At the beginning of any new year it is easy to set ourselves New Year's Resolutions that normally fizzle out by February. For the past couple of years I have approached my years in a different way and I thought I would share this with you in this episode.
There are applicable tips in this show for you and your family business and how to shape your vision and goals.
Remember to sign up to the newsletter to receive my 2022 Mission Statement
My Three Words from Chris Brogan -
Atomic Habits by James Clear -
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this week's episode of the family business podcast.
Russ Haworth:. As I have explained in the preview show, if you've listened to that,
Russ Haworth:these are shorter form podcasts focused on a particular topic.
Russ Haworth:This week is goals and habits, and I'll get into those a little bit more.
Russ Haworth:Very short.
Russ Haworth:If you are new to the show or if you haven't done so already, please do
Russ Haworth:sign up to the newsletter, particularly given the January newsletter for 20,
Russ Haworth:22 is going to be following up on what is included in this episode.
Russ Haworth:So I'm going to be sharing with you my 2022 mission statement.
Russ Haworth:If that's not too.
Russ Haworth:Boulder title for what it is that I'm hoping to achieve in this year.
Russ Haworth:And in this episode, I wanted to share how I work my way down from an overall vision
Russ Haworth:into the goals I want to achieve in order to help me get to that vision and also
Russ Haworth:their habits and behaviors that I need to take on and demonstrate over the course
Russ Haworth:of the year in order to achieve those goals in order to achieve that vision.
Russ Haworth:And I put that all together in my mission statement for this year.
Russ Haworth:. So obviously it is a new year and this time of year is pretty synonymous
Russ Haworth:with new year's resolutions.
Russ Haworth:I try not to set or call them new year's resolutions because.
Russ Haworth:Mostly I miss out on those.
Russ Haworth:Last couple of years, I have changed the way in which I have set myself
Russ Haworth:targets and goals for each year.
Russ Haworth:And a big shift that I made which became a much more successful I'm
Russ Haworth:going to share with you what that is and share some resources that
Russ Haworth:I think would be useful for those.
Russ Haworth:If what I talk about today resonates, then there's some great resources out there to
Russ Haworth:help support what it is your looking at.
Russ Haworth:, in terms of where I start with my goals or aspirations for each year
Russ Haworth:I start by looking at what I want my lifestyle to look like, what I want
Russ Haworth:to be doing on an annual basis on a monthly, weekly, and daily basis and
Russ Haworth:understanding what a fulfilled and happy lifestyle looks like for me.
Russ Haworth:Now, I'm not a firm believer in.
Russ Haworth:The whole work-life balance mindset.
Russ Haworth:I think it's it's life.
Russ Haworth:And if you are doing something that you love to be doing, it doesn't necessarily
Russ Haworth:feel like, you know, that's the fun tax you pay for having a particular lifestyle.
Russ Haworth:So that's part of the reason why I do what I do because I love it, but
Russ Haworth:also because it allows me to create a lifestyle that will leave me.
Russ Haworth:Feeling fulfilled and given that we are only here once life, isn't a rehearsal.
Russ Haworth:I think that is an important aspect.
Russ Haworth:So starting off with that overall vision doesn't necessarily mean unrestricted to
Russ Haworth:12 months, but it does give me a bigger picture of what I want my life to look
Russ Haworth:like rather than the specific day-to-day.
Russ Haworth:I then move on to the three words that are going to guide me across the year.
Russ Haworth:And that is a method that was introduced to me by somebody called Chris Brogan.
Russ Haworth:If you don't follow Chris on social media, I suggest you do so.
Russ Haworth:He's a great value.
Russ Haworth:He's got a show called the backpacks.
Russ Haworth:He also pioneered something called my three words.
Russ Haworth:Now it's a process that he used himself and found very useful and
Russ Haworth:so shared it with his audience.
Russ Haworth:And in essence, those three words become the three words to guide you through.
