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Introversion vs. Extroversion: How To Charge Your Soul
Episode 7411th January 2022 • Am I Doing This Right? • Corinne Foxx and Natalie McMillan
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Corinne Foxx - @corinnefoxx

Natalie McMillan - @nataliemcm and @shopnataliemcmillan 

What we're drinking: 2016 Calos Malbec 


If the letters INFJ and INFP look like an impossible word jumble, then this episode is for you! Today, we’re discussing the “tro-versions,” aka introverts, extroverts, and ambiverts. We get into the details of each personality trait and how you can benefit from tapping into your strengths. We also share our results from the Meyers Briggs test and which characteristics from each “tro-version” we relate to. 

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Identifying where you land on the personality spectrum 
  • Key traits of introverts, extroverts, and ambiverts 
  • Characteristics and surprising statistics associated with each personality type
  • How to use your personality to your advantage 
  • Tips for introverts to participate in the external world more comfortably
  • The Meyers Briggs personality test and our test results from 


Corinne and Natalie introduce Hottie of the Week: Christina Aguilera


2016 Calos Malbec  =  4/ Christina 


To wrap up the episode, Corinne and Natalie play Fuck, Marry, Kill. Corinne asks Natalie to choose between Shake Shack, In-N-Out, and McDonalds. Natalie has the ultimate Sophie’s choice for Corinne: Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, Catfish, and Keeping Up With The Kardashians. 

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Episode 74


[00:00:08] Natalie McMillan: And I'm Natalie McMillan.


[00:00:20] Natalie McMillan: And each week we cover a new topic and we pop open a new bottle of wine.


And then the episode we're going to be playing fuck marry, kill, because it's always a good time. It's always a party. And it's always part of, it's also part of the Ellie, including starting with our low bevy of the battery, drinking that we


[00:01:31] Corinne Foxx: Oh, and Malbecs are normally from Argentina. Yeah. So, uh,


[00:01:46] Corinne Foxx: No, you do. You do not to let that negative self-talk exist here. This podcast,


[00:01:59] Corinne Foxx: gal.

Ooh, for staying suddenly take a sip and see what's going on here. And there is actually. And the meeting to talk about this on the podcast for awhile was actually happened at the end of last year. It was an embarrassing moment that I wanted to share with everyone. Okay. Okay. So in December I went to the Spider-Man premiere.

My dad is in Spider-Man. You guys all saw. It was so, so good duty spoilers in case you haven't seen it yet. And I'm walking on the carpet and, you know, I have my little crushes and I brought Joe and Joe is aware of my little crushes. And so, and he's very supportive of them, you know, I'm like, babe, I need to go see my boyfriend, Tom Holland.

And he was like, yeah, let's find him for you. You know, he's very supportive. And I really appreciate that, Joe, because I'm sure that you don't have to be right. Most people will be like, oh my God. So. I see Tom Hollin. I meet him. I'm like, hi, nice to meet you. Shake his hand. We're good. I'm like pat, it's been achieved.

Then we're walking the carpet and I see cheesy. Oh, no easiest. Is he


[00:03:06] Corinne Foxx: didn't know why he was there. It doesn't make any sense. It doesn't make


It's ridiculous. And then remember that one time we were on the beach in Miami and I was like, I'm surprised we haven't seen G-Eazy here. And a fucking plane goes by and it's like tonight, gee, easy anyway. Okay. So G-Eazy we're back. Cause I wasn't prepared to see you. Of course not. We


So I walk into her and I see him. I lock eyes with him, Joe behind me. Right. I lock eyes on and I'm like, holy shit. I literally going home. God


[00:03:52] Corinne Foxx: looking into. Gee, we're looking at each other and I just trip. And then, so I save it. It gets worse. It gets worse.

It goes, it gets worse. I don't know why I said this. I was trying to be cool. How hard did you fall? Oh, no, it was like a little trip. It was like a little, oh my God. Okay. I thought you hit the ground. We were kind of having this moment where I was like looking at him and he's like, give me. And I was like, and then I kind of tripped.

And then I was like, Ooh, sorry. I was. Which is looking at you. You said that,


[00:04:23] Corinne Foxx: my boyfriend


[00:04:30] Corinne Foxx: coloring. It was so embarrassing. Then I made it worse trying to do whatever the fuck that was. And. I just love Joe so much. Cause he saw it all happen. He saw me try and make eye contact


[00:04:41] Corinne Foxx: And he was just like, are you okay,


[00:04:48] Corinne Foxx: Hey, he did


[00:04:54] Corinne Foxx: Sorry. I was just looking at.


