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122 This “Theory Of Everything” Will Make You Unstoppable (Part 2/4)
Episode 12217th March 2025 • A Changed Mind | Mindset That Matters • David Bayer
00:00:00 00:29:34

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In this episode of "A Changed Mind", our host David Bayer, delves into the illusions of external validation, security through control, and happiness as something to be chased. David shares personal experiences of business challenges and addiction, illustrating how these crises can catalyze spiritual growth.

David emphasizes the importance of gratitude, inner work, and recognizing one's inherent worth. The episode guides listeners through the process of transcending material consciousness, embracing uncertainty, and becoming conscious creators of their reality.




What We Explored This Episode

5:06 Personal story: Business challenges and addiction

10:12 Overcoming fear and scarcity mindset

15:17 Realizing inherent worthiness regardless of achievements

20:22 The awakening process and questioning reality

Memorable Quotes

"True abundance isn't measured by material belongings, but by your ability to appreciate the richness of the present moment."
"There's no title, certification, degree, wealth, or recognition that can add to who you already are."
"Awakening isn't a one-time event, it's an ongoing process. Some days you'll feel a deep sense of clarity, like you finally get it. Other days you'll feel lost, questioning everything."

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And when you focus on what you already have, Scripture tells us that you will receive more. True abundance isn't measured by material belongings, but by your ability to appreciate the richness of the present moment. So the more you practice gratitude and you live a wealthy life, the more you align yourself with the material aspects of wealth that you're wanting. Letting go of external validation is one of the greatest challenges on this path. The need for approval is really deeply rooted, but it's just another illusion that keeps us stuck. So the moment we stop looking for worth outside of ourselves, we discover a really profound truth that our value has always been inherent. There's no title, no certification, no degree, no wealth, no recognition that can add to who you already are. Welcome to A Changed Mind, a journey into the topics that matter to you most. From the neuroscience and spirituality of mindset and personal growth, to groundbreaking strategies for health, wealth, and relationships, to open and honest conversations about pressing global issues such as the environment, censorship, corporate capture, and democracy. Each and every episode reminds us of the certainty of the goodness of the future and provides the teachings, tools, and timeless wisdom, inspiring you to create real, lasting change in your life and in the world. If you've been desiring a sanctuary for your spirit, a place to go to tune out the distraction, negativity, and doom and gloom so that you can tap into the deep power, the vibrancy, and the potential you have inside, you're in the right place. Welcome to a Changed Mind.

nced this personally. Back in:

