It can be hard to stay motivated when our work doesn't feel glamorous.
Felipe Simoes talks about how his barbershop is a place of ministry, and how attitude and skill, combined with faithfulness in small things, yield eternal rewards. As you listen, you'll be encouraged to remain faithful - especially if what you're doing seems mundane.
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When you think about believers in business, does your mind immediately go to
Scott McClelland:powerful executives or maybe scrappy entrepreneurs?
Scott McClelland:What if God's plan for a believer in business was much less glamorous, uh, but no less power.
Scott McClelland:Today, you're going to hear one of those stories of incredible faithfulness and the
Scott McClelland:small things that is showing eternal rewards.
Scott McClelland:Welcome to leaders moment by FXMissions, podcasting.
Scott McClelland:We encourage you to take a moment to sharpen the saw of your leadership perspective and performance.
Scott McClelland:We're bringing you interviews and stories of leaders, much like yourself who are taking action learning.
Scott McClelland:Realizing potential and getting results.
Scott McClelland:Welcome to the leader.
Scott McClelland:You can find all things.
Scott McClelland:FXMissions Podcasting at
Scott McClelland:There's a link in the description and you can find everything for this episode at
Scott McClelland:Today.
Scott McClelland:You'll hear about how success requires both skills and attitude and how both are key in being faithful to your calling.
Scott McClelland:You'll discover how God's using a barbershop as a place of ministry as well.
Scott McClelland:We love hearing from you, especially on social media quick.
Scott McClelland:Thanks for your engagement to Brittany, Tony and Kelsey.
Scott McClelland:You can find us at leaders, a moment on Facebook or Instagram.
Scott McClelland:Hi, Scott McClellan here with your FX missions leadership moment.
Scott McClelland:That's right.
Scott McClelland:This is the believers in business series, kind of a new series we're doing.
Scott McClelland:I'm excited to be with you for this and happy to be bringing you this recording.
Scott McClelland:Abroad.
Scott McClelland:Yes, that's right.
Scott McClelland:A second episode here that I'm doing from Brazil, south America.
Scott McClelland:If you didn't hear the first one, I encourage you to go back and get a listen on that.
Scott McClelland:Thankful to be reunited south America style with my good friend and a former Coken Spire failed leap CMOs.
Scott McClelland:Hello, Felipe.
Scott McClelland:Are you there?
Scott McClelland:Ah, here fairly good to be where you bro.
Scott McClelland:And we've been together for, I don't know, maybe close to a week or something.
Scott McClelland:Yes.
Scott McClelland:Yeah.
Scott McClelland:Here in south America.
Scott McClelland:Absolutely springtime is coming on down here, exact opposite of us north American guys in terms of our seasons, but it's been a
Scott McClelland:wonderful time and good, good, good to be reunited with Felipe.
Scott McClelland:We are in our believers in business series.
Scott McClelland:Felipe, are you in business?
Filipe Simoes:Yeah.
Filipe Simoes:As I'm business, about five years already.
Scott McClelland:Okay.
Scott McClelland:Five years already in business.
Scott McClelland:Well, you are an overcomer then because you didn't close up shop in the first year.
Scott McClelland:So that's really cool and important.
Scott McClelland:I think in our times to get past that first year, let's rewind a little bit though, before
Scott McClelland:we get really into the details of your business.
Scott McClelland:And let's talk a little bit about you Philly, where are you from?
Filipe Simoes:I'm from Brazil.
Filipe Simoes:The name of my city is cheaper.
Filipe Simoes:I'm 40 years old.
Filipe Simoes:I've been here since I was born.
Filipe Simoes:Besides the time that they stay in us for two years.
Filipe Simoes:That's
Scott McClelland:it.
Scott McClelland:Okay.
Scott McClelland:South of Brazil is the area of Brazil that you live in and a city called Cory Achieva.
Scott McClelland:We will be there tomorrow.
Scott McClelland:It will be my first time.