Here's the thing that people don't understand. So embarrassing, you would think, you know, you would think that it would be like, well, at least I'm never going to see him again. No, because for some reason G-Eazy appears everywhere. So you will see, we will see him again.

There was another time when it was like, I met him before. Yeah. I, I, oh, there were several times. He said Jimmy Kimmel. It was like, how many times can this man appear in our, without, and we never know. No,


And I was like, oh, sorry. I was just looking at you, looking at you. And he


[00:05:45] Corinne Foxx: Joe's like, what the


[00:05:51] Corinne Foxx: Oh, anyways, I love you too. Thank you for supporting my little crushes. And even when I take it too far and I took it too far, I took it too far that time, but I was wanting to tell you guys that, because that is just, it's so


[00:06:07] Corinne Foxx: happened, be okay.

To just come to terms with it. And I was like, okay, that happened. That did happen in real life.


[00:06:19] Corinne Foxx: stuff. My gosh, anyways, that's what happens when an introvert tries to be an extrovert and I need to stop doing that.


It was wrong


[00:06:43] Natalie McMillan: Well, we've always found it really interesting to observe how introverts and extroverts navigate the world, particularly because we are both introverts who like to quietly observe things in a corner and pretend we don't exist.

That's where


[00:07:02] Natalie McMillan: then I fell. And then it was like, I don't know how to exist is the problem. So it's also just been really interesting to recognize how each personality type has fared during the pandemic and how extroverts have had a really hard time and introverts maybe didn't really change that much of their behavior.

Honestly, I didn't really change anything to be honest. And we also just think that it's misunder. Personality types are often misunderstood. So we just wanted to do a little


Stimuli. So he believed that extroverts direct their energy outwards towards other people and gain energy from such encounters, introverts, meanwhile, focus there and Andree inwards towards more solitary, thoughtful activities. Yes. And I was just curious, like I was, we were looking this up and I was like, okay, but does this come from like nature or is it nurture or are you more on this way?

Or do you develop this way? Like how does that, how do you become one of these two? Oh, wow.


Damn she thick amongst extroverts, the precuneus region of the


[00:08:58] Natalie McMillan: She not there neither is mine. Unfortunately. However, research also suggests that environmental factors could play a role in personality development. Scientists reported that children who formed a secure attachment with the parent exhibited higher level.

Extroversion than those who formed other types of




[00:09:39] Corinne Foxx: Yes. Extroversion


They like moving into action and making things happen. Extroverts generally feel at home in the world. Cannot relate, not cannot relate. I don't eat. I'm like, what planet am I on? Why am I here? And they often understand a problem better when they can talk it out loud and hear about what others have to say


Yeah. So the following statements will generally apply to you. If you're an extrovert, I am seen as outgoing or as a people person, I feel comfortable in groups and like working in them. I have a wide range of friends and know a lot of people. I sometimes jump too quickly into an activity and don't allow enough time to think it over.

Um, before I start a project, I sometimes forget to stop and get clear on what to do and. Y. So if you're listening to that or like last me, you're probably not ready for them. Know if you're an extrovert. I mean, you kind of know what feels good to you and you can use that to your advantage. Vantage.


So extroverts actually are very good. Schmoozers, they're skilled at both verbal and nonverbal communication, not to mention they're adept at persuading, people in situations like job interviews and negotiations. That's why extroverts are more likely to become


[00:11:22] Natalie McMillan: Like politicians, very schmoozy.

You know what I mean? The other advantage of being an extrovert is that y'all stay positive. Extroverts tend to experience positive emotions more often. Advantageous for a few reasons. For example, those positive feelings protect against negative phenomena, like burnout or work-life imbalance. Wow. We are being absolutely called out by this.

I know. And they make it easier to adjust to new work environments when switching jobs or


This will get him always in contact with new people and offer them new opportunities to experience new things in. It sounds like it's great to be an extrovert. No, Jesus also in a work setting, experts are really good at collaborating with others. So extroverts do their best work when they are working with others.

Extroverts enjoy teamwork because of the social aspect and the ability to connect with others in the process. And because they possess the ability to motivate the people around them, their participation in group work usually inspires higher performance and better employee satisfaction.


