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25. Mind Power Meets Mystic - What's Up for 2023?
Episode 253rd January 2023 • Mind Power Meets Mystic • Cinthia Varkevisser & Michelle Walters
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Join Cinthia and Michelle as they explain why they decided to rename their show "Mind Power Meets Mystic" from its original name "It's All Connected." Cinthia and Michelle discuss their plan for 2023 and hint at some of the exciting and interesting interviews they have planned.

Check out Cinthia's Website

Check out Michelle's Website

Happy New Year 2023 Friends!


Mind Power Meets Mystic



Cinthia: /Welcome. You're here with Cinthia Varkevisser and Michelle Walters with our first episode of Mind Power Meets Mystic. Welcome, welcome, welcome. We are here to talk about our change in name and what's coming up in our next episodes. So Michelle, are you excited?

Michelle: I am excited.

Cinthia: So let's, let's just jump in. Why the hell did we change from, it's all connected to Mind Power Meets Mystic.

Michelle: Well, some of the feedback I received was what's all connected to Veg. People weren't sure what we were talking about, and so instead it makes sense to retitle our show based upon. Who we are, our personalities, and what we're bringing to the table and what we can bring to you, our listeners.

And so Mind Power meets Mystic is born.

Cinthia: Yeah. And yes, and I'm super excited about this because I believe we're still going to have the same quality of people. And let's talk about that. We're gonna have the same quality of people and there's going to be much more juiciness in it because, , we are going to do some episodes on our own and some episodes together, so yeah, let's talk about that too.

Michelle: Yep. We also realized that while the two of us have a huge overlap in the kind of people we serve and the topics that are interesting, there are things that make me and Cinthia different. And so we wanted to take the opportunity to have some time to emphasize those differences and so that our listeners could get to know the unique and different parts of each of us.

And to that, We'll see if we follow our planned, execution exactly. But our planned execution is to have about a quarter of the episodes, Cinthia and me together, about a quarter of the episodes, Cinthia and me with a guest, a quarter of our episodes would be led by me, and a quarter of the episodes will be led by Cinthia.

Those might be solo or guest episodes. So what we think this will bring our listeners is quite a bit of variety. Hopefully not too much confusion and an opportunity to spend plenty of time talking about each of us individually as well as where we overlap. And there's certainly plenty of room for overlap.

We have a lot of guests that we're excited to invite coming up this.

Cinthia: Right when we, when we did a Venn diagram of who we are and what we do and who we serve, there is a huge overlap. However, our interests are so big. I'm really excited to hear who you're going to bring on because you get to do a deep dive in your own special way of who you really connect with.

and I can't wait to be a listener on that show. I'm really excited because you are so damn smart, and you ask smart questions, right, where I'm like, Hey, hey, hey, let's flow this way and let's flow that way. You know, it's a little bit more popcorn style, when I interview people.

Michelle: That's true.

But you always are the fun one and , the coming out of, maybe not left field, but somewhere beyond it. , Part of the reason why we love you, Cinthia . So I think, to try and sum it up, my perspective on things is a little bit more mental or corporeal or focused on the subconscious. Where I see your viewpoint as you work with your clients is that sometimes working on the same problem, but , it's handling it , in a different way.

More from. I dunno what you'd call it. A mystic perspective, I guess right?

Cinthia: Well, it does. It comes from my client's. Experience beyond their birth sometimes and beyond birth can be, , intergenerational. It can be past lives, which I don't touch on very often because sometimes people, when they go into past lives, they risk being passive about the things that they're challenged with because, oh, that was in my past life. It's a weird thing that people do, but that's what they do. , but we do come at it from a different energy, right? Mm-hmm. .

Michelle: Mm-hmm. . Yeah. And yet we're both curious about so many of the same topics.

Cinthia: I know, I know. I get excited every time we talk about who we're going to interview together.

Michelle: So we thought we would talk a little bit about the evolution of the name, mind Power, and the evolution of the name Mystic. So I think when I met you, Cinthia, you were going by Everyday Mystic, and then at some point you became Modern Day Mystic.

Right, and at some point you told me you wanted to become Urban Mystic, but you couldn't be Urban Mystic because that was taken.

Cinthia: There's a musician named Urban Mystic, and actually he has a great song out that I would love to actually use , as one of one of my intros just because , it's so in line, but it's true.

What happened was I love the thought of Everyday Mystic because I felt like we all walk around, we still parent and we still buy gas, and yet we have this other side. It's kind of a crazy take on what is it, first enlightenment, then laundry, that, that thing

But then what I felt was that every day felt a little bit too mundane and or too pedestrian. How do you like those words? That's something that comes outta your space. , but it felt a little too pedestrian for me and I changed it up to Modern Day Mystic, and I liked it because it was more hip, it was not trendy, but then I could not talk, so blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

You know, it kind of matched my vibe of being really excited or excitable, things like that. And I really wanna be urban mystic,

Michelle: Maybe you can call him and it could be your walkup song.

Cinthia: Right. It would be awesome.

Michelle: It'd be the perfect walkup song.

Yeah. I don't have a walkup song, but you have a natural one. That's fabulous.