Russ Haworth:The following year and by setting those three words and really thinking about
Russ Haworth:what those three words are, what they mean to you, it feels far more personal.
Russ Haworth:Particularly for me, in terms of what I'm looking to do for 2022, it feels
Russ Haworth:far more personal to have three words.
Russ Haworth:That mean something to me that I can align my goals to On the link in the
Russ Haworth:show notes, there's a full explanation of what Chris suggests in terms of how you
Russ Haworth:go about finding your own three words.
Russ Haworth:A couple of points to make from those firstly, it's not a phrase,
Russ Haworth:so it's not to become fitter for example, as your three words.
Russ Haworth:and Chris also suggests that they are actionable words
Russ Haworth:rather than non-actionable.
Russ Haworth:And the plan is you stick with them throughout the year.
Russ Haworth:So you revert back to them.
Russ Haworth:He says our daily basis to ensure that they become your north
Russ Haworth:star, they become what guides you through the, the 12 month period.
Russ Haworth:And in order for it to be something that is meaningful and something
Russ Haworth:that is valuable to you again, he suggests using plain words rather
Russ Haworth:than an obscure or out there words.
Russ Haworth:And as I say, there's a link in the show notes that signposts
Russ Haworth:that in far more detail.
Russ Haworth:And what I thought I'd do is share my three words for this year.
Russ Haworth:One of the rules that Chris sets is that you don't have to feel, you should explain
Russ Haworth:these to people, but I thought he might be useful anyway just to, to do that on this
Russ Haworth:episode, so my three words are impact.
Russ Haworth:Education and empowerment.
Russ Haworth:And in my 2022 mission statement, I'm going to be outlining what that
Russ Haworth:means to me in far more detail.
Russ Haworth:But in essence, I've looked at my lifestyle.
Russ Haworth:I have looked at what I want to achieve for myself, for my family,
Russ Haworth:for my friends, for those around me.
Russ Haworth:What type of person I want to be for those and for obviously the people that I work
Russ Haworth:with and I moved more onto how I'm going to achieve that in just a second, but by
Russ Haworth:focusing on those three words, for me, it brings an alignment to part of the
Russ Haworth:reason why I set up my own business was to be able to have an impact was to be
Russ Haworth:able to educate and to be able to empower.
Russ Haworth:So by aligning my goals to those words for this year, I should get
Russ Haworth:far closer to where I want all of those aspects of my life to be.
Russ Haworth:So that was my starting point for setting out my goals for the year was to focus on.
Russ Haworth:Firstly visualizing a lifestyle that I wanted for myself and my family and
Russ Haworth:what that looked and felt like to, to summarize those down into three words,
Russ Haworth:which as I say, were impact education and empowerment An important element of that
Russ Haworth:for me is that these are personal words.
Russ Haworth:So I want to have a positive impact on myself, on my family
Russ Haworth:and the families I work with.
Russ Haworth:I want to educate myself.
Russ Haworth:My family and the families that I work with, and I want to empower myself, my
Russ Haworth:family and the families that I work with.
Russ Haworth:So the words were universal across the sort of main aspects of my life
Russ Haworth:that I'm focusing on this year.
Russ Haworth:So it's my myself, my person.
Russ Haworth:Development, my personal growth as an individual.
Russ Haworth:And those three words really resonated for me for, for doing that.
Russ Haworth:So that was my starting point.
Russ Haworth:I then went about setting goals That are aligned to those words.
Russ Haworth:And I'm not going to share those exact goals with you.
Russ Haworth:Needless to say, there is the typical weight loss healthy lifestyle type goals
Russ Haworth:in there, but rather than just set those as a goal, what is really important
Russ Haworth:is to have a plan in place as to the behaviors and habits that I need to
Russ Haworth:create in order to achieve those goals.
Russ Haworth:Now, if we take this and try to apply it to a family business scenario,
Russ Haworth:rather than an individual scenario, the process that I follow broadly is setting
Russ Haworth:myself a vision and an overall vision for what it is that I want to achieve.