We didn't want to cut anybody. We didn't want to reduce any salaries. And for the first time since we had started this business, I started feeling the fear of financial insecurity. And so I realized at one point, my wife and I talked about it, that without noticing it, we were starting to play the game not to lose, rather than play the game to win. And my wife is just so good at this, at leaning into the discomfort. I had always wanted to fly on a private jet, and of course, I did once with a friend of mine, But I had never gotten a jet myself. It was way too expensive. And we always flew from Sarasota, Florida, to San Juan, Puerto Rico, on Southwest. I'm a Delta guy myself, but Southwest was a direct flight. It was really economical. But I never really loved kind of being in the cattle car of having to get into the A slot, B slot, C slot, and hopefully get into the front of the airplane where I could actually fit because I'm 6 7, rather than getting crammed back in some economy seat in the back. So I said to my wife, I said, hey, we're going back to Puerto Rico. Did you book our flight? She said, no. I said, well, you better get the tickets. There's not that much time. She said, I rented a private jet instead. She said, I'm not going to play the game to lose. We're going to play the game to win. And that's my wife. That's why she's my lady boss. But we can fall into the illusion of not having enough, living in scarcity and living in fear. And even in the midst of this illusion, there are signs that point toward the possibility of transforming through it. There are these moments that we have in the midst of the fear, of the material consciousness, of stillness. Perhaps it's in the quiet of night when there's no distractions, when you hear this inner voice or whisper, and that's what Carol and I heard that says, hey, you're playing the game the wrong way and there must be something more. There are these glimpses of a deeper reality. When material success fails to bring happiness, when the applause fades and an emptiness lingers, and when the pursuit of validation becomes exhausting and unfulfilling. These are the moments when the soul calls out for something greater, urging you to look beyond the surface and question the nature of your existence Again, about a year and a half after that story I just told you, we were at a point where we were trying so hard to get our business to the next level. We were working harder than we ever had and producing fewer and fewer results. And our desire to work hard came out of our passion for our mission in the world and wanting to help people end their suffering and support entrepreneurs and creating conscious businesses. But it also came out of a fear and a need that, oh, my gosh, we have a baby on the way. We got to get this business going. And we were pushing so hard, and both of us realized at the same time, there was this quiet whisper when we were willing to pause that the solution was actually to slow down. And it feels so counterintuitive. But what we both heard was, hey, your attachment to needing to make this business successful according to this timeline that you're inventing is the reason why this business is not having the success that you want. And we just stepped back away from the business, and we literally walked. As the miracle of life reorganized everything in our business into a completely new structure that allowed us to move forward and have the material abundance that we wanted and deserved, but not because we needed it out of a fear. So sometimes life forces you to wake up through a crisis. It could be losing a job, going through a breakup, or experiencing a major disappointment. And these things will shatter the illusion and start to make you question what really matters. And so while these experiences are painful, these bottoms these moments can also be tremendous gifts, opportunities to shift your perspective and start seeing beyond the material world. So transcending this stage Begins with awareness. You must first recognize the illusion for what it is. The belief that happiness is external, that identity is defined by possessions, that security is found in control. These are three really important things to understand, because the truth is exactly the opposite. The more you chase after material fulfillment, the more trapped you become. Real freedom is found in detachment, in realizing that your true self is not your body. It's not your name, it's not your reputation, but it's something far greater. This realization doesn't mean rejecting the material world, but understanding that it's not the ultimate reality. Money, success, comfort. They have their place, but they're tools. They're not masters. They're meant to serve you, not control you. Instead of transcend material consciousness, you have to start the inner work. It is necessary to train your mind to see its own patterns and to recognize when attachment is causing suffering, when the ego is demanding acknowledgment, and when fear is controlling your choices. And in this process, meditation becomes a powerful tool, allowing your mind to quiet its incessant chatter and catch a glimpse of the realm beyond thinking. Gratitude is another fantastic practice. So instead of focusing on what you lack, gratitude helps you focus your attention and see the value on what you already have. And when you focus on what you already have, Scripture tells us that you will receive more. True abundance isn't measured by material belongings, but by your ability to appreciate the richness of the present moment. So the more you practice gratitude and you live a wealthy life, the more you align yourself with. With the material aspects of wealth that you're wanting. Letting go of external validation is one of the greatest challenges on this path. The need for approval is really deeply rooted, but it's just another illusion that keeps us stuck. So the moment we stop looking for worth outside of ourselves, we discover a really profound truth that our value has always been inherent. There's no title, no certification, no degree, no wealth, no recognition that can add to who you already are. And oftentimes, when I'm coaching people on this, when they have children, it's a great point of leverage, because I'll ask them, hey, your son or your daughter, what could they do to be more worthy? And clearly the answer for them is, well, nothing. I said, well, what could they do or not do that would take away their worthiness? And they think for a moment, and they say, well, nothing like, my child is worthy regardless. And then I ask, well, at what age did they graduate into needing to have or be or do things in order to be worthy or in order to matter? And it's like a light bulb goes off on their head. It's like, wow, yeah, that makes no sense. I am inherently worthy. And this realization is the beginning of freedom. It's the first step towards higher consciousness. It's the journey out of material consciousness is not an escape from the world, but it's a transformation of perspective. You live the same life, but with a new awareness. So challenges become lessons, losses become redirections. Material possessions lose their power to define your self worth. And as that occurs, fear begins to dissolve, literally. You start to operate more from your parasympathetic nervous system rather than fight or flight. And what you find is a trust in something greater. Instead of feeling like life is something happening to you, you start seeing yourself as a creator of your own experience. And the struggle for survival is longer a battle, but it's an unfolding, it's a flow, it's a dance with reality itself. So to transcend above this stage is to reclaim your true power. The power to create without attachment, to love without fear, to exist without the constant need for validation. And this is the process of awakening. So the process of awakening doesn't happen overnight. I wish I could tell you it did. It's an ongoing process. I would say about 10 years ago I started my process. I'm still in my process. And it's a practice. That's what's important to understand. It's not a moment, it's a practice, it's an awareness. And it's a willingness to question old beliefs over and over and over again as you become more aware of them. And the thing is that once you begin, you really can't go back to sleep. You'll start to see life differently. Not as a race to go get a bunch of things, but as an opportunity to enjoy life as you continue to grow and connect and evolve. So the material world is still here, but now you see it for what it is, a gain. And you can enjoy success without being enslaved by it. You can have money without it defining who you are. You can receive recognition without it controlling your self worth. And most importantly, you can live in peace and joy and purpose, knowing that who you are is so much more than what you own or how others see you or what you do. And this is the freedom that comes from moving beyond material consciousness. Once you step into it, the world opens up in ways really that you could never imagine. And so at some point in life, you begin to feel this shift. The world as you once knew is no longer feels the same. The desires you have the beliefs you have. The relationship that once felt solid can start to feel fragile, as if something is emerging from a deeper place beyond what you can currently see. And this is the beginning of the awakening. It's the moment you start questioning the surface level reality that you once accepted without hesitation. And for a lot of people, this realization comes quietly over time. It's like a lingering thought, a hunch, a desire. You start reading some personal or spiritual development books because you're driven by this question that sounds like, is this it now? For other people, it arrives like a storm.