Cinthia: Right. I know. So that's where I am. So where I am right now is because I'm not urban mystic, the thing that I want it to be is, and Mystic, which is pretty much what I was saying as everybody walks their. and my job is for you to add your secret sauce, your mysticism to it, right?

Whether it's color, cultural, energetic, things like that. So it's, and mystic. So today I'm the ampersand. Mystic.

Michelle: Ampersand. Mystic, that's what allows you to be so many different things, Cinthia.

Cinthia: Yeah. It's kinda like the dump out, right? . But here's the funny thing, the thing that I love about, first of all, I know you as Mind Power Junkie. So it was so natural and the reason I thought it was great, , when I think of you in Mind Power Junkie is you love to read, you love books, and there was a point where you wanted to do a book review on pretty much every book you've ever read in your library is humongous, which is, that's my vocabulary, right?

Tell me about Mind Power. I Love Mind Power Junkie. How'd you come up with it and how do you feel about it?

Michelle: I came up with Mind Power Junkie because I realized that not only did I go to hypnotherapy school to learn how the mind works and how to use it in the most healing modalities possible, but I read a lot and I read a lot now, I read even more on, to be honest, a few years ago.

The kind of books I like to read are often about mind power, often about understanding how getting your thoughts under control. And being able to recognize that thoughts are things and that it's important to be able to realize what they are . in cases where they're deeply embedded in the subconscious to dig them out and see if you need to reshape them or reform them.

And so I was like, what do I think of myself. I’m kind of a junkie in, in this particular topic. It's not so much a word I use all the time, but it seemed to fit, so I hence Mind Power Junkie was born .

Cinthia: I love it. And actually the thing that I love about Junkie Yeah, it's not something that you normally would say No.

However, everybody understand. based on my power junkie, that you are an avid reader and , that you, , that you use a lot of the things that you read, right? Where I read for, , I mean I do like some self-help books and things like that, but not in the way that you relish your. You know, you embellish

Michelle: You and I, you and I actually like some of the same fiction , which I think that's

Cinthia: True. That's true that's a shout out to you. Christopher Moore.

Michelle: Yeah, we want to, on our show, we're just gonna put that out there right now.

Cinthia: That's right. Author guy. We're talking about you.

Michelle: New Year intention,

Yeah, but we do read different books. We do have different perspectives on things, and that's part of the reshaping of the show this year, is moving into a zone where I think our listeners will have a little bit clearer idea of what to expect from the show, where I'm coming from, and the topics that I'm bringing to the table, as well as, your topics and what you're bringing to the table and what you wanna talk about.

really looking forward to our:

Cinthia: I am super excited as well. I'm really excited for you, Michelle, and I'm excited for us because the, I can't even imagine who all we're going to have. I have, we have a great list and. and Right. And we're gonna have the ampersand today.

Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Let's be abundant with that. Ampersand.

Michelle: Absolutely..

Cinthia: Exactly. I'm with you.

Michelle: So shall we talk a little bit about what events and activities we have coming up in January and this spring?

Cinthia: Let's do it. Let's do it. Let's start with. because you have some really great stuff coming up.

to about:

My next date is Hypnosis for Sales, so I started this last fall, had really good response. It's an online hypnosis session, again, about 45 minutes, and it's an opportunity to put yourself into the place of doing a fabulous job on your sales. . And the third thing I am promoting for January is a special and brand new class.

It's called Free to Be Me in:

Free to be me. What about you, Cinthia? What's coming up for you?

Cinthia: Well, before we do that, I just want you to know, I loved hypnosis for sales. , phone calls, getting me on the phone. Once I get on the phone, I'm okay, but getting me on the. Not so great after your hypnosis for sales. It was awesome.

It was awesome. I was excited to, to talk to people, , yeah. Yeah, please check that one out if you don't, if you wanna check out any of 'em first. That one I, the one I recommend for me. I'm super excited to have an upcoming four day experience in wine country in California. , it's called S T F U, and listen to your heart.

It's an interactive and introspective, , weekend where we shut the fuck up and stop our monkey mind and dive into what's really important. Then we layer on some secret sauce. You find out what your secret sauce is, and then between your true purpose and your secret sauce, it's, you're changing your game.

It's an uplevel. So super excited about. and I have decided to switch up, my freebies and we're going to do a half hour online with one person at a time. You're gonna love this. It's called Stuck Strip and Solve. So what we're going to do, yeah, so what we'll do, it's a kind of an audit where someone comes on, they talk about where they're stuck, and I coach them through to what the challenge is. And then we have a very small and manageable to-do list for them to send them on their way and that'll be happening online.

Michelle: Great. And we will have, our details will be in the show notes.

Cinthia: Absolutely. Anything else you wanna talk about?

Michelle: No, I'm just wanna say I'm very excited to. Be continuing on with our podcast together. This has been a great time and I'm looking forward to all kinds of fun guests We are gonna have on our show this year. We're looking forward to February. We're gonna be talking about love relationships. What are we talking about , in March, Cinthia?

Cinthia: In March. we'll be talking about foundations, making sure that we're on target with the things that we had committed to ourselves so that we are staying in integrity. It's an easy time to start losing our way and get a little lost. That's what March is going to be about.

Michelle: Fantastic.

It's gonna be an awesome [:

Coming to see Mind Power meets mys. Thank you. Bye-bye

Cinthia: bye.




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