Russ Haworth:And then I'm looking at the words that are aligned to that overall vision that
Russ Haworth:are going to guide me through the next 12 months to ensure that by the end of it,
Russ Haworth:I've made progress towards that overall.
Russ Haworth:Beyond that I'm then setting out my goals and importantly, the actions and
Russ Haworth:behaviors or habits that I need to create in order to achieve those goals that
Russ Haworth:get me closer to that overall vision.
Russ Haworth:So when we apply that to family business, as an ownership team, if you have a
Russ Haworth:clear vision or as a family, you have a clear vision for what it is that you
Russ Haworth:want to achieve with your business.
Russ Haworth:The conversation around what words you want to use to guide you is akin to having
Russ Haworth:discussions about what values you want to have demonstrated within the business.
Russ Haworth:But linked to that also is the behaviors that you would expect
Russ Haworth:everybody within your business to take and everyone within your family.
Russ Haworth:Taken and live to that are aligned to a division and B the values within which
Russ Haworth:you want to align your business to.
Russ Haworth:And we're very often told that it's a family businesses
Russ Haworth:values that set it apart from.
Russ Haworth:Non-family counterparts.
Russ Haworth:Whilst I don't disagree with that statement, I actually think it's
Russ Haworth:our behaviors and the behaviors of those family businesses that
Russ Haworth:are what makes a difference.
Russ Haworth:So we could all have a value statement, sat on the wall that
Russ Haworth:says, you know, the typical honesty and integrity and doing the right
Russ Haworth:thing and all of that kind of stuff.
Russ Haworth:But it's actually our behaviors that dictate that.
Russ Haworth:So we have to do what we say we do rather than just say it.
Russ Haworth:When I'm talking to family businesses about their values.
Russ Haworth:I asked them to focus on what behaviors they expect of each other
Russ Haworth:at a family level, at a business level and throughout the organization.
Russ Haworth:What behaviors do they want demonstrated that aligned to their values as well
Russ Haworth:as what behaviors you want to see?
Russ Haworth:You can talk about what behaviors you don't want to see, but by having
Russ Haworth:that conversation, you can actually open the door to some more meaningful
Russ Haworth:conversations around values than just picking off a list of the usual suspects.
Russ Haworth:It's also an important conversation because it helps
Russ Haworth:manage everybody's expectations.
Russ Haworth:So, if you have discussed what you believe to be your values, if you have
Russ Haworth:discussed and agreed what behaviors you expect of each other and those
Russ Haworth:within the organization to align with those values, there's far fewer gray
Russ Haworth:areas around that type of thing than if you were to just set a value and
Russ Haworth:then expect everybody to interpret what that means through their own lens.
Russ Haworth:So I believe it's far more important to have discussions around behaviors than
Russ Haworth:it is necessarily just a focus on values.
Russ Haworth:And that aligns very much to the actions and habits that I need to take in
Russ Haworth:order to achieve the goals that I have.
Russ Haworth:So if I just set the goals at the beginning of the gear, didn't change
Russ Haworth:any of my behavior didn't change any of the habits and things that
Russ Haworth:I did on a daily basis, the chances are I would get to the end of that
Russ Haworth:year and nothing would have changed.
Russ Haworth:The other important element for my own personal perspective.
Russ Haworth:And, and part of my sort of self-awareness is the reason I'm having to set a
Russ Haworth:goal and let's use a weight loss goal.
Russ Haworth:As an example, is the habits and behaviors that I've been
Russ Haworth:demonstrating over the past 12 months.
Russ Haworth:And probably far before then have resulted in me being in a position where
Russ Haworth:I need to set myself a weight loss.
Russ Haworth:So the recognition that I am, where I am today because of the behaviors and
Russ Haworth:actions that I have taken historically, is an important recognition of also
Russ Haworth:what needs to happen going forward.
