In this week's episode Lauren discusses the differences between being the Business Owner and being an Employee in Your Business.
How Lauren Moved from Employee IN her business, to Owner OF her Business.
- Recognising that if your business can't continue to operate without your ongoing physical presence, you're operating as an Employee (or Manager) in your Business, and not as the Owner of your business.
- Refocus your resources (over time) on training yourself less and your Team more - they will appreciate it. Create systems, policies and procedures to guide your Team toward success. Reduce your own availability slowly but surely, and expect some initial resistance from Staff, Suppliers and Clients to you reducing your availability.
- Move from training yourself in Services; to expanding your learning around Marketing, Leadership and Systems Thinking & Creation.
- Stop promoting yourself and your presence on your Salon socials, and re-focus your marketing on those Team Members who are still building up their columns.
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This Episode was Recorded and Produced by Josh Liston at
This episodes theme music (Title: 'Highlander'') is from the amazing 'Scandianvianz'.
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