love lifting heavy shit. And I have an app that'll tell me in totality during the workout how much weight I'll lift.

Melissa [:

So like on a leg day, I might lift £15,000. And that's a really strenuous workout for the lower body. Okay? My WHOOP strap on open cart day picked up the same amount of strain as a heavy leg day and I didn't even work out. And I want this to sink in for a minute for you guys because what's happening under mental stress, and I know Tisha knows this well, our body goes into this fight or flight mode. The heart rate goes up, your respirations go up, your adrenals, your body is in survival mode, and you feel you've run a marathon when literally all I've done is physically stand in front of a computer for an hour and a half and present. And so it could be really easy because I see people do this in the online coaching space. You'll like book webinars and stuff and then you'll plan a bunch of shit all around it. Like, you've got capacity to hold that.

Melissa [:

I used to do this. I would have all these coaching calls around my launches. I would have a bunch of team calls, and you don't take into consideration the marathon you're running every day just to deliver the launch. And so, for those of you who are in that kind of realm where there are certain seasons or certain things that you would do in business that require tremendous mental stamina, anticipate that and create space in your calendar around it, and get ahead of it with sleep. Because sleep is one of the number one things that's gonna allow you to continue without fatigue. So I used to think that not having sleep was like a badge of honor, and now it is my number one priority. So some of you probably say I would love to be like that, but I've always been a nighttime person. I always have stayed up late.

Melissa [:

It's just impossible. I challenge you on that, that if you wake up at, like, 5 AM every day for a couple days, you'll get tired and you'll go to bed early. And you guys can call me boring. I just came to the conclusion that nothing good happens after 8:45. It's brain rot on TV or social media. I mean, what the hell else are you doing? I would rather be sleeping and restoring and get up when nobody's awake and take care of myself. So just think about what you're doing late at night if you're saying you're a night person. Okay.

Melissa [:

So that's a little bit about sleep. And again, I could, like, go on about this forever with movement, but choose your way of movement, but make it happen. In my most stressful year of entrepreneurship, 2 or 3 years ago when I was scaled to a $1,000,000 but didn't know how to manage my business, you guys have all heard the story, stressed out to the gill. When on the outside, you would think I should be trying to work on my business 12 hours a day to figure it out. What actually moved me forward was leaving the office and taking a walk for an hour every day to clear my mind and move my body. And sometimes that's when we get the most profound downloads. Some of you guys know Preston Smiles. And when I worked with him, he coached me on this.

Melissa [:

He took a year where he infused more play and movement. And it was he committed to skateboard or surf every day for 365 days. And this is when they had really little kids, and he would and he had both he and his wife worked from home, and he would walk out the door, And his wife, in the middle of the day with a skateboarder or surfboarder, she'd be like, what the hell are you doing? And he's like, it's part of work. This is where I'm going to refresh. I'm gonna move my body. And this is where we get the biggest downloads. For me, yoga is tell yourself if you're, like, not a movement person and you can't get into the buy in of moving your body, attach it to the productivity of your business. Okay? How many of you have some of your greatest thoughts when you're in the shower about your business? Why is that? Because you can't be working.

Melissa [:

You're like standing naked in the shower and there's nothing else to do but mindlessly go through the exact same routine. Shampoo and the conditioner and the soap and your body's on autopilot, but it's lightly moving. And that's when we actually can get into a really cool contemplative place in our brain. So, if you can't get into doing yoga or taking a walk as it being like a waste time, reframe that and say it's good for my business. It's good for my business because it allows me to think creatively and gives me space to allow to receive what I need to hear to move forward in my business. A lot some of you aren't creating space to allow to receive where you need to go next. And I've been in your shoes where literally your calendar is blocked from the moment you wake up till the moment you go to bed, and you haven't given yourself 10 minutes to even reflect to yourself what your next step is. And so, commit to creating light movement for your business if you can't create light movement for your health.