Scott McClelland:There, there are some big cities in Brazil, but, uh, your city is a large one important city there and they tell me it's one
Scott McClelland:of the more beautiful cities that is as large as yours is.
Scott McClelland:Full of parks and beauty.
Scott McClelland:Is there something you want to
Filipe Simoes:say about Cora Chiba?
Filipe Simoes:I have a lot of things to say.
Filipe Simoes:You're writing on that, that you said about the parks.
Filipe Simoes:We have a lot, a lot of sparks.
Filipe Simoes:We have a 2 million people.
Filipe Simoes:So as you check it, there are major CDs in Brazil.
Filipe Simoes:Like we stay all together, pack it in the back in the capitals.
Filipe Simoes:So that's why we have a lot of foreign.
Filipe Simoes:'cause everybody's like my city is too many people.
Filipe Simoes:They see that we're recording is 3
Scott McClelland:million people, big cities in Brazil and Brazil is really big too, and very diverse,
Scott McClelland:thankful to be here and thankful to be with you.
Scott McClelland:Can you tell us a little bit about your background?
Scott McClelland:I know that we met when you were in ministry school in the mid two thousands, you were coming to the U S.
Scott McClelland:Did you always want to travel?
Scott McClelland:Did you always think that you would be living in the states for a couple of years when you were younger?
Filipe Simoes:Uh, so let's make a big story is short.
Filipe Simoes:I was on a family, kind of poor.
Filipe Simoes:I can say my daddy work with fixing fires and they had the dream to study abroad, Theo
Filipe Simoes:college, or didn't know anything about outside.
Filipe Simoes:I started studying English and they just didn't.
Filipe Simoes:And that's the after dads that's experienced, uh, had a life change.
Filipe Simoes:I thoughts with my.
Filipe Simoes:We can do a lot of more.
Filipe Simoes:So when they came back to Brazil after us, I said, I'm going to do the sat test.
Filipe Simoes:And then we on the past and the past, and this a university, that's one of the best of the country.
Filipe Simoes:I studied administration.
Filipe Simoes:And after that, I was doing some internships with import export.
Filipe Simoes:And after that, I went to start my own business.
Filipe Simoes:And then came an idea by my sister and they started to barbershop.
Filipe Simoes:So we were there.
Filipe Simoes:I ministering there also.
Scott McClelland:Awesome, man, I know you do good work one day.
Scott McClelland:My beard will be longing enough for you to shape.
Scott McClelland:Great.
Scott McClelland:I'm hopeful.
Scott McClelland:I don't have a beard like you, your beard is very awesome.
Scott McClelland:Has some length, and you're a great advertisement for your barbershop.
Scott McClelland:So I'm excited to know more about your process on the barbershop.
Scott McClelland:An idea came through your sister, you're saying, and you didn't have a background in this kind of work.
Filipe Simoes:You're completely right when I left the US, I left it with the mind actually, uh, we, I had
Filipe Simoes:the opportunity to learn with you and a special force.
Filipe Simoes:We work working physical training, and we did some things that they were very hard to do.
Filipe Simoes:The very phrase that always sad to be born before the trips were be mentally prepared.
Filipe Simoes:So I was mentally prepared.
Filipe Simoes:And now the other one you're going to remember.
Filipe Simoes:That's don't we?
Filipe Simoes:So.
Filipe Simoes:Yeah, I know that your last few, because it's very true and it was repeating all the time.
Filipe Simoes:So now when I came back, I said, I'm not going to quit.
Filipe Simoes:No, I spent four months studying, like I would wake up study.
Filipe Simoes:I would sleep study.
Filipe Simoes:And for four months I did that and got the SAT.
Filipe Simoes:So I started the bees and as I said, I'm against.
Filipe Simoes:So I didn't have the back round as you sad when we, we see life with ads, toot, I believe in the
Filipe Simoes:80% of our lives is at two and 20% is skills.
Filipe Simoes:So we, few, we have the attitude, we can change environments.
Filipe Simoes:We can start our own business and we just have to go through it.
