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Should I Create Online Courses to Expand My Brand and Business?
Episode 12517th February 2022 • Women Conquer Business • Jen McFarland
00:00:00 00:55:37

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The Women Conquer Business Show is an educational how to


women in business podcast that features stories, marketing news,


and real life experiences from fun and friendly hosts.


Jen McFarland and Shelley Carney join us as


we dive into the details so you can slay marketing overwhelmed streamline


processes and amplify your impact. You'll learn strategy,


tactics, leadership skills, and practical advice from successful


women entrepreneurs to help you grow, nurture, and sustain


your business.


Hey, you're in the right place. And it is a new week. It is


a new week. This week we are talking about courses.


So should I create a course to expand my brand and business?


We're going to be talking about who should be producing courses and


why and what the best methods are for building and selling courses.


But before that hey there, Shelley.


Hello. It's a crazy week. Crazy,


crazy. As you can see, we're having lots of snow going on here in


New Mexico, except that's a fake background.


We are having snow over there out the window.


It's a white day. White. I am in the last


few hours of being in Boise, Idaho, my mom got back


from Hawai. Boy, that was the shock of her life,


coming back and seeing the cold weather. And it was really yesterday.


And she was thinking, maybe I should just get back on that plane


and go back, right?


Yeah. We had a beautiful day on Tuesday, 70 degrees,


and we were outside walking and riding bikes and enjoying the


beautiful weather. And then it's snow everywhere. So crazy.


Weather is crazy. So what


else do you have going on? What do you have for breaking news?


Oh, breaking news. This just in.


Where's our breaking news? I think Toby took


a little break. He took a break. We were supposed


to have music. Boy, we're having a lot of production issues today,


but that's okay. Breaking news. All right,


breaking news. Toby is teaching photography classes


on YouTube live. On YouTube on videotaro


live. He's doing small set photography


for product shots. Still life, book covers, social media posts


and backgrounds. And today at 01:00, he's going to show


you how to shoot this shot of this Valentine pendant.


He's going to explain the lights, the equipment


and settings and apertures, all of the information


that you could need to understand how to do photography


like this. It's going to be a weekly show. He'll talk


about different kinds of photography every week. Right now, he's in a


series on small set photography that includes backgrounds


and little underlays floors and walls that they call who is


this for? Who are the ideal people to be people who are interested


in photography, learning photography, knowing more? Maybe you get a


brand new camera. Like, we saw some people this week on a particular


podcast we both enjoy and they're both getting new


cameras and they're like, there's so many settings. I don't know how to do all


this. If you're getting an indicator. Photography.


It's a really great place to go and ask questions.


If you really want to learn more about taking photographs of your


personal products, say you make things like oils or soaps


or something that you sell on etsy, and you want really high quality,


professional looking photographs, you can learn to do that yourself.


So, really great for those people. So today at 01:00 that's


mountain Standard time That's Right. Then go check that out at Videotaro


Live. That's on YouTube. And that is an example of a course.


We're talking about courses. So you can do courses on YouTube,


and there's a variety of ways that you can do that. We're going to talk


about that in just a second. My breaking news is actually related to courses,


and then it's going to lead the broader discussion about having courses.


For those of you who have followed me,


maybe for a while or know a little bit about me, I was an early


adopter to a product called Member Vault. Member Vault is


a course platform really based in Gamification. What gamification


is. It's almost like when you are being


rewarded for continuing to play. Basically.


So it's a lot like Netflix for business owners


who just want to create a lot of stuff and kind of keep people engaged


and keep them on. You can give people points, and then if


they earn enough points, they can upgrade into free products and all different


kinds of things like that. It is a great platform for people who are just


getting started with courses. Full disclosure I


am a certified partner for member Vault. I'm also somebody


who was a founding member. I was one of their founding 100,


and I have paid a lifetime fee to


have it. As I say this, understand that I know a lot about this product.


I really believe in them. They're a married couple in Olympia,


Washington, which is only like an hour and a half, maybe from


where I live. I've just watched this company grow, and I've really enjoyed it.


Now, one of the reasons that I was always able to


really recommend member vault to people is


their pricing structure. They have always had forever free program.


It's something that they have offered since


the beginning. So forever. If you had 100


people or fewer, they may have recently lowered that to 50.


But if you had 100 people or fewer, you had the full featured product,


and you could use it for anything.


You didn't have to have free products. And you could have it was like three


products capped at 100 people. So imagine that you could do


everything. So think about it like this. You could have a $500 a


person per month product running on number


vault. And as long as you had under 100 people, it would


be free. So it was an amazing deal. The mistake I think that they


made is that they called it forever free. When you call something forever free,


People have expectations. We're going to put a pin in that here in a


second. They also have amazing customer service and they have had


this really amazing Facebook group with all these people singing their praises and


they have been answering the call anytime people were asking


for things, asking for features, talking to people about features, they were always there


answering the bell. On February 14, this is the breaking news. On February 14


member Vault announced that they were discontinuing the forever free plan.


They were discontinuing the starter plan and the base plan unless you


were already in it. What they're going to is a single plan


at $99 per month, unless you were already in there.


