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14: Grikk the Many - Matthew Whitby
Episode 1421st December 2020 • Making a Monster • Lucas Zellers
00:00:00 00:15:45

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What happens when the monsters level up too? Matthew Whitby, host of the Dungeon Master's Guild House, shares a goblin with power enough to be more than a level 1 punching bag.

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Meet my guest Matthew Whitby and watch his YouTube podcast "The Dungeon Master's Guildhouse"!


"Something Amiss" by Will Savino,

"Pennywhistle" by Jason Shaw,


Matthew Whitby:

Grikk the Many was once just Grikk.

Matthew Whitby:

So very lonely.

Matthew Whitby:

There was no place for him.

Matthew Whitby:

So he spent years in isolation, Walking aimlessly across barren

Matthew Whitby:

wastelands forests mountain ranges.

Matthew Whitby:

One fateful day.

Matthew Whitby:

Grikk found two identical-looking humans arguing yet speaking in unison, He

Matthew Whitby:

found the whole situation confusing.

Matthew Whitby:

One serious clubbing with a sharp rock later, the situation was so

Matthew Whitby:

much easier to understand attention caught on a glowing ring that had a

Matthew Whitby:

reflective surface, the artifact called out to Grikk urging him to wear it.

Matthew Whitby:

So he did clutching the ring.

Matthew Whitby:

Grikk felt the potential of something.

Matthew Whitby:

He never truly considered the chance to be alone.

Matthew Whitby:

No more.

Matthew Whitby:

The opportunity latched around his mind until he reached out with the ring.

Matthew Whitby:

On the third attempt, Grikk stood staring at Grikk One moment later, Greek was

Matthew Whitby:

joined by Grikk Grikk Grikk and Grikk Grikk wasn't alone anymore In fact, Grikk

Matthew Whitby:

wasn't even Grikk - he was Grikk the Many.


Hello and welcome to Making a Monster, the weekly podcast where


game designers show us their favorite monster and we discover how it works,


why it works and what it means.


I'm Lucas Zellers.


The starter adventure in the last two editions of Dungeons & Dragons began

with the same encounter:

goblin attack.

with the same encounter:

These evil little gremlins ambush you, now fight for your barely capable lives!

with the same encounter:

The heroic fantasy genre gives its audience characters who progress from

with the same encounter:

stopping the smallest threats, like goblins, to the largest ones, like

with the same encounter:

demon princes and undead wizards.

with the same encounter:

But tabletop role-playing games allow their worlds to progress

with the same encounter:

without the characters' interaction.

with the same encounter:

These games don't need to wait for players to trigger a quick-time

with the same encounter:

event or load the next stage like a video game does, which means in these

with the same encounter:

worlds the monsters can level up, too.

with the same encounter:

My guest on this final episode of Making a Monster season one created

with the same encounter:

a series of goblins who transcend the usual first encounter use of

with the same encounter:

the creature in Runa and Ulfgar's Compendium of Big Boss Epic Goblins.

Matthew Whitby:


Matthew Whitby:

I am Matthew Whitby.

Matthew Whitby:

I am an author on the DM's Guild and the host of the Dungeon Masters Guild

Matthew Whitby:

House, which is a weekly podcast where I chat with people on the DM's Guild.

Matthew Whitby:

But mostly I'm an author for adventures.

Matthew Whitby:

And in my many adventures, I'm quite fond of inserting in exciting

Matthew Whitby:

monsters or challenges that players might have never faced before.


Of the monsters in those 30 products that you've released,


what's your favorite and why?

Matthew Whitby:

Ooh, yeah, this again, this was a tough one.

Matthew Whitby:

One of the products that I, I'm really proud of was, was a collaboration on

Matthew Whitby:

Runa and Ulfgar's Compendium of Big Boss Epic Goblins, which was essentially a

Matthew Whitby:

brainchild that kind of stemmed from the idea of, people like goblins,

Matthew Whitby:

but goblins, they run out of like, Threats or, or being like a, anything

Matthew Whitby:

meaningful past like level five.

Matthew Whitby:

Sure you can, maybe get like some giants and have the goblin scaring

Matthew Whitby:

them out, but the goblins themselves aren't in like the big threat.

Matthew Whitby:

So that was like a collaboration with myself, Adam Hancock, and Jimmy

Matthew Whitby:

Merritt, edited with Ryan Langr.