Filipe Simoes:Thinking the problem.
Filipe Simoes:I read an article that you wrote that you said I'm not going to remember the whole thing in English, but you are here to
Filipe Simoes:help me that thing yet is you can't transcend the obstacle.
Filipe Simoes:Looking to them and I, right.
Filipe Simoes:Yeah.
Filipe Simoes:So that's the thing.
Filipe Simoes:So we started the business and I'm going to do it.
Filipe Simoes:I'm going to then work through that's the phrase that they heard Denzel Washington say, and they kept that in my mind.
Filipe Simoes:Hard work works, working really hard.
Filipe Simoes:It's what successful people do.
Filipe Simoes:And that's our
Scott McClelland:calling good one, just to little context, uh, to folks who wouldn't otherwise know, I was
Scott McClelland:involved in a training program where we were preparing ministry students for missions type of exercises.
Scott McClelland:There was a physical company.
Scott McClelland:There was a spiritual component.
Scott McClelland:There was a teaching component and there was a kind of a readiness mindset that we were trying to impart.
Scott McClelland:And that's where Felipe and I worked together.
Scott McClelland:I was part of the leadership team and he was at that time a student and he was in the program for a couple of years,
Scott McClelland:ended up being a real leader in and doing some great things.
Scott McClelland:And we were thankful to have him and his contribution.
Scott McClelland:And that program and it was a little while back as the same way to say it.
Scott McClelland:I think we were younger men at that time.
Scott McClelland:Phillip, I think maybe almost 15 years ago when we met.
Scott McClelland:Does that sound right?
Filipe Simoes:Yeah.
Filipe Simoes:That is 14 years ago.
Scott McClelland:We don't want to make it more than it was anyway.
Scott McClelland:The idea that we can't transcend the obstacles, if we're focused on those, we have to focus on a solution or something other
Scott McClelland:than the obstacle, as a part of having a mindset to overcome.
Scott McClelland:We can't get too focused.
Scott McClelland:It's like a saying, I heard one time and maybe you will translate this into Portuguese and,
Scott McClelland:and use it like I'm doing some of your quotes.
Scott McClelland:The guy said, when you're digging for gold, you can't get focused.
Scott McClelland:On dirt.
Scott McClelland:Wow.
Scott McClelland:That's the way obstacles are.
Scott McClelland:You had already mindset, you were focused, you push through, you did the preparation, you got these testing elements out
Scott McClelland:of the way you decided what business you wanted to be in and you stepped out and you got going, and this was five years.
Filipe Simoes:Yes to all its final years.
Scott McClelland:Tell us a little bit about your barbershop itself.
Scott McClelland:I know you've shown me around.
Scott McClelland:We'd done some video stuff there.
Scott McClelland:Maybe tomorrow.
Scott McClelland:I'll get there and can take a look and, and spend some time in your barbershop as we're traveling to your city tomorrow.
Scott McClelland:But can you tell me what kind of solutions, what kind of services that you offer?
Filipe Simoes:Uh, I've been thinking about barbershop and the, what do we do there?
Filipe Simoes:When I talk to missionaries, they say, I didn't know if it can leave this place.
Filipe Simoes:It's the best place for a ministry, because there are shaping beards who are shaving hairs, but
Filipe Simoes:the person has to stay with you for 30 minutes.
Filipe Simoes:So when you're sharing a life life with their family, your wife, your kids, You're sharing life.
Filipe Simoes:It's literally prophesied because it props is about and define comfort build.
Filipe Simoes:So where sharing lives or lives and people would just like stay there and see that they're burning up.
Filipe Simoes:They're being comforted with that because they're passing through the same things that you're passing through.
Filipe Simoes:So, but the way that you say with the faith that you have, they're encouraged by death.
Filipe Simoes:So it's, uh, when I first started, I didn't realize that would be like that.
Filipe Simoes:And now.
Filipe Simoes:As we are, again, tolls are with, by the end of the times, we're getting closer to the Lord were opportunities that are coming
Filipe Simoes:even more like new believers, asking him about some things.