If you already had a paid plan, they will keep you at that paid


plan for life.


But not the free plan. They're not offering that anymore. The reason was, and I


think that this is perfectly understandable, they weren't making money,


it wasn't sustainable for their business. I assumed that they were spending a


great deal of time in the Member Vault,


collaborative in everywhere, really helping people


through things and helping people grow their business. They weren't business consultants,


they still aren't. They're trying to make money and sell a product.


When they announced that they were getting rid of the Forever Free program, it's only


three days ago. The flaming pitchforks have been out everywhere.


In that Facebook group I just mentioned, you could have had a half


million dollar business or a million dollar business running out of Member


Vault for free and they're not making a dime.


They don't even take anything off of like payments or anything. So all


these people are just freaking out and everything. And the truth


is, running a business costs money.


If you are running something, like a course platform or


anything, you need to make money. So what they're doing


is they've decided that they want to have the best service, however they're defining


it, and I think they're changing their services as well. They want


to have up to 10,000 people paying


so they want to cap their service at 10,000 people paying $99


a month. That's what they figured out that they can do and what works for


them. The lesson, I think, for many


small business owners consultants is


when you offer something for free, whether that is


a Facebook group or Courses


or a product, like in their case, they are a SaaS company,


which means software as a service. They have made a


very deliberate decision that they want to grow their business to


a certain place. They are entirely self funded, so they don't have


to raise a bunch of capital and they don't have to have all of the


users all of the time. They've made a decision. The lesson in


here is be very cautious before


you start something for free, like a Facebook


group where you're offering everything, because you do


end up attracting a lot of tourists.


People who are not buying a ticket to


get your services, they're not hopping the bus all the way.


They are buying into getting as much free stuff from you


as they can. Then as soon as something changes,


they're ready to burn you in effigy as quickly as


they can burn it down. These are some of the kindest people


I have ever seen. And people who have been in that collaborative


for years are suddenly just turning on them.


It wasn't just that they were helping people with courses. They are really


great. Aaron Kelly and Mike Kelly, they run member vault is really


great with email sequences. They were sending out swipe files to people.


They were really guiding people who were starting their business through some


really fundamental things. A swipe file would be like an entire sequence


for how to attract people and keep people on your email list


and get the email marketing going. They would work with people through Lead magnets.


So offering something for free and getting people into your


Member Vault but you could also use it if you had a website. Now all


of a sudden, all of the people who are taking all of this information for


free, who are getting everything for free, are turning their backs on them and saying,


oh, you're terrible people. And some people are not using very nice words


to describe the truth is they are running


a business. They don't owe you anything for free.


We could end this show tomorrow and we


don't owe anybody anything. We don't


we all are in this to make money and Member Vault


is too inasmuch as there's a part of me that's heartbreaking


because for really small business owners, it was always a great thing.


If you weren't sure if you wanted a course, if you weren't sure


if this was really for you, member Vault was a great place to start.


You could start with Member Vault and you could get your feet wet. Like even


you, Shelley, you said that you have a Member Vault but you haven't used it


for a while. It's a place where you could have done that. And that is


going away for me personally with the people that I work with. That's a


little bit hard and I totally, completely understand


it. I think that this is really the heart of the matter.


When we talk about should you create a course, should you


have a course or do any of these lessons, is this


something that is right for your business?


It's important to understand that creating courses requires


resources, it requires time. It takes a


great deal of effort. If you are bootstrapping


and you need a platform to be free,


yes, there are ways you can do that and understand that


it's not elegant because having a course takes time


and it takes effort. If you are stepping into that to really grow


your brand, then you need to understand


that, to really do it, or to do it up, where your brand is


really maybe showing up, it's going to cost you money.


There is no longer, as far as I know,


a fully branded website out there that you can have because Member Vault is


taking theirs away. I support that decision and I think there are a


lot of people out there who are there's going to


be a lot of gnashing of teeth. I've seen it before in other Facebook


groups where people think that they've gotten something and they've found a great deal,


then it gets pulled back and they're just not very forgiving it's


in that online space. It really validated for me


personally, as a business owner, why I have never had a Facebook group


because I didn't want to just sit in there and be giving and giving and


then if it ends, people tend to turn their backs on you. I think


that is unfair and unfortunate. And it


happens again and again and I'm sure you've seen it. Haven't you seen that,


Shelley? Oh, absolutely. Toby and I used


to have a product called Vidnami and they sold their


business. They sold this wonderful product where


you could just put in a short script and it would create a video


for you. It would do voiceovers, it gave you music. It was


amazing. You could have any length of video you wanted up to about three minutes,


I think it was. And it happened very quickly. It was simple to use.


Then they sold their business to GoDaddy and everybody was all up in


arms about it. Some people had built their entire business based


on this one product and they were just


furious. What are we going to do now? What else is there? People started passing


back and forth other pieces of software that they could use that had many


of the features of Vietnam, but not all of them. Lumen Five is


one of them that I use now for something similar.


But people were just very angry. Why? How could you do this to me?


