If you're inspired to grow your leadership and communication skills, lead your teams with certainty and mutual respect, and foster a highly collaborative team environment, then read on for a few of Dr Demartini’s top leadership and management skills.
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Mentioned in this episode:
The Breakthrough Experience
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If you are not seeing how what they're
dedicated to is fulfilling your life,
Speaker:you're going to talk
down to them carelessly,
Speaker:and you're going to be an autocrat and
you're going to be trying to project them
Speaker:and motivating them with
all kind of incentives,
Speaker:which is going to increase
the cost of managing people.
Speaker:If you are a leader or aspire
to be a leader and manage
Speaker:or lead organization or teams of people,
Speaker:I'd like to share with you some things
that can be of a help in that management
Speaker:process or leadership process.
Speaker:No human being goes and joins
an organization or a company
Speaker:or any association unless they
feel that they're going to fulfill
Speaker:their values. They don't join organization
for the sake of the organization.
Speaker:They join it because they feel that
they're going to fulfill what's most
Speaker:meaningful and most important to them.
Speaker:The same thing in any relationship.
Speaker:People are in a relationship with you
because they feel somehow they're going to
Speaker:fulfill what's important to them
in their life by being with you.
Speaker:If they don't feel that anymore, they
move on. Well, if you want to lead people,
Speaker:if you want a team spirit, if you will,
Speaker:then knowing the values and what's
priority and what's really most
Speaker:important to the people you're
going to lead is crucial. You know,
Speaker:people as they, they're
not dedicated to you.
Speaker:They're dedicated to the
fulfillment of what they value.
Speaker:And if they think that what you're
up to is helping them fulfill that,
Speaker:they look dedicated to you.
Speaker:But I've proven that in
working with clients and
customers and people working in
Speaker:and I assure you that they're loyal to
their own values more so than loyal to
Speaker:So if you care enough about
the people in your team,
Speaker:or in your organization, that
you may be managing or leading,
Speaker:just know that if you don't know
what's really most important to them
Speaker:you're going to have
more challenge doing so.
Speaker:I did a very interesting study,
Speaker:where I took 33
Speaker:groups or couples that
did not know each other,
Speaker:and we had an exercise where,
these people never met each other,
Speaker:didn't know each other, they just
happened to be at one conference together,
Speaker:and they met each other to conference.
They didn't know each other prior.
Speaker:And I had them identify with my
Demartini Value Determination process,
Speaker:which you can go on my website
and look up and see, it's free,
Speaker:it's complimentary, it's private.
Speaker:It's a series of 13 questions
to ask yourself to help discern
Speaker:and narrow down what objectively your
life is demonstrating that's most
Speaker:important to you, most valuable to you.
Speaker:Because if you ask somebody what they
value in life and what's important to
Speaker:them, many times they'll
give you skewed answers.
Speaker:I've been doing this 46 years
on just Value Determination,
Speaker:and I assure you that people
don't always know what they,
Speaker:what they say is important, is
not what their life demonstrates,
Speaker:let's put it that way.
Speaker:But by going in and
answering these questions and
identifying what their values
Speaker:are and what your values are, this
is very crucial. So in this group,
Speaker:I took 33 pairs and I had them go
and do the Value Determination,
Speaker:which you can get on my
website, and had them go through
Speaker:and it took about 30 minutes,
Speaker:to go and identify what their life was
demonstrating was most valuable to them.
Speaker:Once we identified that, both
these people had their values,
Speaker:then we spent almost two
hours asking this question,
Speaker:how specifically is the very top
highest value in this individual
Speaker:helping fulfill the very top
highest value in this individual?
Speaker:So in other words, you're with your
pair, your partner, and you go,
Speaker:so whatever your highest value is,
raising children, building a business,
Speaker:growing wealth keeping
fit, whatever it may be,
Speaker:how specifically is it
helping me fulfill mine?
Speaker:Which in my case would be teaching and
research. Now my job is to find it.
Speaker:If I can't see how what they're dedicated
to is helping me fulfill what I'm
Speaker:dedicated to, I'm going to devalue them,
Speaker:I'm going to talk down to them,
Speaker:I'm going to project autocratically
my values onto them to try to
Speaker:correct them and fix them and change them.
Speaker:And nobody wants to be changed.
Speaker:They want to be loved and appreciated
who they are and who they are revolves
Speaker:around what they value most.
Speaker:Your ontological identity revolves
around what you value most.
Speaker:Your teleological purpose
revolves around what value most,
Speaker:your epistemological area of knowledge
and core competence is around what you
Speaker:value most. So knowing what's
highest on their value is crucial,
Speaker:but if you can't see
how what their values,
Speaker:their highest value and what
they're dedicated to is serving you,
Speaker:you're going to want to fix them.
