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197 Divergent Perspectives on Conversing with the Channels • David Euler
Episode 19727th April 2021 • Qiological Podcast • Michael Max
00:00:00 01:21:15

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In nature we see that rivers have a flow and shape, but in times of flooding or if there are obstructions they will find other ways to move their water downstream. The divergent channels can be seen as a channel phenomenon that allows the main channels to deal with various kinds of excess. 

In this conversation with David Euler we explore his perspective on divergent channels and his process of using palpatory feedback as an aid in diagnosing and assessing the effectiveness of his treatments. 

Listen into this discussion on channel flow, the wisdom of the body, and using your sense of touch to guide your treatment.

Head on over to the show notes page for more information about this episode and for links to the resources discussed in the interview. 




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