This is their business. They could do whatever they want with it. They gave you


notice, they told you what was happening, why it was happening, when it


was happening, and what to do about it. They provided that kind of


support and all you could do is attack them. That's exactly 100%. But not


everybody, but some people. And then there are some people who are being pretty cheeky


in the group. Like I said, I was one of the founding 100. There are


a lot of people who bought Lifetime and there's somebody who posted


a meme that was like, if you bought Lifetime, you'd be like and it's


like a queen. There are people throwing shade at the people. They all say that


they need it to be free and they didn't read because they're still offering.


If you were on the free plan, they're still offering the $19 a


month plan, which is still an incredible deal. It's very hard to


find that even elsewhere we use Member Vault. When we


had a membership for close to a year with the treasure hunting


community, we would get together and do book study a couple of times


on Zoom a week. We kept all of our resources in


Member Vault. For them, it was just a real easy place for


them to get those. Yeah,


it's really great for that. I use it mostly now as a client portal,


so I use it still. But it's not what we're using


for Epiphany courses for a variety of reasons. That is something that we can


talk about. So should we officially move into training?


We're in training now.


New sound effects. Oh my goodness.


So we are in training. One of the things we have talked about


is that I have a new business called Epiphany courses, which means I


am for the most part full time course creator at


this point, making business courses that we are selling.


I was telling Shelley before the show, the first one, how to Find the


Right Marketing Tools for Your Small Business is a book,


an audiobook, and then also a course. They're all very short form,


but what we're talking about today and I think that that was part of what


led Shelley to think maybe we should talk about courses and whether


building a course is right for your business. First question is who


should be producing courses and why? A lot of


people think that selling online courses is just a natural


progression in your business. Like this is just the next thing that you


should be doing. I want to caution people about


shoulding all over yourself. What I mean by that is


there's no shoulds. You don't have to do anything for


people who do not like teaching. Don't create a


course if you don't have a passion for walking


people through things very slowly, for answering questions,


for making decks, slide decks and


sharing things with people, taking feedback and going through and


doing that, don't do it. Period. Full stop.


It's like having a Facebook group. Nobody has to have a Facebook group.


Nobody has to have a course. That would be the first rung


as far as I'm concerned in terms of who needs to have a course.


If you are going around and teaching things like I have been for a


few years, I've been teaching around the community, I'm like, I should really


start monetizing these signature talks.


I should be monetizing some of the work that I've done with audio


lessons and selling it myself. So if it's a natural extension in


that way, if you have a group, like a paid membership group


and you're already doing maybe some sort of walkthroughs on different products,


that's more of what I would call a natural extension into your business. So it's


a good thing to have courses in terms of


making courses, like, who should be doing it again?


And we mentioned it a minute ago, I think it's a good idea to have


courses if you have some sort of support system. So,


like at Epiphany, we have Gail Bendert and myself and


we have Caitlin. Caitlin is helping us with some marketing and some


other tasks so that I can have more time to build these courses.


So in terms of a production and she doesn't know it yet, but if


Caitlin's watching, she's going to be helping with some of the course building


as well. It takes time and it takes effort.


So if you are not in a position to


handle all of that, it may not be the time. So it's better if you


have maybe a staff or a VA or somebody who can really


help you with producing the classes. It helps if


you've been teaching because then you are able to


really answer questions and then your courses can be about


the questions that you're answering over and over again. I think that really flows


into how you decide what it is you're even going


to teach. The best things to teach are the things that you're talking about again


and again. Is that kind of what you found, Shelley? Yeah.


When Toby and I first started doing live streaming on YouTube, we had


a lot of people coming to us and asking, how do I start my own


YouTube channel? How do I do the live streaming? What products


do you use? So we created a course to


answer all of those questions. We knew exactly what people needed.


We could take them step by step through all the different sessions


to get to what they wanted. A lot of people ended up taking


that course because they see us doing


it and they want to know how it's done. Yeah,


absolutely. And if you're trying to decide what you're going


to teach, or if you find yourself answering the same questions over and over again,


it is a good idea to monetize that in some way or teach


it, put it out on YouTube and teach it. Right. It is one of the


things that you can do to really we've


talked about SEO on here before, where SEO is really just customers


asking questions and you're answering them. It's the same


thing. How to videos and behind the scenes content are so


huge for people that if you have something that


you can share and you don't have to charge a lot of money for it,


but you can charge a little bit, and then it does tend to get people


into your pipeline. If you're a service provider now with Epiphany courses,


it's a little bit different because that's our business, is creating all


of this content and selling it. So we have a real workflow


of making a course, making it into a book, making it into an audiobook,


and we're not upselling people into anything. We are teaching


people core things that they need for their business and then they can move on


and do whatever else they want to do with their life.


So it's a little bit different in terms of why we


are creating courses and who we are selling them to.


I think if anybody has any questions specifically about who


should have a course, what platforms, things like that, please ask those


now and let us know what your questions are so that we can be


sure and answer them. In terms of how you


do it, we've talked a little bit about who should be producing courses.


If you have a strong passion for it, go ahead and make it.


Don't let it stop you if you don't have a big audience, don't let it


stop you if you don't have a big group, if you don't have a budget,


guess what? You can do a lot. You can use private


YouTube videos and give people access.