Filipe Simoes:And then we can go deeper there.
Filipe Simoes:Of course we don't bother that.
Filipe Simoes:Those ones that they are just there because they feel something, oh, the holy Spirit's gonna going there, but
Filipe Simoes:we're ministering those ones that they're available.
Filipe Simoes:That.
Filipe Simoes:Like good place to minister.
Filipe Simoes:I could advise every missionary to do to open business like that.
Scott McClelland:I think you're one of God's secret weapons in the barbershop.
Scott McClelland:Maybe he's using you to do things there that.
Scott McClelland:What wouldn't expect or maybe other people wouldn't expect it is often said.
Scott McClelland:I think that, especially in the beauty side of things in the beauty shop, that the ladies are therapist
Scott McClelland:for the ladies who are coming to get their hair down.
Scott McClelland:Of course they're spinning.
Scott McClelland:Sometimes two or three hours there at a time.
Scott McClelland:So of course they need to get into a lot of conversations and those kinds of things, but you're saying you're seeing
Scott McClelland:something similar with the guys there at the barbershop.
Scott McClelland:It's a ministry opportunity.
Scott McClelland:And as you're led by the holy spirit, You're in a position to encourage strengthen, build up and all the things
Scott McClelland:that the Bible says that prophetic things are about.
Scott McClelland:Is that what your.
Scott McClelland:That's what I'm saying.
Scott McClelland:That's encouraging and being sensitive there, I think is important when we approach our work to have a sensitivity
Scott McClelland:to the Lord's leading so that we don't miss an opportunity.
Scott McClelland:We need to make good on those opportunities because we're has someone's life there in front of us, that person that God loves.
Scott McClelland:So very encouraging to do that.
Scott McClelland:Tell me about a time in your business.
Scott McClelland:When faith was key, maybe you were facing some kind of obstacle.
Scott McClelland:Maybe you're facing some kind of trouble or difficulty.
Scott McClelland:And the Lord led you out of that.
Scott McClelland:Does something come to mind?
Filipe Simoes:Just came right after you asked that?
Filipe Simoes:The one thing is like, uh, when we started, I didn't have much money, but I started by faith.
Filipe Simoes:We know as believers, we want to give offerings and, and, uh, help other people.
Filipe Simoes:And we do it by faith.
Scott McClelland:Yeah.
Filipe Simoes:So is everything by faith.
Filipe Simoes:So in next month, like w we don't know if the customers are gonna come.
Filipe Simoes:But they just come.
Filipe Simoes:So I think that faith is taking a step forward.
Filipe Simoes:Like our father Abraham.
Filipe Simoes:He didn't know what support they land that his going.
Filipe Simoes:If there's a, there was food, river, whatever for drinking and having food.
Filipe Simoes:It's the same in business, you don't know what's going to happen.
Filipe Simoes:It is really working our job, but people are liking your product, but the thing come,
Filipe Simoes:you've got to believe that's that's all about.
Scott McClelland:Yeah.
Scott McClelland:And I think what you're saying there is believe.
Scott McClelland:Is taking a step out.
Scott McClelland:Yeah.
Scott McClelland:That is, that's an evidence of faith is the step that burst one into the unknown.
Scott McClelland:If you will.
Scott McClelland:I like the way you're explaining that Abraham didn't know where he was going.
Scott McClelland:He didn't have a sense of certainty about the land or the environment that he would be in.
Scott McClelland:He only knew the one who was calling him.
Scott McClelland:So.
Scott McClelland:That's the part, I think we want to focus on a lot of times in business.
Scott McClelland:I think we want to be so prepared that we will be in a position, not to be surprised by, uh, circumstances or conditions or
Scott McClelland:situations, but it's impossible not to be surprised when you're starting, because you're just beginning and everything is.
Scott McClelland:Are the people coming back.
Scott McClelland:Are they going to like what I'm doing for them?
Scott McClelland:All those kinds of things.
