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How to take action and achieve your 2022 goals
Episode 22624th January 2022 • Your Dream Business • Teresa Heath-Wareing
00:00:00 00:21:22

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In today’s episode of the podcast I am talking about how you be more strategic with your goal setting, breaking down each goal into manageable actions so that you can achieve your goals!




  • The podcast is changing next week!
  • Set your goals for the year – this will really help to focus and know where you are heading.
  • Aim to set a mixture of business and personal goals.
  • Once you have your big goals – split each up into quarters and give yourself actions for each quarter.
  • You need to work out what you need to do in order to reach that goal – what would it take?
  • Take each quarter and split it into months – break down each goal into manageable actions for each month.
  • If your actions aren’t getting you results – change the actions!
  • Look at each quarter separately and make sure you are reviewing as you go.
  • Note down your numbers – keep a track! You may just be surprised.




Be realistic about what you can achieve in each timeframe!




  • Exciting things coming soon! 01:03
  • Goal setting mistake 02:47
  • Strategic goal setting exercise 03:19




Episode 224

Phil from My Podcast Assistant

Laura Try YouTube Challenge

90 Day Programme

My PA Planner

Full Focus Planner




Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the podcast. How are you doing? So I've been talking recently about lots of changes. Oh, did you enjoy Natalie's episode last week? It was so good.

And the week before I told you about all the changes that are coming, the name changes the brand, the website, the membership, all that good stuff. So if you haven't caught up with that, then do go and listen to episode two to four. I have to think then which one it was and to go and have a listen to what's happening.

There's lots of exciting changes coming. We're also doing a couple of other things, which I mentioned, I think last week in that we're going to be doing a quiz and it's a really good quiz. We're putting a huge amount of effort into it. We're going to do a podcast with Kylie who is helping us put the quiz together.

It's to do with my pathway. It's to do with basically identifying. Where you are in your world and what your next thing is that you should do to move on from your world or to improve where you're at or get more sales or whatever it might be. So I will let you know when that site, so keep an eye out for it.

Also next week, the name will change. As I record this episode, I've not actually recorded the new and tracked trow spoke to the lovely Phil who we'll link up to in the show notes about. Hi, we might change a bit of editing or I don't know. So, uh, I'm still working this out. Like it'll be down in time, but, uh, yeah, I should let you, I do tend to work a bit better when I've got a bit of a time pressure.

I think to myself, I've got loads of time and then I worked really hard at the end and get it all done at five. I work much more productively when I'm busy, which is Curtis because I'm very busy at work. So let's talk about this year. They normally, towards the end of the year, I do a goal setting podcast and we talk about it and I give you a workbook and that sort of thing.

And I didn't do on this year because I was doing a lot of stuff in other places. However, I did want to do a little episode on it. It's not going to be crazy long. Just to talk about how you actually put those goals into fruition, how you actually get them to work. Because I think what most people do is they write their goals on a piece of paper and they go, oh, those are my goals for the year.

And then they put that in his paper somewhere, or they leave it on a board or whatever, and then they get to the end of the year and they go, oh, did they come true or not? And sometimes by absolute fluke, they do. And sometimes they really don't. So. I want to talk to you about how you can be more strategic with actually getting these things done and planning them eight.

And it was something I did with my VIP retreat people. And what we did is, and I want you to work along. So if you've got a piece of paper or pen or whatever, you just do it in your head, maybe come back to this episode. But I want you to think about the goals that you've written down. That's the first step.

If you haven't set any goals, set some goals for the year, I always do. It really helps focus me. And there's so many benefits and reasons why you should set goals, which I won't go into now. I'm sure if you go back and check one of the other goals, setting ones from previous year, then you'll hear me talk about that.

But setting goals basically gets you to draw a line in the sand. It gets you to go, this is where I'm heading, and that stops you from. Veering off into other places. Of the things that aren't anything to do with your goals. The other thing that I really struggled with when I first started this is I could set goals really easily for the business, but personally, I didn't set any goals.

That's changed last year. And it's changing again this year in terms of half of my goals are probably personal goals in terms of my health or movement or so at the moment, actually, because we're still in January, I'm doing, I have a habit tracker that I use. And it's really funny, right? I've tried the apps.

I've tried different things. I literally, so someone showed me habit tracker and I recreated it in Canva, spent far too much time doing it. I really shouldn't have done it, but, uh, I do love that sort of stuff. So recreate this habit tracker and I color in it makes me sound like a child. I color in each day as I do the habit.

So, you know, I'm an oversharer and always happy to chat. So my habits for January, which are a lot to do with my goals for the whole year are I'm doing 10 K steps every day. Which can I just tell you how very proud I am of myself about that? Probably prior to that, I should be. I don't like moving. I've told you this before.

I happily sit in front of my desk all day, every day. And. Some weeks I would not go out the house for days and days. Like, uh, nah, my lovely friend, Laura tri who I should totally bring on the podcast and know why she hasn't been on the podcast. I'm going to get her on Lord. Tri is an endurance type athlete.