You just need a way to get the word out and a way for you


to say, okay, here's where it is. When people pay you,


then you can send them a link to where they need to go. There are


a lot of different ways of doing that. Just be creative and really think


about what it is that you have to offer and how


you can share that with the world. You can do that in so


many different ways. Honestly, the first way is you talk to people


in person or you have networking events and things


on Zoom and maybe you record the Zoom call and then


you can just sell it. A lot of people do that. It doesn't have


to be a really specifically designed course,


at least in the beginning.


Then as it evolves, then you can talk about how do you


design a course? And I think that as someone who has a lot of


training experience, it was a big part of what I did.


I know I've had such a varied background, but I was


a teacher in Peace Corps when I lived in Kazakhstan, and then I


was also corporate training was a big part of what I


did. So we were designing software, bringing it out,


doing all the specifications. Well, then we had to train the users on how to


use the darn thing. So that was me. I would go out there


I'm a little bit entertaining and I would go out there and have dog and


pony shows and answer people's questions. So I have a lot of


experience in how to design trainings and how to get people engaged


and walk people through stuff. If you don't have that experience


and you're designing your first course, it's always a good


idea to run through it with somebody else and get feedback from


somebody who's going to be really honest with you about what's really great and what's


not really great. If you're using this to market your business from a


marketing perspective, you want to make sure that you've got branding on point,


that you're really walking people through it, that they understand what it is that you're


selling or what's that next step. If you have a next step also


in terms of designing the course, we are talking about like


a beginning, middle and end. And you have to really think


about what is it that they're going to get out of this course.


And you begin with the end in mind to a certain degree,


like what's the delta? So if somebody comes in,


where are they at when they come in? And then if they complete


the whole course, where are they going to be at the end? And that's what


you have to think about, is it? Why are people going


to be taking this course? What are we trying to accomplish? And then


how are we going to get there? And so when you think about designing your


courses, that's really what you need to be thinking about is what journey


am I taking people on? Why is that journey important


to them? And I know that a lot of this sounds like marketing speak,


right? But it's not.


Because if you think about where it is that


you want people to go and you're answering the questions every step of the way


and you design your course in that way, then guess what? When you do get


to the point where you have to sell the thing, it's really easy


because basically you're walking people through that


progression and you're giving people exactly what they want. And then when


you go to write your sales copy or whatever and talk to people about it,


it's a lot easier because you're really focused on I have seen this


problem, XYZ problem, as a service provider,


as somebody who's delivering specific goods and services,


and I am going to deliver you this change.


And that is exactly what your course is about. And so


that is why it's so important to think about where it is


that you're taking people. What is that journey and how is


it that they are going to be impacted by having


gone through the whole experience with you. And so that's how you


design the course. And you can do that with a deck. Like I love


to design my decks in Canva. That's how


I do it. Everybody does it a little bit differently, but I need pretty things,


so I like to make pretty things and do it. And then I


just take decks from when I go and speak in public and I


adapt them for people who aren't there to ask me questions and


I try to answer the questions that I often get in


the deck. So I'm answering the questions that I expect.


And then that's why you revise courses


later. It changes and it evolves as


you do it. So a lot of courses aren't just set and forget it is


a whole process for creating it.


One of the things that I can recommend to people is


if you decide you probably want to do a course,


that there are a lot of pieces of software and applications out


there that are available and they have tutorial videos


that will walk you through how to create a course, what you should include.


Toby and I created a couple of courses on Udemy and they also


have a whole tutorial that you can go through and learn how to do


all of these things. So if you think, I would think I want to


do it, but I don't know. You go into some of these products and


go through their tutorials and it will inform you. And then you'll say


I don't have that kind of time, or I don't have that kind of technology


experience, or I don't think I can do this, or I don't want to do


this, or you'll say I could do that, I do that


all the time. That's easy. So it will inform you and


help you to understand what's involved and if it's something that you really


want to do. For those of you who don't know, Udemy is a


place where you can host your courses. They will


facilitate it. There's also, I think Skillshare is another one that will do


it. There are a few different places where you can do that.


And you are able to put your course up there


and sell it. And then you get a percentage of that. So you're paying in


so that they can sell it. And they have their own cash


register, like all of it. So you don't have to deal with it as much,


but you don't get 100% of it. And that's how you pay them to host


it for you. Yeah, that's how you pay for it. They take a commission.


There's really low tech ways where you're not paying anybody to host it. And then


the second tier, which is where you can have somebody else hosting it,


and then there's the entire self hosted phase. A lot of


people, I really am a big believer in using platforms that you own.


However, sometimes there are some real advantages to using something like a


Udemy because you may be able to find new people that you haven't had


before. And that's what we have found. So I have been doing kind of a


hybrid of that where we have hosted the


how to Plan Your Podcast. It's the ultimate podcast planning guide


on AppSumo. We priced it super low


so that we could build an email list and we have learned and met


so many new people through there. We've gotten a lot of subscribers. It's been really


great. So we have a base of people who are interested in what it is


that we are creating and selling. We also have people that we can email to


AppSumo takes a percentage of. It. But then we get the


people on our platform and they can go through and engage with our


courses using our platform. The platform we're using for Epiphany


is Teachable. And that's because we can have multiple different instructors,


multiple different BIOS. As it evolves, then we'll be able to do


like author splits and it'll be really good for that.