Scott McClelland:I think we just have to step out and take courage leadership.
Scott McClelland:Obviously this is a leadership podcast is about taking action.
Scott McClelland:It's about stepping out.
Scott McClelland:It's about, even though sometimes it's very uncomfortable.
Scott McClelland:Sometimes we're going to have to be the first ones to move the first one to act.
Scott McClelland:And the first one.
Scott McClelland:Feel the resistance from the environment that we're acting on for the first time.
Scott McClelland:Very important stuff, right there.
Scott McClelland:Very important stuff.
Scott McClelland:What are you hoping for in terms of these next years?
Scott McClelland:How it could develop?
Scott McClelland:I know you mentioned earlier, That you were training someone to also be involved in the
Scott McClelland:business, help out also take care of the customers.
Scott McClelland:Do you think that your business is an opportunity to prepare other people for similar things?
Scott McClelland:Can you tell us a little bit about your approach?
Scott McClelland:Not just to your customers from a business and kind of a ministry standpoint, but can you tell us about.
Scott McClelland:Your workers are the ones you're working with and the ones you're preparing.
Scott McClelland:What can you say about that Filipe?
Filipe Simoes:Thanks for asking that.
Filipe Simoes:That's a great question.
Filipe Simoes:Actually.
Filipe Simoes:I have a boy there he's 15 years old.
Filipe Simoes:He was my customer about three years, maybe.
Filipe Simoes:And, uh, he asked me to teach him and I said, just come.
Filipe Simoes:So I started teaching hand and he starting getting better and better.
Filipe Simoes:And then he told me, I want you to go to us.
Filipe Simoes:My sister wants to go there.
Filipe Simoes:I heard dandy leaves there and us, and they said, It's no problem.
Filipe Simoes:I'm going to teach you anyways, because we've got a so in people's lives is not the mouth.
Filipe Simoes:Once he's going to give him a back.
Filipe Simoes:If he's going to stay there, it's my wasting time.
Filipe Simoes:Some people think on about money if they are wasting time teaching somebody, but to where sowing
Filipe Simoes:lives and when we are sewing, we're sharing life.
Filipe Simoes:And this guy he's 15 years old, but, uh, tomorrow he's going to be in the conference that you're going to preach Scott.
Filipe Simoes:So he wants to go there.
Filipe Simoes:Why does he want to go there?
Filipe Simoes:Because he has been here and in my testimony, the way that they take life easy and with the Lord, he knows everything.
Filipe Simoes:He's 15 years old.
Filipe Simoes:My dad talk about my wife about things, deep things, you know, it's, it's a challenge to leave, to pay your bills, to do things.
Filipe Simoes:So I thought joking.
Filipe Simoes:And one thing that's very interesting about whose working with you that our customers are going to be happy.
Filipe Simoes:Should the measurement of how your employees happy.
Filipe Simoes:If the person who is working with you is not happy, your customers are not going to be happy.
Filipe Simoes:So it told this guy you're going to leave.
Filipe Simoes:But then I'm going to teach you English first.
Filipe Simoes:So I started teaching English to this guy, so he's not gonna forget me.
Filipe Simoes:Like I didn't charge a painting actually.
Filipe Simoes:He's making money because in the barber shop here in Dubuque, the centers, hair saloon, the per cent of their work.
Filipe Simoes:So I believe that he's not gonna forget though, at this time that he can, the Bertrand it's truly.
Filipe Simoes:Uh, so young, so it's a great place for ministry.
Filipe Simoes:It's awesome.
Scott McClelland:Absolutely.
Scott McClelland:Was a great quote that you said there.
Scott McClelland:I don't know where you got it or maybe the Lord gave it to you directly, but the idea of, to the degree
Scott McClelland:that your people that are working with you are happy.
Scott McClelland:That's the degree that they're able to make your customers happy and enjoy the experience.
Scott McClelland:That's powerful and.
Scott McClelland:Important.
Scott McClelland:I think as business people, we recognize that we have relationships all around us, right?