I don't know if that's why she calls herself an adventurer. I'm not sure, but she does challenges for herself all the time. We'll link up to a YouTube channel. It's amazing. And she set a challenge of walking 10 K steps a day. For a month and see what difference it would make. And she invited people to do it with her, which I, I said, yes.

I said, yes, Braven actually thought about it, which was little stupid of me. But anyway, Um, so I'd been doing it. And other than one day when my knees are hurting, I've managed to do every single day, which is amazing. So that's on my habit tracker. Um, I'm doing a manifestation challenge with Gabby Bernstein at the moment.

So that's on my habit tracker, no drinking. I was doing dry January and I say, was this because that's not a, but let's get over that one really quick. No, I haven't stopped. I, I am still not drinking. As much as I would, I'm trying very hard not to drink. So that's in that meditating, journaling, drinking my water and taking my supplements.

So those kind of health things, they were part of my bigger goal. So this actually is probably a really good example about how you take that big goal and bring it into your every day. So the first thing you do is you have your big goal, and then you look at your quarters. Now, if it's a habit goal, like some of those.

Well, they're all habit goals, then it's fine. You're just going to do it every day because it's a habit or every week or whatever the habit calls for. But if it's a goal, let's say it's a goal for. Finance, let's say you've decided that this year you would like to earn, and I'm going to pick a figure out the air you would like to earn a hundred K.

So the first thing you need to do, and the reason I pick finances cause this exercise so very helpful is you need to actually work out what a hundred K would look like in your business. So what I mean by that is. I want you to write down the figure that you have in mind. So let's say this a hundred K and I want you to think about the products and the services you offer and the prices you offer them for.

So let's say you have a, let's take my business for instance, let's say you have a pen and paper now. White noise. You have a one-to-one program that costs 5k. Okay. And because I'm going to make this really simple, and then you have a membership that costs a hundred pound a month. So let's say, uh, that's obviously 1200 a year if someone joins.

Um, and maybe let's say you have a course that is 500 pounds. Okay. So what I want you to think about is if I wanted to earn. A hundred K. In my hypothetical example, how many of each would I have to sell? And how would that look? So for instance, I could sell, you would look at like the most expensive thing and you think, well, surely that's the easiest.

Cause I get like, 5k for each person that I do that for. So let me divide that by 5,000. Okay. You later. So I don't only need 20 people doing that. Is that right? Got that. Doesn't seem many does it, uh, you can tell him, literally say, as I do this five days and times 20, I probably should be able to do that in my head, but no, that's a hundred K so I didn't need 20 people doing that to get a hundred K.

Okay. So let's say. But I don't want to do 20 people on that. So let's say the maximum either lay myself. I don't know, maybe six over the year. Okay. So we worked that eight, so six times five thousands, again, probably to doom had 30 K. So if I've earned 30 K from that, or I'm planning to end the UK from that, how many people or how many courses would I need to sell in order to make up the rest of that money?

So this is how I do it. Now. My financial goal this year is very big. I have. A very scary finance goal to be fair. It was the same last year and I didn't hit it and I've put it in again. And then I think there was lots of reasons why I didn't hit it last year. Lots of things that I could or couldn't do or changed or so I'm not disappointed that, well, I guess I am disappointed that it didn't hit it, but.

So disappointed that I just want to give it up and think, oh, there's never going to happen. I can look at it and go, okay. That's what I learned. And that's what I'm changing. That's why I'm tweaking. So anyway, so that's what I want you to do. First off. If you've got a financial goal, I want you to literally work out, hang many of what you would need to sell, because if you've put in, let's say, you know, you've put in a financial goal of like, you know, 500,000 and you currently have a hundred members at a hundred pained.

So if that's okay. The master of that. So if it's 1200 a year, they would pay you 500,002, three divided by 1200, you would need 416. Like, and if you've got a hundred, what's the reality? What is the chance that you're gonna be able to up that four times? Do you see what I mean now? I'm not doing this to go get deflated and feel like, well, that's never going to happen.

I'm doing it so that you can actually see how it might work. Because if you just pluck a figure out your head and have no idea how that's actually made up in your business, then the chances of you hitting that figure are probably very slim. If I know. You know, if I'm earning a hundred K at the moment and I want to get to 500 K and I need an extra 400 people in my membership.

Right. So that's a total of 400. So, uh, yeah, I'd need an extra 300 people in my membership. That is a something for me to work towards. Isn't it? That is something for me to think about. So then I can start working those numbers back and it's like, okay, so this year I got a hundred and next year I 300, I'm going to have to increase my email list size.

I'm going to have to do more advertising. I'm going to have to get more people on my bootcamp. So can you see how we're looking at the numbers and pulling them back and give you an idea? So then, like I said, you take your goals. So let's go back to this a hundred K goal and you look at the four quarters of the year.

I'm literally drawing this as I talk. I'd like, I am very visual. I do this sort of stuff. So quarter one, quarter, two quarter three, quarter four. The first thing I would do is split that a hundred cap over the quarters. And you're not going to literally divide it in half because if you're doing new stuff to try and end that money, you're not going to make a quarter of that money in quarter one.