Speaker:And you're going to be perceived
non charismatically as an autocrat
Speaker:dictating and manipulating
people with, you know,
Speaker:force to get them to do things.
Speaker:And this is not the most
powerful leadership or
management style, if you will.
Speaker:Most people do that because they don't
know how to communicate in people's
Speaker:and don't take the time and don't value
the person enough to want to take the
Speaker:time to do that. But if
you can do this, ask,
Speaker:how specifically is their top value,
their top one, first highest value,
Speaker:helping you fulfill your top highest
value? And answer that 20 or 30 times.
Speaker:And at first you're going to say it
doesn't, but your job is to find the link.
Speaker:Because if you find the link,
Speaker:the amount of effort to manage
and lead and govern teams,
Speaker:goes way down.
Speaker:You just liberated yourself because
now you're articulating fluently and
Speaker:congruently what you want
in terms of what they want.
Speaker:And caring enough to do that makes a
huge difference in the leadership style.
Speaker:So you ask, how specifically is their top
value, what they're most dedicated to,
Speaker:helping me fulfill what I'm most dedicated
to, my top value? And answer that 20,
Speaker:30 times. Then I ask, how
specifically is my top value,
Speaker:what I'm dedicated to helping them
fulfill what their top value is,
Speaker:what they're dedicated to, answer that
20 or 30 times. The more you answer that,
Speaker:the more communication, the
more dialogue you have. See,
Speaker:if you don't see how what their values,
Speaker:their top value is
helping you fulfill yours,
Speaker:you're going to have an alternating
monologue. You're going to be speaking,
Speaker:they're not listening, because they're
only interested in what they value,
Speaker:or they're going to be
speaking, you're not listening.
Speaker:But by linking top values together,
Speaker:you enhance the communication and you
have dialogue, not alternating monologue.
Speaker:Then you go to the second highest value.
Speaker:How specific is their second highest
value helping you fulfill your first?
Speaker:And how is your first
helping them in their second?
Speaker:And then how is their
first helping your second?
Speaker:And how is your second helping their
first? And if you go even step further,
Speaker:how is their second highest value helping
you fulfill your second highest value?
Speaker:And vice versa, 20 or 30 times. Now,
Speaker:we had a two hour session where
people were linking values together.
Speaker:When they started, they
didn't know each other,
Speaker:they didn't even relate to each other.
Speaker:And it didn't matter what their
values were. Once they linked this,
Speaker:and some did the first to the
first, first to the second,
Speaker:second to the first and
second to the second.
Speaker:Some went even further into the first
to the third and third to the first.
Speaker:Nobody got all the way third to the third.
Speaker:But we got all the way to the second
and a couple got to the third.
Speaker:And what was interesting, at the end of
it, in two hours we went, okay, stop,
Speaker:they made all these links. Right now,
Speaker:how many of you are deeply
appreciating this individual,
Speaker:engaged in now deep conversation,
Speaker:appreciating them and now actually
want to interact and become
Speaker:connected to them? And the hands went up.
Speaker:And we found out that out of 33 pairs,
Speaker:27 of them started doing business
together with each other,
Speaker:even though they didn't
know each other beforehand.
Speaker:They literally started doing
interactive business with each other,
Speaker:because they took the time to care enough
about another individual to find out
Speaker:what's most important to them,
most meaningful, most inspiring,
Speaker:and most priority, highest valued, and
link those to their highest values.
Speaker:Anytime two people can
connect the highest values,
Speaker:the engagement and
appreciation and reflection and
appreciation of each other go
Speaker:up. And this is the way to
have a relationship. Now,
Speaker:if you are not seeing how what they're
dedicated to is fulfilling your life,
Speaker:you're going to talk
down to them carelessly,
Speaker:and you're going to be an autocrat and
you're going to be trying to project them
Speaker:and motivating them with
all kind of incentives,
Speaker:which is going to increase
the cost of managing people.
Speaker:If you minimize yourself
and exaggerate them,
Speaker:you're going to sacrifice for them.
Speaker:One is you're going to be
narcissistically telling them what to do.
Speaker:The other is going to be
sacrificing altruistically for them,
Speaker:walking on eggshells carefully.
And again, that's not the way,
Speaker:you're not getting what
you want out of it.
Speaker:They're not getting out the first
one when you're narcissistic,
Speaker:you're not getting what you want
altruistic. But when you link those,
Speaker:you have now caring, not careful,
not careless, but caring.
Speaker:And that's the one that keeps
rings on fingers in marriages,
Speaker:but it also keeps the dialogue
going in in the organization.