There are a lot of really great platforms out there. Like Podia is one


that I really like. It's good for solo brands. Member vault is really


great. There's so many different course platforms out there thinkific


is good. One of the really popular


ones that I actually do not recommend is Kajabi and that's


because they have such severe limits on what you can do.


It's three products and it's something like $150 and


I'm like that's just too much. A lot of people are going to outgrow that


they have such severe limits. I think that's the case with any marketing


tool that you're looking at is you need to really be aware of


what the limitations are so that you can then


engage with that product, and it can last you for more than


a few months or a couple of years, because then the next tier of Kajabi


is really expensive. And if you're not selling enough courses


to even cover Kajabi, it's really not worth your time. Yeah,


I agree. We actually recently got


Marble, which was offered on AppSumo, and I'm still


learning it. But it's something that you can use to just get started with


simple courses, even free things that you want to just bring people in and run


them through. Here's how to work with us or here's why you might


want to work with us. Little courses that are just introductory like


that. I hadn't seen marble. You know how I'm a


big fan of AppSumo. If courses are going to be a huge part of your


business, probably don't buy it out on AppSumo because


those tend to come and go a lot. So you want to be really careful


about having something super core to your business. But if you're playing around with courses


and you want to learn about it, they had one for a while called Guru


Can and that one has turned out to be a really good platform.


I think that's continuing to grow. There's one out there now, I can't remember.


It's not Marble, it's a different one that will aigenerated


courses. So you can give it like a topic and it starts to really


put all of that together. So there's all kinds of platforms out there. There's all


these different ways that you can slice and dice it.


But I just highly recommend that you don't get a platform that is so expensive


that you have to really hustle to sell enough to make it work.


And I know that Kajabi says we can also be your website and


we can be your email marketing. The email marketing is somewhat limited.


The website is okay, but terrible for SEO. There are just so many


things, so many factors before you put all of your eggs in, like an


all in one basket that you really have to consider if you're using


it for your business, it's a lot different than if you're using


it just for courses. There are some platforms that are


really great for courses, and they're maybe not as great as your


website, but if something like Kajabi is so expensive,


a lot of people tend to just, I'm just going to do everything there.


I'm just going to bite the bullet. And so you don't have to have a


website that costs $250 a month. That's ridiculous.


For most business owners, that doesn't make any sense. So you


really have to really think about in terms of


the platform, this is really about what are you going to grow into,


what makes the most sense, what is cost effective for


us, and how can we really grow into


it over the long haul? For many people, you could just start with some private


YouTube videos, get a sense of whether or not you like it.


Maybe even have small group paid events where you


just start testing out what it's like to have webinars and


train people using video and get a lot of feedback on whether or not you


really enjoy teaching and whether or not people are really responding to


what you're teaching and how you're teaching it. That's what


I think. Get your feet wet, get your feet wet. Get out there and do


it. And I think commit to Kajabi or some big before you


commit to something really huge. And the same thing like with that's just


the case with anything. There's so many right ways to do it.


And I think a lot of people say, I'll do courses when I can afford


Kajabi, or I'll do courses when this or that. And the truth is,


just start, just do it, and then


it's all going to be okay. You don't want to put a huge investment


in if it's not something that you even enjoy


or something that you're even going to want to do. That's my two cent worth.


A lot of people have this trail of tears, all these


places that are just like abandoned projects and things like that.


Don't overstress yourself on too many projects. Don't overburden yourself


with too much of a heavy lift in terms of finance.


Test it out. Figure out if it's really what you want to do. Because promoting


and selling a course, it's a lot of work you have to


plan out. What does that marketing campaign look like? How many touch points


are we going to do? How are we going to get the word out to


people? Are we doing things with Facebook ads or Google ads?


How are we going to find the people who need


the course the most and entice them to buy it.


So it takes a lot of effort to


really see this thing through. And if you're


not in it for all of the facets,


then it's best to know that right away before


you've made a huge financial investment or time investment.


100%. Yeah. I have to say that through Epiphany


courses, we've found that this takes a lot more time than I had thought.


I'm going to have to go home and update my little dry erase


board where I put my goals and what I'm going to do in Q One


and what I'm going to do. And I have to go back and have to


reframe some of those goals. Because after going through


this whole process of what it's going to take to get all of this


product out, even though these are things that I've taught for years,


I'm like, oh, okay, I need to reframe and refocus.


Continuing to scale back some of the consulting services that I


offer, ramping up more speaking engagements and things like that so


that I can clear the mental space to do courses.


And now I know it takes longer than I thought. And this is not it's


not that. Just that I have to build the whole thing and I'm holding onto


it. It's more no, I'm the brain. I've got to do a brain dump and


make it into a course. And that's the thing. It takes a


lot of time and effort and it's not mentioned to discourage you.


It's more to say, this is really what it is.


If you want to do a good job at it and it's something


that you really value, then it does take a


little bit more time than just throwing something up there.


And then what did somebody call that spray and pray.