Melissa [:

It doesn't have to be lifting £15,000 in the morning. It really doesn't. I think my team hated it more when I trained for half marathons because I would just be running for an hour and a half, and I'd have all these ideas while I was running. And it's like audio notes. So, yeah, I thought about this. I thought about this. Any of you guys do yoga? One of the great things about yoga, and I'll tell you for me, I don't know if you get great ideas during yoga, but I've started to bring a notebook in beside the mat because, like, I get these downloads while I'm just moving my body through a sequence, and And I don't even care what people think about me. I'll just stop mid flow and I'm like, God, that's a great idea.

Melissa [:

Oh, yeah. This is what I should do. Because you're creating light movement that allows this creative thought process. Okay. So there's movement and there's stillness. When we're talking about self, there's movement and there's also stillness and movement can go hand in hand if you just can't sit still. I find that especially people who are really really anxiety prone or in a really really high stress state to tell them to just sit and meditate is, like, the worst thing you can tell them to do because there's so much chatter, which is why Sam and I were just talking. She's going through something wild right now, and she's on a walk.

Melissa [:

It's almost like a walking meditation. If you are really high stress and sitting to meditate, you're like nothing's coming. This is stressing me out. What should I be thinking about? Don't do it. Go for a light walk. But that stillness as the CEO, how many of you block at least 30 minutes a day in your calendar to be silent as the CEO and process 30 minutes a day. No matter what your spiritual practice is, it could be meditation, it could be prayer. There are certain days where I'm calling in guidance.

Melissa [:

There are certain days when I'm sitting and listening. Sometimes I have specific things I'm asking for, but that I will never forget in corporate America. 1 of the best leaders I had told me. He said, all great leaders create space to think. All great leaders create space to think. So if you're feeling really overwhelmed in business, have you given yourself space to think? Or are you in the tumble of the undercurrent with one nostril above water and haven't given and you're just task to task to task? If you could create the space to think, you could lift your head up out of the undertow and actually see where you wanna go. But sometimes there's so much in action in our business, we're not creating that space. So those are self energetic exercises that preserve energy, create energy.

Melissa [:

The other thing I love to do in sitting in stillness, and this will move to relationships next, is moving energy through your body that needs to be moved. How many of you are harboring spite, grudge, pissed offness? There's somebody. Yeah. That's a thorn in your fucking side, and they're sucking so much energy out of you right now and you can't stop thinking about it. They've wronged you. There's a million litany of reasons why you could be the victim to this other person. And I'm here to tell you that they are sucking your energy. They are leaking your energy.

Melissa [:

One of my most favorite exercises when I'm in a state like that, Sam calls it a cord cutting ceremony, where whoever is pissing you off, whatever is under your skin, to actually sit and listen to this song and direct your thoughts with this person and allow a cord cutting ceremony where you literally move through the mixed emotions, the tears, the anger, the frustration, move it through and out of your body. Be allowed to feel it, but move it. Where people are resentful, they end up being passive aggressive is because they harbor it and they don't move it. They don't take action over it, they just keep it within. And so there's 2 ways to do it and I'm gonna share this with you guys in a second. The song that I love, I'm gonna drop it in the chat. The other one is, how many of you guys did the relationship breath work with Stephanie earlier this year? Don't forget that that's in the archives of the modern entrepreneur. Because just because you heal one relationship or work through one, doesn't mean people aren't going to be people and you're not going to run into this over and over and over again.

Melissa [:

So, I really want you guys to remember that this is in the archives for you. And sometimes we heal one relationship and we start to realize there's healing with another. There's some energy that needs to be moved with another. Whether it's a loved one, it's someone you work with, it could be any aspect. I find it wildly healing. So what I'm gonna do is you can use the breath work that Sam did. I found it just beautiful for me or you can use this song. As a matter of fact, who has a relationship they need to work through right now? Anybody? You don't have to say what it is, or who it is, or anything.