Matthew Whitby:

and between the three of us, we came up with, I think, what was, it was

Matthew Whitby:

like, 20 big boss epic goblins.

Matthew Whitby:

one on ones that I wrote was, was called Grikk the Many, and it was

Matthew Whitby:

a goblin that had a, A particular artifact: the Ring of Many Selves.

Matthew Whitby:

Essentially, it was a ring that was designed to, create a copy of

Matthew Whitby:

yourself, much like a simulacrum.

Matthew Whitby:

However, this artifact in its creation, was, twisted and there were complications.

Matthew Whitby:

so in the fact that despite you sort of create a copy of yourself,

Matthew Whitby:

both versions of you share the same, subconscious or brainwaves, or like

Matthew Whitby:

essentially you create your own hive mind.

Matthew Whitby:

This one goblin who wears this ring, who has now created, like

Matthew Whitby:

then they're not a singular goblin.

Matthew Whitby:

They are a mass of, of goblins.

Matthew Whitby:

And out of all the other people, who've had this Ring of Many Selves, Grikk has

Matthew Whitby:

somehow managed to sort of overcome it, and become essentially the Master of Many.

Matthew Whitby:

what the kind of design ethos was was the fact that it they're there, that

Matthew Whitby:

stuff people like about governance.

Matthew Whitby:

And, it's the idea that.

Matthew Whitby:

That they, they are, that they, if it is like just that sort of like

Matthew Whitby:

comedic relief or just, the nature of how goblins are, to sort of show the

Matthew Whitby:

potential arc of like, well, I mean, the players are leveling up, the players

Matthew Whitby:

are getting to like level 10, 15, 20, and, getting all these possibilities.

Matthew Whitby:

I'm surely, there's gotta be some means which goblins to

Matthew Whitby:

also follow in their suit.

Matthew Whitby:

That's an expectation because at the end of the day players, probably by

Matthew Whitby:

the time they hit 15 to 20, they're so used to stomping goblins that if

Matthew Whitby:

they come face to face with any of these, any anybody they're going to be

Matthew Whitby:

like, Oh, this isn't just the goblin.

Matthew Whitby:

This is, at least in Grikk the Many's case of like, "Oh, this is - like a lot of This

Matthew Whitby:

isn't - this is an . . . I'll be honest.

Matthew Whitby:

This is an excessive amount of goblins

Matthew Whitby:

". Lucas: when you were putting this

Matthew Whitby:

on your thought process or, other stories or, tropes that you can

Matthew Whitby:

identify that you were drawing on?

Matthew Whitby:

think I got thinking about the idea of like, what about

Matthew Whitby:

like a ? Wouldn't that, wouldn't that just be cool, like to take, a

Matthew Whitby:

swarms are fun, fun to deal with.

Matthew Whitby:

What if we could somehow like make a goblin swam and then that kind of like

Matthew Whitby:

reverse engineering of like, okay, well, how did you get a swarm of goblins?

Matthew Whitby:

And I was like, well, if they happen to all share the same subconscious and then

Matthew Whitby:

it's like, well, okay, well they need a leader of something and that's great.


Swarm mechanics are one of those things that are in the book that probably


you could be a veteran player of the game and not at all know how this works.


Can you fill us in on what makes a swarm in fifth edition?




So, so essentially it is a kind of like a weird - well it's a stat block


that kind of has, the ability to occupy another space of any other creature.


Typically they're like a, their size is like, for example, the Grikk


swarm, which is essentially, any goblin that isn't Grikk or like one


of the many clones is a Grikk swarm.


They count as a huge form Of small humanoids.


and that's kinda how you sort of identify them.


Combat wise, they typically only have like one attack action.


and that damage is, Is 20 - 4d8+2 - bludgeoning damage or 11 - 2d8+2 If the


swarm is half its hit points or fewer.


So essentially it is a creature that is strength is tied


to its current hit points.


and I believe it's kind of hit points is, is, happening for that.


We have as like 40 D six.


so I think that's probably to equate to.


I don't know if it is 40 goblins.


I don't know how many in a huge, I'm trying to think of logistics


of how many Gobbins you could fit into a huge size because


Depends on how close you pack them, I guess.


I'm curious, what you want players to feel when they encounter Grikk?