It's an event so life altering that it shakes everything to its core. It could be the loss of a loved one, the collapse of a dream, or a moment of profound clarity that suddenly makes the ordinary seem extraordinary. For me, it was a little bit of both. At the time my whole life collapsed because I realized it was unmanageable, that I was a drug addict, I was an alcoholic, I was a sex addict, which was the storm that came for me and getting into my 12 step recovery and through that process, actually doing this work to become more aware of my belief systems and to develop self awareness and a relationship with a power greater than myself. There was also a series of breadcrumbs that were left for me. I was at a bookstore and I don't know if you've ever had an experience where a book decides it's going to develop a relationship with you. There's this calling from a book on the shelf. And I was not an avid reader, but I walked over to the bookshelf and I grabbed a book called Awakening the Buddha within. And I learned the Eightfold Path of Virtue, which is Buddha's eight steps for transcending suffering. I came back after a business trip and one of my employees had left a little book on my desk called Kingdom Principles by Miles Monroe, which was Miles Monroe's interpretation of Christian principles, principles really very similar to what Buddha talked about. And then from there I went to a bookstore and I discovered a book called Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. And this all while I was working my 12 step program, a really phenomenal framework created by Bill W. To help people accomplish the same type of liberation and awakening that we're talking about here. So whatever form it takes, awakening is the point where you stop moving blindly through life and you start looking for a deeper meaning. And at first this shift can be really uncomfortable because the mind resists change. It's always wanting to keep down the same neurological paths. It's wanting your life to stay Static. Because static equals safe. And so it clings to the familiar. And in many ways, society has conditioned us to chase success, to seek validation, and to measure our self worth by external achievements. But when those things start to lose their grip on you, it can feel like you're standing at the edge of the unknown. Why do I feel disconnected from the things I once cared about? Why do certain conversations or relationships or goals feel empty? Why am I really here? These questions don't have quick or easy answers, but they mark the beginning of something really important. And that is a deeper understanding of yourself and the nature of reality. So once you begin to awaken, you notice subtle but undeniable changes in how you start to see the world. The development of a sense of detachment. You no longer place as much importance on external validation. The things that once defined your happiness, money, status, approval, they start to feel a little less significant. And there's an increased awareness of energy. You begin to recognize that your thoughts and emotions are not just personal experiences, but forces that influence your reality. And then the appearance of synchronicities and miracles, strange coincidences, start happening more often. You might come across the exact book you need at the right moment, or have a conversation that provides clarity to a question you hadn't even asked out loud. There's a longing for something deeper, an inner pull toward purpose and towards understanding, and towards something beyond the surface of daily life. One of the most profound realizations in the awakening process is understanding that much of what you once believed to be solid was actually an illusion. And so, for example, we believe that security came from control, but true security comes from trust. Or maybe you thought success was about external achievements, but true success is about living in joy and aligning with your purpose. Or perhaps you thought happiness was something you had to chase, but you realize that true happiness is already within you. It just needs to be uncovered. So this shift doesn't mean rejecting the material world. It means seeing it for what it is, just a reflection of your consciousness, not the source of your fulfillment. In Plato's allegory of the Cave, he talks about this. There are people who are chained up their entire lives, and there's a flame behind them. And there's a puppet master between the flame and the chained people casting shadows against the wall. And the people believe that the shadows are actually the reality. During this phase of the awakening process, you realize that your reality is just a shadow of a light that is being cast through you. And those things that you enjoy in your life are representative of a wholeness inside of you and those things that you experience that are problems or challenges are actually a reflection of the shadow inside of you that's waiting for this newfound development of self awareness, to have the light cast upon it so that you can create cleanly in your reality. Now, awakening isn't a one time event, it's an ongoing process. Some days you'll feel a deep sense of clarity, like you finally get it. Other days