You're probably going to make, you know, so if we thought about just the straight divide, that's 200 and 250. No, it isn't. Two 25,000. Gosh, my math, you probably sat there shouting at me. Right? So it's anyway, Nicole. So you're not going to make 25,000 in your first quarter, potentially. So you might say, okay, my first quarter, my aim is going to be 15 K then.

So, you know, what's left at that. Do you divide that by three or are you more likely to make more in quarter three or, you know what I mean? So that's the first thing then I want you to write down in those quarters. What activity you are going to be doing to try and get that money. And it's the same for every single goal.

So if your goal is to increase your email list, if your goal is to get on more stages, if your goal is to grow your Instagram, what are you going to do in that quarter to actually. Start pushing that forward. So are you going to, you know, what are you going to sell in that quarter? When are you going to launch what's?

You know, are you going to set up an evergreen thing where it just sells automatically? For me when my website launches a couple of the courses that I've gotten cleared, build my list, self-study will go on the site and you can buy at any point. So what am I doing to promote those courses? If I want to earn some money from these courses?

That's what I want you to think about what you could do in each quarter, and then you could break it down again. But what I tend to do is I do the overall plan for each quarter. So roughly we'll know when we're doing particular things, although I have to say we're really behind this year in terms of making that plan, I think what happened was.

Last year. I did so many goal setting things because I have my online event. The people in executive club get an extra day in the online event. And then I have my VIP retreat and I was just literally talking goal-setting and planning and organizing for the following year, for days and days and days that I didn't do it for myself.

And it's also very hard to do for yourself. I need someone to do that with me. Um, I did a bit when I was at in Nashville, but. Yeah, I still need to finalize it. So anyway, so it's not too late, FYI. So yeah. So once you've looked at each quarters, then I would tend to take quarter one and I would pull that out into months.

So Jan fab, March. And again, if you're listening to this, we're getting to the end of Jan. So really look in February, March. So again, be realistic about what it is you're going to achieve in. Timeframe, because again, there's no point saying, well, I've put 25 K Dane for that. If we're already at the end of Jan and you haven't bought any money in.

So my, the way my business is set up at the moment is I am not selling anything currently. Um, as you listened to this podcast, so therefore. I'm getting no extra money in. I'm getting my retained money in that I get from my membership and that sort of stuff, but I'm not getting oh, and I've actually to light.

I do have something to sell. You can buy the 90 day program, which prices going up soon. So that's where I talked about it on the podcast. Well go. Yeah. So, but I don't really promote that. So yeah, there's not many ways I can earn money. So again, that's going to have an impact on what my goal is for that quarter.

Whereas in. Quarter to, if I was launching something, then that will help. So bring it down into the month and work out what you've got to do each month and then put that into your weeks. So as you're getting to each week, look at those monthly things, look at your Q1 goals and go, what do I need to do?

This week in our enabled to push it forward. So let's say I'm going to break down a goal of building your email list. Okay. So you might want to double your email list size. So in quarter one, you might decide that you need to review your lead magnets or create a lead magnet. Okay. Also in quarter one, you might decide that you need a better system if you're a MailChimp, because it's not very good, just as a side or you need to do a course, like build my list, which you'll be able to do soon because it'll be open.

So you might put that same for Q1 actions. Okay. So Q1. That you're going to do those things. And by the end of Q1, you're going to have a lead magnet in place with your system all set up because you did build my list, a self-study and you know exactly what to do, which is amazing. So yeah, that might be course a one.

So then in quarter two, it might be around promotion and you might decide, okay, I'm going to try promoting it through social media when I speak, blah, blah, blah, blah, whatever reasons. And then what you do, you might difficult. Three is you might pencil in. To do some Facebook ads. So you might decide that actually at the end of quarter two, I'm going to look and see how we're getting on in building my list and review whether I need to do Facebook ads or not.

And this is the other thing, right? You can sit here and make your plan for the year, but the whole point of this is, is creating those actions. And if those actions aren't getting you those results, then change the actions. So this isn't set in stone. This isn't like, while I said, that was my thing for this year, I'm going to do this.

If it's not working. Change it up. So this is how we take that big goal and we kind of pull it apart. We put it into each quarters and then each quarter we look at separately and as you know, I'm a big fan of reviewing my wheat. I'm trying out a new planner, you know, I'm a huge fan of Michael Hyatt, full focus planner.

I decided that, you know, changes as good as the rest, as I'm changing it for the else in the business. I might as well change this. And I bought a new planner called my PA planner. I'll link up to both of these in the show notes. They're not affiliate links, just, just links. I'll just Chuck them in the show notes, but I say I'll check them and I won't lovely.

Becky, we'll talk a bit. So I'm trying out this new planet, not liking. But I think it's cause I'm used to the full focus planner. Um, but basically this planner and the full focus planner gets you to review your weeks and put down what are...




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