Melissa [:

Who has a relationship that's energetically leaking you right now? Okay. So, Moira, what I want you to do, and anyone else who has a relationship that's energetically leaking you right now. I want you to listen to this song in stillness, not here, not now. And I want you to sit with this song and I want you to have a journal beside you, so that when you're done, you can journal the thoughts that come through. You can journal the thoughts that come through. It's called, And the reality is, and without getting philosophical, but whoever is triggering you, wherever that energy leak is, it's a two way street. The only reason they're bothering you and that the only reason you're leaking energy is because drama only ensues when there's 2 of you on stage. So, the reason that we get triggered and the reason that we're leaking energy is because we're part of that drama.

Melissa [:

We're part of that drama along with that person. And I love how this song beautifully can dispel the energy and actually come out of it with immense gratitude. Okay? Alright. So, that's my song for you guys, for those of you who are managing difficult relationships. Okay? So, Moira, you're committed to listen to this song in silence. Okay? And you're gonna report back to us. For those of you who would need to work through 1, listen to this song in silence. Bring a journal.

Melissa [:

And some of you may feel like after you're done, you you actually wanna send a message to that person, and you can. Those of you who sit through it, bring it to the integration call and share with us what comes up when you work through that energetically charged relationship. Because what happens, it's level 1 is awareness that there's an energetically charged relationship and that it's triggering. Number 2 is recognizing it's leaking energy for me. The highest version of ourselves is able to not just stuff it in or be passive aggressive about it, but to address it and move through it. And that is what creates healing and it creates capacity within to hold more. Does that make sense? When we can move through it? Okay. So, we've talked about self, this vessel energy wise.

Melissa [:

Now, let's pump the brakes and go backwards a little bit and let's talk about the energy in your home. And this is literally physical energy and mental load. How many of you live in a house where you're not the only person? Okay. So you are gonna be susceptible to energy leaks. You cohabitate with other humans. And so there's a number of different ways that I want you to do a full assessment in your house of where am I as a potential business owner and or parent leaking a lot of energy that could be better directed somewhere else. One of the best things I invested in when I thought I couldn't afford it, we're talking about back when I first launched my network marketing company, was to have someone else do my laundry and to have someone else doing meal prep. And I had to check my ego at the door, first of all, as a mom with other mothers judging me because a lot of moms, it's it's a badge of honor that you can do the laundry, you can prep the food, and you can work full time.

Melissa [:

And I've done this exercise with a lot of you guys, but does everyone know their hourly worth, their hourly rate? Have you guys done this exercise lately? Every single one of you that I see here on screen, your hourly rate is above the rate of someone doing many of the house management activities in your house. And the time and energy we're putting into those activities is taking energy from us. And there's also such a thing as decision fatigue. All the decisions that we have to make around the household that impact the decisions we make in our business. There's so many decisions if you're running the household that have to be made before you even start your fucking day in your office. And so one of the most profound things I did in the massive ROI I got was literally starting to delegate 1 by 1 some of the things I was doing in the house that were like, you know what? That's a $20 an hour thing, and I have huge visions for where I'm taking this company. And as long as I continue to do $20 an hour work, I'm not gonna grow my business to $1,000,000 a year because I'm not available. I'm not available.

Melissa [:

And, yes, Lauren has I convinced her to get a house manager. Lauren, can you take yourself off mute for just a second and maybe share how that's changed your life or has it? I don't know. I'm just assuming. Like, how was it?

Lauren [:

I wish she was here every night. I wish she was here through little zones. But I can literally go take my kids to school and come back, and all the dishes are being cleaned up. She's making, like, my homemade dressing. She's doing dinner prep. She's doing laundry. She's even organized my under the sink without even asking. She and she planned up activities for the kids.

Lauren [:

Yeah. So it's been a huge weight off my shoulders just a couple days.

Melissa [:

Yes. And so when we talk about energy, I'm curious. What's your energy tank reserve for your family at the end of a workday when your house manager has been there that morning?

Lauren [:

Oh, my gosh. It's so much harder, especially when kids come home. I don't have to put them in front of the TV because the diapers wrap. I'd like to spend the time with them. Like, yesterday, we went to the park after school rather than.