Cause I'm thinking about my friend Desi and like all of our group projects in school and she was always the leader and she is an extra. Yeah. I was always just like, just tell me what to do. Exactly. Exactly. Here's some interesting stats. You know, we love some staff. We love a bath. So 77% of extroverts seek thrilling activities during their vacations compared to 47% of interrupt.


[00:13:20] Natalie McMillan: do. I don't, I don't think I seek them. 89% of extroverts say they are comfortable, verbally expressing gratitude when they feel it compared to 67% of introvert. It's just kind of that little shine at 87% of extroverts, believe they have what it takes to be a good leader compared to only 56% of introverts, which brings us to


Number two. Introversion. So introverts Natalie and I, well, we don't know about that. And I might well look at it and she tries to find me. We don't know. We look at it. Okay. Introverts, like getting their energy from dealing with the ideas, pictures, memories, and reactions that are inside their head. AK. In their inner world, they often prefer doing things alone or with one or two people they feel comfortable with, they take time to reflect.

So they have a clear idea of what they'll be doing when they decide to act ideas are almost solid things for them. And they tend towards liking the idea of something more than the real. Hm,


[00:14:27] Corinne Foxx: to that. I can't do, especially the like doing things alone or with only like one or two people that you really like.

I really will only travel with


Well, yes. I sometimes spend too much time reflecting and don't move into action quickly enough. I don't think I'm like that. I do that, I think. And I sometimes forget to check with the outside world to see if my ideas really fit the experience. I do this, what that means. I think it's like, I'll create like a fact in my head or like a narrative in my head.

And then like, I just assume that that's what it is. Even if the outside world is like saying otherwise I'm like in my brain and that's how it is.


In fact, many introverts are excellent at small talk because they're great listeners and are able to see issues from others. Perspective. I can see that. Yes. Another way to kind of biohack yourself and introversion to your advantage is that it's not uncommon for extroverts to go straight from a busy day at work to the bar and have drinks with friends.

And as an introvert, you're more likely to be exhausted by the end of the day, wanting nothing more than to go home and unwind by yourself. So instead of going to every business networking event and running yourself, ragged, choose one or two that. They're the most valuable and leave the rest. You kind of, you got a plan number on your energy, but when you can, you can really show up and be a great listener.

And. I feel like you can have more meaningful connections with people. Yes.


I think we've got a couple more hacks,


We haven't talked about it. I don't think we put it in here. Well, we were researching this episode. There was an actual scientific rendering of what an introvert looks like compared to an extrovert. So it was like this 3d rendered face. Natalie, how could you describe you? Did a good description. What looks like Joe Rogan?


[00:17:45] Corinne Foxx: Yeah. So I think for introverts, we have to remember that maybe we're because we're a little bit more uncomfortable. Like our resting face can be unapproachable. Yes. Yes. So we just kind of have to just even get a fake it teammate, get him to smile, look people


[00:18:03] Corinne Foxx: don't trip act outside of your Trover.


And another, this is a kind of a little hack again, scheduling alone time, like actually schedule alone time because you can't give from an empty cup. So make sure you're practicing self care. I wish we could say something else besides self-care.


[00:19:12] Natalie McMillan: really prioritize it because you


So some interesting facts about introverts since we did some extroverts, 80% of introverts say they often find that time spent alone is more interesting and satisfying than time spent with other people compared to 29% of


[00:19:33] Corinne Foxx: 80% level, own time, absolutely level. It's very interesting.

So I'm very, we're also very like self-reflective and we learn things about ourselves. Yes. Another fact is 84% of introverts would feel cautious, worried, or even downright horrified. If they suddenly realized they were becoming famous compared to 51% of extroverts. So they


[00:19:57] Corinne Foxx: I would feel oh, more people to talk to.



[00:20:04] Corinne Foxx: Thanks. If you guys are listening to this and you're like, wait, okay, wait. That part resonates with me. That part doesn't I don't know if I really fall into any of these categories. There's reason for that. Yeah, because the trove versions, the TRO version,


Yes. I think we're learning in, in, uh,


[00:20:34] Natalie McMillan: So instead of thinking about extroversion or introversion as labels, think of it as that spectrum. So you can rank low, high or medium people who fall into the middle of the spectrum are called ambiverts.

So these are people who exhibit qualities of both. And extroversion and can flip into either, depending on their mood, context and goals.


I think you are too though. I'm okay. It's only out of necessity. I do know what the, but you can't say


[00:21:23] Corinne Foxx: That's true. It is. You get me with 10 people. What do I do? Yeah, I just into the wall, I


What are you talking about? Like what I'm saying? Like, if you, like, when I realized that 10 people could perceive me and can't I met, I.


