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Genesis 3 vs 4 to Genesis 3 vs 19
Episode 54th January 2025 • 15 Minute Daily Bible Walk • Pastor Robert Thibodeau
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Genesis 3 vs 4 to Genesis 3 vs 19

Pastor Bob Thibodeau guides listeners through a thoughtful exploration of Genesis chapter three, focusing on the pivotal moment of temptation when the serpent deceives Eve.

The discussion emphasizes the confusion caused by the serpent's words, challenging God's command and leading to the fall of humanity.

Pastor Bob highlights the consequences of this act, including the curse that befalls Adam and Eve and the resulting pain and toil in their lives.

He reflects on the nature of sin and the importance of coming to God for forgiveness, emphasizing that God is aware of our sins long before we confess them.

The episode encourages listeners to embrace God's invitation to repentance and transformation, reminding them of the grace available through Jesus Christ.


  • Pastor Bob emphasizes the importance of daily scripture reading for those with busy lives.
  • The podcast provides a verse-by-verse exploration of the Bible, making it accessible.
  • Listeners are encouraged to seek forgiveness and develop a personal relationship with Jesus.
  • The story of Adam and Eve illustrates the consequences of disobedience to God's commands.
  • Pastor Bob explains the symbolism behind the fig leaves used by Adam and Eve.
  • The episode reinforces the message that God invites us to come to Him regardless of our past.

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Pastor Bob:

Bible Walk, a verse by verse devotional study through the Bible with Pastor Bob Thibodeau.

Pastor Bob:

In this unique study, Pastor Bob takes you through the Bible just a few verses at a time.

Pastor Bob:

From Genesis all the way through the book of the Revelation.

Pastor Bob:

No preaching, Just a simple Bible reading with examples and short explanations of the meaning behind the Scriptures.

Pastor Bob:

Your 15 minute daily Bible walk is designed for those who are so busy it's hard for them to do a daily Bible study.

Pastor Bob:

So Pastor Bob developed this program so you could study the Bible in just 15 minutes a day.

Pastor Bob:

Now with today's Scripture study, here is Pastor Bob Tibodo.


Hello, everyone, everywhere.


Pastor Bob Thibodeau here.


Welcome to the 15 Minute Bible Walk.


We're so blessed you're joining us today.


Looking forward to taking today's scripture reading again for the next few minutes.


Or go verse by verse through the Bible.




So go to Genesis chapter three.


And that's where we're at.


I believe we're down.


We read down to verse four.


So we'll start right there at verse four.


This is where the serpent is tempting Eve.


Now, he says, you will not surely die.


He just said, we'll just summarize, you know, verse one.


He said, didn't God say you could eat from every tree of the garden?


And she said, we can eat from every tree of the garden except the one in the middle of the garden.


God said, you'll not eat from that one, nor touch it, lest you die.


And the serpent said to the woman, he's lying to you.


You won't die.


And that caused confusion.


All right, that caused some confusion right there.


And he said, God knows in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be opened and you'll be as gods.


Now, Satan wasn't alone, okay?


Remember all of the angels that were cast out with him, they were in the earth as well.




So here he is.


They're seeing them.


And he says, you'll be like us.


You'll know everything good and evil.


If you turn to the message translation.


Remember I said in the beginning in the introduction video that we'd be going back and forth when I thought it'd provide a little bit more clarity.


Let's go ahead and read this from the message translation.


Verse chapter 3, verse 1.


The serpent was clever, More clever than any wild animal God had made.


And he spoke to the woman.


Do I understand that God told you not to eat from any tree in the garden?


So see how he twisted it just a little bit?


He told you not to eat from any tree in the garden that's different from what you see here in the King James.


Makes more sense over here, doesn't it?


The woman said, not at all.


We can eat from the trees in the garden.


It's only the one tree in the middle of the garden.


God said, don't eat from it.


Don't even touch it or you'll die.


The serpent told the woman, you won't die.


God knows that the moment you eat from that tree, you'll see what's really going on.


You'll know it all.


You'll be just like God, knowing everything, ranging all the way from good to evil.


They didn't know what good or evil was.


And the woman saw the tree looked like good eating and realized what she was gonna get out of eating it.


She'd know everything.


She would be just like God.


So she took and ate the fruit, then gave some to her husband, and he ate it too.


And immediately, the two of them did see what's really going on.




They saw themselves naked.


The glory light that was surrounding them was turned off.


And they're looking at their bodies.


And they knew something happened.


So they sewed fig leaves together.


You know, notice this?


Fig leaves.


They sewed fig leaves together to make shift clothes for themselves.


And let's look at this.


Now, it wasn't an apple that she ate.


It's a fig tree.


They were right there.


Have you seen fig leaves?


Fig leaves are big, okay?


So the figs were there.


They ate the fig, the figs off the tree.


And that makes sense, because isn't the fig tree basically the tree of God?


You know, that people talk about the symbol of Israel?


So it's not an apple tree or a pear tree or anything like that.


It was a fig tree.


All right?


Now, they knew they'd messed up, so they started sewing the leaves off the fig tree together.


Remember, this is God's tree.


Probably part of their mental thinking at that point in time was, you know, this is God's tree.


We'll sow fig leaves together.


We know we're God's kids, basically, right?


So we'll so fig leaves together.


And we'll be, you know, at least covering ourselves with his tree.


You know, you just picture this reasoning going on quickly in their mind.


So the eyes of them both were open.


They sewed these fig leaves together.


And then they heard the voice of the Lord God.


Verse 8.