Matthew Whitby:




Matthew Whitby:

I think, I think what Grikk is, is Grikk is an interesting one

Matthew Whitby:

because he - they, I guess - they fill that gap of like, of being a, never-ending

Matthew Whitby:

horror to almost a comedic, opponent, depending on how it suits your campaign,

Matthew Whitby:

because there is the idea of a goblin that just never, there is no end to it.

Matthew Whitby:

It's not a case of when , or how Grikk the Many consumes you or overwhelms

Matthew Whitby:

you, it's just a matter of time.

Matthew Whitby:

Because there are thousands or hundreds of, of every goblin that has different

Matthew Whitby:

thoughts, different feelings, different sensations that they are just, insane.

Matthew Whitby:

at that point, they no longer fear pain because they constantly feel it.

Matthew Whitby:

if you imagine a Grikk swarm, there are goblins at the bottom being smushed

Matthew Whitby:

on by the goblins at the top, and, and every goblin is feeling that.

Matthew Whitby:

When you kind of think about it, it's, it's pretty messed

Matthew Whitby:

up in like the nicest way.

Matthew Whitby:

I think as well, if you just see a swarm of goblins, you can't

Matthew Whitby:

spot the original Grikk from them.

Matthew Whitby:

And that's kind of reflected in their stat block, the fact that they can

Matthew Whitby:

willingly hide between swarms, Making them harder just to fall off, pick out,

Matthew Whitby:

on that last time, that would make sense.

Matthew Whitby:

So challenging.

Matthew Whitby:

It's the fact that you can't just single outbreak, there's no end - there's,

Matthew Whitby:

there's like there's so many Grikks.

Matthew Whitby:

horror and comedy or comedy and tragedy, comedy and those

Matthew Whitby:

things kind of go hand in hand.

Matthew Whitby:

and yeah, I, I think again, you have the advantage with running campaigns

Matthew Whitby:

to lure people in with, with a sort of comical opening, and then when you

Matthew Whitby:

think about the realistic situation of kind of what's being presented with,

Matthew Whitby:

it's hard not to see that horror.

Matthew Whitby:

It's the idea that, at this point, does Grikk even exist anymore

Matthew Whitby:

or is Grikk all the Grikks?

Matthew Whitby:

Does this goblin have any like sense of self anymore?

Matthew Whitby:

Or have they lost themselves in being one of, a thousand identical-looking goblins?

Matthew Whitby:

Which I feel like you could draw some parallels and other, maybe,

Matthew Whitby:

some, maybe some real life parallels and, maybe again, I'm learning.

Matthew Whitby:

Maybe I went deep in this.

Matthew Whitby:

Maybe this is my, my subconscious screaming out.


Maybe it is They say that comedy is wide shot and tragedy is a closeup.


So you're right.


We start with the comedy opening and the further you get into it, the


more meaning and emotion you find.


and at the bottom of that, where it flips and where I think you just


left off is, does Grikk, the Many give us a metaphor that we can use to


understand the world that we live in?

Matthew Whitby:

On the surface level, I suppose, you can see the

Matthew Whitby:

parallels between the lengths Grikk went to in finding a, group to sort

Matthew Whitby:

of associate themselves with that.

Matthew Whitby:

They've lost all sense of self.

Matthew Whitby:

and again, maybe again, maybe if Grikk was, more self-confident and, comfortable

Matthew Whitby:

in their own shoes, and possession of sharp pointy rocks, they wouldn't

Matthew Whitby:

have stepped the path that led them to being, just one of, one of thousands.

Matthew Whitby:

I think, yeah, I, I don't know if that is a lesson in itself.

Matthew Whitby:

and I don't even know if that was like an intended lesson from the get go.

Matthew Whitby:

I, I it's, that's another thing is like, it's interesting even as to the

Matthew Whitby:

author, I honestly don't know if it was just like, "Hey, I just want to

Matthew Whitby:

throw some goblin swarms at people," or if like, some sort of subconscious

Matthew Whitby:

level, there's me thinking that.

Matthew Whitby:

In writing the backstory and you know who this, who Grikk the Many

Matthew Whitby:

is, yeah, maybe, maybe, maybe

Matthew Whitby:

that is a good question.

Matthew Whitby:

You have successfully stumped me.