you'll feel lost, questioning everything. I still have those days and more. But this is part of the journey. The key is to remain open, allowing yourself to explore without rushing for definitive answers, giving yourself access to the power of pause and engaging in practices that help you tune into your inner world. And that might be self reflection, like journaling or meditation or quiet contemplation, which can help you process new insights and recognize patterns in your thoughts and emotions that might be connecting with nature. Because the natural world has a way of grounding us in the natural world. We're experiencing the mathematics of reality in a very pure form, without the distortion of the ego or the mind. And it reminds us of reality and life's rhythm and flow. Or it might be just practicing a mindfulness instead of constantly analyzing or planning. You practice being fully in the moment, descending from this mental space somewhere up above our head where we spend so much of our time back into our body and truly experiencing presence, allowing us to see life with fresh eyes. There's also the possibility of letting go of the need for external validation and starting to trust our own experiences. Your journey is unique and your soul knows the way. So the more you awaken, the more you realize that certainty and safety was never the goal. The beauty of life is in its mystery. Instead of needing all the answers, we begin to embrace the unknown with curiosity, waiting for the next answer to emerge or unfold, rather than living in fear. And so as you awaken, you trust that even in uncertainty, you're exactly where you need to be. You begin to let go of old identities and roles that no longer fit you. Surrender the idea that happiness is something you achieve and you start seeing it as something that you allow. And so awakening is not about finding something new. It's actually about remembering what was always there. And this journey is deeply personal, yet it's also profoundly universal. Because as you step into a new way of being, you'll find that the world responds to this newness of you. New insights, new experiences, new connections begin to appear. Not because they weren't there before, but because now you're finally able to see them. And be available for them. So there is no end to the awakening process. Just deeper and deeper levels of clarity, of peace, of understanding, and of connection. The question is not whether you will awaken, but how fully you will embrace the journey when it begins. So you've started to wake up. You've begun to see through the illusion that happiness isn't found in external success, that the chase for validation is never ending, and that real fulfillment has to come from within. But now comes the next question. If you're no longer just reacting to life, then how do you start creating it? Because once you've seen through the illusion, you have a choice. You can either drift, knowing that something greater is possible, or you can step into your power as a conscious creator of your own reality. And in the next episode, we're going to take this transformation to the next level and we're going to break down exactly how your thoughts, your emotions and beliefs shape the reality around you. And more importantly, how to use that knowledge to create the life you truly want. Because what if reality wasn't something you were stuck in, but something you were actively shaping? What if your mind held more power than you ever realized? That's where we're going to go next. And if you haven't watched the first video in this four part series, absolutely check it out. Otherwise, I'm looking forward to seeing you in the next episode where you'll learn how to become the creator of your own reality. And if you love this episode, do me a favor. If you're listening on the audio platforms and you haven't yet, subscribe and leave me a rating or review. If you're listening on YouTube, do the same thing. Subscribe. Hit that bell icon so you get notifications. And this is just what I think. I want to know what you think. You're on the journey. What have you been experiencing? What have you been learning? Leave me a comment. And the last thing, and the only thing that I ask is if you love this episode and there's somebody in your life who needs to hear it, do them a favor and do me a favor and pay it forward and share this episode with them. I love being here with you today. Thank you for the opportunity and I will see you in part three of this four part masterclass. Unconsciousness. Hey, it's David. One more thing. If you want to go even deeper on everything we've talked about on today's episode, don't forget to jump over to you can find the link in the show notes and subscribe to our newsletter a couple of times a week. I'm going to be sending you the latest episodes that we've released, along with additional free training. You'll get immediate access to my Free Mind Hack ebook and go even deeper into all the tools, the technologies, and the frameworks that have helped tens of thousands of people establish a changed mind. Don't forget to jump on over to the site and I will see you in the next episode.




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