As the accounting industry adapts to a new digital era, CPAs need to expand their role as key ethical leaders in organizations.
Laura and Brian Friedrich, principals at Friedrich and Friedrich Corp. and co-authors of the article “Ethical Leadership in an Era of Complexity and Digital Change,” weigh in on the broader responsibilities faced by accountants when engaging in big picture planning and institution-wide decision making.
On this episode of Foresight: The CPA Podcast, Laura and Brian field real-world examples as they dive into topics including automation, change management, the human aspect of transitions, AI, and skill sets that keep accountants central to the economy.
Foresight: The CPA Podcast
CPA's Foresight Initiative
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- Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guest and do not necessarily reflect that of CPA Canada.
- Avertissement : Les opinions et les points de vue exprimés dans cette série de balados sont ceux de l’invité et ne représentent pas nécessairement ceux de CPA Canada.