Speaker:And if you do that amongst team members
and amongst the leadership role,
Speaker:you can lead the teams way
more effectively because
you know what's important to
Speaker:them. And you talk in terms of
what's their highest values.
Speaker:You can lead, you can manage,
you can negotiate, you can sell,
Speaker:and you can communicate what you
want in terms of their values,
Speaker:their dominant buying motives if it's a
sales person and the thing that they're
Speaker:engaged in most at work, if it's somebody
that's an employee. And if you do,
Speaker:your team effort will go up. And
if the people in a organization,
Speaker:a team in an organization will
do that amongst themselves,
Speaker:they'll maximize their teamwork.
Speaker:They'll have the benefits of
all of them working together.
Speaker:I've been teaching this 46 years on
values and doing this in leadership and
Speaker:management and communications
for decades now.
Speaker:I already know it works.
Speaker:We've seen the evidence and I just
wanted to take the time to share with you
Speaker:because if you take the time to care
enough about another human being to find
Speaker:out what's most important in their life
and communicate what's most important to
Speaker:you in terms of what's
most important to them,
Speaker:the relationship dynamic flourishes.
Speaker:You have sustainable fair exchange and
all relationships are striving for that,
Speaker:whether it conscious or not.
Speaker:And if you maximize that
potential between you two,
Speaker:you both help each other
get what they want in life.
Speaker:And this is a mutualism that's
makes everybody get more fulfilled.
Speaker:And you take the time to
communicate differently.
Speaker:I've seen what happens when all of a
sudden you get frustrated and you think
Speaker:that what their values are are wrong.
I see this in schools with teachers.
Speaker:I see this in relationships and parents
with kids. I see this in marriages,
Speaker:they're on the blink.
I watch what happens.
Speaker:I've done this with marriage counseling
where people are sitting there and they
Speaker:identify the value of one partner,
identify the value of that.
Speaker:We had this in Denver, Colorado one time,
Speaker:a man and woman who were
about to go through a divorce.
Speaker:They were already in the making
of it. And I had them go through,
Speaker:they happened to come to this
program I did as a last resort.
Speaker:I had them do just that exercise
and a bit on the Demartini Method.
Speaker:And there was no end of the relationship
after that. They're still together.
Speaker:Only because they didn't
know how to communicate.
Speaker:They didn't know how to articulate what
they wanted in a way where the other
Speaker:person was engaged in
assisting and helping.
Speaker:So I just wanted to take the time to go
through that because if you're leading a
Speaker:team, managing a team, organizing a team,
Speaker:if you know what each individual
in that team's values are,
Speaker:and care enough to communicate
what you value in terms of that,
Speaker:and link the values so you can
respectfully communicate with dialogue,
Speaker:it makes a huge difference in
the teamwork. And you know,
Speaker:I made it in my book The Values Factor,
Speaker:and I teach it every weekend in the
Breakthrough Experience how to do this.
Speaker:And I'm absolutely
certain it's gold
So just know that if you find out what
the top three values of the person that
Speaker:you want to communicate with and your
own top three values and make links
Speaker:between them, you can change
the dynamic of the relationship,
Speaker:even if it's already on the edge,
Speaker:you can bring it back into the center and
and enhance the relationship dynamics.
Speaker:I've seen it over and over
again. Either parents to kids,
Speaker:parents between each other, teachers
to students, students between students,
Speaker:even bullies, you know how
to communicate in a bully,
Speaker:you change the bullies
perspective. And people at work,
Speaker:team effort. I mean, it goes on and on,
Speaker:it's one of the most significant things
you can learn in your life is mastering
Speaker:the art of communicating effectively
what you value in terms of what other
Speaker:people value. It'll help you in sales,
help you in leadership, management,
Speaker:communication, every area of your
life it's going to be enhanced,
Speaker:with any human being that you're
going to be interacting with.
Speaker:So I just wanted to share that.
Speaker:Please go to my book The Values Factor
for more information on that or come to
Speaker:the Breakthrough Experience. If you
come to the Breakthrough Experience,
Speaker:I give you firsthand experience on
what that is and how to do that.
Speaker:And also go online to my drdemartini.com
Speaker:and go and do the Value Determination
process. Determine what your values are.
Speaker:Don't make assumptions of what they are,
Speaker:go through a methodical process
and look objectively what your life
Speaker:because If you just think of what
you suspect and speculate about it,
Speaker:instead of really be objective about it,
Speaker:you'll be linking things
that aren't really true,
Speaker:and then you'll wonder why it backfires.
Speaker:Care enough to help them know what's
important to them and find out what's
Speaker:important to you. And master the
art of communicating what you value,
Speaker:highest value, in terms of
what their highest value is.
Speaker:It makes a huge difference in your
management and leadership of teams.