I don't think I have, honestly, I'm going to keep pretty much all of that.


one more thing about goblins.


D and D uses goblins in a very particular way.


And we've talked about that I wonder if in your experience you've been introduced


to, other iterations or uses of the term goblin or the creature goblin, and, maybe


why they would've gotten into this game.

Matthew Whitby:


Matthew Whitby:

I guess a certain point, I kind of find kind of interesting about.

Matthew Whitby:

At least the, the, the goblins presented within D&D is, is

Matthew Whitby:

they are quite versatile.

Matthew Whitby:

And you do have the option to just make them like, the sort of child snatching,

Matthew Whitby:

just, just diabolically evil, , little gremlins, or you do have them as like,

Matthew Whitby:

essentially a, more, self-aware more sort of like "sell-swordy-esque."

Matthew Whitby:

And alternatively w in my, like, digging into the lore, the goblins of

Matthew Whitby:

the Feywild are completely different.

Matthew Whitby:

for example, you, there are got most, some of the goblins within the used

Matthew Whitby:

to be evil, aligned creatures that were taken to a, essentially the goblin kingdom

Matthew Whitby:

of the wild and converted into goblins, just magically like converted like that.

Matthew Whitby:

and it's interesting thing of like, yeah, or like a race of people who are

Matthew Whitby:

goblins, but weren't born as goblins

Matthew Whitby:

and how that kind of impacts the way they, where they act.

Matthew Whitby:

So, I'm, I'm not quite sure if I've answered, answered your question.

Matthew Whitby:


Matthew Whitby:

other than just saying, I, I, I think I that's why like, if my

Matthew Whitby:

goblins is, how versatile they are.


where do you want people to go to find more of what you do or get in touch


with you and the things that you do.

Matthew Whitby:


Matthew Whitby:


Matthew Whitby:

So the best place to kind of hear about everything I do is is, is Twitter.

Matthew Whitby:

chances are, you will find me on there and life, or like actually, actually

Matthew Whitby:

I will tell you that my phone will be in my hand, whenever you send the

Matthew Whitby:

tweet at me, and that would be right.

Matthew Whitby:

but other than that, if you just search on the DMS Guild for Matthew Whitby, who

Matthew Whitby:

I am, yeah, you can find a list of, of, of my products and, my newest products.

Matthew Whitby:

textile men is out.

Matthew Whitby:

I highly recommend people picking up weed.

Matthew Whitby:


Matthew Whitby:

A charming little God, God, God, and God S Adventure.

Matthew Whitby:

and, over the next few days, my next product, which is Madden Madam

Matthew Whitby:

Eva's, Tara coat to throw codec of friends, foes and fortunes,

Matthew Whitby:

that's, that's coming out very soon.

Matthew Whitby:

So, so yeah.

Matthew Whitby:


Matthew Whitby:

Please, please watch me follow me on Twitter to hear about all that.




If you want to confuse and amuse the players in your game with Grikk the


Many, you can find him in Runa and Ulfgar's Compendium of Big Boss Epic


Goblins on the DM's Guild and there is, of course, a link in the description.


Matthew and his collaborators volunteered this product to be part


of the, keep playing it forward program, which offers community


copies to gamers at reduced prices.


So people can keep playing, even if money is tight.


So follow that link in the show notes, to get a copy of the compendium at


50 90, or even a hundred percent off.

Matthew Whitby:

And also one thing I do with most of my products is I have

Matthew Whitby:

the full preview, so they can see the entire book and it's in a sorority.


Well, thanks.




I'm excited to recommend this.


I had a great time reading this book and I'm really excited for people to see it.


Thanks for listening to Making a Monster.


The opening music in this episode is from Wil Savino.


It's called "Something is Amiss."


Find out more at


This has been the final episode of making a Monster's first season.


This show has surprised me over and over again in the passion and joy my


interviewees have brought to their craft and the depth of meaning and


cultural scholarship available in the stories that we tell together.


I hope the show has given you the inspiration and the tools to play more


meaningful and memorable games, and I hope you'll join me for season two in 2021.


In the meantime, there may be some bonus episodes.


There's a lot of pieces of these interviews I haven't released yet.


And, I have some upcoming appearances on other podcasts that you can watch for


find it all at


And if you want to make the show better in its second season, you can find me


on KoFi at slash spark otter.



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