Russ Haworth:So again, if I try to apply that to a family business situation, if there's
Russ Haworth:a particular challenge or a particular scenario that you're facing within
Russ Haworth:your business, that's creating some tension or that is difficult to resolve.
Russ Haworth:Part of starting to address that, I guess is looking at it from the point
Russ Haworth:of view, as the behaviors that have been demonstrated, the habits that you
Russ Haworth:have in the way that you interact as a family with your business have created
Russ Haworth:the situation that you are now facing.
Russ Haworth:And so that is learned behavior.
Russ Haworth:That is something that you know, for years you may have been working in
Russ Haworth:the same way with your relatives for years, you may have been having this
Russ Haworth:similar relationship with a particular relative and in the same way that
Russ Haworth:habits can be very hard to change.
Russ Haworth:That behavior can be very hard to change and very hard to address as well.
Russ Haworth:And it doesn't put off the reason for doing it and it shouldn't be seen as
Russ Haworth:a huge barrier in terms of achieving what it is that you want to attend.
Russ Haworth:but if there isn't recognition that what we have done in the past has
Russ Haworth:got us to where we are today for good and for bad, then that can be
Russ Haworth:the starting point for how you want to approach things going forward.
Russ Haworth:And that brings me onto the second resource that I wanted to share
Russ Haworth:with you on top of the Chris Brogan.
Russ Haworth:He is also a book that I have read recently.
Russ Haworth:Again, I tend to read it, actually listen to it on on audible about this time each.
Russ Haworth:And it is atomic habits by James clear and essentially I'm paraphrasing hugely.
Russ Haworth:And I do recommend getting the book in order to, to get the sort of reasoning
Russ Haworth:and the psychology behind this far more.
Russ Haworth:But he breaks down in the book, how habits are created, how habits can be broken.
Russ Haworth:And he talks brilliantly about the four laws of behavior change.
Russ Haworth:And I'm just going to very briefly summarize these because
Russ Haworth:I'm having to take a lot of.
Russ Haworth:On, in order to create the habits or behaviors or actions that I
Russ Haworth:need to put in place to achieve my ambitions for this year.
Russ Haworth:And I thought, again, it might be useful to summarize those.
Russ Haworth:I'm not foregoing.
Russ Haworth:The fact that I highly recommend the book.
Russ Haworth:So the four laws of behavior change, look at ways in which we can create an
Russ Haworth:environment within which the behavior that we want to see is easier to achieve.
Russ Haworth:So the first law is to make it obvious I E set a time.
Russ Haworth:So in the context of my fitness goal, I need to set a time that says at
Russ Haworth:7:00 AM, on a Monday, I will go for.
Russ Haworth:So you make it obvious in a family business scenario that might be every
Russ Haworth:third, Tuesday, we will meet to discuss matters of a business nature away from
Russ Haworth:a family environment, as an example of creating something that is obvious
Russ Haworth:as to what the purpose of it is for
Russ Haworth:The second law of behavior change is to make it attractive.
Russ Haworth:So again, using a fitness context for me making it attractive, I will find a
Russ Haworth:series that I want to watch on Netflix.
Russ Haworth:And whilst on running on a treadmill, I will watch that series or I
Russ Haworth:will run in a particularly nice.
Russ Haworth:Area, if I'm doing it outside so that it aligns to that goal of making it
Russ Haworth:attractive from a family business perspective, making it attractive
Russ Haworth:could be that you create a culture within your business, within your
Russ Haworth:family, where your desired behavior is.
Russ Haworth:So you're supporting each other to create that culture where more dialogue happens
Russ Haworth:or where you separate family issues from business issues, whatever it is
Russ Haworth:that you're trying to achieve, make it attractive and create that culture where
Russ Haworth:that becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.
Russ Haworth:The third law of behavior change is to make it easy.
Russ Haworth:So you reduce friction, you make it far easier for, I don't know if you're
Russ Haworth:geographically dispersed, you make it easier by saying we'll have meetings
Russ Haworth:virtually rather than waiting for everybody to be in the same place.