Scott McClelland:And these relationships are entrusted to us.
Scott McClelland:It's relationships with our vendors, it's relationships with our customers and relationships with our coworkers.
Scott McClelland:And our employees.
Scott McClelland:That is something I think it's important to emphasize is that we have to have a sense of the importance and the
Scott McClelland:value of all of those relationships and do everything we can to show each of them, respect and dignity, and to.
Scott McClelland:Approach them in a way that is edifying and encouraging to those.
Scott McClelland:Each one very well said, failure in closing here, as we're finishing up, is there something that you want to emphasize or
Scott McClelland:mention that I didn't ask you or something that comes to mind?
Scott McClelland:Uh, final thought that you want to share.
Filipe Simoes:I know I'll have no thing.
Filipe Simoes:I'm sorry for that.
Scott McClelland:Don't worry, Matt.
Scott McClelland:Don't worry.
Filipe Simoes:We couldn't repeat the same thing,
Scott McClelland:Len.
Scott McClelland:No, it's okay.
Scott McClelland:Someone can start the podcast over and get it again if they want to, without us having to, uh, do that, but thank you
Scott McClelland:very much for being willing to join me here on the podcast.
Scott McClelland:I know from time to time you had.
Scott McClelland:Been listening and enjoying the content there with the interviews and other people.
Scott McClelland:So thank you.
Scott McClelland:It's very much a blessing to me to have you as a participant in the podcast and also someone who listens.
Scott McClelland:So you're participating on both sides of the microphone.
Scott McClelland:So that to me is a real blessing and I appreciate your friendship and I thank you for.
Scott McClelland:Really being my host here in Brazil, along with , who was on the previous podcast.
Scott McClelland:So thanks so much for your friendship, bro.
Scott McClelland:If someone wanted to find out more about you about the barbershop or about who is this Felipe
Scott McClelland:CMOs, how could they find that information?
Filipe Simoes:Uh, about me?
Filipe Simoes:They can find the, in the, my page, Instagram, uh, FilipeOSimoes
Filipe Simoes:it's Philippe.
Filipe Simoes:Oh, Simoes.
Filipe Simoes:My job is O Mestre BarberShop.
Filipe Simoes:They're going to spell O M E S T R E BarberShop, like in English.
Scott McClelland:Okay.
Scott McClelland:Okay, cool.
Scott McClelland:I see you put that in English, which was pretty cool.
Scott McClelland:The way you did those words.
Scott McClelland:And we'll also put the links on the show notes and information.
Scott McClelland:So folks can find you pretty easily.
Scott McClelland:And I really appreciate you being here, bro.
Scott McClelland:It's really a blessing to have you on and thank you for what you're doing with your customers.
Scott McClelland:Thank you for what you're doing with the young man you're preparing.
Scott McClelland:And it's a blessing.
Scott McClelland:Your approach to business is very encouraging.
Scott McClelland:Thank you for sharing that with us.
Scott McClelland:Thanks for invitation.
Scott McClelland:Yes, sir.
Scott McClelland:And I am Scott McClellan and this is.
Scott McClelland:The FX missions, leadership moment.
Scott McClelland:If you need to contact me or us, please do
Scott McClelland:Big, thanks.
Scott McClelland:Going out to Felipe for his friendship and also for his transparency and sharing his story.
Scott McClelland:If you've made it this far, I'd really appreciate it.
Scott McClelland:If you'd take just 30 seconds and share this episode with a friend or two.
Scott McClelland:Now, if you've ever had thoughts about making an eternal impact, you won't want to miss the next episode, you'll
Scott McClelland:hear from Pierce, from the eternal entrepreneur about the pursuit of excellence, the importance of adding value.
Scott McClelland:How critical our thoughts are and so much more that's coming up next time.
Scott McClelland:We really appreciate you being a part of the leaders moment.
Scott McClelland:If you will visit to have this podcast and future podcasts delivered to your favorite podcast app.
Scott McClelland:Every time we publish a new episode.