Trying to think if I know anybody use it. Hey, no, I can't an


[00:22:12] Corinne Foxx: No. You know what, like Talia is kind of like an anti-social extrovert. I would say my friends. Yes. I can see that. So my friend, Jessie, I think she has an anti-social she's super extroverted, but she likes to spend a lot of time.

She spends a lot of time. Yeah. Okay. I can see that. And then there's also things called social introvert. So that's an introvert who can dial up extroversion when needed. So again, similar to an outgoing introvert. Yeah. Kind of like as needed basis. So here


And I don't have much preference either way. Social settings don't make me uncomfortable, but I tire of being around people too much. Some people think I'm quiet while others think I'm highly social. That does apply to me. Yeah. If I spend too much time alone, I get bored yet too much time around other people leave me feeling drained.

I don't I'm rarely bored.


Having the ability to be more outgoing when the situation calls for it, like at a party or more subdued, like in an important meeting, also balanced ambiverts tend to take more calculated. Meaning, they see the potential for failure and hazard and certain decisions, but choose to make them anyway, because they've determined that the chances of failure or hazard are low and that the potential for positive outcomes outweighs the negative.

I will say I do that. I am terrified of some shit and I just do it anyways. Cause I'm like, we're not going to be held back. We've got to do this. We're going to be uncomfy and we're going to do it. Yes.


So sometimes extroverts talk too much. Sometimes introverts don't talk enough and either of these qualities can cause tension in social interactions. However, ambiverts being a mixed. Both know the value of sharing ideas and contributing to conversation, as well as the value of hearing what the other person has to say and allowing them to contribute to the conversation, making the majority of their social interactions go pretty smooth.


[00:24:53] Natalie McMillan: Yeah, I do think that that is me. Here's a little fun fact. Ambiverts pulled in 24% more revenue than introverts and a mind-boggling 32% more revenue than extroverts.


[00:25:09] Natalie McMillan: if I'm an ambivert then. Okay. I will take that because I would like that 24% extra rev.


And make them understandable and useful in people's lives. So the essence of the theory is that much seemingly random variation and people's behavior is actually quite orderly, inconsistent due to basic differences in the ways individuals prefer to use their perception and judgment Myers-Briggs takes the following.

Which knots going to read four categories into account?


So this would be your E or your. Great. And I are both eyes, eyes. The next one is information. So do you prefer to focus on the basic information you take in or do you prefer to interpret an add meaning? So this is called sensing S or intuition and


[00:26:40] Natalie McMillan: we're both I ends right now. Next is decisions. So when making decisions, do you prefer to look.

Uh, logic and consistency or first look at the people and the special circumstances. This is called thinking T or feeling F I math. I'm an F and then structure. So in dealing with the outside world, do you prefer to get things decided or do you prefer to stay open to new information and options? This is called judging J or perceiving P


[00:27:15] Natalie McMillan: I am judging.

That's where we switch. I am an inf J Kerryn is an inf P


He is at IFP as well. And Joe is an int. Oh, okay.


And it goes through your strengths and weaknesses, romantic relationships, friendships, career paths, workplace habits. The whole nine it's so


So yeah, we'll link it in the show notes. If you guys want to take the quiz, we love quizzes. Yeah. And we hope you guys understand more about introversion and extroversion and Ambi version and what your strengths are and how to utilize them in your daily life. And,


[00:28:30] Corinne Foxx: What are you guys?

Introverts or extroverts? And if you take the little quiz, what's your Myers-Brigg. Oh yeah. Give us your Fort letters. I would


[00:28:38] Corinne Foxx: who's in the community. Yes, please do. Um, but now let's circle back on the wine that we're drinking. What is this again? This is


[00:28:51] Corinne Foxx: 2016.

And our Hottie of the week is we had to look. Most celebrities are extroverts. So we had to find one that was an introvert. And I think I was kind of surprised that she's an introvert, Christina Aguilera. Yeah. She's an introvert also. I nose in day as an introvert, but we've already done her. So we couldn't do the day.