Walking in the Garden in the cool of the day.


And Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God.


Remember Lord God is Yahweh Elohim.


So they heard the voice of Yahweh Elohim, God Himself, walking in the garden in the cool of the day.


Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of Yahweh Elohim among the trees of the garden.


And Yahweh Elohim called unto Adam and said to him, where are you now?


When he said, where are you?


This God knew right where they were at.


He was trying to get them to come to him.


Just like Jesus invites us today to come to him.


He knows where we're at.


You know, I remember praying one time, and I also heard other people testify to almost the same thing that, you know, when.


When God called me into the ministry.


There's a good example, okay?


I was not living for him.


Let's just leave it like that.


I was not living for him prior to being born again.


Once I was born again, I started cleaning my life up because he cleaned me up.


But the day came when he called me into the ministry and I was praying, lord, I can't be a preacher for you.


Obviously you don't know the life I live, because otherwise you wouldn't even ask, right?


And he asked me.


He said, was all that before you got born again?


Yes, before I got born again.


And did you believe that I forgave you of all that sin?




He said, when you prayed, you didn't stun me with a realization like, oh, wow, did you really do all that?


Because I knew it all before you even came to me.


He goes, when you confess that sin to me is not when you got rid of it or, I'm sorry, when you confess that sin to me is not when I found out about it, when you confessed it to me is when you got rid of it.


And what did it take for me to be shed of all that sin?


Coming to Jesus, responding to the invitation, here we see God doing the same exact thing.


He says, where are you?


Come to me.




That's what he's saying here.


And the Lord God called Ab said, where are you?


And he said, I'm here.


I heard your voice in the garden.


And I was afraid because I was naked and hid myself.


And he said, who told you you were naked?


Who told you that you were naked?


And he said, I'm trying to figure where I am because I'm going between two different versions of the Bible here.


There it is.


Who told you?


Did you eat from that tree I told you not to eat from?


This is the message.


Did you eat from that tree I told you not to eat from.


God knew exactly what had happened.


And he said, the woman you gave me as a companion, she's the one that gave me the fruit that you told me not to eat.


And the man said to the woman, what is this that you have done?


What did you do?


And she didn't respond with it, except the serpent seduced me and I ate it.


She's blaming the devil.


She's the one who took the bite.


She's the one who gave it to her husband.


And God told the serpent, because you've done this, you are cursed.


Cursed beyond all cattle and wild animals.


Curse to sleep on your belly, eat dirt all your life.


I'm declaring war between you and the woman, between your offspring and hers.


He'll wound your head, you'll wound his heel.


And he told the woman, I will multiply.


I will multiply your pain and childbirth.


You will give birth to babies in pain.


And you'll want to please your husband, but he'll lord it over you.


And he told the man, because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from, don't eat from this tree.


The very ground is cursed because of you.


Getting food from the ground will be as painful as having babies is for your wife.


You'll be working in pain all your life long.


The ground will spout thorns and weeds.


You'll get your food the hard way.


Planting and tilling and harvesting.


Remember, up to that point in time, the food was there, the fruit was on the trees.


He was provided for.


Now he says, you're going to work to get your food the hard way.


Planting and tilling and harvesting.


Sweating in the fields from dawn to dusk until you return to that ground yourself, dead and buried.


You started out as dirt, you'll end up as dirt.


And we're going to leave it there for today.




Praise God, folks.


God knows everything you've ever done.


You're not surprising him when you confess anything.


You're not surprising him when you confess your sins.


You're not surprising him when you are, you know, coming to him to receive your forgiveness, he's not gonna say, come to me and I'll forgive you.


And then you get in there, start, go.


You did what?




Oh, let me rethink this on your part.


No, it is not like that at all.


When Jesus says come, he says come.


There is no second guessing.


All you have to do is respond to that invitation.


All you have to do is say yes to Jesus and You don't have to eat fruit from a tree to be wise.


You don't have to eat fruit from a tree to be like God.


All you got to do, say yes to Jesus, ask him to forgive you of your sins.


And when you do that, immediately your sinful man dies.


And then you say, come into my heart, Lord Jesus, and create in me this new man, one that's like you, because it is him.


He's dwelling in your spirit, in your soul, in your mind, in your body.


He just floods your entire being with himself and you're just like Jesus.




Praise God.


If that's you, pray that prayer today.


Just say father, in Jesus name.


Forgive me of my sins, Jesus.


Thank you for the forgiveness of my sins and the gift of everlasting life with you and our Heavenly Father forever.


I receive it now.


I receive you, Jesus.


Believe it in your heart, confess it with your mouth and it shall be just as you say.




Praise God.


Don't shout me down.


I'm preaching.




As we're getting ready to close.


Man, this is good today.


I get a lot out of this story all the time.




Till next time.


That's Pastor Bob reminding you be blessed in all that you do.



Pastor Bob:

Thank you for joining Pastor Bob as he leads you verse by verse through the Bible in this series called your 15 Minute Bible Walk.

Pastor Bob:

We pray this study will bring you closer to God and reveal his word and his will for you through the scriptures.

Pastor Bob:

We would consider it an honor and a blessing if you would support this outreach by clicking the subscribe button on the player this that you are currently listening to this program on.

Pastor Bob:

That way you will have immediate access as soon as a new episode is aired.

Pastor Bob:

Remember, this program is designed to help you study the word of God in just 15 minutes every day.

Pastor Bob:

Join us next time as we continue our 15 minute Bible walk.

Pastor Bob:

Until then, Pastor Bob wants to remind you to be blessed in all that you.



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