Melissa [:

Yes. So you can be a present parent and not be overwhelmed with the duties and the responsibilities. And, like, I don't know about your house manager, but everything's prepped in advance. So then there's no, like, big pots and pans from actually cooking, because that's already been washed and put up. So now, all of a sudden, energetically, I have more available to receive my kids. I have more time. We have a healthy dinner together that was healthier than I would have prepared in 12 seconds flat, trying to get everybody fed frozen chicken nuggets. And now that we're done having a delicious meal, we can go outside and spend time together for a little while.

Melissa [:

In the old days, it was, you guys go watch TV, play video games while I'm trying to get this done. And usually, it was over, like, at least a half a bottle of wine trying to calm my nerves and transition from work to managing the kids. And then, by the time they came down to eat, there's pots and pans and shit everywhere. And then, we have dinner, and then we haven't even unpacked lunch boxes and thought about making lunch tomorrow and getting the dishes put up. And so, I could talk about this for a really long time, but for many of you and this isn't just for people with kids. Actually, my neighbor up the street, who's a broadcaster for NASCAR, they have no kids, and they both travel a lot, and she's, like, dying for a house manager to manage the household because they're just really high performing professionals who see the value in their time, and they don't wanna spend it doing these things operationally in their house. The ROI on her doing those house manager work, the ROI on it is nothing compared to the ROI she can have in life and business and hire someone else to do those things. Now I will say before we transition on, I have to say there was a moment in life with newborns and tiny kids why I actually loved locking myself into a room to fold the laundry and watch Netflix all by myself.

Melissa [:

To me, it's like my husband going to cut the grass. He's like, well, I've gotta go cut the grass, so I'm gonna take a beer to see you guys in a couple hours. That was a gift. I'd be like, I'm going to fold the laundry with Netflix and this bottle of wine, and I'll be back in a couple hours. So I get that too. I get that. But, yeah. So the other thing is for those of you who have children in the house, one of the things I've learned is how much I can delegate to little people and how responsible it makes them.

Melissa [:

I actually haven't unloaded a dishwasher in 4 years, and my kids are 12, 11, and 7. Right? Even my littlest can put up the utensils that aren't sharp. So, it's like, how can you start delegating some of these things? They put up all of their laundry. And I know that there can be some resistance at first, especially for the really motherly nurturing. Those of us who've just found that's our love language is to do these things for our kids and then to pull away and have them do it. There can be some resistance that we don't wanna face. Has anybody dealt with that where you're trying to peel back some of the responsibility that you used to have in the house and everybody's resisting because it's but you made the best peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. And I'm like, I promise the peanut butter in the spoon, get the same shit in the bread when you do it too.

Melissa [:

So it's about that delegation and being okay with them doing it messy and creating that autonomy. Plus, you just don't want your kids going to college not knowing how to load a dishwasher or wash their clothes. And the same with a spouse. Some of you I don't know if any of you guys have experienced this, but I know I took a dip from working a whole lot and somehow naturally picked up a lot more of the household responsibility. And then when I picked back up with growing my business, it was really hard to kind of, like, off board some of those things that I had taken on to re delegate to the spouse of, okay, I know for 3 years, I manned all of this, but not a must. We gotta split up the responsibility on this. So that's really about the household itself and how, to Lauren's point, and this was some of the best coaching I got. When you can hire someone in to do some of the tasks that Lauren just mentioned, my team can attest to this.

Melissa [:

And also, I'm gonna speak to something else here in a second. But when my sole job is to get the kids to school and when I walk back in the house, I don't have to clean the Cheerios up off the floor, load the dishwasher, pick up anything that needs to go in the laundry. When I walk back into my house and it is completely put together, mentally and energetically, my transition to work is so much smoother. And I don't know any better way to articulate it than it's like leaving the house and walking into an office and not walking back into the chaos of a bomb that just went off because a bunch of kids just left the house. I can't put a dollar value on the energy exchange of walking into your house and it being ready to receive you. What if you went into an office versus walking into your house and seeing all these things that still need to be done before you can get to your desk? And that's really important for all of us that work from home because we can be so pulled into other things that need to be done versus sit down in front of our desk and get to work. And the other thing I was gonna say to this, and this is back to your experience, Lauren, and with me, I'll never forget after hiring our house manager. It happened to be in kind of a season of I don't know.