You just put a bunch of stuff out there and then pray that somebody gets


it. And when it comes to courses, it takes enough time


that you really do need to be focused in on


if this is for you. Because it does take things like a marketing


plan, and it takes understanding the delta of what


it is that you're trying to get out of it, not only as


a business owner yourself, but your students. What are they


going to get out of it? Yeah, something that we learned through


the process of doing courses ourselves and doing YouTube videos weekly


is save your evergreen content for your courses.


If it's something that's going to be changing a lot, like, oh,


here's a new app and it's breaking news and this is


changing. If that's happening, put it in your YouTube content


because people expect things to change. When it's


a YouTube show, you don't go back three years ago to find out


information and expect it to still be relevant today.


You look for stuff that's come out this week and this month


and this year first to find those relevant


pieces of information that are still true, but with the course.


You want to have your evergreen information. And their marketing


principles, they don't change. They're always the same. Certain things


are always going to be the way they are


building a business, always going to need the same fundamentals,


those sorts of things that are evergreen, that's what you want to make


sure to include as your building blocks for a course.


Oh, 100%. And in my field,


I'm finding that to be quite impossible. And that's been part of the problem


with had some starts and stops on some courses. And the reason


for that is we have in terms of digital


marketing, it used to be that I could teach that it was like out of


the box. I'd go in and update some things because the fundamentals


of Digital Marketing 101, that wasn't


changing weekly. And now since COVID with


everybody being home, everybody buyer behaviors,


consumer behaviors have changed so incredibly at such a rapid


pace. How apps are delivering services or what they're offering,


all of that is changing at such a rapid pace that we're


having to update content a lot more often than we used to so that


we can serve our people the best. And that is something that I have


to think about, and I think it's certainly something that business owners really need to


consider is how often


are you willing to change this? And it really is about the evergreen


content to the extent possible. And then for


me, I'm thinking about having just making sure that the things that


I think are likely to change, having them separate so


I can just upload a new video. And it's not


like a huge commitment. So you have to be strategic


about what it is that you think is likely to change because otherwise


you're making courses the same course over and over again and


you don't have time for that. That's right. So like, for instance,


if Jen was teaching something and then she wanted to talk


about, here are the apps you should be looking at to make that


work. That should be a separate video that she could change out because apps


change a lot, all those things that she knows are going to be changing


in the next twelve months, then that's a separate piece. And you


keep your videos short anyways because people can only sit


for so long before they need to do something else, but keep


them under five minutes or less. And then when you


have to go in and change that out, it's not such a big deal because


you're like, okay, these apps have changed, let me go in and change that one


video, keep it updated.


Yeah. And that's been the challenge, is fundamentally


how businesses deliver services are changing. That never used to be the


case. It used to be you could just talk about different apps for


how you connect everything. Now in my


field, it's changing fundamentally, but for most people, that's not the case for


most people, it is squirrel away the things that are likely


to change, like which apps do you want to use and then the rest of


it you can keep it in and it's interesting. So yeah, five minutes


or less, that's really a common video length. I've taken other courses that are


much longer and I find that I have to pause them and continue


later because I get distracted and busy.


So you really want to pay attention to that you want to think about.


And that's one of the things that I like about Member Vault, although they are


starting to add it into other course platforms,


is how are you going to have people finish or do you not even care


about that? Because a lot of people don't finish a course.


So you have to really think about how long


you want to retain somebody, what that looks like for you,


and then that will help. Maybe don't put all the goodies


at the end because maybe they're not going to get that far.


But you want to really think about how you weave things in to try


and keep people engaged. Engagement is a really big part


of selling courses and giving them those wins,


those immediate wins. As soon as they get on and do the first introductory video,


they should accomplish something. They need to feel


like, oh, I filled out this card or I wrote down


the name of my first idea or something. They have to have


some kind of win to keep them going, to keep them engaged.


Absolutely. So do you have any mistakes that you've


made that people should avoid, that you can think of? Don't we all make mistakes


all the time? I think that in terms of


mistakes, I would say that I don't even know if I would call it


a mistake. Understand that if you are


paying a platform, whether it is Podia,


teachable, Member Vaults, whatever,


really thoroughly understand things like the limits, the limitations


of it, what it can and can't do, and a


lot of people will say you should just go with WordPress. There's some downsides


to that as well. That's highly technical and the back end doesn't necessarily


look as good for your users, so you have to think about that as well.


So you really want to think about, before you choose a platform,


what it is that you want your users to


get out of it, what kind of experience they're going to have, what is it


that you want to get out of it. And the reason why is it is


really hard to change. I don't know if I could call it a mistake or


not, but I had chosen Podia and


I really liked it. And then I shifted my


business. We created Epiphany. I got Podia for my own business


and I bought it for the year. And that was the mistake was


I bought it for the year and then before I ever even created


a course and sold it, I had to shift onto a different platform


that could handle AppSumo better, that could handle multiple


teachers and all kinds of revenue splits and things like that.


So to the extent that you can plan


out what it is that you have on tap, like whether it is do


you want a platform that hosts the videos there so you don't have to have


a vimeo or what is it that you want it to do?


