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How Straw Man Arguments Keep Us Apart: Pursuing Intellectual Humility
Episode 19th July 2024 • Dummy for Theology • Joshua Noel
00:00:00 00:22:56

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Starting off season 2 all about Logical Fallacies, we discuss what a Straw Man Argument is and how to avoid it. Joshua Noel discusses how logic is important to our faith and how God is not a god of confusion! He also discusses how important avoiding straw man arguments can be for church unity, and how to steel man the other side better for missiology as well!


What is an example of a straw man argument? Why is the straw man fallacy bad? What is the difference between the strawman and steelman argument? What is the straw man strategy? What is the opposite of a straw man argument? What does the Westminster Confession say? What is the controversy with the Westminster Confession of Faith? What does the Westminster Confession of Faith say about the Pope? What does Unity in Church mean?


In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Explore your faith through the lens of logic
  • Deconstruct bad faith arguments
  • Engage others better in and out of the Church
  • Strengthen your own arguments for your faith


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