Melissa [:

We were in growth mode. Things were just, like, wild with the business, and I'll never forget my husband saying, the past couple of weeks, you've just been in the best mood. Like, things just must be really going well in business. And I'm like, no. I hired a wife. That is why I'm happy. I hired a wife, and I am so happy that I'm not doing all the work that she's doing. This smile is from that, so I can't underscore that.

Melissa [:

So now let's move to work. There's a number of different places in work and business that you can truly be leaking energy and giving it away. And I know some of you guys have heard me talk about this before, but a huge place that you're leaking energy, many of you, is inefficiencies and time blocking and how you're working. And I was victim of this, especially if you're multifaceted, you're running more than one business. It's the switching on and off of how you're doing things is so inefficient. There's lots of data out there. I don't know the number specifically, but I've physically experienced it myself. When you're working on a task and you get interrupted, you address the task and then you come back.

Melissa [:

There's a significant number of minutes that are lost in productivity to orient yourself back into flow state of what you are working on. And when you're doing this all day long and you run that over the weeks and the months and the year, you're literally losing days of productivity. So, how can you be a ninja with your calendar and create relentless boundaries. Okay? So, like, if you look at my calendar today, I have days that I commit to coach. I am on and I am coaching all day long. I'm in that zone and it actually helps me because a lot of the clients have the same questions on the next call and it's just my brain is in that zone. And I also have hair and makeup and I'm in front of the camera. And I actually literally physically am in a specific place where I'm actively coaching.

Melissa [:

So I'm sitting at this computer. Many of you also, all of us have different hats in our businesses as CFO, like COO. Many of us need a true CEO day where you're running and leading command with the team that reports to you. How many of you have some number of either employees or contractors that work for you? Do you have standing calls each week or are they a shmorgasbord all over the place? So what I have is dedicated standing call CEO days, which is Monday. And it doesn't matter how big or small your business is, you can create this cadence with your contractors. This is when we're gonna touch base. We're gonna run through the metrics, the things that you're working on, as large as a company as big as Stacia's, where you have standing calls with a much larger organization. But you can be militant as the owner of your business till when these calls are run.

Melissa [:

Now, we're also content creators, are we not? If we're here, we're creating some type of content. That's a creative space that's very different than being in the masculine. When we're in the masculine and we're coaching or we're CEO ing and leading, that's a very masculine energy. That's very different energy exchange than the creative space. So if you're booking your calendar where you're like, well, I'm gonna I'm gonna have team calls here and then I'm gonna work on my content and then I'm gonna coach here. Like, you just wrecked your day because you've sandwiched in a ton of masculine energy with trying to force feminine energy in an hour, and hope that what needs to come out to create content is going to come to

Lauren [:

you in an hour, and then you

Melissa [:

must turn it off

Lauren [:

to shift to the masculine energy to get into

Melissa [:

the masculine state again. Does anybody resonate with that? Have you ever felt that way before? So I really encourage you to create a calendar that allows the ebb and flow of your day to day activities as an entrepreneur and set that standard for the team that works with you. So like I have once a month for my social media, I have 4 hours blocked once a month. For 4 hours, I do I'll record literally like 30 videos. Okay? And I knock it all out for the next month. So some of you are trying to create content every day, some of you are trying to create content every week. What would it look like if you spent a couple hours in one block per month planning your content, and then you've spent a couple hours on a different day already having the plan ready to record or write whatever you need to do, and spent those 4 hour block creating videos, written content. So this is how we create mass efficiency in my business is I'm not doing this every day.