How easy and all inclusive do you want it to be? Because it's hard to


move. And that was the mistake I made. I had gotten


a lot of my stuff up from Member Vault into Podia and


then before I could even get it out, I had to undo that and put


it somewhere else. And that was really hard. And I


would say that's a mistake that do this with intentionality,


take your time, maybe don't buy it for a year like


I do to save a little bit of money,


make sure that it's the right investment because courses can


take a lot of time and a lot of effort. Yeah,


I suppose we tried it out on Unemie just because


we didn't want to have to market it other than just say,


this exists, go check it out. But again, you don't make very much


money because Undeme is always putting their courses on sale.


So a lot of times you're making $3


if somebody even finds your course and there's so many there that


it can get lost very easily. On the other side of that is


doing it yourself on a platform like Thinkific or Teachable


or one of these, and then you have the responsibility of


letting people know it's there, selling it, getting people to


go there to sign up and then really holding their hand as


they move through the course. You have


to make that determination of what? Are you just want to


put it out there and forget it, or do you want to babysit everybody?


Not only babysit everybody. Do you want to answer all the questions if


somebody has technical issues? Do you want to answer the technical questions if there's


a lot to it? And you have to think about it. And that's why in


terms of who should be producing courses,


it really is about the phase of your business really should dictate which


of the ways that you decide it. And that's the thing about you. To me,


they're selling courses like 90% off all the time and I was like,


I'm not going to do that. I want more


control over pricing. And for Epiphany, certainly we wouldn't do that because


we want to have our own different teachers


out there. We want to look at it a lot differently. Udemy really doesn't work


for what we're trying to accomplish on Epiphany because we


want to have several different courses with several different teachers we are not a


competitor for Udemy, but it's similar.


We are vetting people at a much higher level before


they're ever allowed to come on and sell courses on the platform.


So it does take a lot of time and it


does take a lot of effort and it's really important to look through all


of that so you can avoid some of the pitfalls. I took a class in


the last year that was all private YouTube videos and they were amazing.


Like the class itself was amazing and it was all handled through


email marketing and sending me reminders and getting things to me.


It was a really great course experience and it was all done.


Like I said, she did it for free.


She's selling it through her email platform and through


her website and talking to people in Facebook groups and the


delivery of the course, that's all for her. Yeah, she doesn't have


to pay YouTube anything. The downside of that is all the YouTube


ads and all of the distraction of being on that casino


that we know of as YouTube, there's upsides and downsides to everything.


Let's talk about Epiphany courses and what that is and what


you're doing with it. Tell us about that. Yeah, so Epiphany courses,


it is short, I won't even say necessarily short


form, but courses that are an hour or less geared toward decision


makers within organizations. We're really targeting businesses in


the first five or so years of their business.


There are just so many questions that come up for people and what


we're doing is creating courses that are standalone courses,


meaning you're going to get everything that you need out of them within


that hour long course or less. We want to


really make them an hour or less and also it's not


selling you or branching you into something bigger or different.


So these are, again, if you have questions


on a certain topic, we're just going to give people that quick hit


and then hopefully you enjoy it and you'll come


back and tell your friends about it. These aren't like we're


going to send you through a whole path and then you're not going to get


answers and then you have to buy the next course


or pay for a big marketing package from me or somebody


else. And that's the difference is the secret sauce. We know that


business owners don't have 16 hours to consume


content about how to choose marketing tools or what do I need to have


on my website or any of the things that come up in the first few


years of business. We are giving people the answers right


away so that they can do it. Right now we only have a couple of


courses up and they're both about podcasting. We're working a lot on different


marketing courses. That's the stuff that I've been teaching all around the


state and the price point is going to


vary based on what people are expected to get out of it the


long term of their business. But these aren't going to be like


$5,000 courses or anything like that because they're so


short. Yeah, but the impact can be very great if


you do the time to invest in your own business because


what the courses are really like. Okay, here's what you need to do to really


improve in this area or that area.


They're quick, practical coaching sessions to really


help people get through stuff. Excellent. And you are hosted on


Thinkific, did you say? No, we're on teachable.


Teachable website. The website is on WordPress.


We have a pretty prolific blog right now. And then


we're hosted on Teachable. And yeah,


it's been really great so far. We've had a great experience.


Awesome. Okay. And for those


of you who are considering doing a course, but you don't have the technology


know how and you want somebody to just take over the production


of it for you, we can do that at Agkmediastudio. Just go


to Agkmedia studio and reach out to us and


we're happy to do all the production for you. And then you'll just


take all that material. It all belongs to you. We just the production


people. You take it all and you put it up into, for instance,


Teachable or one of those types of products and you have a course.


That's right, yeah. Awesome. So that's


all about courses. That's right. I feel like we covered a


lot. I think, so I didn't see any


questions, so we must have answered everything. But if you do


have questions and you're watching this later, after it's no longer live,


make sure you put those in the comments on the video or


just reach out on the website.

-->: That's right.


And then in the show notes for the podcast, we also have links for


how to reach out to us as well. So tweak of the


week. Tweak of the week.