She talks about being shy all the time and how she had to learn to make small talk. Well, also


[00:29:27] Corinne Foxx: Right. You know, of course. So Ms. Christina Aguilera is an introvert. She's our Hottie of the week. And what are we going to rate this? Malbeck one to Christina Aguilera, Minnis genie in



[00:29:52] Corinne Foxx: I don't love it either. I'd give it a four. I'll give it a four


[00:30:00] Corinne Foxx: again. Yeah. Okay. For our, to Christine. For at a feeding a bottle.

all right. This is the part of the show. We play a little wrap-up game and this week we're playing. Fuck. Marry, kill not do you want me to go or do you, do I need you to go first?


[00:30:21] Corinne Foxx: do. What have I done? Fast food restaurants. If you have, I don't remember. Great. Cause that's what we're going to do today.

Fuck. Marry, kill shake shack. Oh. McDonald's oh, okay. Okay. Okay. If you could eat McDonald's you know what I mean? Oh yeah. Yeah. If you can eat fully all these. Exactly.


[00:30:47] Corinne Foxx: you know, here for a good time on a long time. Exactly. And


It's very sad. We hate it. The happy meal burgers with the little diced up onions and pickles,


[00:31:04] Natalie McMillan: so good. And the bun is all soft and delicious. So yeah, that with a little drink and some fries. Nothing is better than McDonald's fries. I'm sorry. Yeah. Okay. I mean, except for Kerryn with the burger king thing with the burger king.

Okay. Yeah, but I'm going to fuck McDonald's I'm going to marry shake shack.


[00:31:27] Natalie McMillan: their hot dogs, but they recently took away the Chicago dog, which was my favorite. I know we're not doing citizen's arrest, but citizens arrest on you. Shake shack for doing that to me. But I also love their burgers.

They have gluten-free buns, they've got milkshakes. We're going to marry. There's some variety we're going to marry them. So yeah, we're just going to have to go ahead and, and kill


[00:31:48] Natalie McMillan: I don't not like it. I just simply, it just is there. Okay. If somebody is like, Hey, you want to go to in and out?

And like, that's what we're doing. Okay. You know, but I do think that it's over-hyped




[00:32:20] Corinne Foxx: Okay. But it is slightly tailored


[00:32:35] Corinne Foxx: want. Dammit, I'm my get, I was just watching Kardashians clips on watching Kardashian clips on YouTube is one of my favorite pastimes


[00:32:45] Corinne Foxx: I never done that. Oh my God. It's it's an incredible, the reason it was on for 20 seasons is that it's actually good. It's really fun. Really? Like it. Okay. I have to marry catfish and you know, I do. Yes, because I've been loyal. I've been watching that show for 10 plus years. It is always consistently amazing.

Yeah. And Neve never fails us. Oh my God. He never does. And so catfish, I must marry. Here's like, what do I thought? And what do I kill? Salt lake is absolutely insane. The show is insane, but the Kardashians have been with me for a long time and I really am invested in their lives. I'm going to have to fuck salt lake because it's just insane.

And I would, you have to just, it's a hidden inquisitive thing. Okay. I have to kill the Kardashians and I'm sorry, because I love their show. I think it's incredible. I think it's genius. Well, here's the thing.


They don't do anything without that. K K. You know what I mean? Right. So I'm a


I want to know get arrested. Live. Oh, and she's going, she's starting her trial next year. What are these people? And then after she gets arrested the next week she's filming, she's filming. I just watched the episode of her after she's like, oh my God, I can't believe I got arrested. They're like, are you okay?

She's like, girl, I don't know. Why does she keep filming your TV now?


[00:34:30] Corinne Foxx: Land security arrested her, the cops Homeland security from New York. They flew in to get this bitch. Oh my God. She was doing a wire fraud. So she was, um, not wire fraud, but she was, you know, those, when they scam old people.

Oh, oh no, she was a scammer. You know, when they call them, they say, oh, Hey, you pay for the service. They get their credit card information, and then they can't get off. They just keep charging them every month. That's what she did. She was, she provided leads. So she would get a list of all these old people that were vulnerable and sell it to these fake companies that didn't have.

Real products are real services and they would like contact them. They'd be out of it. And they'd be like, okay, like, I guess it would be like these little marketing plans and they would never do anything.


[00:35:17] Corinne Foxx: you got to catch you. What? She's insane. She's actually one of our, one of the best ones on there in terms of it obtain your entertainment.

And so see me sad.


[00:35:34] Corinne Foxx: That was a great fuck. Marry, kill that. You guys don't remember. We have a newsletter that you can sign up for on am I doing,


[00:35:49] Corinne Foxx: Hungry. Sign up for him. Newsletter and we'll.


[00:36:02] Corinne Foxx: with another episode.




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