Russ Haworth:For me and for my fitness goal, again.
Russ Haworth:Making it easy could be that I will aim to start off by just running a mile,
Russ Haworth:rather than looking to run a marathon.
Russ Haworth:The first time I go out for a run.
Russ Haworth:So making it easy is a good way to create a good habit because it,
Russ Haworth:then the resistance is not there.
Russ Haworth:It's far more easy to achieve.
Russ Haworth:The fourth law of behavior change is to make it satisfying.
Russ Haworth:So again, fitness goals.
Russ Haworth:It might be that I'm allowed a cheat day every month.
Russ Haworth:If I achieve all of my goals and habits of running three times a week, therefore
Russ Haworth:I'm getting some reward from that.
Russ Haworth:Aside from the progressive impact of making changes.
Russ Haworth:I think that's another important element actually, when it comes to
Russ Haworth:habits is it, they compound over time.
Russ Haworth:So, if you start off with something that might be a bit clunky in terms of
Russ Haworth:another way of communicating with each other or the way you're talking about
Russ Haworth:a particular topic, be that succession or vision, or the behaviors you want.
Russ Haworth:If you create the habit of talking about those over time, the effects compound.
Russ Haworth:So it becomes easier.
Russ Haworth:It becomes more of a normal thing to be doing rather than it feeling a bit.
Russ Haworth:And this goes back to the point I made earlier in the show
Russ Haworth:about we become what we do.
Russ Haworth:If, if we accept that we become what we do then striving to do better things means
Russ Haworth:that we will inherently become better.
Russ Haworth:And I know it's very easily said personally from my own
Russ Haworth:experience is not easily done.
Russ Haworth:Hence why I need to set myself a weight loss goal this year.
Russ Haworth:But the idea is that I become what I do.
Russ Haworth:Therefore, if I run more, I will become fitter.
Russ Haworth:I will become healthier.
Russ Haworth:And that aligns with what I'm trying to do from a vision perspective, right.
Russ Haworth:At the very top level.
Russ Haworth:So, as I say, I will be writing this out as a mission statement
Russ Haworth:for 2022 and sharing that with newsletter subscribers, part of
Russ Haworth:that is to hold myself accountable.
Russ Haworth:So if.
Russ Haworth:Receive that, and you want to share your own goals, your own aspirations for
Russ Haworth:the year with me, then that'd be great.
Russ Haworth:And we can create some form of accountability towards doing that.
Russ Haworth:If you hear me coming on future podcast, And or watching any of my videos and you
Russ Haworth:see my face taking up more of the screen that than it did at the beginning of the
Russ Haworth:year, then, you know, I've probably failed on, on my ambitions, but it'd be great to
Russ Haworth:pick me up on that if you, if you want to.
Russ Haworth:But also just to again, share what it is I'm looking to achieve and
Russ Haworth:why, and creating that element of accountability I'll report back.
Russ Haworth:This time next year as to how I've done against those goals
Russ Haworth:and against those aspirations.
Russ Haworth:But as I say, if you are looking at ways in which to set your vision,
Russ Haworth:your goals Your values utilizing something like this may help.
Russ Haworth:And if you want to have a conversation with me about it in more detail and
Russ Haworth:perhaps dig into some of those in a bit more detail, I'd be very happy to do that.
Russ Haworth:You can get in touch via the fam biz website or I'm on
Russ Haworth:social media, Twitter, or LinkedIn, if you want to find me on there,
Russ Haworth:but I hope that's been useful.
Russ Haworth:Slightly different tack from me for this show.
Russ Haworth:Much more about me which I'm not entirely comfortable with, but I
Russ Haworth:think some of the process that I've followed is very much applicable to what
Russ Haworth:you're doing with the family business.
Russ Haworth:And so I hope it's been useful.
Russ Haworth:And next week's episode, we are looking at the concept of ownership
Russ Haworth:and how having an ownership philosophy might be very useful until then take