Melissa [:

I'm time block. I am literally block and this is the thing, it takes relentless commitment to your calendar to allow that to happen. So can you pick creative days in your calendar? And then, many of you are taking consult calls when we're in the middle of a launch. We have blocks in my calendar where I'll take clarity calls. And we have blocks where I won't. You're setting the standard of when you're available and when you aren't. So how can you, a, control your calendar for efficiencies of the feminine and the masculine flow so that you aren't trying to switch and be massively inefficient. The other thing I highly recommend is that when you get into that creative state that you literally turn your notifications off.

Melissa [:

You, I highly encourage you to close out your email. How many of you have been in a creative state, you've got your calendar blocked, I'm gonna create and then you're like, oh, but I've gotta go check that one thing. And you go into your inbox when you're supposed to be creating, and you just get sucked into the vortex. So it takes discipline, but I literally close out my email. So it's not available to me. I close out my notifications and I'll let my team know, hey, I'm about to go on a creative hole. I'll be out in an hour. I'll be out in 3 hours, you name it.

Melissa [:

And you can commit, I know as the CEO, things can happen you need to be available. You can commit to time block every 20 minutes if you need to check your phone and make sure there's no fire drills. But our incessant checking of email, checking of engagement on social media, checking of messages on social media, that's an addictive dopamine that we've created ourselves. When you're refreshing your email, what you're doing when you're spending your day responding to everybody's emails, You're addressing everyone else's urgent needs and you are super unproductive. Unproductive as fuck. Could that be a word? U P A F U P A F. And I see a lot of people operate operate that way, like, all day long, just responding, responding, responding. And then they're like, oh, my God.

Melissa [:

I just didn't get anything done. I'm like, that's because you were answering everybody else's questions instead of working on what's most important to you. So another way that I'm highly, highly productive is I don't respond email to the end of the day. So I work on my urgent needs. I work on what's most important in my business before I'm responding to everyone else's urgent needs. And, also, it's from an energy perspective. It takes a lot of energy for you to lead a business, to lead a team, to coach clients, to think critically and create. You want the best of you.

Melissa [:

So some of you are morning people where that needs to be in your calendar in the morning. Some of you are afternoon energy people, and you need to save that work for the afternoon. But I personally put email where I have the least amount of energy because it gets my least amount of attention because it's other people's needs. I'm not a slave to my email. Allie can attest right now. I have over a 100 probably emails in my inbox right now. And I'm just like, oh, well, I've been working with my clients in person at a podcast in a podcast studio, and I've been live coaching. I'll catch up eventually.

Melissa [:

If it's that important, they'll get me. So do you have digital hygiene to be efficient in what you're doing? And I know a lot of us are LinkedIn warriors. So it's can you create some cadence and efficiency and when you're following up on LinkedIn, when you're in the DMs on LinkedIn, when you're growing your network on LinkedIn? Can you commit to certain days that you're doing that in certain time slots? Because it gets really inefficient otherwise. Or delegate to someone else to do it for $15 an hour. Okay. The second place of energy suck is some of you are working with people that are sucking the energy out of you. Some of you have worked with people who are sucking the energy out of you. And so, are you aware of the energy suck and how it's impacting you? And can you address it? I can't tell you how many different iterations of my business when certain people leave, I realize how much higher of an energy frequency I have after they're gone.

Melissa [:

And I'm like, why the fuck didn't I do that sooner? And so know that if you are in an energetically, negatively charged relationship with people you're working with, it needs to be addressed and worked through or worked out. So, you guys can write that down, like work through it or work it out because it is an energy drain to your productivity. It's an energy drain to your availability for everything else and who you serve. So, I want you to be really, really cognizant of that. Like, are you really aware and are you working through that? Okay. And that goes for clients too. And, Stacia, I'll get to you in just one second. Some of you need to fire some clients.

Melissa [:

Some of you need to fire some customers. Some of you are putting up with bullshit you should not be putting up with. And it's sucking the energy out of you and it's keeping you from capacity to hold a better client. It's taking up space. We were talking about it in our mastermind earlier to yesterday. Imagine giving someone back $20,000 and telling them that they're the wrong fit. I did that this year because I knew their energy sucked. Everybody's money isn't good money.