Tweak of the week. Something that Toby


and I discovered this week is called Podpage. Takes your


podcast RSS feed and creates


a website with it. Basically, it's really super quick,


which is fun, and it gives you a bunch of different layouts


that you can choose from. And then after you've chosen layout, you can still


further personalize it however


you want to do it. We have been able to add our


podcast, our blog, and our YouTube videos into one place,


along with you can fill out a little interest form


to get our free download and you get added to our email list and


you get a free download. It shows our tweets and


our Facebook posts. So that keeps rolling.


And so when we're doing a live stream and we're live


on our Facebook or our Twitter, it picks it up and


it shows it on our site. And there's


our videos that come from our YouTube channel,


which is of course, how we start our podcast. And you


can see it shows whatever you need.


It shows where we are hosted on the different podcast players.


We have our blog. We have an about page,


which we put our company information there that we talk


about what we do as a company and how to get started with us


on our About Page. Helpful stuff there. That all you have


to do is just plug things in and you don't have to put a lot


of thought into it. Is this replacing your AGK media


studio? We are in the process of deciding that we're


going to see how this performs. They have told us that they


work really hard to provide excellent SEO for your


brand and your podcast. So we're going to see how it performs over the


next few months and then make that decision about do we need any other


kind of a website or is this going to be what


we want? Yeah, I think it's great,


especially for people who have a show and they really want to have a place


to keep their show. I'll be curious to see how it works as


a whole business website. Tend to think it's probably not


robust enough for most business owners to really


use it as the whole site, but so much of what you and Toby


do really is a spin off of these shows that


you're doing. It might work really well for you.


The devil's in the details, as they say.


And a lot of these things are things that I do have


on the current website and some of them are like, oh wow, I never thought


of doing that before. There's a guest form. If people want to


be a guest on our show, they can go there, fill that out.


It's got its own release right there that


they provide, which is a wonderful release. We read through it and


it's like, this is perfect. We don't even anything more than this.


And then it gives you the opportunity


to build an email list, to build a


guest profile list. It's really thoughtful


and wonderful for podcast producers.


No, I think it's perfect for shows. And it's interesting


because we use Captivate for the Women Conquer Business show as


the host and they've started building in podcast guests.


I think everybody's trying to help us solve that problem.


It doesn't seem like a problem, like having guests, but it is a lot


to manage and so it looks like they're really trying to help with Podpage.


I'm not familiar with this product at all, so we'll just have to wait


and see. We'll just have to see. It's fairly


new and they do have an affiliate program which we're going to get


in on because we're excited about it right now. We're talking about it on all


our shows. Use our affiliate link and we'll get an additional kickback


and it doesn't cost you any extra. We'll make sure to include that in the


show notes. So if anybody is interested in checking that out and using our affiliate


link. You're welcome to do that. Cool.


That's awesome. So I think we're about ready to close. So what


do you have for your inspirational


nugget? Inspirational nugget time. Okay.


Magical inspiration. I was going through my daily stoic


book today and also taking a look at my


goals. And you spoke about your goals as well. For goals


on my board, I like to include things that I have done or


I am currently doing so that I can say,


oh, yeah, promoting my Women in Podcasting book. I'm doing that.


I'm making that happen. I'm in the middle of it, and I'm


proud of myself, and I'm doing great. And that gets me right in the moment


as to say I am proud, I am satisfied, I'm doing well.


I'm happy. If all you have for your goals is things


you haven't yet accomplished. Oh, here's a weight goal,


an ideal weight goal that I want to


hit. I'm not there yet. So that could be like future


B is going, oh, I'm not there yet. Anxiety and worry


and dissatisfaction, basically. So I like to


have a mix of both so that if I'm feeling dissatisfied by,


I'm not anywhere near my weight goal, but I'm working on it every day,


but I am doing these other things, and I'm in the middle of it,


so I can be proud and satisfied with what I'm doing.


So I suggest that to people to make sure that you include those


things that you're already doing every day that


are getting you closer to those bigger goals. Absolutely. You have


to have some way to feel good about everything that you're


doing or you're not going to do it. It's true. Yeah. I think I've


mentioned before, I'm still reading Atomic Habits. I love it because it's really


about doing the little things and having that dedication, and it


always adds up to something big, and I really believe that.


So I think that what Shelley's talking about is 100%


spot on. It helps you reduce anxiety to feel good in


the moment. Yes. And you can only


feel proud and happy and joyful in this moment. If you're thinking


about the future or you're thinking about the past, you're not going to be


proud and happy and joyful. You're going to feel either anxious or regretful.


Yeah. Think about things you're doing right now and how they're going to pay off


in the future. Yeah. All right.


Like watching this video right off because you


learned all this stuff today about listening to the show. That's so awesome.


All right, everybody, you have a really great week, and thank you for being


there. Thank you so much. See you next for being here.


That's right. And we'll see you next week, or we'll be in your ears next


week. Bye.


Thank you for joining the Women Conquer Business podcast hosted


by Shelley Carney and Jen McFarland. Please subscribe.


And leave a comment or question regarding your most challenging content


creation or business problem. Then share this podcast with


family and friends so they can find the support they need to expand their brand


and share their message with the world. Check the notes for links


to valuable resources and come back again next week.


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