Melissa [:

Everybody's money isn't good money. And so you have to weigh the impact energetically of a misaligned client to your health and your happiness to the money. Stand in your power. You control the energy. That's an energy leak. If your intuition we have pretty canny intuitions when we're having consults with people. I've had a number of interviews for the mastermind, and I'm like, this is just isn't a good fit for next year. Like, you're not we're not moving forward.

Melissa [:

You control that energy. You control the energy access, I guess I should say. You control the energy access. Okay. Awesome. Yeah. So I wanna just recap on energy and some of the categories that we talked about and then I'll just jump into q and a with you guys, is really that self assessment, energy wise, are you operating on all pistons? Are you fueling yourself nutritionally? Are you operating like an elite athlete? Are you giving yourself the sleep that you need? Are you moving your body the way that you need? Are you creating the space to think like a CEO needs to think? For those of you who are spiritually inclined, are you creating space to connect with your higher purpose and guidance on what you're doing? That's like a self assessment energetically. And an assessment in relationships that are keeping you up at night, that are tugging at you, that are a thorn in your side, how are you moving through those relationships energetically right now? And know that they are leaking you if you're not addressing them or moving through them.

Melissa [:

And then when we move from self into the home, thinking about what can you be delegating right now that can create a happier, healthier human like Lauren popping into work after her house manager has been doing some of the duties around the house? What is your hourly worth and rate? And are you doing activities that someone else should be doing to free you up for what you your zone of genius? And then, in the workplace, are you efficient with your time to protect your energy? Are you efficient with your time to protect your energy? Are you optimizing your daily activities based off of your energy waxes and wanes? And energetically, are you hanging on to staff, employees, contractors who are really negative to your health? They're really negative to your mindset. They're really negative to the culture, and how toxic is it to the rest of the people. And I think that was it. Yeah. Work, home, self. That's it. So with that, that's just my reflection on energy protection for your business and for you. You have to protect energy within in order to optimally run the business and then you have to optimally protect your energy in your business.

Melissa [:

It's a it's a twofold effect. Okay, ladies? Well, this has been a great segment. Before we wrap up, put in the chat based off of today's topic around energy and protecting your energy, body business. What's the one thing you can commit to with change today that could impact your energy positively? What's the one thing you can commit to today that's going to protect your energy so you can create more impact? Get more sleep. Yes. Getting back to daily breath work. Yes. Try not to think of work.

Melissa [:

Yes. And I would say, instead of saying not do, because when we say we're not due, then we focus on what we said we don't wanna do. Maybe anything about, try to think about and name something else instead of not think about work. What can you think about? 30 minutes from myself, nutrition, not responding to emails in the morning. Yes, doctor Anjali. Working with Britney. Oh, yay. She's been amazing with somatic release.

Melissa [:

Yes. Be mindful and aware of where my energy and focuses are. Nutrition. Booking a house cleaner right now. Yes. Love it. Alright, guys. Okay.

Melissa [:

Have an awesome afternoon. I'll probably see you in some coaching calls depending on what programs you're in before the live event, but if not, I hope I see all of you in Austin. Alright, guys. Have a good afternoon. Bye bye. Thanks guys so much for listening in on today's podcast episode. And I can't wait for you to see my upcoming guest in the next episode. You are going to love this keynote speaker.

Melissa [:

Hey, here's the deal. If you like this, please subscribe and leave a review. And you want the latest online business growth strategies and exclusive LinkedIn pro tips sent straight to your phone? Text the word update to 704-318-2285. That is text the word update to 704 318-2285. Can't wait to see you guys. Come find me over on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, wherever you like to hang. Cannot wait to hear how you are enjoying and applying what you're learning. You guys reach out to me over on social because I love hearing what's resonating with you.

Melissa [:

When you reach out to me and you send me those personal DMs, they really do impact the content I continue to bring forward to you. So again, come find me, melissa_henault over on Instagram. Melissahenault over on LinkedIn and Facebook. Can't wait to see you guys over there.




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